26. Homecoming

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Alyssa had been mortified the next day when she woke up and remembered what she'd texted to Seb. Then she'd been even more mortified when she remembered what she'd said to him on FaceTime! He must think she was a total desperado.

She picked her phone up and looked at the time. It was nearly 7:30. She noticed there was already a text waiting from Seb. She opened it.

Seb: Good Morning Aly. I hope your head isn't hurting too much this morning. Drink plenty of water and take a couple of Paracetamol. X

She groaned. Her head was surprisingly ok. She was just so embarrassed. How was she ever going to face Seb on Sunday? Her door opened a fraction and she saw Naomi peering around the door.

"Hey sweetheart." She patted the bed besides her. Naomi crossed the room and jumped onto the bed besides her.

"Morning Aunt Alyssa. Mummy said to come and tell you that she's put the kettle on and is cooking bacon and eggs if you'd like some."

"Thanks sweetheart.  I would love some.  I'm very hungry this morning.  Tell Mummy I'm just going to have a shower and get changed, then I'll be straight down."

Naomi jumped out of the bed and ran out of the door. 

Alyssa groaned again.  Should she reply to Seb or not?  She didn't know what to say.  What could she say? She'd told him he had a beautiful cock,  and that she didn't think it would fit inside her.  Her phone beeped again with another text. 

Seb:  by the way, my cock would definitely fit.  I'm ready to prove it whenever you want sexy 😉 xx

She tapped out a reply and sent it. 

Alyssa:  Seb, I am so sorry. I made a right fool out of myself. I was so drunk.  I'm lucky I don't have a hangover.  Please forget I said anything.  Hope your day goes well xx

She dragged herself out of bed, picked her rucksack up and headed to the bathroom.  It was time to freshen up, and then it would be time for breakfast. She couldn't wait, she was starving.


She spent most of the day with Sienna, returning home after dinner.  It had been great to spend time with her sister but it had also left her questioning whether she should go any further with Seb or not.  She couldn't forget Sienna's words. 

Maybe the best thing would be to tell Seb she didn't want to take things any further.  It just didn't feel right now she knew Sienna still wanted him.  She couldn't risk losing her sister, not when she'd only just got her back. The trouble was she didn't know how could she resist Seb if he continued to persue her.

The following day, Saturday, had been a very quiet day.  She'd spent most of it writing.  Her book was over halfway done now.  She was happy with it but she worried that publishers wouldn't like it.  She knew she really needed to have more belief  in herself.  The trouble was Dean had totally destroyed any self confidence she'd had.

The rest of the day she spent watching Harry Potter in the games room.  She'd curled up on the sofa, cuddling a sweater of Seb's that he'd left laying around.   Alyssa missed him a hell of a lot, so the smell of it brought her some comfort.

She and Seb exchanged a few texts throughout the day, but they'd just been standard texts, no flirting and definitely no cock complimenting. 

Sunday came around.  Alyssa woke up excited because she knew that she would see Seb again that evening.  He was due back around dinner time.  He texted her halfway through the morning to tell her he'd bring a pizza back with him, so she wouldn't cook any dinner. 

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