All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)

By AlwaysSeb

84.8K 3.4K 3.1K

Four time Formula 1 World champion Sebastian Vettel had been just 18 years old when his girlfriend, now ex wi... More

1. A Familiar Face
2. Face to Face
3. Joel's Story
4. Confrontation
5. Setting the Ball Rolling
6. Lost and Found
7. Alyssa's Story
8. Bournemouth
9. A Face From The Past
10. Reconnecting (1)
11. Reconnecting (2)
12. Promises
13. A Bit of Lighthearted Banter
Race Results 🇧🇭🇸🇦🇦🇺🇮🇹
14. Cry For Help
15. Protective Instinct
16. Leap of Faith
17. Stronger Together
18. Not His Usual Type
19. The Porsche
20. Barcelona
21. The Morning After The Night Before
22. The Lunch Date
23. One Step At A Time
24. No Time To Talk
25. Sister Time
26. Homecoming
27. The Double Header (1)
Race Results 🇺🇸🇪🇸🇲🇨🇦🇿
28. The Double Header (2)
29. The Trouble With Overthinking
30. Forgiveness
31. Time To Say Goodbye
32. The Argument
33. A Day At The Zoo
34. Easy on Me
35. The Day After
36. Teasing
37. Sneaking Around: Austria
38. Sneaking Around: France(1)
39. Sneaking Around: France(2)
40. Sneaking Around: France(3)
41. Sneaking Around: Hungary
Race Results 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇹🇫🇷🇭🇺
42. Summertime Blues (1)
43. Summertime Blues (2)
44. Summertime Blues: Seb's Version
45. Fury
46. Revenge
47. Just The Two Of Them
48. From Paradise to Reality
49. Whispers
50. In the Spotlight
51. Past and Present
52. Seeing Red (1)
Race Results 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇮🇹
53. Seeing Red (2)
54. An Awkward Encounter
55. Sochi
56. Doubts?
57. Suzukaraoke
Race Results 🇷🇺🇸🇬🇯🇵
58. A Sky Full of Stars
59. Tensions
61. Hospital Dash
62. Falling Apart
Race Results 🇺🇸🇲🇽🇧🇷
63. Slipping Through His Fingers (1)
64. Slipping Through His Fingers (2)
65. Facing His Fate
Race Result 🇦🇪 and Final Standings
66. A Glimmer of Hope
67. Silent Night
The Story Continues...

60. The Costume Party

802 40 44
By AlwaysSeb

Seb took one look at the costume that Joel had just taken out of the wardrobe for him and his heart sank. 

"There is no way on God's earth that I am wearing that!" he exclaimed.

"Come on Seb, don't be a killjoy! You said you trusted me to sort your costume!" Joel replied.

"I must have been mad."

"Alyssa will love it! She'll be dragging you off to bed halfway through the evening! You can't go without a costume!"

"I won't go then!"

"You have to go! You won the race! And it's Lance's birthday party, so you can't get out of it!"

"It's not even his birthday until next weekend! Why is he having a party now?" Seb said sulkily.

"He has friends that live in Austin."

"I could throw a sickie."

"You could, but you won't," Joel smirked.

"Why won't I?"

"Because if you do you won't get to see what Alyssa's wearing. I know. Shannon told me."

"What's she wearing? Tell me!"

"Nope. You want to know, you have to go."

"Fine," Seb said, snatching the costume from Joel's hand and heading into the bathroom.

He had no choice. He had to go. He was dying to see Alyssa. She'd finished her shift early to go back to the hotel to get ready.   She'd given him a kiss to celebrate his win and then she'd left. He been fantasising ever since about what she would be wearing. 

He was hoping her pesky period had gone, he wanted to lose himself in her tonight.  She'd had it for over a week now.  The sooner she got off that damn injection the better.  Maybe they could have sex in the shower if she hadn't finished?

He finally finished changing into his costume.  He glared at his reflection. 

