Happiness 2✅

By Pink2Jai

29.6K 1.3K 53

Sequel to Happiness 1. It's Daddy Tine and Baby Sarawat Story. Their journey to becoming Parents. I try to in... More



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By Pink2Jai

Tine woke up at 4:30 PM and immediately went to check his wife and kid. He look around everything was quiet, he immediately went to ArWin nursery, and saw his wife sleeping on couch, whole ArWin is in his crib sleeping soundly. Tine quietly went near both and smile. After watching his two precious person he thought he smiled his wife must be tired from last night's activity, to sleep at this hour "I admire your self control, Tine Teepakorn, Really, it's like you're not even human sometimes"

Tine went back to his closet to grab his clothes and went to take his shower. Once he got ready he felt hungry Tine thought of ordering Pizza, but his mind chirp "You really think a couple slices of pizza is going to help him?" it's not about the food. But he wanted to do something about helping him take a break and letting his wife catch his breath. so he can show him that he care and he support him. Tine walk into his kitchen he saw everything is quiet, just the perfect evening for his cooking. He check his watch and saw it's nearly time to prepare his dinner

Tine look around in his kitchen cabinets and refrigerator take out few veggies, and chicken he grabs everything and happily start cutting veggies and prepare marinated chicken, he pulled out some spices on the counter so that he don't forget to put in his dishes. And then he started preparing sauce for mashroom Curry, just the way his wife likes it, by reading recipe from internet and he put his jeera rice on side of the one stove. After finishing his mashroom recipe, he takes out his marinated chicken to cook.

Sarawat had been fed and put himself down for a nap, and all that was left now was an eerie dragging silence. It was early evening, and the sun had begun to set casting strands of red and purple across the sky, on the couch in nursery room he leaned numbly against the window sill regarding the reflections of the dying light spreading across the cityscape. He felt adrift and miserable he had his baby, it was true, but an infant didn't fulfill the need to communicate with another person. He felt everything is flavorless, his day in and day out even though he thought of spending today's whole day with his hubby but nothing such happened and this day is almost end. It was much of the reason why he took to confining himself to the nursery. He sigh and slap his cheeks to came out from his postpartum period. He stand up and scold himself saying enough is enough now.

Sarawat got up around 6 PM after looking at the time, he saw ArWin is still sleeping but he wins anytime , peacefully, he thought of getting fresh, and start preparing for his dinner. When he Walk towards his closet he has to pass through his bedroom and he saw Tine is nowhere in the bedroom. He went to the closet and grab his towel and went to his bathroom which was empty. He quickly got freshen up and went to nursery again to take ArWin because he too woke up from his nap

Sarawat took ArWin change him into nice fresh clothes, fresh nappy and came out of his bedroom to check out his hubby. He heard some kind of sizzling sound which was coming out from his kitchen. He slowly walk in his kitchen area and saw Tine in apron, already cooking dinner. Sarawat smiled watching his hubby. He almost felt bad about it. It was never his intent to make himself feel like they couldn't hang with each other, his hubby never misses any chance to stick to him, but now Sarawat is so much used too it, and that's is where his hormones not want him to act up. Now was not the time to bemoan his relationship with his hubby.

"Hey baby, dinner is almost ready just wait for five minutes" Tine shuffled towards his wife and son. Sarawat smile grew more, he swallowed and nodded his head. Tine peck Sarawat soft pink lips, before his son head. Even after only staying away, a couple of short hours away, both boys tasted familiar comfort, and Sarawat wished he could've dwelled on his hubby's embrace some more minutes. Their lips parted slowly before Sarawat rested his forehead on his hubby's chest, eyes still closed.

Tine let Sarawat sat and he looked straight ahead to examine his beloved wife features fluffy hair, defined jaw, sharp nose, perfect cupid's bow lips, hazelnut eyes. Sarawat looked right back, grinning at his hubby. With small laugh he ask, " bun I think something is burning", Tine instantly returned his attention to the food awaiting for him on stove. After about five minutes he served food, his wife definitely impressed with the effort, and their dinner continued with relaxation and laughter, not a moment wasted. Good food was shared, amusing stories about ArWin told, and endearing kisses given to each other, as Sarawat had dreamt of having dinner date with his hubby and son tonight.

