betrayed. Hawks X O.C

By flamingsimp

288 13 359

Pro hero Hawks wasn't everything the public thought he was. pure, loving and sweet with a gorgeous wife to bo... More

chapter. 2
chapter. 4
chapter. 5
chapter. 6
Chapter. 7
chapter. 8
chapter. 9
Chapter. 10
Chapter. 11
chapter. 12
chapter. 13
chapter. 14
chapter. 15
chapter. 16


20 1 25
By flamingsimp

Viyas pov:

"Seriously?! You just left in the middle of the night to go watch that fuckin bird fuck his hot wifey?!"

The walls shake as I screamed out my frustration, I threw my plate full of food at dabi, not really giving a fuck about his dont be wasteful rule. It instantly burning into blue flame and designating before it hit him.

"Tsk' V.....I'm not getting you anymore just called her hot."

I blinked my eyes, tilting my head away, it wasn't hard to tell, she was bangin. Dabi smirked in that hot, yet scary way I loved, flicking his cigarette to his feet and stepping on it.

"He's worried. He's sending his wife away so he can plan how to stop you from leaking information. "

I raised an eyebrow at Dabi and shook my head, jumping from the bar stool I sat at. The damn things hurt my ass anyways, I preferred to stand, at least here I did. The building looked like it could fall at any moment even though it had all its walls. There was still something about it that just screamed, I'm going to crumble. I knew there wasn't any point in arguing with Touya, but "Dabi" he had to keep up this 'I don't give a shit about anything persona' in front of the others, and I liked to poke at it.

Something about getting under his skin just for him to rip me apart later gave me a thrill sense we joined the LOV.

"First of all, Aly isn't going anywhere. She wouldn't give into ke....Hawks. Secondly, I don't give a fuck what he's worried about! Fuck him and the plan! Don't ever go watch them like that again, it's creepy."

The door to the bar slammed open, Shigaraki covered in blood and dirt strolled inside, his expression was never one that was pleasant, at least not around me.

Glaring directly at me with those damn red eyes. Kurogiri grabbing Shigaraki's arm, stopping him from doing something, what I wasn't sure. Dabi instantly stood in front of me with his hands covered in flames.

Ready to take on sir crusty as they tend to do often. Never actually fighting more so showing off, rather that was because they really didn't want to fight or if it was because they were always stopped,
I don't know.

"Calm down. All of you. My children should get along, or at least pretend to for their father's sake. "

The light of the TV flickers on, I had almost forgotten it even existed, even if the small box tv was a eye sore, I tried to forget that our lort and savior a.o.f. would just pop up on the damn thing whenever he felt like it. The shielded face comes on, like a damn endermen I was never prepared for it, everyone stops and stares at the TV, Dabi extinguishes his flame and sat at the bar, pull me by my hips down to the stool in front of him, from behind, he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, I didn't have to look at him to know he was staring daggers at the tv. Kurogiri let's go of Shigaraki making his way over to the bar, he instantly starts pouring drinks. Shigaraki shoves one of his hands into his pocket, lifting the other one to pull the hand covering off his face.

"Master, what can we do for you?"

Shigaraki asked nonchalantly, as if there wasn't about to be a full-blown brawl in the middle of the bar just ten seconds ago. The TV static flickers and suddenly All For One is no longer on the screen, but standing in the middle of the bar. He looks from Shigaraki, or his head was tilted in his direction, I could never tell what or who he was looking at. He made his way over to where Dabi and I sat, Dabi pulled me firming back into him, as if he knew if he didn't I'd do something stupid, which he wouldn't have been wrong. I don't like being uncomfortable, and that was something this man made most people.

"What can I do for you boss?"

I asked in a way to chipper voice. All for one chuckled, leaning his back against the bar resting his elbows on the countertop lifting the glass of scotch Kurogiri just poured. I watched, mostly out of curiosity, I wasn't even sure if the man had a mouth.

"You have shown your loyalty over the years miss Viya, why all of a sudden are you question a plan?"

