By CognizantMind

32.7K 1.7K 643

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


476 29 0
By CognizantMind

"Tell me where have you kept her?"

A blow arrived on Chanwoo's jaw.

"I don't know, please leave me." he pleaded.

"Don't lie old man or else I'll make you beg on the streets at night."

"I swear, I don't know." His hands tried to dodge his punches. Chanwoo didn't change his answer no matter how much Suga charged.

Namjoon who had appeared stopped Suga from further beating him.  "He doesn't know anything for god sake." He pulled up his friend and pushed him off. A panting man looked him in the eye. Namjoon saw a thirst in those orbs. But for what?

Suga shove Namjoon aside and ordered him, "Bring me a chair and a stick."

His order didn't make the tall man move but stare at him, confused.

The man in suit reiterated, "I don't plan to kill him, but I won't leave him so easily, for fuck sake bring me a chair and stick."

The guards outside soon follow the orders given by Namjoon.

Suga puts the chair in front of a trembling Chanwoo and sits with a stick in his hand.

"This mouth of yours," he places the tip of the stick on his lips, "..will answer everything that I ask. If it doesn't then this piece of wood will land on your skin."

Chanwoo, shooks his head in denial.

"Did you understand?"

His parted lips twitched as no words left his mouth.

"Did you UNDERSTAND?!!" Suga strikes the ground which makes Chanwoo gasp.

"Yes, Yes." he nods vigorously.

"Good. Now tell me where is your daughter?"

"I swear on my life I have no idea. I didn't kidnap her."

Suga decides to change the question, "Why is your daughter in debt? What did she do?"

Chanwoo remembers the reason but is too frightened to speak in front of his death.

"I bet you know the answer don't you?" the first strike hit his skin.

"Ah!" he groans in pain, "Yes! Yes! Please don't beat me. I'll tell you everything."

"My ears are waiting."

He had no option but to make himself vomit the truth, "M-me and m-my.. wife shifted our financial b-burden to our only d-daughter when we s-ss... w-when w-we..sss."

"Ssss WHAT!??!!"

"When we ss-sold her off to a man."

"What?!!!?" His answer blew the minds of the two men in that room.

Suga's heart sank into his stomach. The torture that he did to Annastasia went at a glance in front of his eyes after hearing her past. He felt succumbed to his sins towards her.

Yet, he collected himself. His hand wanted to whip Chanwoo until he was dead but he needed more answers.

The nerves on his white face were popping out. His already chiseled jaw seemed more carved when he gritted his teeth.

"To whom did you sell her?"

"To H-Han Gyeol"

Suga shut his eyes and breathe heavily, "You sold your daughter to a MOTHERFUCKER!!"

Han Gyeol was notorious. He was a businessman as well but with a bad reputation, famous for human trafficking which no human activist could prove. Currently, he was dead as he was killed by one of his bodyguards years ago.

"Are you even her father?" Namjoon suspected.

Chanwoo didn't answer. There was no guilt but fear of death in his eyes.

"ANSWER HIM!" Suga whipped the man.

"Y-yes yes, yes, she is our only child."

Suga stood up from his chair and kicked that piece of furniture away to the corner of the room. The eyes of the shivering man grew larger in fear, he gulped and dragged his body backward.

"Should I be surprised after what you did to my parents? Huh!"

The guilty sat there with his head hung low.

Suga put that stick under his chin and raised his head. "People like you shouldn't be blessed with a child. I feel so angry, didn't your ugly soul hesitate even a little bit? HUH!? ANSWER ME!!!"

"W-we needed m-money, sss-so..."


Suga finally lost it, he stood up from the chair and knocked Chanwoo black and blue.

"How could you? You BASTARD!!!"

The beater turned into a monster within fractions of seconds. The stick in his hand was on the verge to break into two pieces. At first, Namjoon didn't stop him, but later he did when he thought his friend might end up killing him.

"Suga!! you need to stop, he will die.!! Namjoon grasped him from the back but couldn't move him away. He simply wasn't capable now to handle him. Two more men came and separated Suga from Chanwoo.

"Leave me!!" he shove them away, panting, and threw the stick to the side.

The sight of Chanwoo still breathing in front was maddening him. He lurched out of the room to the lawn outside.

"What have I done?" he pulled his hair out of frustration. What did I do? Why did I do that? What has taken over me?

All the questions approach his mind like an onshore cyclone. But this cyclone will not devastate everything it comes in contact with, it will just pass away.

His mind was thronged with infinite questions and images of her. When he tried to perceive the hell she would have gone through, he empathized.

I misjudged her. I resented her. I used her when she had nothing against me. Everybody tried to stop it but my wrecked mind and heartless body snubbed them.

Monster. That's what I am but I have to make it go.

Suga marched towards his car whose door was still open with the car keys inside. He drove straight to his house. The more he drove the more his feelings kept developing.

When your parents are your most dangerous enemy then even the worst enemies seem your friends. She already had wounds, and I just made it deeper.

The speed of his vehicle was touching the heights. It didn't bother him but it did to the other drivers on the road. The twist and turns he was making could undoubtedly land him in a fatal accident like he is attempting to commit suicide by driving recklessly. His rage was making him go crazed and he couldn't wait to reach the house shortly.

When he finally arrived at the mansion, he quickly got out of the car and briskly walked towards Jimin's door.