"How fucking ridiculous," he moaned out loud. 

"Stop complaining!" he heard Joel call out from the bedroom.  He sighed. At least everyone would be drunk, they wouldn't remember this.   He hoped not anyway. 


"Oh my fucking God, Seb is going to be frothing at the mouth," Shannon exclaimed to Alyssa a few floors above in Alyssa and Seb's room. 

"As Joel will be over you!"   Shannon gave a twirl.  She was dressed as Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch. 

"You don't think it's too revealing?"

"No way, Tanya is going as fucking Princess Leia, you know....the metal bikini version!"

"What are Joel and Seb going as?"

"Joel is a Ghostbuster.  He won't say what Seb is. He told me to tell you you'll have to wait and see."

Alyssa looked at herself in the mirror.  She knew Seb would go wild for her.   He always did, she thought smugly. 

"Here, put your hat on.  Rearrange your boobs, come on, undo the buttons.  You've got them baby, flaunt them."   Alyssa undid a few buttons.  Shannon appeared next to her and undid the rest. 

"Shannon, I can't! What if it comes untied?"

"Alyssa you're wearing a bra! Stop worrying.  Do you want to drive your man potty or what?"   Alyssa chewed on her bottom lip. 

"Fuck it," she said.   "Let's do this."


Seb felt better as he looked around the crowded club that Lance had hired out.   There were plenty more that looked a lot worse than him!  And most people were too drunk to pay much attention to him anyway. 

Joel, dressed as a Ghostbuster, walked in by his side.  Antti followed close by dressed as Bugsy Malone.  

"Seb, so glad you could make it. I love the costume!"

Seb realised that the drunken Batman in front of him was none other than his teammate. 

"Lance, as if I'd miss it.  I didn't bring a present.  I've got it sorted for Mexico!"

"It's all good man.  Party!  Have fun!"  He wandered off.  Joel pointed out a table where Mikey, Matty, Jimbo and Connor were sat.  They headed over.  Seb looked at their costumes.  Mikey was the Karate Kid, Matty and Jimbo the Blues Brothers, and Connor a boxer. 

"Seb, Joel, sit down!   We have plenty of beer here.  It's a free bar, courtesy of Papa Stroll!" Mikey told them. 

Seb took a seat.  "Got your legs out Seb?" Matty joked.  "Your Mrs will be drooling."

"Don't start Matty."

They all laughed.  Seb looked around and spotted several other drivers. 

Daniel was dressed as Superman, Lando as Spider-Man, George was dressed in Jedi robes and Fernando was a priest. 

"Jesus Christ Seb, you are one lucky man!"   Seb stood and turned to look in the direction that Mikey was looking.   He didn't see her at first.   He saw Shannon dressed as Marilyn Monroe, then a few partygoers moved out of the way and he saw her, his Aly, and his heart nearly stopped. 

Her beautiful legs clad only in the tiniest pair of denim shorts known to mankind, a pair of brown leather cowboy boots reaching halfway up her calves. 

He gulped as his eyes travelled higher.  Her bare midriff, a red, white and black checked shirt tied underneath her breasts, the buttons undone showing off her cleavage in a black satin push up bra. 

He felt an awkward stirring between his legs.  His eyes rose to her head.  She was wearing a cream coloured cowboy hat, just balanced on top of her head.  And her hair hung in loose waves, loose lilac waves.  His lilac haired girl.   She crossed the room and was soon stood before him.  He stood there totally lost for words.  She smiled sexily at him. 

"Daisy Duke at your service Sir," she drawled in a fake American accent.

Seb stood there speechless. Lilac hair. She had lilac hair again.

"Must say I approve of your costume, easy access for a little thigh rub later," she flirted.

Seb laughed. He looked down at the gladiator costume he'd been talked into wearing. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

"Your hair..."

"You like it?"

"I bloody love it."

