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Janet's POV

Since brunch was finished, we all decided to sit outside and enjoy one of the rare days Cali would give us a nice wholesome breeze. Outside, I sat in Karen's lap under their yellow and cream colored beach umbrella near the back yard patio and pool. Karen held me in her lap and braided my hair. Undoing them so my hair would be a little curly. 

Behind us sat Ashley, Denise, and Rebbie. They decided on playing cards, with the accompaniment of Twinkie and her radio.

As usual, the boy were playing around. Punching and pushing each other. Building up that peculiar smell of male must, sweat, and grass. They swear that they are some of the best smelling guys in Cali... but leave it up to them to say something as stupid as that.

Anyways, when Karen had undid the final braid, I slid off of her legs and in between them. Laying my head on her shoulder as well, since I didn't want to anything before we left. I decided that taking a nap would be best. When Sade's Smooth Operator was turned up on Twinkie's radio, Karen started to sing along. Her voice sounded so delicate and sweet that it lulled me to sleep.

Mayleen's POV
After a long weekend of being up under Joseph, I'm glad to be home in a sense. I get to see my baby, and finally get some rest.

Before coming home, I stopped by the baby story and grabbed a few things for Joseph and I's son. As much as I love Joseph, it really does eat me up that I'm treating Elbert this way. He's so faithful to me, and I've stepped out on him for someone who has an amazing partner as well.

But that won't matter when Joseph and I leave the country and never come back. We'll raise our baby together in the comfort of our new home once the boys finish their lost tour together. Joseph had it set up to where the boys ALWAYS get paid before they perform. So while their on stage singing their ABC's while Jackson jiving, Joe and I will be packed and ready to head out after the weekend is over with.

Our plan is fool proof, so theirs absolutely no way we can fail. Since I'm only 4 months pregnant, we're gonna drive most of the way to our destination, then out of the USA we'll be.

But back to my husband. I see all of the kids outside laughing and playing like the normally do. I stopped in the kitchen and noticed that a plate full of food was in the micro oven. The plate was cover and labeled "For Daddy❤️" I grimaced at the plate and slammed the micro oven. I guess those little tramps didn't think about making me and my baby anything to eat.

I'll show those little whores who to look over.

Since no food was set aside for me, I made myself a sandwich to eat for the time being. I'm sure Elbert's gonna cook later like he normally does, and that's really the only food the baby likes.

I quickly finish up my deluxe Turkey sandwich, washing it down with a cool glass of homemade lemonade. I will give it to which ever one of the girls made this lemonade. Because it was absolutely delicious.

On my way out of the kitchen, I had run into Ashley, as quick as she was about to come in she had ran out. I didn't feel like being bothered with her today so I let her go free. I have other things on my mind right now.

After finally making it to my room, I was met with Elbert getting dressed. He had on some cuffed dark jeans, a tucked white tee, and a navy cardigan. He tied his look together with a pair of white keds. Normally he'd wear his red frames, but today he wore his black dickens glasses.

Elbert: "Hi sweetie! Hi daddy's man! How are you two doing."

I smiled slightly, feeling uncomfortable when Elbert called Joseph's son his. Elbert always manages to make me feel this way, and I don't know how much longer I can go before I end up telling Elbert everything.

I remove Elbert hands from my stomach and place them on my face. I smile fully at him before capturing his lips. Elbert slides his tongue across my bottom lip before slipping it in my mouth. I moan giving Elbert all of the access he desired, enjoying what happening between us. But because of what I doing, moments of my lover and I flashed through my head before I pulled away.

Elbert smiled at me lovingly, pecking my fore head and grabbing his wallet.

I stare at him in confusion before asking where he's going. He responded with, "Taking the kiddos to the arcade and then we're headed to the pier. Would you and EJ like to come?"

Once again Elbert, this isn't your damn child!

Getting out my head, I simply yawn saying that I'm exhausted from the baby and being with my "girlfriends" all weekend. Elbert simply nods, grabbing his car keys. I receive another kiss to the forehead and Elbert walks out of our room.

Before Elbert could even make it downstairs, I clear my throat. He stops and turns around knocking on the door at the end of the hall. I watch from behind him, nodding my head with contentment.

*knock knock knock*

Elbert: "Austin.... I was just coming to check on you. The girls said you missed brunch.... And I don't want your mom thinking that we were excluding you because they want to head to the arcade.... I guess you'll be up when we make it back...."

After waiting for a response, Elbert look at me before walking away from Austin's door and back down the hallway.

Omniscient POV

On the other side of the door, Austin exhaled deeply before he focused his attention back on the best thing that has ever happened to him. His step-sister sheepishly smiled, tucking her sandy brown hair behind her ears.

"Dorinda. Where have you been all of my life?!"

"Michigan duh!!"

The older step sibling laughed and bit his lip at her quirkiness.

"God Austin. You're so sexy. I- could stay in here with you all day!"

Austin smiles, placing his forehead against his younger lover, basking in the mess that they're preparing to start up.

Moments of silence passed between them before Austin initiated their second round of sex. He knew that they didn't have long. So he laid Dorinda on her side. Lifting her left leg and pulling it into him. Instead of filling her insides with him, he opted on fingering her into euphoria.

Hours would pass, and the two would still be at it. Austin currently had Dorinda's ankles beside her ears as she devoured her honeypot. He sucked and slurped causing Dorinda to squirm and wreath against his lime green sheets.

On the other side of Austin's door stood Mayleen. Her back slid up and down the door as she quickly pleasured herself to the sounds of her son and step daughter engaged in their sinful acts.

Mayleen's posh pink midi ruffle dress was hiked over her growing belly. She was so into what the youngsters were doing that she began to moan herself, imagining that instead of whoever was in her sons bed was her.

Oh how Mayleen missed the way her son's dick curved inside of her whenever she would leave the bed she shared with her husband. As much as she enjoyed both Elbert and Joseph, there was no one, and she does mean NO ONE; who could get in the way of Mayleen and her current husband, who is also known as her son....


No One Wins When The Family FeudsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin