Levelling the Playing Field (...

By decomiwavesradiating

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Sequel to Hot DILF's and Their Daughters! They were a complete mystery in the first book but I think it's tim... More

Chapter 1 - He's Shy
Chapter 2 - Matched Perfectly
Chapter 3 - We're Friends
Chapter 4 - Emphasis!
Chapter 5 - Eloquently Put
Chapter 6 - Wildest Dreams
Chapter 7 - Perfect Harmony
Chapter 8 - Ground Rules
Chapter 10 - Be Careful
Chapter 11 - Can you Drive?
Chapter 12 - He's a Musician
Chapter 13 - Join the Club
Chapter 14 - As Good as Dead
Chapter 15 - Key to the City
Chapter 16 - Not Without You
Chapter 17 - A First Impression
Chapter 18 - Only a Child
Chapter 19 - Maybe in Another Life
Chapter 20 - Now or Never
Chapter 21 - Separate Those Eggs
Chapter 22 - The Possibility of You

Chapter 9 - Family is Power

182 16 102
By decomiwavesradiating

I'm going to be late. Davina thought to herself. She tapped her steering wheel to a beat, humming quietly to herself.

She was at a red light, the lane next to hers free. She didn't care to be honest about being late. It was only school. After the others had left her in the morning, she had to drag herself out of bed... after she fell out of it.

She took her sweet time getting ready for school, even going as far as picking up a Starbucks drink on the way there. If you're going to be late, you might as well make it worth it. The first period could wait.

A car had stopped next to hers, and Davina couldn't help but do a double-take. It was a sleek top of range McLaren 570GT. She could hear the purr of the engine of a mile. It was sitting pretty in the April sun right next to her, and Davina couldn't take her eyes off it. As if noticing her stare, the driver rolled down their window, and Davina did another double-take.


Of course, pretty boy would have this car. She'd seen him drive around in different makes and models, but she'd never seen him drive something so flashy before. She also wondered why he wasn't already in school.

Bennett gave her a small smile, an idea bubbling up in his head. He turned to her pointedly as she tried her best not to gape at him and revved his engine.

Davina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before realisation settled onto her face. She nodded at him briefly, flashing a smirk his way before facing the front and revving her engine.

Oh, it was on.

The cars raced down the carriageway, swerving in and out of the traffic ahead, barely registering the shocked faces of the other road users. They were neck a neck, only briefly overtaking before falling back. Their cars swerved right in time for a sharp turn, cutting off oncoming vehicles. This was dangerous, this was reckless, but this was fun.

The adrenaline fuelled Bennett's reckless behaviour, and he fought a smile as they drifted in sync. He couldn't deny how impressive Davina was; not only did she match his wits, but also his speed and skill. Now he knew where Estelle inherited her recklessness and love for cars. He couldn't wait to teach her how to drive.

He just had to win this now.

She just had to win this now.

Davina gritted her teeth, she had to pull out in front of him, but he kept swerving to put her in her place. She had to think fast. Her ego wasn't going to let this slide easily. Switching gears, she abruptly cut off to a side road she noticed.

Bennett didn't see her suddenly disappear before he could even realise what had happened. She cut out in front of him. Her smirk was back as she took the lead. She knew Bennett would put up a good fight. It wouldn't be worth winning if it were so easy. As crazy as she was, Davina switched gears speeding away at a safe distance from the McLaren. She was sure she was going the right way to school, barely noticing the signs that read School Ahead.

She spoke too soon. A school bus pulled out in front of her forcing her to stop. Bennett passed her, smiling wryly as he swerved into the school parking lot, basking in the glory.

Fine, you win this time, Frazier.


Davina was at her locker exchanging her books when Bennett walked past. Without looking at her, he handed her something. Davina looked down to see the drivers manual she had previously given him.

"Keep it. You'll need it," He said without turning back to look at her.

Davina scoffed as she shook her head to herself. She put the book in her locker before walking in the opposite direction—both of them hiding their small smiles.

Jordan watched the exchange by his locker, wondering what had gone down between the two. Maybe Bennett was a lot suaver than he gave him credit for.

"Hey, Jordan,"

Jordan jumped at the sound of his name.

