Happiness 2✅

By Pink2Jai

29.6K 1.3K 53

Sequel to Happiness 1. It's Daddy Tine and Baby Sarawat Story. Their journey to becoming Parents. I try to in... More



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By Pink2Jai

Since yesterday Sarawat was getting restless, continuously thinking about Winnie's first school day, he already finish his pre school which was located nearby his house just about 10 minutes distance and he was attending only for 3 hours but now Winnie school will be at quiet a distance because Tine wanted to send his son to the best school in town. And Winnie is going to spend his 6 to 7 hours out. Just the mere thoughts of staying apart from his son for long hours was making Sarawat insanely crazy. Winnie will be starting his proper school life, initially he was happy and proud on his smart son but from last night he start to feel paranoid. What if his son need something and he was not with him to take care and what if he won't get something on time. Winnie gets hungry all the time. What if his teacher scold him and so on. Sarawat didn't able to sleep properly then he has to woke up early to prepare his son favorite lunch grilled chicken sandwich with his favorite pasta noodles.

Tine ask his wife " Baby what did you put in Winnie backpack?. Sarawat glare at his hubby and said " I only put the necessary things he needed for his first day for school. Why?"

"And what exactly are these necessary items he needs?" Tine questions bringing Sarawat back to reality. He watches as Sarawat began ticking off the list of things he had put in Winnie's backpack So Sarawat began chanting like a parrot " let's see his questionnaire form, a complete set of change clothes in a Ziploc bag in case he needs it, his lunch box with his favorite lunch inside, his Iron Man water bottle, his favorite small blanket if he feels sleepy, a pencil box with two pencils and an eraser, his books - crayons, a folder in case he needs to bring home any papers, our family picture incase he miss us, tissues, and baby wipes, Yes that's all". Sarawat ticks off all ten items with his ten fingers. Tine could only stare at his wife in total amusement, his wife is great really but he go overboard some times.

Tine chuckled and ask " wifey he is going to school, not for camping his bag weigh more than 5 pound, how he is going to carry it", Sarawat bite his lower lips the small bag really looks like his one week camping bag. With a poute he gingerly takes out unnecessary items, Tine fondly shakes his head and help his wife to take out his blanket, family picture, etc. When Sarawat finish he ask Tine to take him but Tine firmly decline Sarawat because he is damn sure his wife will cry and he will definitely get late for his important meeting, so he let his wife hug his son and bid his bye, ArWin seems opposite, he is more excited for his new school and to make new friends. Tine took ArWin with him to drop him in his new school.

First week was really horrible for Sarawat each hours seems like months to him. Without ArWin his home was quiet and seems haunted house. He call his hubby while crying so Tine took off for 2 days to stay with his wife and he also took the advantage of having his wife complete attention on him, he help Sarawat spend some time playing video games, and take him on grocery shopping. Somehow few weeks passed and Sarawat got used to with his son schedule. Although he was staying alone during day time at home he got some free time for himself which he used to hardly get previously, so after finishing house chores, and eating his lunch he got time for nap , or else he start watching YouTube vlogs, cooking videos, reading Wattpad stories, and watching a lots of bl Series.

It was everyday routine for Teepakorn family, Tine will drop ArWin to school in the morning and Sarawat will pickup in late afternoon when ArWin leave. After he comes back, ArWin will get fresh and change his clothes Sarawat bring him his snacks , or cereal whatever ArWin like he will ask ArWin what he did whole day, he will check his bag and his homework then he will put his son for nap. While ArWin takes his nap, Sarawat will prepare his dinner. And after preparing his dinner he will wake up his son and make him do his homework or his school project. After finishing school work both will wait for Winnie's Dada to come back from work while playing games or watching cartoons.

Several months passed, luckily Tine was at home, he took half day off. Tine seems very busy from past week so his wife sternly ask his hubby to come home early from work. But instead Tine got a call from ArWin school. "Err.. hmm yes, we'll be right there." Tine hung up the house phone and turned over to his wife. "We gotta go pick up Winnie from his school". Sarawat immediately panicked and ask his hubby "Is something wrong? Did something happen?"

Tine went near Sarawat and softly muttered "According to the principal, Winnie got into a fight" Sarawat was beyond shock when Tine inform him about their son first fight. Tine start grinning just thinking about his little fists knocking out another kid. Sarawat frown and said " bun it's not funny". Tine couldn't help but replied "It's kinda funny wifey" Sarawat rolled his eyes and smiled at his devil hubby who always watch action movies with his son. Sarawat ask " Whatever, I'm driving, you seems too excited with the news"

Upon reaching Sarawat immediately run and looked over hus son face and arms for any bruises or cuts. Tine was following behind and he could see the other kid had a busted lip and a bruise forming on his cheek, he held a tissue on his lip as his mother rubbing his arm soothingly. When the school staff led the parents to principal office and Sarawat finished examine his son Tine ask principle " What exactly happened?" He said the f-word to my friend da" Winnie yelled loudly while gritting his teeth. "Winnie don't shout!" Sarawat said giving him a shoulder squeeze gently.

Now, you know we don't tolerate any violence." Principle Daina said, her eyes on Winnie. She crossed her arms and huffed, she continues "And we also don't tolerate bullying." Principal Daina said turning over to the boy who was rubbing at his bruised cheek. The principal ask the other little boy who thought him the f word, he said his uncle often used it so he did. After hearing everything, the parent apologize and Tine too ask Winnie to apologize for using violence.

But Dad!" Winnie shrieked

" No buts, you heard what Daddy said." Sarawat asked.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the face" Winnie said, his nose scrunched up and his small hands were clenched in small fists, her cheeks were slightly pink. Tine had to fight back a grin, his don look so adorable when he was mad. The school principal ask both boys parents to takethe boys home for the rest of the day to cool off. Then they can come back tomorrow.

After coming back from school, Winnie stomped his small feet, Sarawat and Tine walked into the house behind him. Winnie seems sulking on his parents. He believes what he did for his best friend was right. But Sarawat internally felt proud that his son stand for his best friend but violence is never an answer to anything and ArWin must understand, instead if punching he should have gone to his teacher and informed about it. Sarawat worriedly look at Tine. His hubby understood what his wife is asking him. He assured his wife that he will talk to his son.

Tine and Sarawat let Winnie rest a bit then when he woke up they both try to play and spend time together Sarawat left his boys to cook dinner while , Tine took ArWin to his yard to play football he also try to talk and make Winnie understand that, it's not necessary to use violence on others, and if next time something like this happens he should go to his teacher and informed about it, and never go start fighting. Tine explain that if his PoP see him with bruised face they will feel very sad and cry . Winnie promise that he will never start fight from his side. And he will inform his teacher about it. Sarawat call his boys to get ready for dinner, after dinner All three decided to end the day by watching cartoon movie because next day is weekend.

When Winnie finally slept, Tine moved him into his room and make him comfortable in his bed then he came back to his wife and saw Sarawat was preparing his list of items he will need to buy. Tine ask his wife to get some sleep, because tommorow again they will be getting tired because Tine is thinking to take his little family for day out. Tine inform his wife about the same he got very happy his son loves spending time outside. Sarawat thought he need wake up early again to prepare things if they're going to spend their day out. He very well know Life I'd not just rainbow and sunshine, and most difficult job is Parenting, which is very hard indeed, but he would say he had a great partner to help him in every step on the way. And he couldn’t wait to see how his beautiful life continues to unfold all kind of Happiness with his hubby and his son being by his side.

Yay another update ❤️❤️❤️

Don't forget to hit that Star below for next update please and thank you🙏❤️

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