Suga had this feeling that his brother is present there waiting for this time to come someday. His hands full of visible blue veins were at first reluctant in knocking on the door. But after gathering his shits he knocked on it.

Jimin who was meticulously working on something went to see who it might be. When his tiny fingers open the door wide, he saw a man who was not his brother.

His eyes didn't perceive him as his brother but a man who just came out of a fight, a fight with himself. A fight that has ravaged the inner Monster in him, finally ending the symbiotic relationship. The Host that feeds on his anger was finally suppressed by him.

The plump lips of Jimin parted and a name came out his mouth, "Hyung?" His eyes captured the condition in which Suga was holding on to his body straight.

Shirt drenched in sweat, his pale face flushed pink, respirating through the mouth, and wet hairs seeming like thorns.

Suga made eye contact with his brother and then averted his eyes to the floor. Suddenly, his legs couldn't handle the load, the burden of his mind, and they fell. He kneeled in front of his brother.

Jimin who was witnessing everything was getting seriously concerned.

They both remain in their positions for a couple of heartbeats and then the sound of sobs filled Jimin's ears.

His brother was crying.

"Hyung!" Jimin held him by his shoulder and tried to lift him, "Please stand up and tell me what has happened."

Suga jerked his hands and looked up, tears were visible clearly. It wasn't a sight Jimin wanted to see. After all, he loves his brother.

"I have let down everyone, Jimin. I feel ashamed of myself." he kept his words strongly, there was no stammering.

Jimin shook his head and was still trying to lift him but Suga kept pushing his hands away.

"I have pained somebody who grew up in hell."

Jimin immediately realized that he is talking about Annastasia.

"I am willing to kill that Monster, Jimin but I can't do it myself."

A tear left Jimin's eyes.

"Please, I need her. I accept that I need her. I'm ready to apologize for my sins. Jimin, tell me where she is."

The desperation mingled with guilt in his voice reached Jimin's heart. This little Angel is always ready to forgive the one who asks for forgiveness and it was no surprise that he will forgive his brother.

"I will take you to her, myself, but please stop crying and stand up, I can't see you like this, Hyung."

He finally stood up, and both the brothers hugged each other and couldn't stop shedding tears in overwhelming guilt.

It was the day when Jimin realized the power of love. How mighty love is and how capable it can be. It can create a Monster out of a man and a man out of a Monster.

They both broke the hug and Jimin wiped the tears from Hyung's face. Suga never intended to show this vulnerable side to him, yet he did.

Time went by, both the brothers sat together and talked about the chain of events. Jimin finally gives him her address. He should have asked Annastasia before giving it but he was sure this is meant to be.

As soon as Suga gets the address he orders his private Jet to be ready.

Jimin goes to leave him at the airport and gives him his strength to face Annastasia. He also advises him the dos and don't when he meets her because this little Chim has no idea that his brother is not a novice.

Suga sits in his private jet and spends the entire time thinking about how he is going to face her and ask for an apology. He realizes that the things that he has done to her deserve no apology but he is willing not to give up before trying.

The flight lands in New York. A private car is already waiting for him. He sits inside it and gives him the address to where he wants to go.

It takes a bit of time but they finally reach there.

Suga takes out the entire address which is written on his phone and walks into the building. He asks the guard sitting there showing the no. of the flat and then proceeds. The lift takes him straight to the floor where her flat is. He walks out of the lift and searches for the door, finally when he reaches there all his confidence shatters away. His hand doesn't rise to knock, but he didn't come all the way to go back empty-handed so he finally knocks on the door and waits for someone to open it. When he gets no response he knocks again and again, still, nobody opens.

After waiting there for a moment more, a girl passing by says

"They went outside, you can wait for them downstairs."

"Oh! Thanks," Suga replied and bowed.

But he is Suga, he isn't going to wait. He calls the driver.

"Yes, Sir."

"Find me someone who can open a locked door."

"W-what?" the driver gets flustered.

"I'm giving you 10 minutes, get to work."

That driver is well aware of Suga's reputation, so he does as asked.

Within 10 minutes he reaches with a man who is pro at opening locks. The man gets to work and is successful in less than 9 minutes. Suga pays him a hefty amount and asks them both to leave.

He quickly gets inside the flat. The living room is blueish and whitish with enough space for a shared kitchen. Two big white couches lie in the center facing a LED Screen. Behind it lays the dining table for four and behind it, is the kitchen. After glancing everywhere he walks on a narrow hallway that leads to three rooms. Two rooms are in front of each other with one in the middle. He enters the right one and quickly perceives it as Jin's, he closes the door and then moves towards the left one. He enters the room and is lightened to see it.

I didn't know her favorite color is red.

He never knew because he never cared to ask. Everything in that room was red except for the bedsheets, the ceiling, and the floor.

The room gives him a feeling of her presence. Suga sees her modeling pictures everywhere. The entire wall behind her bed is covered with her single picture. The bed in the shape of a circle had numerous pillows in red satin cover, scarlet rugs surrounded the bed, with her panda sleeper on one of them.

This might be her favorite animal.

She lived like a baby pampered by Jin.

Suga somehow felt inferior to Jin and resolved to treat her more fervently than Jin does.

While walking around her room, his eyes fall on a photo frame kept on the bedside table. He picks it up, looks at it for some seconds, and then he cries.

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