He closed the gap between them, kissing her hard, knocking her hat to the floor.    He heard the guys at the table cheering.    He pulled back.

"Come on," he said, leading her over to the table.  He sat back on his chair and pulled her down onto his lap.  

"Hello there. Miss Duke I believe?" Mikey said. 

"Hey there.  Daniel san."

Connor handed Alyssa a beer.   She took a long swig. 

"Almost didn't recognise you Alyssa," he said. "Thought Seb was snogging some random purple haired chick!"

"Lilac," Seb corrected him. 

Connor raised his bottle of beer. "To Aston Martin and to all us gorgeous creatures."

They all joined in the toast.

The next few hours passed quickly. Seb soon found himself feeling more than a little drunk. Alyssa had stopped after a few as she'd begun to feel crampy and unwell. She wished her period would fuck off. The sooner the injection wore off the better. She could get on the pill and her periods would be more regular.

Her skin erupted into goosebumps as she felt Seb's lips kiss the side of her neck. She sighed as they travelled upwards and he began nibbling on her ear. His right hand began tracing circles around her stomach.

"Get a bloody room you two!" Joel shouted at them. Seb gave him the middle finger and turned Alyssa's head towards him, taking her mouth in a deep, alcohol fuelled kiss.

Joel groaned as he turned his head away from the the display of love Seb and Alyssa were putting on on the chair opposite.

"Gross!" he declared to Mikey, who descended into fits of giggles. He felt a punch to his upper arm. "What?" he asked Shannon.

"Stop being mean. They're in love!"

"I know but I don't really want to watch them all but fucking in public."

"If you think that's all but fucking you have a lot to learn."

"Fancy teaching me?" he asked cheekily. Shannon grinned. She grabbed his hand and they disappeared to the nearest dark corner.

Finally Seb and Alyssa came up for air. They were both breathless. "If we weren't in public I'd have you naked right now and I'd buried deep inside you. Just you wait until I get you back to our room later. You won't be able to walk tomorrow," Seb growled, his arousal off the scale.

"My period," Alyssa blurted out.

"Fuck your period," he snarled in her ear. "It's only a bit of blood. Tonight nothing is going to stop me taking you. You belong to me Alyssa Harper."

She felt her arousal growing at his possessive words.

"Dance with me," she asked him as she heard the first notes of a remix version of a song she loved. She climbed off of his lap and took his hand, pulling him after her onto the dance floor. His arms slid around her waist and her hands rested on his chest.

His hands moved, dropping onto her buttocks, squeezing them tightly, pulling her close against him.

🎶 And hold me while you wait
I wish that I was good enough (Hold me while you wait)
If only I could wake you up (Hold me while you wait)
My love, my love, my love, my love
Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)
I wish you cared a little more (Hold me while you wait)
I wish you'd told me this before (Hold me while you wait)
My love, my love, my love, my love
Won't you stay a while? (Hold me while you wait)🎶

Their lips met and they kissed as if it was their last night on earth. Alyssa knew they should stop. She knew that everyone could see them, but she was addicted to his kiss, to his touch. "I love you," he moaned against her mouth.

Seb knew they should save all this for their bedroom but she looked so amazing and he was so desperate for her. He took her hand and led her to a dark corner, he pushed her up against the wall, pinning her in place with his pelvis. His cock was rock hard.

"Is that your sword Mr Gladiator or are you just pleased to see me?" she joked.

"Miss Duke, you will find out later."

He began to grind his body up against hers, his mouth sucking at the skin on her neck. Alyssa felt like she was going to explode. Then she felt his hands on her breasts.

Somehow Seb managed to stop himself from going any further. He took a step back. They stared into each other's eyes. Then they kissed again.

"I want you," Seb gasped.

Suddenly Alyssa felt a pain shoot through her stomach that made her cry out. Seb pulled back.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked. She winced.

"Just cramps again."

"You're still getting them?" She nodded. He pulled her close and held her. Another pain shot through her. She pulled away from him.

