Look at me now *Beau Brooks F...

By DingDangDong

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They say opposites attract but what happens when two equally as extravagent, dramatic and dirty mided people... More

Look at me now *Beau Brooks FanFic*
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter: 11
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Must Read
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

chapter 12:

871 7 3
By DingDangDong

Chapter 12:

Honey’s POV:

I feel really sleepy; my head feels like it’s falling off my shoulders. I am on the train home from Brighton. Mum said she’ll stay with aunty and Amelia. Amelia was stabbed, by her ex. I didn’t know the whole story until Amelia got her mum to type a text to me, it told me and Beau about everything that happened, about Jamie and the reasons for why she hurt Jai. Beau forgave her for breaking Jai’s heart and all is hunky dory as Beau says he’ll tell Jai exactly what happened. Just wait until I find that Jamie guy, I will so get revenge for what he did to my cousin. And to think that Amelia only stopped talking to me because Jamie started comparing me to her; making her feel small and I don’t even know this Jamie- he’s sucha a little slut, actually no, he’s a big one. Or as Beau stated a few times.. he’s a fricking cunt. I feel good saying that. I yawn and my eyes are so droopy..

Beau’s POV:

Honey’s asleep on my shoulder, normally I’d be quite agitated but I’m not, you know why. I use the opportunity to take a picture of the sleeping Honey. I remember the time I checked Louis Tomlinson out in the library so Honey wouldn’t find me. Louis was really quite tanned, Honey thinks Louis is hot so therefore I make a mental note to myself to remember to tan myself. Yeah that seems like a good idea if I want Honey to fall for me. I’ll make sure it’s done for her birthday- which Jai informed me when Luke informed him when Skip informed him and Kiara was the source of the information was next week- August 10th.  Her star sign is Leo- just like me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Jack’s POV:

Lozzie (Lizz and Lottie, they’re duo name) were really hyper all day , they are so cute though. I just about managed to fall asleep when I heard the bell ring. I opened my eyes and sighed as I made my way down. “Huh?” That was my immediate reaction when I opened the door. “Hi,” whispered Beau. He was holding a sleeping Honey in his arms..his snapback on her head.  He grinned: “Honey fell asleep.” I laughed and said:”I see.” Beau went upstairs and dropped Honey off to bed.

Beau’s POV;

I place Honey on her bed, this must be her bedroom as it says “Warning! Drama Queen Just Ahead” with an arrow pointing forwards on the front door. Drama queen? That’s definitely my Honey. Her room was painted sky blue which I know is her favourite colour. There is her name written in purple graffiti on the wall her bed is in front of. Wow, it’s really good graffiti and Honey has signed it right at the top with her whole name: Honey Olivia Taz or in other words; H.O.T.  Honey’s quite creative and she can draw very well and is always drawing in her black sketchpad. One of the walls that has no windows is decorated with a huge photo frame covering the whole wall. When I say huge, it’s the size of the whole wall. The photo frame contains a collage of all of her friends and family, it is not even half full although there are so many photo’s in it already. There is enough space and she has obviously been adding photos because there is one of her, Mabs, Kiki, Nattie, Luke, James, Skip, Jai and me. I decide to connect my phone to the printer that is under Honey’s desk, haha I learnt this techno stuff from Jai (who dropped his laptop ;D).  Anyway I simply clicked on photo’s pressed the side button and clicked print.  The photo of Honey sleeping on the train was printing out, she looked so cute. I picked up the glue stick on her desk and stuck in to the collage. Perfect. I scanned the whole collage and saw the picture me and Honey took when we were drenched after falling into the river on the nine seater bike! Good times. It was just me and Honey grinning like idiots and pointing to our wet snapbacks. Haha.

 I think Jack’s gone back to bed as I think I heard him coming upstairs and closing the door. I take my snapback off of Honey’s head, I had put it on her because it was cold outside and it provided shade...okay, okay, I put it on her because I think anything that’s mine will suit her. I pick the snapback up- it’s my favourite and it’s the only one I’ve worn since I’ve come to England. Normally I wouldn’t dream of letting anyone else be near it, wearing it is far off- but this isn’t normal- it’s Honey. I pick up the snapback and put it next to her on the bed- I don’t why, I just do. I close the light and tiptoe back to our England home (a.k.a Nattie’s house). I reach home and it’s unusually quiet- weird. Jai and Skip are still at the concert I presume but where are Luke and James? Nattie’s asleep in her bedroom downstairs I presume. I quite like it here in England, I like being here with Honey, Mabs , Kiki, Nattie, us Janoskians and Honey. Did I say Honey twice? Oops. ;)

Honey’s POV:

“I love you.” Beau smiled at me when we leant in to kiss. His hot breath on my cheek and the typical smell of his peppermint surrounded me. He enticed me. I want to kiss him back. As soon as I was close enough Beau shook the living daylights out of me. “Wha?” I said. Then I realised that it was a dream, why am I dreaming about Beau kissing me? Luke had shook me awake. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. “How did you get in?”, I asked Luke. He responded: “You left your keys at Nattie’s.” I blinked, putting on my Gok Wan’s and noticing Beau’s favourite snapback on my bed beside me- it smelt like him- gorgeous. ‘Now, now Honey (my inner voice scolded me), don’t get too carried away.’

