Remedy (ShinKami Story)

By Lost-And-Never-Found

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Book 2 to Diseased. Takes place a few more years into the future from Chapter 40 (or was it 41?) of Diseased... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

209 8 3
By Lost-And-Never-Found

Shinso sat in a chair next to Denki's hospital bed, the sounds of beeping monitors being the only thing keeping him sane and continuously reminding him that his partner was still alive. Tears aimlessly rolled down his cheeks. Denki had suffered from a server concussion, a dislocated shoulder, three snapped ribs; Two on the left and one on the right, hence the pile of blood he was found in, and a broken leg. from the sight he had found the blonde in, he really did think he was dead. The doors opened and hushed whispers entered the room. The insomniac didn't bother looking up as he had a pretty good idea of who had just entered. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"He's going to be fine. He's one of the strongest people we know." The voice said.

He recognised it to be Jiro Kyoka. Eventually deciding to look up, he saw the whole class in the large room. their kids had obviously been dropped off at preschool. Eri had insisted that she was to look after her little nephew, allowing Shinso to visit Denki.

"Kyoka is right. He suffered through so much back in the day so he's grown stronger from it." Yaoyorozu agreed.

Something snapped in Shinso. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated. His head snapped to Kirishima. Slowly standing up, he stormed over to the red head. He got right up in the male's face.

"This. All of this, is your fault!"

"Eijiro had nothing to do with this, Mind Fuck." Bakugo snapped in retaliation.

"Oh yes he did! If he hadn't called him to investigate the prison breakout, he wouldn't be here now!"

"Shinso! Calm down and think for a minute!" Deku snapped. "If Kirishima didn't call Kaminari to the breakout, then his father would've possibly killed him for sure! It was actually Kirishima's quick thinking that actually saved him from a more terrible fate!"

The room went silent. Deku was right.

"I'm sorry for lashing out at you, Kirishima. I'm just under a lot of stress at the moment. Christmas is almost here and there's still a lot we have to do. Not only that but Denki and I are supposed to get married sometime after." Shinso slumped back into the chair, head hung and hands in his lap.

"You guys are going got get married...?" Hagakure said softly with surprise, everyone else wearing similar expressions.

"Yeah... We went out for dinner a few months ago and I proposed to him. He was overjoyed. We even decided to keep the Kaminari name." Shinso looked up with confusion. "I'm surprised he didn't tell you immediately... Especially you, Ashido."

"Me too..."

Everyone turned their gazes to the blonde on the bed. They were all thinking the same thing, why didn't he tell them? What prevented him from doing so? They heard the monitor speed up. Checking which one it was, Shinso gasped as he noticed it was his heart rate.

"Iida! Get a doctor!"

Iida nodded and ran from the room. Not even a minute later, he returned with a nurse. Shinso moved and joined the others on the other side of the room as the nurse did her thing, more hospital staff entering He noticed that the blonde's eyes were wide open but it seemed that his subconscious was still unconscious. Suddenly, something clicked in the group's heads. Shinso moved so that he was on the other side of the doctors whom were trying to put the blonde back into a sedated state. Furious, the purple haired male snapped at them.


"Sir we can't. He has to-"

"Wake him the fuck up! He has night terrors and you trying to put him back to sleep won't help his state- OW!" Shinso was shocked by electricity. Whenever Denki can't wake up from his night terrors, he subconsciously uses his quirk. His night terrors were caused by his past.

The doctors eventually woke him up and removed the breathing mask from his face. The small male jolted awake and started panting like crazy, his eyes full of fear.

"Hey! Hey! Hey...! Hey... Calm down... Everything is OK. You'll be fine. He's not there and he's not here."

The doctors injected something that will numb any pain that he might feel, before leaving the room. The others slowly moved towards the injured Pikachu but not to close that he feels uncomfortable.

"Where am I...? What happened...?... WHERE IS HIKORI?! IS HE OK?! IS HE SAFE?!"

"Hey! Calm down. He's safe. He's with Eri." Shinso softly explained.

"You're in the hospital, Kaminari-kun." Ochako added. "Your father kicked you off the roof."

"My father...? Do you know where he is?!"

"No we don't, but-" Sero started.

"I have to find him before he hurts someone else...!" Denki tried to get out of bed but a sharp pain erupted in his side, causing him to cry out and fall back onto the bed.

"You aren't going anywhere, *Ribbit*" Asui said sternly. "You've dislocated your shoulder, broke your leg, have a concussion and three snapped ribs."

"That would explain why the room is spinning..." Denki laughed. "But seriously, you have to find him. He wants to kill everyone I love. That means Hikori, Eri, Mic, Aizawa, Hitoshi and you guys. He killed my mother and he said his next target will be our baby boy."

"Don't worry, Corey, Dante, Val, Kalum, Conan, Shira and Olive are tracking him down."

"Any way... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT SHINSO PROPOSED TO YOU?!" Mina cried with annoyance.

"I-I didn't want it to get out..."

"Why not?" Ojiro questioned.

"I was scared that if it did, then the press would find out and broadcast the announcement and it would reach my father. I thought that if he found out, he would somehow get a police officer to let him out to attend, uninvited obviously, taking that opportunity to overpower the guards, escape and kill me. Besides, we only want it to be family and friends, nothing public." Denki explained.

"That seems like a reasonable intention." Todoroki said flatly.

"And obviously by friends, we mean you guys and your families."

"Obviously, cause if you didn't invite us to your wedding then I would hunt you down and get you to remarry." Mina said sternly, before erupting into laughter with the others.


Around two in the afternoon, the group had left. Not even half an hour later, Aizawa, Mic, Eri, Kota and Hikori arrived.

"Daddy!" Hikori cried out in joy, running over to the side of his dad's bed.

"Hey, buddy! You have a good day at school?" Denki asked the child.

"Uh huh! Iida-san and I made paintings together with macaroni and glitter!"

"Oh WOW! You have to show when you bring it home, OK?"

The little boy nodded. He remained quiet for a few seconds, fear in his eyes.


"Yes, Hikori?"

"Who was that scary man that hurt you?"

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