"I'm just going to the toilet, I won't be long. I'll meet you back at the table." She pressed a lingering kiss to his lips before walking away. Seb watched as she disappeared through the crowd on the dance floor towards the toilets. He went and sat back down at their table. Nearly everyone was up on the dance floor so it was just him and Matty.

"You put her down in the end then?" Matty laughed. Seb laughed too. For now. He intended on picking up where they'd left off very soon.


Alyssa sat down on the closed toilet lid and closed her eyes. The pain was getting intense. This didn't feel like normal cramps. All she wanted was to go back to their room and soak in the tub and then go to sleep. She knew Seb would be expecting sex, but that was the furthest thing from her mind.

She sat there for a few minutes until the pain seemed to have subsided. She took a deep breath and stood up, opening the cubicle door. She went to the sink and turned the cold tap on, splashing some water on her face.

The door opened and Tanya and Hannah entered, both giggling. Hannah said hi to her, Tanya nodded.

She turned to go and all of a sudden the worst pain yet tore through her. She cried out and collapsed onto the floor.

"Oh my God Alyssa!" She opened her eyes and saw Hannah and Tanya both crouched down besides her.

"Make it stop!" she sobbed. There was no respite this time. The pain carried on.

"Hannah, go and get Seb," Tanya said. Hannah jumped up and headed back out to the club. Tanya stood and wet a paper towel. She crouched down and held it to Alyssa's face. "It's ok, I think you've probably had a bit too much to drink. Seb will take you back to the hotel."

"I only had two Tanya. It hurts so much." Tanya began to feel concerned. Despite her jealousy of Alyssa she didn't like seeing anyone in so much pain.   She slipped her arm around Alyssa.

"Seb's on his way."

The door opened and two drunk girls staggered in. They paid no attention to the two girls on the floor by the sinks. They went into separate cubicles.

"I want Seb," Alyssa sobbed as she began to feel faint.

"He's coming, he's coming." Alyssa laughed in spite of her tears. How ironic that Seb's ex lover was sat comforting her.

A few minutes passed. Tanya began to wonder where the hell Seb was. Hannah better not have forgotten. She was drunk as anything. If he didn't hurry up she'd have to go and find him herself.


Seb was sat enjoying a beer with Matty when he noticed the flustered looking girl that worked with Alyssa approaching him. Hayley? No, Hannah, that was it.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"


"Yes, you. Come on. You're coming with me!" She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of his seat.

"Hang on love. I'm a taken man." Matty snorted. "Matty's single if you're after a fling."

"You, only you."

"I'm flattered Hannah, but I'm with Alyssa."  Hannah started to look quite cross.

"Vettel, just come with me."

"Seriously? I'm not interested."

"It's Alyssa you fucking idiot!" Seb shot up straight in his seat. "She needs you. She collapsed in the toilet. She's in pain."

He jumped up and shot off towards the toilets, not waiting for Hannah.

He pushed the door open without hesitation. It was tough if anyone was in there. Alyssa needed him. He immediately spotted her sat on the floor with Tanya.

"Alyssa!" Tanya stood and he sank down onto the floor, wrapping his arms around his sobbing girlfriend. "I'm here. Don't worry. What's wrong?"

"The pain won't stop Seb."


"My stomach."

He placed a hand gently on her stomach. She whimpered in pain. Seb felt sick with concern.  Her period shouldn't hurt like this. 

"I'm going to take you back to the hotel and I'll ring the team doctor to come and take a look at you." He stood up and held his hands out. She took them. He pulled her to her feet.

His face drained of colour as he saw the large patch of red spreading all over her shorts, and staining the inside of her thighs. He looked down and saw the blood stained carpet.

Alyssa followed his gaze, spotting the blood. She cried out, her legs giving out on her again.

"Tanya," he yelled. "Call an ambulance. We need to get her to the hospital!"

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