Avenging the Avengers [Book 1...

By GirlWithTheRedShorts

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Two years after the civil war between the avengers has begun, their children come together secretly and becom... More

Chapter 1: Kaden
Chapter 2: Olivia
Chapter 3: Patrick
Chapter 4: Olivia
Chapter 5: Tye
Chapter 6: Kaden
Chapter 7: Olivia
Chapter 8: Patrick
Chapter 9: Tye
Chapter 10: Olivia
Chapter 11: Kaden
Chapter 12: Patrick
Chapter 13: Olivia
Chapter 14: Tye
Chapter 15: Olivia
Chapter 16: Kaden
Chapter 17: Patrick
Chapter 18: Tye
Chapter 19: Olivia
Chapter 20: Patrick
Chapter 21: Kaden
Chapter 22: Olivia
Chapter 23: Patrick
Chapter 24: Tye
Chapter 25: Olivia
Chapter 27: Kaden
Chapter 28: Tye
Chapter 29: Olivia
Chapter 30: Patrick
Chapter 31: Kaden
Chapter 32: Tye
Chapter 33: Olivia
Chapter 34: Patrick
Chapter 35: Kaden
Chapter 36: Patrick
Chapter 37: Olivia
Chapter 38: Tye
Authors note
Other Note

Chapter 26: Patrick

99 8 18
By GirlWithTheRedShorts

I stare at her body in pure horror. Kaden and Tye are furiously doing CPR and giving her shocks from the defibrillator.

It has been four minutes and she is still unresponsive. I glance over at the monitor that we hooked up to her just before she went into cardiac arrest. Where the green line at the top of the screen and the slow beeping noise used to be steady and natural, there is now a flat line and a continuous ringing noise. It is a noise that seems to go on forever and i am beginning to think it will never stop.

I take her hand and squeeze it tight, tears pouring off my cheeks. I release for a moment as sammi shouts "clear!"

I know that Olivia is the one in who's heart isn't working here, but i feel like something's wrong with mine too...

I see Olivia's body jolt as the electricity ripples through her body. Yet it does nothing for her. The line on the monitor remains flat and the beep remains an endless ringing sound.

If this doesn't finish soon I'm going to go out of my mind! I can't just so here watching her lay on the floor, dead.

Then i realize why the defibrillator doesn't work on her. She is the goddess of thunder and light ing. Her body is used to being hit by low levels of electricity, this defibrillator is producing about as much electricity inside her as she has radiating around her all day.

I scan the room, looking for something that could produce a stronger amount of electricity. That's when I see it. Her hammer. It could cause enough electricity to strike that we could power the entire earth for centuries with just one blast.

The only problem is, no one can lift it except for those worthy of the power... Ugh! Freaking Asgardian weapons! So complicated! Only the worthy people can use our weapons!

Ignoring everything i just realized about having to be worthy to carry Olivia's weapon, i walk over to it. I slowly crouch down next to it and look at it. It is sitting on the floor beside the table.

On the table still sits the cake. One of the candles is still burning. It is almost melted and the wick is almost burnt out. I lean over it and close my eyes. I make a silent wish to myself that i can be worthy and save Olivia.

I take a deep breath and blow out the last candle. It flickers slightly then goes out, leaving only a thin line of smoke in its place.

I bend back down and place my hands on the leather bound handle of the hammer. I take a deep breath as i wrap my fingers around the handle, holding it tightly. I hold my breath in and close my eyes. I slowly release my breath.

Then, i pull up. With me comes the hammer. It feels light and heavy at the same time. I don't really know how my mind comprehends it. Everything that it is, it is also the opposite. It's touch is warm but also cool. It is beautiful and terrifying. Protecting and dangerous. This hammer is just one paradox after another. No wonder only the worthy can hold it... Huh... I guess I'm worthy then... Cool...

I snap back into reality at the sound of another shock going off from the defibrillator in Kaden's hands.

"It's not working!" Kaden shouts. "She's gone! She's been dead for six minutes already, we've shocked her at least 15 times and still theirs no responsiveness... She gone."

"No! Wait!" I shout holding up her hammer.

"How did you pick that up?" Tye shouts in shock.

"I guess im worthy!" I exclaim.

"Well what are you doing with it?" Kaden asks.

"She is the goddess of thunder and lighting. Your midgaurdian forms of shocking people do nothing to her, even at its highest power, it does nothing to her. She is immune to small amounts of electricity. We need to use her hammer-" i spin the hammer around in my hand" -to shock her with more power. Then maybe we can restart her heart."

