Fire Wolf || PJM, KNJ & KTH

By chimchimicorn

85.6K 7.2K 3K

New to a town, Jimin slowly learns that not everything is as it seems. Even his friends have secrets. More

Copyright Notice
Prologue: Traitor
One: Dangerous
Two: Lift
Three: Curse
Four: Pain
Five: Mate
Six: Complicated Past
Seven: Research
Eight: Patrol
Nine: Playful
Ten: Boyfriend
Eleven: Shirtless
Twelve: At a Loss
Thirteen: Earn It
Fourteen: Help
Fifteen: The Way Of The Wolf
Sixteen: Information
Seventeen: Good At Keeping Secrets
Eighteen: Stationary
Nineteen: By Himself
Twenty: Taking The Job Seriously
TwentyOne: Rogues
TwentyTwo: Ticking Time Bomb
TwentyThree: Extremely Warm
TwentyFour: Furious
TwentyFive: Idiot
TwentySix: Threat
TwentySeven: Buffer
TwentyEight: Scent
TwentyNine: Triumph
Thirty: Permission
ThirtyOne: Swap Shifts
ThirtyTwo: Whatever You Please
ThirtyThree: Stupidity
ThirtyFour: Bored
ThirtyFive: Worth
ThirtySix: Surprised
ThirtySeven: Alone
ThirtyEight: Buried
ThirtyNine: Not Alone
Forty: Not Expected
FortyOne: Stupid Male
FortyTwo: Silence
FortyThree: Supplies
FortyFour: Outsider
FortyFive: Home
FortySix: Wild
FortySeven: Remember
FortyEight: Exhaustion
FortyNine: Garbled Image
Fifty: Teeth Grinding
FiftyOne: Challenge
FiftyThree: Watching
FiftyFour: Nox Daemonium
FiftyFive: Rage
FiftySix: Borrowed Bedroom

FiftyTwo: Panic

320 43 16
By chimchimicorn

Jimin was hovering around Bee as she changed out of her scorched clothes, and she suddenly felt as if she couldn't breathe. Too much was happening, too fast and she was losing control. She felt smothered, yet alone and squashed down, yet flying all over the place.

She couldn't breathe.

"Shit," She muttered, tears springing to her eyes as she began to feel her stomach churning and her heart racing, "I'm going to be sick,"

Jimin immediately jumped into action, but not to grab something for her to throw up in like she thought.

"You're having a panic attack," He said, gently but firmly taking her by her hand and pulling her to sit on the bed, "I'm here, let it just roll through you. Take some dee breaths,"

How the hell could she take deep breaths if she couldn't breathe?

Her skin began to heat up but Jimin's hand touched her back, gently rubbing.

"If you want me to let go, just say so," He said, before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest.

She felt comforted straight away, and turned her head so her cheek was on his chest, listening to the strong ba-dump of his heart.

She closed her eyes, realising that she could take deep breaths after all.

Jimin gently ran his hands up and down Bee's back until he felt her completely relax.

"Are you ok now?" His voice was soft, calm.

"Mmhmm," Bee kept her eyes closed. She felt safe and warm and like she could just forget all of her problems, "I've never had one of those before,"

"I'm not an expert," Jimin said, his fingers still tapping up and down Bee's back, "But maybe it's because you're better at expressing your feelings now? Maybe all the feelings you're not used to came at you at once?"

She shrugged. With a sigh she pulled away from Jimin who tilted her face up, landing a soft kiss on her lips, "I'm here if you need me,"

Bee managed a smile, "I know,"

After a couple of moments relaxing in Jimin's safe arms, Bee stood up.

"I have something I need to do," She said, pulling on a new t-shirt, "Can you go and wait with Taehyung?"

He nodded, "Of course. Call me if you need me,"

He swiftly exited the room and Bee took a long, deep breath. This was something that should have been done properly a long time ago, it was just that she wasn't capable until now.

She left her bedroom and moved down the corridor to knock on Namjoon's door.

"Come in,"

Bee pushed the door open and Namjoon looked up, surprised to see her.


"Namjoon," Bee closed the door, "I want to apologise for my lack of emotion and empathy with you. You deserved to be treated better, for the most part," She paused as shock radiated across his face, "But I want to ask you a question. Why did you challenge Jimin and myself?"

"I would never challenge you, Bee," Namjoon stood up, dwarfing his Alpha, "I will always be loyal to you. But Jimin... He is not worthy of you,"

"And why do you say that?" Bee could feel herself fighting to stay calm, "What gives you the right to decide if he is worthy of me or not?"

"His wolf is diluted. He cannot protect you and he can't fight for our pack,"

"I don't need protecting," Bee snapped. She took a deep breath, "Putting aside his lack of fighting skills, why are you so against him?"

Namjoon hesitated but Bee pressed on.

"Do you want me to be happy, Namjoon, or do you want me to be with you,"

Namjoon flinched a little, "You weren't happy with me?"

"No," Bee said simply, "And you know that. I wasn't happy with anything at that point,"

"But now?"

Bee lifted her chin, "I am happy,"

"I love you," Namjoon's voice cracked a little.

"I love Jimin," Bee replied.

Namjoon rubbed at his scalp, "Fuck," He muttered, sitting down on his bed again, "Jimin is not my Alpha Male,"

"That isn't for you to decide,"

"Fuck," He swore again, "I am, and always will be loyal to you, Bee," He said, "I can't accept him, but you do deserve to be happy. I revoke my challenge,"

"Thank you, Namjoon," Bee moved to the door and pulled it open, "Oh, Namjoon?" He looked at her, "I do love you, too. You are part of my pack, and you are a close friend. I just love you differently to how you want,"

Bee closed the door behind her as she left and Namjoon sighed, flopping down on his bed.

"I would still let him die if we were attacked," He muttered.

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