rougefort x almond oneshots

By france_plays037

19K 249 177


"staring at the stars"
"sleeping mid-chase"
"The juice bar incident"
"Rain day"
"Discussing with some old friends"
"Cat army"
"Snow day"
I really need to know where is everyone coming from .-.
"Shopping for new clothes!"
"A peaceful night"
"Beach Day!"
"Telling the truth to walnut"
"Merry Christmas!"

"getting in trouble at school..."

1.5K 18 26
By france_plays037

(ok so this story is about walnut getting in trouble at school. so enjoy ;w; and yes there is a bonus lol)

Almond pov 

as I went back to my house after getting food, I enter the house with two full bags of food to see rougefort cooking in the kitchen. I smiled as I put down the bags of food down and hugged them from behind. "why hello dear~" they said giggling. "I brought home the food." I said while still hugging them. we stayed like this or about 15 mins before rougefort spoke up. "food is ready~" they said and I let go. and we sat down on the table. as rougefort setter down the plates of food, we started chatting and eating at the same time. at one time we brought up walnut studying and we started talking about that "walnut is such a smart kid! your lucky to have a daughter like her!" rougefort said as they stabbed there fork into the food and began chewing. "yeah I know she wants to become just like me which I find that adorable, but she snoops into my things too much." I said as I was eating my noodles. my phone began ringing and I picked up. "hello?" I said "is this the father of walnut?" the other voice on the line answered. "yes this is?" I said in a confused tone as I sipped on my coffee. "walnut have recently gotten into a fight with a kid and we need you to come." i chocked on my coffee when I heard the news. "W-WAIT WHAT!?" I said being shocked. "you must come right now." the voice answered "I g-got it" I said still in shock. I hanged up and rougefort looked shock. "walnut got into a fight..?" they said in shock as well. "yes you have to stay-" I said as they cut me off. "no im coming as well." rougefort said as they got up and went to put on a disguise. I sighed and put on my coat and rougefort got out with a random disguise. we both got into my car and drove to walnut school.

~timeskip to when they get to walnut school~ almond pov 

rougefort rushed in the principal room as we saw walnut and a kid sitting on the chair, walnut had a scar across her check as along with a bruise as well. the other kid was crying and had bruises all over there arm and one the face as well. rougefort ran up to walnut and kneeled down to her size. "OH MY GOD MY BABY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT? OH MY GOD YOUR HURT!" rougefort said as they looked at walnut with a worried expression. as I went over to rougefort. a women came in, I assume she was the kids mom as they also ran over to the kid and the kid started crying even more. then the principal spoke up. "ahem. now may we" the principal got cut off by the women yelling "WHY IS MY CHILD HURT!" the women screamed. ma'am sit down so we can discuss this" the principal said raising there tone. as we sat down the principal started explaining. "so mr almond. your child walnut got into a fight with this kid over here. we have no idea why they did this but it would be helpful if they explained to you guys right now why." the principal said as we waited for walnut and the kids response. "they were bullying creampuff..." walnut said while looking at rougefort. "THATS NOT TRUE! MY SWEET KID WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" the mother screamed as she stood up. "ma'am please calm down-" the principal said before getting interrupted by rougefort. "so are you calling MY kid a liar?" they said standing up and facing the mother. rougefort and the mother started screaming before a second women appeared. "Milly stop it." the women spoke up as they sat down next to the women. I calmed down rougefort and made them sit down. "now may I add before I was RUDELY interrupted. now I need you guys to both apologies to each other right now. there is no reason to start a fight in my school." the principal said in a stern tone. "sorry.." the kid said looking at walnut. "i'm sorry too I guess..?" walnut said still looking at rougefort.  "you guys may be dismissed." the principal said while all of us got up from our seat. rougefort picked up walnut and held her close. as soon as we got outside and the other women was talking to the kid the mom turned to rougefort and said. "if ever see YOUR kid near MINE I will get my brother involved." the women said glaring at rougefort and walnut. "well let me telling YOU something. if YOUR kid ever mess with mine again, try not to be surprised when your stuff are stolen." rougefort said while glaring back and holding walnut tightly. "that enough rougefort, we better go home." I said while grabbing rougefort shoulder. "fine lets go dear." they said as we got into the car and we drove back home.


almond pov

as we got home and rougefort and I patched walnut up, we both sat at the kitchen table as rougefort started cooking us dinner. "so walnut I have something to talk to you about." I said while having a stern tone. "what is it papa?" she said while looking up at me. "just because the kid was bullying your friend, does not mean you can fight them. I get it that you want to defend her and all but please think about your choices when you make them. you could have gotten horribly more hurt than you already are and I know you're smarter than this" I said while having a gentle tone. "I know dad i'm sorry... I just don't want to see other people bullied! it's a bad thing and nobody deserve to be like that!" walnut said raising both of her arms "alright kiddo just promise me you won't get into anymore fights?" I said while patting her head "ok papa!!" she said in a cheerful tone. "dinner is ready~" rougefort said while placing the dishes on the table. after we finished eating. walnut dragged rougefort into her room. she does this every night after we finished dinner.

rougefort pov

after walnut dragged me into her room. she started doing her homework while I helped her a little. after some times, she finished her homework and she started pulling out the chalkboard she has and started adding the boys picture. it was like one of these boards in the movie. "what are you planning here walnut?" I asked confused. "I'm planning revenge but I don't know how to do it without getting in trouble..." walnut said as she pace back and forth. "don't worry about it walnut! I will deal with it!" walnut smiled and hugged me. "thank you so much! you're the best parent ever!" she said. I smiled and hugged her back. "its no problem walnut! now let's put this away, we don't want your dad seeing this do we?" I said while she nodded and we put the board back, after that we started playing for a while, after that it was walnut bedtime, I read her a story to sleep and kissed her goodnight. after that I closed the door and went to almond and mine room. when I entered, I saw him working on a case. I walked next to him and kissed him on the forehead. "go get some rest dear, I have to go somewhere!" he smiled and said "alright just don't get into trouble." he said while getting up and kissed me while I melted in the kiss for a bit then pulled away. after that I walked out of the room and went outside to do something.

(long story short rougefort basically stole the kids PC, nothing too special to get the police involved lol)

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