After dinner Tine ask his wife to take care of Arwin and sit in the living room, he will do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. But Sarawat asked his hubby, that they'll wait for him to finish, and both waited until his Tine finished all chores, all three enter the living room then Sarawat went to sit on the carpet in front of the TV, he put ArWin in his swing, and start looking through the collection of family movie DVDs. And Tine immediately start arranging cushions and blankets on their huge sofa. Sarawat after spending 20 minutes, he finally select cartoon movie Secret life of pets', Tine didn't argue, although he was looking forward to watch some superhero movie, buy he follows what his wife decided, Sarawat turned ArWin swing to his TV, and he ask his hubby put the movie, and look after his son, he will quickly bring his apple puree. Tine put the movie, Sarawat start making eat ArWin his baby food, while Sarawat was making eat his son and his full concentration on ArWin, and where Tine was busy distracting ArWin so that he can eat and not ogle out his food from his mouth. Long before, tine and Sarawat forget about the movie and got busy with ArWin. While making ArWin eat and playing with him, both didn't realize that it was almost midnight. Just for 5 minutes Tine saw that the same movie is ending for the second time, he switch off the TV, and look at his wife, who was already sleeping, he grab ArWin and his sleepy wife in his embrace and went to sleep in his bedroom.

Winnie, giggled as Tine made funny faces at him. he had woken up crying, for some reason, and was very moody today. Sarawat wondered if maybe he was beginning to teeth. Tine was holding his son after coming back from work. "Daddy, say Daddy!" Tine continued to encourage him as he began to pull at his hair. ArWin already start saying 'PoP' to Sarawat, but he didn't seem much interest in saying Daddy, every evening it's Tine job to make his son call him " Daddy" at last Tine gave him a cute Bunny face when he looked up at him and Winnie giggled again at his father. "Pleassse just one time Winnie”

Winnie stared at him then, a curious look on his face appear before he opened his mouth and yelled, "Da da!!"

Tine gasped in surprise, staring at him in disbelief. A big smile on his face appear. Sarawat was watching his hubby's effort. He felt immense Happiness'. Tine look at his wife he asked him still shocked that his son finally called him " Dada". Tine ask " b baby d did you heard, Winnie just call me dada". Sarawat look at his son who is watching his pop's face giggling. Sarawat already heard many times dada from Winnie, but Tine never had a chance to hear personally from Winnie mouth. So Sarawat click his tongue denying and said " Really! no I didn't Heard anything" then he turned around and start giggling on his hubby's state.

After 5 years

Sarawat tick the list of things, he wanted to put in ArWin backpack, and came out from his kitchen area, one last item he almost forgot. He down the hallway and into the kitchen, he snatches the questionnaire form he filled out last night. Making a dash back inside his his room he neatly folded the paper and placed it inside the front pocket of Arwin Iron Man backpack.

Tine was trying to put on ArWin's shoes for him but finding it nearly impossible as the kid kept swinging his little legs up and down and sideways. "Winnie stop swinging your legs so da can put on your shoes for you". Sarawat lightly scold, but still little Winnie mindlessly swung his legs up and down while playing with his small Iron Man toy. Sarawat put his ArWin backpack down on the coffee table and help Tine tying his other leg shoes. Once both husband and wife finish tying Winnie shoes both voice out and let out a relieved sigh. Tine eyes landed on his center coffee table, and it's widened in amazement. He ask his wife "baby what did you put in Winnie backpack?"

Tine : long time no see shameless Pervert

Me: I ....... I ...... Was ........

Tine : ....must be busy with someone Right

Me : err....hmmm yeah... kind off ...

Tine : hmm I see... Guess you finally found someone who keeps you tying 😉

Me : 🙈😵🥴

Hello my Happiness fam, how are you guys?, Really long time no see. You already know where I was busy. But now I want to concentrate on my Happiness III book. No new book to be published until I get back on my regular schedule.

I start writing after taking break and almost got lost, but I guess slowly I will be back to my Daddy. I don't know what I wrote in today's chapter so please don't just I want ArWin grow up and also want to enjoy his cuteness as a kid so lemme just write what my heart says, and Don't judge.

Please don't come here to check spelling and grammar because I never proofread like my other work, I want to write Happiness to make me feel relax and it's kind of therapy for me to keep myself sane. I love my Daddy's too much please understand and I don't have much time too double check I'm everyday writer. Also I believe my Happiness Readers understand me very well 😻☺️

Last I ask you few weeks ago, about Happiness III, what you want BrightWin or Winbright. So I decided it will be Winbright. I want to keep Happiness Series WinBright. All through the end.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, for next update 🙏🙏

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