“How did I get back home?” I said changing the subject on my brain. Luke shrugged at my question and said I did somehow. Did Beau bring me? Or am I just dazed? ”What are you doing here?” I asked Luke the obvious question. “It’s Mabs..” he started. My brain ran overtime, Where is she? What happened? Is she alive? Will I ever see her sarcastic face again? “Make her forgive me.”Luke said, his eyes trying to pierce through mine, I didn’t even so much as flinch; as my eyes were determined to stare back at him with double the intensity. I scowled at him, he woke me up from my precious sleep and then ordered me around, I don’t think so- this is me we’re talking about. “Gimme one good reason to help you and if it’s a valid reason remember to ask me nicely.” Luke moved forward and sat down on my bed, instinctively I moved my legs away from him (what? Most guys will try it on anyone- just being cautious- now it’s a reflex action of mine) , I looked at the state of my scrunched up clothes. I look like an idiot-oh well I’m used to it by now. “I love her, I really do, I love Mabs, help me get her back.” He sighed. I smirked up at him: “What do I get for it?” I asked seeing how much I could get him to give me in return. Even though the only thing he has to do is meet Mabs face to face and apologise and she’ll forgive him- it’s not as complicated as it seems. Mabs is like my sister, I know her. Luke grinned sheepishly, “You could earn the joy of helping your friends.” He replied to my question. I shook my head laughing: “Luke you seriously think-” Luke interrupted me, “How about Nando’s, on me?” he smiled, he knows my weak point. I shook his hand: “Done.” He looked so relieved. “But I’m not helping you now, I’m tired and you need to buy me my Nando’s before I help you, in case you deceive me.” I heard Luke mumble under his breath. Raising one eyebrow I smirked, moving my way back into my bed: “Whatdya say Luke?” “Nothing”, Luke said a bit too fast– leaving me to my warm bed. I turned around and, what the? There’s an addition to my collage, a picture of me sleeping on the train, haha very funny. (Note the sarcasm) The only person with me on my trip to Brighton was Beau. I scowled. So he thinks it’s funny taking pictures of me sleeping? Hmm.. I think I’ll text him a sarcastic comment but then I realise that I don’t have Beau’s number.  “Luke, do you have Beau’s number?” “Yeah, why?”,he said a smirk making its way up onto his face. “I wanna wind up Beau a bit- for revenge.” Luke happily obliged and I now added his name into my phone- I couldn’t call him Beau on my contacts ,now that would be too nice of me, so I wrote his name as the first thing that came to my head: Chuck Norris. I chuckled to myself as Luke left the house. Now for a bit of stirring up shit. Not literally. I sent Beau a text mentioning that I was his stalker and knew everything about him and about his life. I want to make him think that he was getting stalked- he practically stalked me by taking a picture of me asleep anyway.

YOU: Hey Beau Peter Brooks, it’s me ...your stalker who knows everything there is to know about you.

Beau didn’t have my number so he would have no clue that it was me. My phone vibrated in my hand and Beau texted back:

CHUCK NORRIS: “I know it’s you , Beautiful.”

Okay, that I wasn’t expecting, how can he know it’s me and if he does why is he referring to me as beautiful (might have to take him to the opticians) or was it just a light hearted flirt, millions of questions were running through my head as I remembered my dream. His hot breath on my cheek... the way the summer breeze lifted his hair, his fingers entwined in mine, his arm...I shook myself, Beau doesn’t know it’s me- but the weird thing is- why did him calling me beautiful make my heart beat faster anyway? I replied to his text:

YOU: “You don’t know me babe, but I know you, Beautiful.”, I smirked and made sure the beautiful was in italics. 

My phone vibrated less than thirty seconds later, he was awaiting my text. He replied:

CHUCK NORRIS:“Oh yeah, then tell me something you know about me then.”

Hmm. What shall I write?  Lalalala. ßI say this out loud when I’m thinking. I know. Imma weirdo, ah yeah. Lemme take the piss and insult myself and see how he replies.

YOU:“ I know you went somewhere today with that bitch Honey.”

I awaited my answer , I can’t believe I’m dissing myself to see if Beau will stick up for me.