"Arya, you have got to stop scaring me like this. My heart can only hold out for so long," He told the blonde as he picked up some papers.

She giggled as she said sorry. "I'll try announcing my arrival next time,"

"So, what's up?" He asked, his eyes shining. He was elated to have a proper conversation with her finally.

"I was hoping you could help me catch up in Computer Science, changing schools and everything had me fall back," She asked him in hope. She needed to have worried. Jordan would have dropped everything to help her.

He smiled that full Jordan smile, the one she didn't realise yet, but she always waited to witness.

"Of course, let me know a time and place, and we'll go over some stuff,"

"Thanks, buddy. I'll let you know soon," Arya said as she walked away. Jordan sighed as he watched her go.

Tessa watched as Jordan was in his daze. The mischievous glint in her eyes sparkled as she snuck up behind the poor unsuspecting boy and slammed his locker shut.

The sudden noise made Jordan jump so high he ended up clinging to her for dear life.

Tessa struggled to hold Jordan up partially because she was beside herself with laughter.

"You should have seen your face!" She said in between breaths.

Jordan whined but then stopped still in her arms. "Hey, how are you still holding me?"

Tessa shrugged her shoulders. "You're surprisingly light,"

Declan walked up to the two wondering what was happening.

"Jordan screamed like a little girl,"

As Jordan tried defending himself, Tessa greeted Declan asking how his morning was. She was still holding Jordan bridal style.

"Well, it was okay, I suppose - wait, how is he not heavy?" Declan couldn't help but ask. She didn't even look like she was struggling.

"Yeah, do I weigh anything to you?" Jordan asked too.

Tessa shrugged again. "Nope, it's like holding a bunch of grapes,"

The two laughed at Jordan's expense.

"Put me down," He deadpanned, and Tessa did so.

As Jordan walked away, Declan turned his attention back to Tessa. He'd been working up the courage to ask her out for a while, but he didn't know what to do until the opportunity presented itself.

"Hey, are you free tonight by any chance?" He mumbled out, trying to avoid turning red.

Tessa looked at him. "Depends. Why are you asking?"

"I- Nevermind," He turned to walk away, feeling flustered.

Tessa laughed as she went to grab his arm to stop him. "I'm just messing. I am free tonight,"

He turned around back to her, smiling. "Good, I was hoping you could come by tonight, and we could hang out. My baby sister will be there too. I'm kinda babysitting her, but if you don't want to, then-"

She cut him off. "Of course, I'd love to spend time with you. I don't mind what we do or where we go,"

"That's great. I'll you later then,"

She smiled. "See you later,"


"Hey, you made it," Declan said as he opened the door.

"Yes, I did," Tessa answered, stepping into the house.

"Come on. I want you to meet my baby sister. She's here in the living room," Declan quickly walked back into a room. Tessa had no choice but to follow.

"Tessa meet Delilah," Declan said proudly, holding her up.

"Oh my gosh, she's-" Tessa stopped short and then looked at Declan questioningly.

It took Declan a few moments to realise why she'd stopped and blinked between the siblings.

"Oh, she's my adoptive sister," Declan quickly explained. "I'm adopted." His ears turned pink. How he'd managed to forget to explain this to Tessa was beyond him. Guess he was too busy wanting to know more about her. He didn't really think about himself.

Tessa processed the new information. "Ohh, okay," She then moved to greet Delilah. "Hello, my dear, you're beautiful," Delilah smiled at her, melting Tessa's heart. She turned back to Declan. "She's adorable,"

Declan watched as the two interacted, and all the worries washed away, not that he had much to start with. He knew she'd seamlessly blend in with his family. His parents will come to love her too. Everything will work out just fine.

The evening was spent playing with Delilah, eating take out and a little dance party.

Tessa had Delilah in her arms. Music was playing from Declan's phone as he watched from the couch. Tessa swayed the two of them around, dancing around the room. Declan wanted to remember this moment forever. He could see this in his future so vividly, the both of them putting their babies to sleep like this.

"I think she's fallen asleep," Tessa whispered to him.

"Here, let me," He took a sleeping Delilah out of her hands and put her down in her cot.

