We fly together • Rj/Caswen O...

By Multifandom_PFL

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I'm putting RJ oneshots, some in a perspective of songs, others won't have any songs. let me know some ide... More

We belong
I didn't cheat, I just kissed him..
Break up with your Girlfriend! I'm bored
I can't with him
Angry Ricky and comfort Ej
Let's Give a Show
Give it Up
Fell in love with my Best friend!
Me or him?
You deserve all the love. ( Part 1 out of 2)
You deserve all the love. ( Part 2 out of 2.)
The Ones I Love
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 1 out of 4)
Never Have I ever.. Lost my virginity. (Part 2 out of 4)
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 3 out of 4)
Never Have I ever... Lost My virginity (Part 4 out of 4)
Highschool Apocalypse
Bet on it.
True Loves kiss; Works every time
Die First
My Boss
uh oh

What are we?

586 7 5
By Multifandom_PFL

Backstory : Ej and Ricky were two idiots who could be in love with each other. They kissed a couple times but never "defined the relationship ".
(Idea from chicken girls - season 9)

Ricky is walking in the halls heading to class with his head phones in
???: yo Ricky!
Ricky: oh what up seb
Seb: I heard you and Ej went to the dance together
Ricky: oh yeah, we did!
Seb: so are you guys like a thing
Ricky: Umm we haven't labeled anything yet
Seb: don't you think it's time to define the relationship
Ricky: well I guess we were caught up, we never defined it..
Seb: well you should, me and Carlos just celebrated our one year
Ricky: Congrats to you
Seb: well let me know how it goes ok!
Ricky: ok

Later on in the day
Ej is sitting with red, and Jack( yes let's pretend he goes to east high😌)
Ej was sitting staring off into space drinking his coffee, Ricky later come in and sits at the table
Ricky: Hey guys
Red: what up
Jack: hi
Ej later picks his Trey up and leaves
Ricky : wow, you're leaving already
Ej: yeah, gotta recruit some water polo members.... Unless you wanna join! *smirks*
Ricky: *scoffs* yeah not a chance
Ej : ok 😅
Ej gets up and walks away
Red: so, are you two like..  official official ?
Jack: It's time 'dtr' it man.
Red: What the heck is dtr,
Jack: define the relationship!
Red: Umm sure.
Ricky interrupts red talking
Ricky: Can we please not talk about it!
Red: you guys ok?
Ricky: Umm yeah, I just don't know what we are! I mean we like each other but he never asked me or ever labeled it.
Jack: well you better before these little bit**es take him from you
They all chuckle from jacks response
Two hours later
Ej is walking in the halls, heading to class when Ricky came behind him
Ricky: oh hi!
Ej: Hey!
Ricky: Umm how was water polo
Ej: good, but I still need to get a better time

Ricky: so, I wanted to talk to you about something that's kinda bothering me about me and u
Ej: Uh oh, sounds serious 😅
Ricky: oh no, it's really not
Ej: oh good, because anxiety was rising in me
Ricky: I'm giving you anxiety?! 🙄
Ej: what's up Ricky 😁
Ricky: well... umm
Ej: what is it Ricky -
Ricky interupts him while talking
Ricky: WHAT ARE WE?!
Ej: Umm what?!
Ricky: Are you like my Boyfriend! Are we just friends or what! Everyone is asking me and is pissing me off!
Ej: well why does it matter what everyone thinks we are?
Ricky: it doesn't!
Ej: sounds like you care?
Ricky: No I don't!
The bell rings
Ej: Let's talk about this later!
Ej walks off

Should I finish with a part two?!

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