Broken Ears, Broken Body. (Er...

By Shotashi_MultiWriter

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Hizashi Yamada has always wanted to get into UA and become the greatest hero he can be. He has an advantage o... More

Chapter 1: The Entrance Exam.
Chapter 2: The Letter.
Chapter 3: Meeting New People.
Chapter 4: A Test.
Chapter 5: Heroics.
Chapter 6: Injuries.
Chapter 7: Sleepover.
Chapter 8: Nightmares.
Chapter 9: Tell Me The Truth, Zashi.
Chapter 10: Just Friends.
Chapter 11: Make It Right: Part 1. (Hizashi)
Chapter 13: Roles.
Chapter 14: Practice.
Chapter 15: The Festival.
Chapter 16: What Are We?
Chapter 17: I'll Treat You Right, 'Zashi.
Christmas Special Chapter!🎄
Chapter 18: The Media.
Chapter 19: Truth or Dare.
Chapter 20: Examination.

Chapter 12: Make It Right: Part 2. (Aizawa)

69 1 1
By Shotashi_MultiWriter

Word Count: 1548.

As soon as Aizawa read his last message from Hizashi he rolled his eyes and threw his phone onto his bedside table. The raven dived under the covers and tightly hugged his cat pillow. Squeezing his eyes shut he tried desperately to keep his mind off Hizashi and fall asleep. He clutched his cat pillow and sighed, slowly opening his eyes. The one time he wanted to fall asleep of course it was impossible. Scoffing to himself, the raven slowly sat up in his bed and looked around his dully lit room. His gaze soon fell upon the place in his bed Hizashi lay next to him. Memories of their sleepover rushed through his mind.

He immediately began to tear up as the thought changed to earlier that day. Was it really just something that happened in the moment? It didn't feel that way.

Shota slowly lifted a hand and gently cupped his own cheek like Hizashi did, slowly closing his eyes. A few tears fell as he leaned into his own touch, pretending it was Yamada's. As he sighed he let out a soft sob as he hugged his cat pillow tighter. Opening his eyes again, more tears fell and stained his pale cheeks. He gently wiped them away before looking up to see Ziggy sat down in front of him. Shota gave Ziggy a weak smile and the cat immediately walked over to him, meowing.

"I'm okay Ziggy..." Aizawa muttered quietly, unable to hold back a tear that fell down his cheek. He quickly wiped it awake and looked away. Ziggy climbed into Shota's lap and lay down, purring softly. The ravenette watched as his cat stood back up and rubbed his face against his cheek. Aizawa smiled slightly and scratched behind Ziggy's ear.

Shota slowly lay back down again, placing he cat pillow next to him, and Ziggy got comfortable before laying down on the teen's chest. Sighing, the raven looked up at the ceiling as he let his mind wander. 'This is all that happens whenever something as illogical as "feelings" get involved. Why am I always so stupid? There's no one someone like him could like someone like me.. I went to UA to become a hero not to make friends and especially not to get caught up in all of this shit!' Aizawa cursed to himself and sighed.

The ravenette was snapped away from his thought when he heard a loud knock on his bedroom door. The loud knock caused Ziggy to jump off Aizawa and the teen pouted slightly when he jumped off him. He slowly sat back up again and immediately hugged his cat pillow. "What?" He scoffed.

"One of your friends is here. Kayama."

"Tell her to go away!" He yelled but before he could finish his sentence the door already opened and Nemuri came bursting in. She kicked the door shut behind her and sat down in front of him.

"Hello to you too." She said with a smile. Aizawa just rolled his eyes and wiped away his remaining tears, sniffling a little.

"Aizawa, what happened..?" Kayama asked softly and gently placed her hand on Shota's shoulder only to have it immediately shrugged off by the other teen.

"I.. I did what you told me to."

"You spoke to him about it?" She asked and Aizawa simply nodded, looking down as he hugged his pillow. "What did he say?" She asked. There was silence for a moment and Shota tried his hardest to hold back his tears. He didn't want to cry in front of Nemuri. He couldn't show weakness but it was so difficult.