Then, the two sat crossed legged in front of the couch, munching on some pizza.

"You know she's the first baby to ever fall asleep in my arms," Tessa started.

"Really? You seem like a natural with children," Declan said.

Tessa stopped short for a bit, something glazing over her eyes before she continued chewing on her pizza. "Hmm," was her response.

Declan could tell her thoughts were somewhere else, but he didn't want to ask. He didn't want to intrude, but the silence was getting louder.

"Now, you seem like a natural with her. I'm sure you're a great older brother," She finally spoke out.

"Thank you," He took the compliment and looked down, wanting to hide his blush.

She leaned towards him and lifted his face so their eyes could meet. "I mean it. You seem to really love her. I haven't seen that kind of love often,"

Declan nodded again, somehow sensing the meaning behind her words but not entirely understanding them.

"Family is important to me. After everything I'd been through, it means a lot," Declan replied.

Tessa looked at him intently. Declan took it as a cue to continue. "I didn't really know my birth parents, had been a foster kid all my life, moving from one home to another, sometimes it was alright, other times it was rough..." Declan looked away.

Tessa rubbed his arm soothingly. It was comforting. She was comforting.

"Yeah, so it was a miracle having met my parents now, they took me in, and despite our lack of history, they love me. They're my family," He looked at Delilah's cot, a small smile playing on his lips. "They're all my family,"

"Treasuring family is a very honourable trait to have," Tessa commented, matching his smile. "Not everyone is rich in a good family like this,"

Declan looked back at her. "What about you?"

Tessa still smiled at him, but her eyes betrayed her, like windows into her soul. She was hiding hurt.

"Some people value family, others... like mine value power," Her comment sounded as if she was talking to herself rather than someone else.

"Family is power,"

Tessa looked at him and nodded. "Yeah,"

She leaned back and looked elsewhere. Declan didn't know what to say to comfort her.

"I'm sure you'll have a loving family in the future, children, a husband, friends and other family," He said, wanting her to feel the truth behind his words.

She snorted. "We'll see,"

Yes, we will.

"Hey, you wanna play something?" Declan asked, wanting to change the topic.

She smiled at him. "Sure!"


"That's not fair! I demand a rematch!" Declan laughed, pushing Tessa out of his way. "You're cheating!"

Tessa laughed. "It's not cheating. It's called winning!"

Declan pushed her once more to the side. She got back up and got in his way once again. The two then began shoving each other to better view the screen, but Declan had no use.

"Ha! I win again!" Tessa got up, cheering for herself.

"I let you win," Declan grumbled to himself.

"What? I can't hear you. I'm too busy celebrating," Tessa said as she did a victory dance in front of Declan.

He was transfixed on her then. In her happiness, she was truly beautiful.

He gently grabbed her hands and pulled her down to his eye level. She was focused on nothing else but him. He pulled her into his lap as they maintained eye contact.

"Your eyes are so pretty," She whispered, cupping his entire face in her hands.

"Funny, I was going to say the same about yours," He replied, scanning her whole face, coming to a rest at her lips.

"Hmm," She replied, her attention someplace else.

The two leaning closer and closer, wanting to crash more than anything, were abruptly interrupted.

"Hello? Who are you?" A voice came in.

The two pulled apart immediately and, to their horror, were met with Declan's parents.

"Um, are we interrupting something? " Declan's Dad asked.

"No, no," Declan assured. The two getting up off the floor.

Tessa saw the the uneasy looks his parents were giving her, this was just the perfect first impression she was giving off to them. At this point she just wanted to ground to swallow her up.

Before Declan could introduce Tessa to his parents, Delilah woke with a cry.

"Where's her bottle Declan?"

"When did she last eat?"

Tessa, momentarily frozen with the eyes on her, moved to leave.

"Hi, I'm so sorry, I'll leave now," She mumbled past his parents.

"Wait! Tess," Declan went after her.

She'd managed to get her shoes on, her face flushed, embarrassment written all over.

"I want you to meet them," Declan told her, although he could admit it may not have been the ideal meeting.

"Maybe another time," She whispered to him before opening the door. "I'll see you in school," And with that, she walked out.

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