I sat in shock at all for ones closeness becoming ungodly uncomfortable now, my mouth is really about to get us killed. Knowing he had no eyes under that mask, or from what I had seen from the tv, I have never personally seen him in anything other than a suit and his helmet thing, it didn't help the intensity he gave off when facing to "look" at us gave me goosebumps.

"I'd never question a plan boss. Just don't like Hawks."

I shrugged, looking away, I didn't want to make light of the situation but if I doubled down, it would for sure get us killed. The fact Dabi was still silent surprised me. All for one swirled the glass in his hand the ice hitting the sides making a small clinging sound.

"Is your dislike of Hawks enough to hinder the plan?"

He asked dead panned, my eyes widened again, Dabi sat up pulling me closer into him, I was practically on his lap and not the stool at all at this point. The air suddenly becoming heavy around us, or maybe that was just my panic, either way it wasn't good, I glanced over at Shigaraki, he was sitting at the red leather booth leaning forward, his elbows lazily rested on his knees smirking at me.

His red eyes holding something dark, he more so pissed me off than scared me, but he still did.

"No boss."

I said in the most deadpan tone I could, looking back at all for one. Dabi started shaking,
he was getting antsy, which was never good, he tried to act so level and calm, but he was for sure hot headed and tended to flip a switch in seconds, I reached my hand and wrapped it around his. Running my thumb over the staples at his wrist, trying to calm him.

"I would never let my feelings for anyone, or my past hinder my loyalty or job."

All for one sat his scotch down, I watched in amazement as he took his mask off sitting it down on the bar, I nor Dabi had seen him maskless in person, I wanted to look away not be rude, though i'm pretty sure manners go out the window when it comes to being a villain, so I stared on. His scared face had a smile pulled at his lips, I wasn't sure what I was expecting, he looked as he did on tv, just bigger, and way scarier in person.

"Is that so."

He said putting the cup up to his lips taking a long sip, the smell of the scotch burned my nose, chewing on the insides of my cheek confused as to why he was just now questioning my loyalty. As long as jobs got done, he normally didn't care.

"Boss if you have something to say, I wish you would just spit it out instead of interrogating the fuck out of my girlfriend."

Dabi's voice came out low and harsh, he was losing his control, and fast, I squeezed his hand glancing at him from over my shoulder, giving him a warning look.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Shigaraki yelled from the couch, the man child really was aofs ride or die, that's for sure.
He stood taking his leather glove off. All for once held his hand up stopping Shigaraki in his tracks. Shigaraki glared at the two of us, returning to his seat, murdery bastard was probably going to be our deaths one day.

"It's fine. My apologies for coming off to strong. I would like to test your loyalty. See if it is just as strong as the day you joined our little family."

I cleared my throat, moving back onto my seat, pulling away from Dabi, as bad as I didn't want to, I was the one on trial here, not him, he had proven his loyalty time and time again, I didn't want my questioning to fuck him as well. I didn't need to look back at my flame boyfriend to know he was glaring a hole threw me. I turned my attention back to aof, with my best customer service smile.

"Of course, boss. What do you need?"

He finished his scotch, handing the glass to Kurogiri thanking him for the drink, the man was so polite, it was unnerving. He pushed from the bar fixing his suit jacket, messing with his cuff links, which only made me more paranoid, he was taking his time, the fucker was probably enjoying dragging this on like this.

"I need you to go to the experiment compound you escaped from and find a file. It is guarded but not heavily, nothing I'm sure you can't handle."

my eyes narrowed, slowly nodded my head. Dabi stood from his stool pulling me up with him, I looked at him confused, his eyes narrowed watching all for one Examining his every move, that was normal for Dabi, but something felt off.

"We will go, I'll find the file myself while she keeps wa-"

AOF cut Dabi from finishing his sentence, the man hadn't moved from his spot, but he was so intimidating, I stumbled slightly. Dabis hold on me tightened, grounding me to where I was.

"No need Dabi, I need you and Shigaraki for another matter. Both need to be done
by morning for things to stay on track."

Dabi stared at him a flame grazed his hand for a second, the smoke only remaining. This giant burnt chicken nugget was really about to get us killed. 