CHUCK NORRIS: “Shut up, I wud respect u cos I believe you’re a fan but that does not mean u can insult my friends.

Fan? Great he didn’t know it was me!!..but that means he never called me beautiful. Why does that matter anyway? But he stuck up for me and to say there were butterflies in my stomach would be an understatement and I am grinning to myself, knowing that Beau thinks of me as his close friend. Okay he never said close friend, but ya know friend is good enough. I texted Beau, continuing to get rude to myself. LOL, the things I do.

YOU: “I know her from school, she’s such a slut, I dunno why you’re defending her.”

CHUCK NORRIS: “ Do you wanna punch?”

YOU: “I’m a girl, why would you hit me?”

CHUCK NORRIS: “You could be a transsexual for all I care, just get lost and leave my friend alone.”

YOU: “I’m your stalker Beau, I know how hot you are & you don’t deserve someone like Honey.”

CHUCK NORRIS:  “You’re right.”

Huh? How dare he! Was he trying to say I was ugly? My phone vibrated.

CHUCK NORRIS:“ You’re right Ms. Stalker, Honey’s not in my league- she deserves way better than me.”

A blush rose to my already red cheeks as he complimented me- I feel guilty.

YOU: “ Beau, It’s me, Honey. Luke gave me ur numba, just pissin’ you off, dawg.”

CHUCK NORRIS: “So I was right.”

YOU: “About what?”

CHUCK NORRIS: “You are beautiful.”

I laughed at Beau’s flirtatiousness. And scanning our conversation I laughed at my conversation with ‘CHUCK NORRIS.’ Thje fact I’d been talking to Chuck! LOL! My phone rang. And I answered with a laugh, understatement, I was literally clutching to my sides to stop laughing.

“H-hello”, I laughed down the phone.

“You’re such a moron ” Beau laughed.

I couldn’t stop laughing as Beau continued:

“Oh, and you make a scary stalker.”

I snort down the line- attractive I know- ah well.

“Says the one who takes pictures of people when they’re asleep and then sticks them on their bedroom wall.”

“Now you say that, I sound quite dodgy.” Beau laughed.



“You called me hot, didn’t you?”I could just picture the smug smirk on his devilish face.

How the fuck am I supposed to reply to that. I coughed.

“It was just for the fun of it and you called me beautiful.”

“I didn’t know who you were.”

Great just as I thought that Beau would have the decency to compliment me- he spins it round again.

“Shatup Beau.”

Then I remembered.

 “Hey, Beau?”

“You told me to Shatup” Beau said after about a ten second silence.

“Whatever”, I rolled my eyes,” What I wanna remind you Beau is that you happened to say that I deserve better than you.”

I grinned, now it’s his turn to answer.

“Can’t blame me for defending a friend.”he retorted.

My anger start to flare up as I pursed my lips.

“Bye Beau”, I said in a cold way. Couldn’t he just compliment me once? I don’t even know why I want him to compliment me? Wtf is wrong with me? Urgh.

Beau’s POV:

I noticed the coldness in her voice as she said “Bye Beau.” Huh? I didn’t mean to offend her. I tried playing it cool during our conversation making sure not once to hint my admiration for her. I built up a wall, I shouldn’t make it obvious, I wanna take her by surprise, so she falls head over heels for me. “H-Honey.” I stammered. Why am I stammering?

“You alright Beau?” she asked her cold voice a thing of the past and I realised how her voice sounded quite sexy when it was laced with concern. I smiled to myself picturing my girl: “Good night, Honey.”

I could visualise Honey’s confused face- it was a cute visualisation.

 “Sweet dreams Chuck.” Honey smiled- okay I couldn’t exactly see her smile cos we were on the phone but I could feel it. I nervously laughed back.

“Who’s Chuck?” I asked genuinely baffled.

“Chuck Norris is your name on my phone.”

I grinned: “Well, I’ll have to come up with a name for you then.”

“Arrgh” Honey groaned.

“You can choose a name for me so I’ll choose one for you.” I said feeling mischevious.

“Haha, Bye Beau, looking forward to hearing my name.” I could see her grin down the phone. I look at my mobile as if it was Honey. I swear if she doesn’t stop I might end up having a makeout session with my Iphone.

“Honey why do you have this effect on me?” I mumbled.

“What did you say Beau?... you’re too quiet.”

“Nothing!” I said realising she hadn’t shut her phone.

The call disconnected and I texted Honey:

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. Xx

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. xx

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. xx

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. xx

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. xx

YOU: goodnight.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Sweet dreams. xx

UNKNOWN NUMBER: You’re cute Beau. X


She wanted the last word as I realised she had turned off her phone- complimenting me- good way to get my attention. I can’t help the buzzing feeling that runs through me. I put my hand through my hair...Honey had knocked me senseless.

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