To Those Who Wait (gxg)

By Loiosh

33.7K 2.2K 707

Abby has seen Sam four times over the last four years, and three of those times ended with a kiss on the chee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 24

947 71 28
By Loiosh

Tuesday was my first day of school as a married student. That wasn't something I'd ever thought I'd say, and yet I was thrilled to say it was true. I was expecting it to be an exciting day, with a change in the way we spent it. Right off the bat there was a big difference, as my mom was coming with us to the school to deliver restraining orders to Dave, Vince, and George. While she was waiting on them to be paged to the front office, Sam took care of updating her emergency contact info, replacing her father with my mom so that he wouldn't have any access to her at the school. He wouldn't be able to anyway, as there would be a restraining order against him soon enough.

"Ms. Bishop, do you have any classes with these boys?" the principal, Ms. Dobbins asked.

"I have calculus with Vince in second period, but that's it," she replied.

The principal nodded, relieved there wouldn't be too many schedule changes. "I'll work out a way to shift him into another math class, and in the meantime, he will have a free period until it can be arranged. We'll keep them away from you."

"If you don't, I will." I said flatly. I planned to walk Sam to and from every class, and if anything happened, I wasn't going to be waiting on a teacher to fix it.

"Ms. Reynolds, we don't condone violence at this school, you should know that!" Ms. Dobbins objected.

"If they violate their restraining order, I'm assuming it is going to be self-defense, ma'am. I'm just telling you now, I won't hesitate to protect my wife."

"Err, wife?"

"Yes, we were married two days ago." Sam held her hand up to show her the rings, and I followed suit.

"Ahh! Very good! I don't think we've ever had a married couple here at the school," she smiled. "I guess I don't have to ask if you have a prom date lined up!"

We both smiled at that, happy to not hear anything condescending from her.

When we left the principal's office, we saw the three boys in the waiting room with my mom keeping an eye on them. Vince and George both had their heads hanging low, but Dave gave us a glare as we walked past him with no cares. Hopefully the meeting they were about to have would smack some sense into him, but I didn't think it likely.

We didn't even think about hiding our relationship. We were wearing our rings, and we were going to act like the couple we were. Neither of us had anything to hide, and while I was sure there would be some pushback, we also knew there would be support too. We also had no problem shutting up anyone who wanted to say anything to us, I was almost looking forward to it.

The best part of the new situation was that Sam didn't have to sit in front of me with her cousins in first period, she sat next to me instead. Ms. Walker noticed immediately and smiled at us. She did have the advantage of seeing us in creative writing where we had been more open, so seeing us together wasn't a shock, even if she didn't see the glittering rings.

When the M&Ms arrived, they started stomping their way towards us, and you could almost see the steam coming from their ears as they got closer. But when Maggie opened her mouth to speak, Sam held her hand up for silence.

"I'm about to be very nice to you both, so listen up. You both know how well my father reacts to failure, and you have both failed. Two days ago, Sam and I got married." At this point, both of their jaws dropped. "Yesterday, I met with the lawyer in charge of the trust and claimed the inheritance, and then sold the company. It is gone, the deal with Dave's family is no longer valid as our family doesn't own it anymore. The sale will be made public around lunch time today, and at that point my father will get a visit from the new owners who will escort him off the premises as he will be out of a job. Now, that gives you roughly four hours to move out of the house before he gets home and needs someone to blame. Unless you somehow think that Dave is serious about one of you, and you both know he's too much of a player for that, I would get back to your folk's place as fast as you can before my father decides this is all your fault." By the end of her story, both Maggie and Melissa were as pale as wet notebook paper left in the sun for a week, and I was afraid that they were going to puke.

"Listen." Sam continued. "I know things have been shitty lately between us, but I remember some good times when we were growing up and visited to play with each other. Those memories are the only reason I'm even warning you, otherwise I could have kept this to myself and let you suffer after school. Don't stay here, just go. You can always change schools or home school when you get home, but please don't stay where my father is going to be after you."

The two exchanged a glance, and then turned and ran. We never even heard their lovely voices, and I wasn't sad at all.

"Sam?" I asked in a whisper as I leaned over to her. 

Yeah Abby?"

"That was kinda hot. You sure you don't want to run a company? Because if you said that while wearing a power suit, I might climax just listening to you." I was only partially kidding. She had me so damp that I was glad PE wasn't next or I'd take her right in the changing room.

I still might, since the girls will be gone.

"Maybe tonight I'll dress up for you and let you be my assistant," she whispered with a smirk.

Oh my.

I cleared my throat, trying to regain a little of my composure. "Hey, not to completely change the subject so I don't make this chair into a waterfall, but I have a quick question for you. I meant to ask yesterday after the lawyer but forgot when I heard all the dollars being thrown about, and didn't remember until we just met with the principal again. Do we want to change our names? Abby Bishop sounds cool and so does Sam Reynolds. Do you have a preference?"

"I'm taking your name," she said with no hesitation, her voice filled with conviction. "I'm too disgusted to even consider having you change yours to the same as my father. If we win the court battle for Janine, we'll see if she is okay with us adopting her and she can change hers too."