"You and hawks will go retrieve the file in question. With his speed and your knowledge of the experiential floor you should be in and out in no time."

I took a sharp inhale threw her nose. I knew there was no arguing with him.
All for one's word was law in the lov. I nodded her head, I'm sure my face said all my feelings. Not being one that keeps my facial expressions to myself.

"Of course boss. Consider it done"

Before I could register what was happening Dabi was slammed face down on the bar's countertop, both his arms restrained behind his back threw a purple Portal.
I looked between Dabi over to all for one, trying to figure out what was going on,
his hand threw a different purple portal. Kurogiri sighed setting his cleaned cup down.

"Master Dabi, you know better."

All for one released his hold on Dabi pulling his hand threw the portal and they both portals disappeared. AOF had like a copy quirk, so it wasn't surprising he had Kurogiri's as well. I still was highly confused as to why he slammed Dabi like that. 

"As I was saying. Viya, the file you will be looking for is rumored to be in experiment room 105.
One that is not visible from any hall or known by those who weren't there during the time of the experiences, it's not on any map of the building or floor plan layout.
One that you are very familiar with, correct?"

I sat in silence for a moment registering his words, swallowing the lump in my throat. This man was for sure messing with me, hard. And I had no choice but to go along with it. 

"You want my files."

He smirked and nodded. Raising his hand signaling for me to come to him. I once again, hopped off the barstool and walked over to him. Dabi made a low almost groan sound. I confidently looked up at all for one, tilting my head, trying not to let his stammering size comparison make me feel belittled. He placed his giant hand on my face rubbing his thumb up and down my cheek. It was warm, and huge just like the rest of him. His one hand was probably as big as my entire head.

"Your memories are filled with such pain, I will make you a deal, If you are successful in this mission, I will find the connecting lines to the questions you have."

I stared at him for a moment, the feeling of two firm hands wrapped around my upper arms from behind. I didn't need to look to know it was Dabi, the smell of embers and cologne was his give away, plus he would be the only one to not trigger me with unsettling touching like aof was currently doing.

"Alright boss what am I and hands doin while my girlfriend runs off with the bird?"

The door slammed open once more, I cocked my head to the side, red feathers flying in, right towards me, moving so fast I could hardly see them, tugging at my hoodie, within seconds I was ripped away from Dabis hold and lifted into the air. The feathers let go, sending me falling, I let out a small yelp, closing my eyes tight, expecting to hit the floor. After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked up in shock. Hawks had me, bridal style in his arm a smile plastered on his face.

"Ey if we go now? Ima busy man after all, would really like to get this over with."

He glanced down at me, then back to the confused and enraged Dabi, And a not so shocking calm all for one. Yea, if I got out of this alive, my ass was about to be beat. I'd still rather that be by my man than Alys.

"Hawks put me down before you are turned into fried chicken"

I said with a cocky grin, way to sure of myself as always. He looked unphased by my comment, a relaxed and bored expression on his face, this was just as much as a game to hawks as it was too aof, their motives would have been different, but still.

"Hawks. You heard her. Put. Her. Down. Now"

Dabi said between taking a few steps towards the two.
I started to wiggle in hawk's arms in attempt to get free.

"Shigaraki has the instructions for tonight's mission Dabi.
Until the morning children I bid you adieu"

All for one bowed and disappeared into one of Kurogiris portals. Keigo smirks, shifting me over his shoulder.

"Well....we should be going. Got some work to do."

I could hear Dabis black Combat boots smacking the rotted wood floor of the bar, I placed my hands on his back, looking up, feeling the Cold wind against my face from the portal above.

"Hang on tight Vi"

Hawks says taking off threw the portal, I clinched onto hawks shirt, before the portal disappears, I could see Dabi from below. His blue eyes practically glowing, he sends a blue flame towards the two, before it could get to close Hawks dodges it, I watched as the portal faded and Dabi was out of sight.

"You know he's going to kill you Keigo."

He gave me a sly smirk, one that strangely pissed me off and scared the fuck out of me, he grabbed ahold of my shoulder, making me yelp.

"He can try V.....he can try..."

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