"It can't hurt... I mean, she's dead already, so what more damage can we do?" Kaden says.

"Okay." I say. I march over her body. She is laying there so still... So silent. It seems so unreal. She is just lying there dead, and in a few minutes, she could either still be dead, or she could be completely alive and fine. It's all up to me. I close my eyes and summon as much electricity as i feel i can.

"Clear?" I ask.

"Clear." Kaden and Tye say quietly.

I lower the hammer onto her body and allow the electrical charge to run through her, restarting her heart and bringing back et life. She sits straight up and gasps for air.

Kaden sprints over and throws an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Olivia breaths steadily into it. She is shaking in fear. I hold her close, being careful bit to touch her wound.

"What hap-" Olivia starts, but she passes out halfway through her sentence. Kaden leans over and presses her finger on her neck.

"She has a pulse! She's just passed out from pain and blood loss." Kaden shouts. "Tye! Get me some blood. Patrick! Get me my med kit from the table. I need to close her up and get her more blood."

We all run to get what was asked of us. Kaden works for hours. they put Olivia under anesthesia as soon as she wakes up, so she won't be in as much pain. kaden fixes her ruptured aorta.

They continuously remind us that this is a dangerous and delicate procedure and for us to be quiet an careful while they operate. We listen to them and continue on.


After several stressful hours we have her stitched up and stable. I sit by her bed, waiting for her to wake up.

"Hey." I hear a weak voice say. It's Olivia. I turn around and take her hand.

"Hey, hey! Don't worry, Kaden got you all fixed up." I say.

"What happened?" She asks softly.

"Loki attacked you again and this time it looked like a stab to the heart. You went into cardiac arrest and we lost you for a few minutes. The normal midguardian defibrillators didn't work on you since you are used to light electric charges, being the goddess of hinder and lightning and all! So i picked up your hammer and shocked you with that! Your heart started right on up! Kaden fixed your heart because it got punctured and then she stitched you right up!" I explain.

"Wait? You were able to lift my hammer! How?" She asks me with a look of pure shock and terror on her face.

"I guess I'm just worthy!" I say happily.

"But... Patrick... No one has ever been able to lift this other than me and my father. How did you do it?" She asks carefully.

"I just felt so desperate! I needed you to be alive! I couldn't live without you there. And i guess the hammer just deemed me worthy." I reply.

Before Olivia can say anything back, sammi bursts into the room. "It's happening!" She shouts "Loki is on the main computer screen. Hurry!"

I look to Olivia. She is slowly pulling herself up into a sitting position. I grab a wheelchair and lift her into it. I quickly wheel her into the main room, when i hear my fathers voice, speaking behind me.

"Hello children. I see you're all here now. Good. Now i shall begin." Loki says. "I just came on here to send a message to midguard and to its new set of avengers. I wanted to tell you that if these four 'avengers'" a picture of us pops up on the screen. I wonder where he got the picture, then i realize that he probably pulled it off the security cameras at stark tower from just before he took Olivia.

He continues "if they do not meet me at stark tower by tomorrow at 12:00 sharp, and play my GAME, i will release an army of frost giants onto earth and they will turn it into nothing more than a frozen wasteland. It will be a brand new ice age and the perfect new planet for the frost giants to live on." He snickers as a sly smile inches across his face.

"That son of a bitch! He knows what he did to Olivia! She's injured! She died today! And he expects her to be up on her feet and fighting by tomorrow?" Tye shouts.

"We will just have to leave her here..." Sammi says.

"Oh! And ALL of you must show up! No chickening out or midguard perishes!" Loki adds.

"We can't take her! She won't be able to fight! Loki will hurt her even more than he already has! And i won't let that happen!" I shout.

"HEY! Im right here! And i can do what I want! I am perfectly fine! I can fight just as well as the rest of you!" She slowly pulls herself out of the wheel chair and supports her weight on my shoulder. "See?" She says. Then she falls back into her wheelchair.

"Yeah, I can SEE that you are not ready to go into battle against Loki! It's not going to happen! At least not until you are better!" I shout.

"Have fun children! See you soon!" Loki purrs. The feed goes blank and the computer shuts off.

"Fine. I can't go into battle until I'm better? Then i guess i just need to get healed!" Olivia shouts.

"Yes, and the best way for you to do that, is to stay here and recover!" I say.

"No." She says "the best and fastest way for me to get better is for me to be HEALED. And for that, i need to go back to Asgard."

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