"Damn, stop being hot! Please? I'm dying over here!" I complained. I was so turned on right now that it was crazy! And it was only the first damned period of the day!

Sam leaned over and whispered throatily into my ear. "We don't have to stay for the library anymore, so we can go home early, and I can take care of that for you."

"You forgot about soccer!" I reminded her.

"Shit! Okay, well. I guess we have to wait until later, but I'll make it worth your while," she promised while nipping at my ear. We had to settle down and concentrate on the class as the bell rang, which was good for my body, because I didn't think I could take much more.

The rest of the morning was pretty easy. I had to get packets of all the makeup work from the three days of school we missed, and I got to walk Sam to calculus, which only gave me a little PTSD from when I took it last year. After getting my Bio make up work, I ran back to Sam's class, and then picked her up for lunch. I wasn't sure if the three boys were in school, we hadn't seen them since the office, and I was kind of hoping they had gone home.

At lunch, a new world of choices opened up. We had the option of keeping the table to ourselves, since Sam's bodyguards were no longer around, or we could go hang out with some of the girls on the soccer team. Sam suggested we do that, since she knew Carrie and Beth were friendly on the field, and she wanted me to be introduced to her teammates.

It was a good decision, the team was thrilled to have Sam sitting with them, and they were great to talk with. Beth and Carrie were seniors, and though they didn't remember me well, they did recall playing against me a couple years ago and seemed to think I was good enough to join their team. The food was even pretty good, the burger tasted like there may have been some actual beef in it, and the fries were almost crispy. As school lunches went, it wasn't bad, but it annoyed me that I'd gotten out of the habit of packing lunches. Going forward I'd need two of them, cuz I had to keep Sammy fed.

It would have been a perfect start to our new lunch routine if Dave hadn't decided to join us.

"What kind of stunt do you think you bitches are pulling?" we heard him growl from behind us.

We both swiveled our bodies to straddle the bench and took in his appearance. He was pissed, and yet worried at the same time.

"Dave, you drugged me and then tried to rape me in a Chili's bathroom, I'm pretty sure that a restraining order while you're on bail is more than appropriate," Sam said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Hell, you're violating the restraining order right now."

"You can't call it rape you bitch, you're my fiancé!" he screamed. A couple of students looked as though they were leaving the cafeteria to find a teacher, though I'd have to ask the principal why there weren't already some in here, especially the same day they were getting the restraining orders.

Sam just laughed at him. "I was never your fiancé Dave. My dad may have wanted me to marry you, but I was never asked, nor would I have ever said yes!"

"Besides, it doesn't matter anymore." I took her left hand in mine and lifted it up to show him the rings. "She's already married." I lifted my other leg over the bench so I could stand quickly if Dave did something stupid. Well, beyond the stupidity of violating the restraining order with a ton of witnesses.

"You can't do that!" he bellowed.

"It's done," Sam retorted. "And right after we were married, I sold the company, so the deal with your parents is off."

Not that I'd admit it out loud, but I had to thank Dave for attacking me. Only in that I was afraid he'd attack Sam instead and somehow hurt her and then I would most likely kill him and end up in jail. But attacking me I could handle. Attacking me is what I had hoped for ever since I'd seen what he was trying to do to Sam in the Chili's bathroom. So, I kicked him in the balls.

On my old soccer team, my friend Mary was the person who took all the penalty kicks during the game. She could curve that ball beautifully and it was just fun to watch. But nobody could kick the ball harder than I could. So, when Dave started charging the table, I stood up and gave him the hardest kick to the groin I could. Hopefully it was hard enough do undo puberty for him.

That stopped him in his tracks, hunching him over with a howl of pain as he clutched his broken jewels, and I decided I should keep my earlier promise to him. I walked behind him, and then grabbed his left wrist, and twisting it up behind his back again. "I warned you!" I growled into his ear, then pushed up until he screamed. Gripping the back of his head, I slammed it down into the table, unfortunately right onto my burger, which then splattered ketchup all over his shirt.

"Stop that this instant!" I heard, and looked over my shoulder to see Ms. Walker marching towards us.

I quickly let go of Dave, letting him sink to the floor in agony.

"Ms. Reynolds, I would have never expected this of you!" Ms. Walker said sternly.

"I told Ms. Dobbins this morning that if Dave here violated the restraining order against him and came after Sam, that I was going to defend my wife. He should have never come near us, and he knows it," I stated. "I'm never going to apologize for protecting her. I'm sure there are dozens of people who can tell you exactly what happened."

"I have it on video!" chimed in several people who seemed to have thought it was great entertainment.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize there was a restraining order Abby," Ms. Walker apologized in a lower voice. I understood what happened from her point of view. With her coming in without knowledge of the situation, I looked pretty guilty. "Why don't you and Sam go home, I'll talk to Ms. Dobbins."

"Yes ma'am, we will. I think we've had enough excitement for the day."

It turns out that I was wrong about that. Halfway to the car, Sam pulled me close to whisper into your ear. "If you thought me ordering my cousins around was hot, how do you think I feel right now having watched you take Dave apart to protect me? You better take me home quick or we're going to make a mess in that car."

An hour later I was feeling guilty, I'd made Sam scream so loud we woke up my mom. 

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