42. Summertime Blues (1)

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Seb stopped the car in front of the house. He glanced over at his sleeping girlfriend in the passenger seat. He smiled and gently stroked her cheek with a finger. His anger, while not totally gone, had eased. It was what it was, and at least Charles hadn't got any points either.

His desire to fuck hard had gone, tiredness had hit him and all he wanted to do was to hold the woman he loved in his arms while he slept.

"Baby, we're home," he said softly. When she didn't respond he shook her gently. "Aly, wakey wakey." She gave a small groan and slowly opened her eyes.

"What time is it?"

"Just gone half past three."

They both got out of the car, took their cases out of the boot and headed up to the front door.  Seb unlocked it and opened it, quickly deactivating the alarm.

Alyssa followed him inside.  He locked up behind them and then they headed upstairs, leaving their cases downstairs in the hallway.   Once in their bedroom Seb sat down on the bed, kicking his trainers off. 

Alyssa grabbed a baggy T-shirt out of her drawer and headed to the bathroom.  She stripped off and put the T-shirt on.  She had a quick wash, brushed her teeth and headed back to the bedroom.  Seb was laid on his back, with his feet still on the floor.  His eyes were closed.  He looked completely shattered. 

She gently shook him.  "Seb, come on.  Get yourself sorted and then you can sleep."   There was no way he was going to be capable of sex.   He hauled himself off of the bed and plodded to the bathroom.  

Alyssa heard the tap running and the sound of him brushing his teeth.  A few minutes later he came back into the bedroom, wearing just his boxers. He climbed into bed next to her and kissed her softly. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart.  I'm just too knackered for anything tonight." 

"It's ok.  Get some sleep.  We still have all day when we wake up."

She turned so her back was to him and he pulled her back against his body, his arm holding her tightly against him.

Within minutes they were both fast asleep.


Several hours later Seb woke up. He felt refreshed and ready to start his day. Alyssa was still asleep. She'd turned over in the night and had her head resting on his chest. Her hair had worked its way out of its braid and was hanging loose down her back.

Seb started playing with it. As he lay there he began thinking about the next ten days or so. He was going to miss Alyssa so much, but he was looking forward to spending time with his girls. Their mother was a whole different matter. He really hoped Sienna wasn't going to try it on with him. He didn't want to tell her about him and Alyssa until the final night. If he told her before then it would spoil the holiday for the girls, and that was the last thing he wanted.

The thing he wanted the most at that moment though was Alyssa. He felt his cock beginning to get hard. He didn't want to wake her when she was so peaceful, but his desire for her was growing by the minute. He slid his hand down her back until it was resting on her lace covered ass. He squeezed her buttock. She stirred slightly. He slipped his other hand inside his boxers, taking his cock in his hand.

He rubbed it up and down as he slid his hand inside her panties, stroking her smooth ass.

"I hope you're getting it ready for me," she mumbled. "Or are you having enough fun by yourself?"

"You know full well my cock belongs to you, I just didn't want to wake you."

She raised her head and looked at him. She could see in his eyes that he was extremely horny. She turned her face up and he took her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. He rolled her onto her back. Pulling her panties off, he slipped two fingers inside her. She was more than ready for him. He slipped his cock out of his boxers, knelt between her legs and entered her in one swift movement. She cried out as he began moving. Seb grabbed hold of the headboard and pushed himself as deep inside her as he could. "Oh God Aly, I'm so close to losing control."

All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя