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Janet's POV

It's my turn now I guess.


When we arrived to the Clark's, the boys hopped out of the car, fighting to see who'd make to it the front door first. Of course Jackie won because this is his girlfriends house. So Tito and Michael can hush it. Latoya and I walked hand in hand to the front door being greeted by Mr.Clark or 'Poppa Cee' and TeeTee Nita.

Jacky: "Well hello TeeTee's baby. Congrats on making the cheerleading team. Are you excited?"

Janet: "Yes ma'am I am. I can't wait until school starts. I'll be a Junior and Ashley and I are going to the same school."

Jacky: "That's good baby. Where's your sister rebbie? She left with Denise. But she took Dorinda and Latoya with her. Tito and Twinkie are in the den watching a movie."

Jacky: "Oh really. Well thanks for being my little super spy-"

Janet: "Are you and Jackie gonna get married soon? Because that means you can adopt Karen and she can go to school with me and Ashley."

Jacky: "Uh-uh- I mean I wouldn't mind marrying your brother, but if Karen wants to stay, she has to ask our mommy about that. I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear."

Janet: "You didn't say no. So I'm gonna keep hoping and praying that you guys get married so Karen, Ashley, and I can strut down the aisle as your junior brides maids and the three musketeers at school."

She laughs and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I hug her waist and ask where my other pieces were. She said upstairs before yelling-

Jacky: "Karen! Janet's here!"

She tells me that I can go ahead and go upstairs. So I hug her, Poppa Cee, and Rebbie before running upstairs.

Rounding the corner, I see a room door at the end of the hall cracked open. I can't see what or who it is, but I can feel it staring at me and it's making me really uneasy. I knock on Ashley and Karen's room door before it's quickly opened and I'm pulled in.

I was about to start ranting until I see Ashley and Karen display looks of worry. Something happened before I made it here, and i know what they're about to tell me is probably a lot to handle.

Ashley: H-Hey JayJay.... I don't wanna lie to you so you may wanna sit down.

I nodded my head and took my backpack off laying it on Karen's bottom bunk. Without thinking twice about it, I locked their bedroom door then sat on Karen's blush pink comforter.

Janet: "Before y'all start I just wanna say that I felt something looking at me from the door at the end of the hall. My stomach was staring to turn because I didn't know if it was a person or just an it. I'm glad you pulled me in before you did because there's no telling what would've happened-"

Karen: "Tell her."

I looked at karen and then to Ashley. Looking at Karen once more.

Janet: "Tell me what Val? Ally? What happened?"

Ashley: "You can't tell anyone Janet. I mean it! * whispers in her ear* Austin has been touching me inappropriately as well as my mom. Karen just found out and so have you."

My mouth drops open, but I shut it. I wrap my arms around Ashley tight, saying that I was sorry. Karen walked to the other side of Ashley and began hugging her as well. Even though the three of us met two weeks ago, it seems as if we've been friends for years.

Janet: "I'm so sorry that this is happening to you Alley. Do you want me to tell Jackie and Tito to jump him. All I have to do it pout and they'll be on it."

Ashley: "That's not a bad idea, but I think we should wait. This is the part where we come up with a plan to expose him and my mom for the disgusting beings they are.

Karen and I sit on the floor with Ashley nodding our heads and taking in the plan. I hope we're able to pull this off because the trip is in 3 weeks. Since my brothers are now going, Poppa Cee pushed it back because they'll be in Vegas for two weeks. During that time Ally and Val are coming to stay with me, mamma and Rebbie.

Omniscient POV

The older man held a tight grip on the younger woman's waist as he slammed his large dick inside of her. His left leg was propped up on the bed, as the other stood firm on-top of the red carpeted area. His lover squirmed and groaned against the hotels 200 count thread sheets. For she was close to reaching her 5th orgasm in the last 2 hours.

"Oh fuck Joseph don't stop!" She moaned. He smirked and pushed her head deeper into the sheets. He could feel her young pussy clenching around his dick very well on this Thursday evening.

His grip got tighter as he drew droplets of blood from the young woman's waist. Oh how good it felt to have someone else other than Katherine clenching around his shaft.

Joseph's steady paced and powerful strokes sped up at the request of his long time side piece. She had her mouth wide open, letting strings of drool saturate the already soaked sheets.

She then screams "Ah fuck! I'm gonna cum! Fuck Joe!"

Something about her calling him 'Joe' sparked a little flame in him.

Joseph smacks her ass a good three times before his lover squirts and soaks the sheets even more. His young lover collapses onto the bed, lightly snoring after being worn out by her married lover.

Jospeh laughs to himself and gets ready for a shower.

As he steps in, he wonders if Katherine actually went to the market today like she said she was. His deceitful ways turned Joe into a mad man at times.

But unbeknownst to him, she tried reaching him once she got home to see if he was up to going to dinner as drinks with a few friends. One missed call sealed the deal.

Beginning to infer and look too deep into things, he started to wash his skin harshly. Causing his already marked skin to get darker.

Suddenly, he banged his fist up against the shower wall in front of him. Tears falling because he knew he could handle what he was dishing out.

Joseph turned off the showers faucet, sliding the door back and wrapping himself in the hotels gold embroidered white towels. Lotion, Deodorant, and cologne were applied generously before Joseph slid on his wife beater, button down, shorts, and tennis shoes.

He opened the bathroom door, walking out as Joe Jackson. Compared to the Joseph Jackson that walked in.

His high end duffel bag was grabbed, and in went Joseph's neatly folded dirty clothes. He placed his toiletries in there, as well as the shoes he wore to the hotel. Joseph finished packing with in record time.

Joseph made it his business to leave without being noticed, but stopped. Realizing he had forgotten to do something.

Placing the duffel bag on the bed, he opened it up and took out his wallet. 35 one hundred dollar bills had came out of it, and back into his bag it went. Joseph placed the bills in a fan motion, topping it with a handwritten note. 

My dearest Mayleen,
I love you. And keep me posted on the baby.
Love your Lover and Baby Father,

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