"H-He.." The ravenette started, his voice breaking, and he couldn't stop himself from crying anymore. Trying his best to hid his face with his hair, Aizawa broke down. Tears flew down from his red, sore eyes. The dark haired female widened her eyes a little when she saw him break down. She's never need him like this before. It was a shock and she felt so bad for him. Other than Hizashi, Kayama is the only other person in their group he had gotten close to. She knew more then anyone how hard this must've been for Aizawa.

Nemuri gently grabbed the raven's wrist and pulled him into comforting hug. Shota wanted to pull away from her and tell her to go away but he didn't have the energy. He put his pillow aside and returned the action, burying his face in the female's shoulder. Letting go of his pride, he let himself get all of his emotion out. Kayama gently ran her fingers through Shota's jet black hair to help calm him down.

"It's okay, Zawa, get it all out. Take your time." She reassured him and was patient with him as he let out his emotion, waiting until he was able to explain what happened.

Once Shota had calm down a bit, Aizawa slowly pulled away from the up and sat back down where he was on his bed. He sniffled and wiped his sore eyes, sighing deeply to help calm himself further. He cleared his throat before speaking. "He.. He said he didn't mean anything and that it was just something that happened in the moment.." he started while going into his bedside table drawer and taking out his eye drops. The raven tilted his head back and put one drop in each eye before blinking. Shota sat back up properly and sighed. "How could I have been so stupid? Of course he wouldn't like someone like me. I bed he's already dating that other tall, muscular loudmouth blonde!" Aizawa yelled and cursed to himself.

The raven clenched his fists and threw the first thing he could get his hands on at the wall. "Hey, hey, calm down. It's nothing like that Zawa. Hizashi isn't dating Toshi. Nor do they like each other. Toshi likes some dude called Dave in the support curse and I wish I could tell you about Oboro but I even that it outta him. Ran away looking like a tomato whenever I ask him." She stated with a soft laugh.

"How do you know?" Aizawa scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Surely you should know me by now, Zawa. I looove the gossip and I always know how to get the gossip." She explained with a laugh.

"True..." Aizawa mutter and pouted.

"So, how are we going to fix this?"

"Fix this? Fix what? There's no fucking way I'm talking to him again and making a goddamn fool out of myself again! We aren't "fixing" anything. I went to UA to become a hero and that is what I'm going to do. No, that is all I am going to do!" The raven yelled.

"I remember when you first met me and you said the same thing. You also said that you aren't there to make any friends yet here you are. With a friendship group that care so much about you and would do anything for you." Nemuri said with a small smile. Shota looked up at her and let out a small "tsk" before looking away. "We know you care too. Even though you try and hide it."

Aizawa looked up at her for a moment before rolling his eyes again and crossing his arms. Nemuri laughed a little ast his reaction and smiled. "Plus, you need to stop shutting yourself off from everyone the moment something goes wrong."

"He basically rejected me Nem.."

"He didn't reject you, that I know."


"Because I know he's head over heels for you, sweetie." Kayama stated. "And before you ask me how I know let me make a list." She added before Shota could come back with a snarky comment. "I see the way he looks at you Aizawa. He cares about you a lot. He's always asking about you if you aren't there." She stated and Shota blushed darkly, looking down at the floor.

"So what?"

"He loves you Shota Aizawa. I know he does." Nemuri said and Aizawa went silent, laying down on his bed. Kayama gasped as she had gotten an idea. "The festival is coming up soon! You should do something for him."

"No." The raven answered quickly.

"Come ooon! It'll be fun and I bet he'd love even more for it."

"I said no."

"Will you at least think about maybe doing something for him?"

"Why should I? So I can embarrass myself in front of the whole school and tell everyone that I'm gay? Yeah, fuck that." Aizawa scoffed and he hugged his cat pillow tighter, sighing softly. Truly, the ravenette didn't even know what he was feeling towards Yamada anymore. All he could feel was anger, frustration and slight embarrassment. Even with all of those emotions running through him, deep down he still cared. But why? Aizawa couldn't answer that question. Even he didn't know truly. All of these emotions were just confusing him. He just wanted to sleep it all away.

The dark haired female sighed and pouted at Aizawa's sudden coldness towards the loud blonde however she could understand where it was coming from.

She knew she would have to take this into her own hands, whether Shota liked her idea or not.

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