To Those Who Wait (gxg)

By Loiosh

43.4K 2.7K 785

Abby has seen Sam four times over the last four years, and three of those times ended with a kiss on the chee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 10

1.5K 101 18
By Loiosh

When the movie was over, we each got ready for bed. I gave Sam a spare toothbrush, hoping she'd be able to use it many times in the future, and then let her borrow a big tee shirt to sleep in. I offered her some shorts as well, but she said the shirt was all she needed. Yep, I'm going to be a nervous wreck in bed. But we turned on Tangled to fall asleep to, and then curled up under the covers. Sam was in just the long tee shirt and her panties. I did the same, and we each were blushing quite a bit as we noticed just how much leg was exposed.

It wasn't like we hadn't checked each other out in PE or on the soccer field, but the knowledge that if I grabbed the hem of that shirt, and lifted it just a bit, that I'd see so much more of her had my heart racing.

"Abby, can I kiss you?" Sam whispered while we lay in the dark together.

The blinds were closed, and only a faint bit of light from the hall night light shone into the room. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, and I could see her face inches from mine. I'd hoped for kisses, and really wanted to feel her pressed against me with no school librarians to worry about.

"I told you, you never have to stop kissing me," I reminded her. "Now bring those lips over here so I can kiss my girlfriend!"

Her giggle delayed the kiss, but not for long. She rolled her whole body into me, her lips melding into mine as I happily sighed into her. Her leg was thrown over my hips and reminded me once more that we didn't have much on. It didn't help that her nipples were poking through the sleep shirt and that I could feel them pressing into me. I think she could probably feel mine too, since neither of us were sleeping in a bra.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" she finally said once we broke for air. "I honestly thought we'd never have a night alone!"

"Sammy, come on, you know were going to have a ton of these. We're not letting your dad make you marry Dave, and we're going to have our lives together!" I promised her, holding her close while I felt her hot tears dripping onto my cheek.

"Just hold me," she sobbed lightly. "I want to believe that I really do. But my dad isn't one to take no for an answer."

"I know. Then we'll make the best of whatever time together we have. I'll keep sneaking you out whenever he is away if I have to." I couldn't believe how miserable she was all because her father was being such an asshole. Why does greed make people hurt the people they're supposed to love?

"I don't know what I'd be doing or where I'd be if you hadn't shown up at school this year. I can't even imagine having to go through this alone," she whispered. Her hands were clutching my shirt in the middle of my back as if she thought I was going to float away.

"Oh man, I was so terrified that first day. The last time I saw you at the soccer game, you were getting dragged off the field by two blondes. I was crushed. All I could think was that it was just my luck that I'd fall in love with a girl with two girlfriends. I was expecting you to still be seeing them, and then first period there you are with them. I thought I was going to be heartbroken," I said with a chuckle, hoping to put her at ease.

She pulled away from me, look into my eyes with a huge smile. "Do you mean that?"

"Of course!" I scoffed. "You're a stunning woman, of course I could believe you'd have two girlfriends."

She shook her head softly, kissing the tip of my nose. "No, silly. I mean the part about you falling in love."

Oh damn, it was way too early to have said that! I don't know why my brain does that to me! If you're going to go down, I guess you go down swinging! "Umm. Well, I mean it was love to me at the time, yeah. But it wasn't close to what I feel now. I've learned so much about you since I've been at school that it has me falling deeper every day."

I barely had a chance to take a breath before her lips were on mine again, her tongue dancing with mine before she giggled and laughed into me. "Oh my God I'm so happy! I was terrified all of this would scare you away! I love you so much Abby! This is so crazy!"

"No chance Sammy. Nothing could scare me away from you!" I assured her. "I already made Dave back off when he threatened me, and your cousins are toothpicks. I'd prefer not to beat up your dad, but if he did anything to you, I'd rip his leg off and beat him over the head with it!"

"So, if I did this?" she reached down, and ran her hand slowly up the back of my thigh, stopping before she got too high and causing my eyes to open as wide as saucers. "It wouldn't scare you away?"

I took a shuddering breath. I didn't know if I was scared or excited, or some combination of both. But I also knew Sam. "You don't scare me, Sammy. I know you'd never do anything to hurt me."

"No, I wouldn't," she agreed. "But damn Is it hard to resist you when we're like this."

"Who said you have to resist me?" I asked her. "I might not want to rush into doing everything, but we are alone in bed in nothing but tee shirts and panties. I think we're allowed to go further than we do in the library."

"Who said I was wearing panties?" she said with a smirk, causing my jaw to drop. "It isn't like you checked what was under my shirt."

I gulped and felt my face burning. Thankfully it was still dark, but she could probably feel the bed heating up between us. "I take it back, maybe you will hurt me by giving me a heart attack!" I complained lightly. But just to get her back, I whipped my hand under her shirt and grabbed her butt, thankfully finding some lace covering it. "Had to check!" I giggled while she almost jumped on top of me in surprise.

She relaxed against me once I moved my hand, I didn't want to take things too far just yet, and then if felt as though she was another blanket since she was so soft against me. "I can't remember the last time I was this happy," she murmured.

"I can't either. I had so many daydreams about what it would be like once I got to spend time with you. I always hoped you'd be my girlfriend, but I knew that we'd never spent real time with each other. Reality with you is so much better than anything I could have dreamt though. It really is amazing." I adjusted my body, so she was laying on top of me, and idly ran my hands lightly over her back. "All I want at this point is this, right here. Every night. You and I holding each other and making sure we both understand how we feel. I don't think I could ever get enough of this."

"You make me feel so loved, thank you Abby." She picked her head up to kiss me lightly, then stared down into my eyes. "Would it be wrong for me to want to take off our shirts? Just do I can feel your skin against mine? I don't mean we should have sex yet, but I want to feel you holding me."

I didn't even answer. I just slid my fingers back down and lightly gripped the hem of the shirt she was wearing, and slowly lifted it. I wasn't scared any more. She made me feel as safe as I made her, and while I knew we weren't ready for sex, we could be ready for intimacy that would make us both feel closer. We didn't need to rush into sex for us to do that. She raised her hands over her head and allowed me to slip the shirt off her. I handed the shirt back to her just in case she got nervous and wanted to put it back on, but she just tossed it onto the floor next to the bed.

The light was still dim, but I couldn't help but gaze at her stunning physique. It took all my willpower to not reach out and touch her, to run my hands up and down her sides and across her belly. I wanted to desperately feel the weight of her breasts in the palm of my hand and see if they were as soft as the rest of her. They certainly looked that way. But I behaved, barely. Instead, I just lifted my hands over my own head, inviting her to take my shirt off too. Once she had mentioned feeling our skin touching against one another, it was all that consumed my thoughts, and I couldn't wait.

She gave me a soft smile, as though she knew how temped I was, and then tugged at my shirt until I lifted my back a little and she was able to slowly remove mine as well. I had half expected her to tease me by running her hands along my body while she did, but she didn't do anything like that, for which my sanity was glad. Once my shirt was off, she dropped it onto the floor with mine, and collapsed on top of me, burying her face in my neck as the skin of my belly and chest came into contact with hers.

It was magical.

When babies are upset, many times they just need to have skin on skin contact with their parents to sooth them, and now I understand why. Regardless of how much my eyes wanted to devour the sight of Sam's body, my skin craved her even more. She was warm and soft, yet firm and toned all at once. I could feel her breasts pressed against mine, and her stomach resting against my ribs. Every breath we took came in unison, a gentle swell and retreat as our bodies became accustomed to one another.

My hands roamed her back, not venturing too low, but just feeling her muscles. Several times she moaned lightly as my hands moved, and I would stop there, pressing a little firmer and finding tension that I could help dissolve. She was wonderous. The more she relaxed, the more it was like a pat of butter on a pancake, just spreading out until I could absorb her and become one with her.

"I don't know what to do," she whispered. "I'm afraid to do anything to mess this up."

"Don't do anything then. Don't move. Stay right there and enjoy this feeling," I told her, kissing her ear lightly.

"I think I'm going to cry, and I'm sorry for that, but this is feeling so good and I'm so happy I can't stop. But just know they're happy tears!" she tried to explain as her breathing hitched. 

"Then cry. I'm not worried. It feels a little overwhelming to me too. Like all my nerve endings are so sensitive right now, and we're not even doing anything." I was astounded at how alive I felt. I knew that if this was us just laying together, then when we decided to move onward, it would feel equally special.

I could feel her tears in the crook of my neck, but I could hear quiet happy giggles, so I knew she was feeling this too. I was never letting this girl go. I pulled the comforter over our bodies, and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend, drifting into a contented slumber.

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