Are We Really In Past??

By coldcoffee29

423K 17.4K 3.8K

What will happen if our favorite juniors time travel back? How are the people in past gonna react? This is go... More

.......VIOLET SPIDER.......


7K 340 117
By coldcoffee29

Zizhen clears his throat, " Let's continue !", he said stretching his arms . It was afternoon, everyone nods . " Hmm , so let me start ", saying this zizhen started narrating the story. He told them how they again went to nie sect graveyard . Then, how the swords spirit directed them to Yi city , how was the surroundings and how all juniors were there too. Poison of puppets, Jin ling and wei wuxian brickering, taking shelter at unknown old woman's hut. Spicy congee , strange girl following them with stick ,xiao xingchen being injured, invasion of song lan as puppet, Sizhui's inquiry, fake xiao xingchen, fight between wangji and xue yang, practicing empathy........

" Hoo...bhoo.....", zizhen started crying out of nowhere making other shocked and specially making juniors irritated. " Why the hell are you crying?" , asked Jin ling crossing his arms. "Hoo....oo...lady...qing...", sobbed zizhen between his crying and he started crying more badly. " Why are you scaring us? What the hell happened in empathy?? Who is lady qing? Don't tell me something happened again because of me?", said wei wuxian getting scared by zizhen's crying. " Nothing happened because of you in empathy, please!! And you zizhen if you can't speak let me speak!!", screamed Jin ling. " Don't you think you should calm him down?", said yanli calmly. Everyone was looking at future huisang while zhuiling were looking at Jingyi who was literally cursing himself for making this lie, while zizhen was still crying and future huisang had no idea why all are staring him. " Why you all are staring me? Jin ling ,lady Jiang is right shut him up first his voice is damn irritating!!", said future huisang fanning himself. " Young master nie from future, I was saying you to calm him down , aren't you his lover?", asked yanli with a confused face.

Future huisang literally wanted to dig a hole for himself, " Such an amazing lover I have got who pairs me with his friends?? Like seriously!!", he thought. " Umm...yeah hey you shut up! Stop making unnecessary noises!! Hey stop what your name?", asked future Nie Huisang making faces. Everyone was dumbstruck, " Did he just asked name of his lover?", exclaimed Wei wuxian his eyes wided. Zizhen when heard that future huisang is saying something then , only he noticed the glare of his best friend and his lover. He immediately choke his sobs and wipes off his tears , " It's okay, no need to give tension to sect leader nie. I'm okay" , said zizhen in fear that if he didn't stop crying then, his friends will be the next crying for him like this... " Sect Leader Nie? And other don't even remember the name of his lover? You both really don't look like lovers to me?", exclaimed madam yu. " Umm...let leave this , I will continue the story ", saying this Jingyi start narrating the further story. The events of empathy, killing xue yang, song lan getting conscience, headless body of sect leader of nie, Nie Mingjue, meeting with Zewujun, going back to koi tower, wei wuxian helping Jin ling from bullies , being a paper doll going inside the room of Meng Yao , fight of Meng Yao and his wife over a unknown letter, going inside the private hidden room, finding the head of sect leader nie........

Everyone was shocked, specially two people, present huisang and zewujun. Present huisang was feeling like his whole life was a complete could Meng Yao can do something to his da ge whom he respects to much.... Zewujun was not able to posses that Meng Yao can do something like how did he not believe his own brother and tried to put good words for that so-called sworn brother of his.... Jiang Cheng noticed that and tried to put hand on xichen's hand but before he could xichen pulls his hands and sit crossing his arms. Jiang Cheng felt odd, while wangxian were holding each other's hand, " THAT XUE YANG....HOW DARE HE!!... ", wei wuxian didn't complete his sentence anger was clear on his face. While wangji was quite worried for his brother as he can see where the story is leading....his brother is definitely gonna hurt badly hearing all this . Future huisang had tight grip on his fan, thinking about Meng Yao deeds, his face was blank and serious which was never seen on his face. Jingyi slowly place a cup of tea on his table, giving his a small smile with a nod. He wanted to hug him to comfort him but he can't do that right know.....

" I guess you all don't have any questions! So, let me continue, " said Sizhui and started narrating the further story. Wei wuxian doing empathy with sect leader nie's head, seeing the true face of Meng Yao, coming back to original place, noticed by Meng Yao, escaping the place to come back to wangji, going with him to Meng Yao rooms, zewujun joined them, everyone went inside,no head was found, how Qin su killed herself, how whole table was turned and blame was on Mo Xuanyu, how shu se tried to attack, and wei wuxian took out suibian. Everyone shocked,meng yao exposed his(Mo Xuanyu) true identity, how wangxian ran but were surrounded by soldiers, wei wuxian tried to push him away but wangji was standing there with him against all, how Jin ling stabbed him, how they escaped from there and went to cloud recesses again. Wei wuxian told twin jades about the calming song played Meng Yao, zewujun protested but he told them he will do justice whoever is at fault. They all investigate in prohibited area of library, found out how Meng Yao switch some tunes and made Nie Mingjue qi deviates. Meng Yao comes to cloud recesses and told that they want to search cloud recesses for wei wuxian and also told him that wei wuxian is again summoning the corpse at burial mountain. And then wei wuxian and wangji left for burial mountain for investigation......

Zewujun was not able to posses this situation anymore!!! Not only Meng Yao ,he himself was a part of his da ge's death?? He face palmed himself, Jiang Cheng was not sure how to console him, first he was not good at that, second if tries to touch xichen hand he pulls his hand away. Wangji was knowing this will not turn out to be good but.... isn't it too much for his innocent and simple minded brother, he could see how pained his brother was.....He stand up and asked Jiang Cheng to switch his place with him , Jiang Cheng was reluctant to leave but he thought this will be probably good so, he went to sit next to wei wuxian. Jin ling had guilt in eyes too for stabbing wei wuxian, sizhui slightly squeeze Jin ling's hand giving him a assuring smile . " HOW CAN HE DO THIS!!!! I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE HE DID THIS TO DA GE??? DA GE GAVE HIM SO MUCH RESPECT AND CARED FOR HIM BUT HE!!!!!"....., screamed present huisang at the verge of crying. Jin zixuan thought, like how much fucked up his family much more shit his family had made in future!. He was ashamed of his clan and family.

" I request everyone to calm down, please feel free to blame as much as you want to , to the bastard Meng Yao or any Jin clan people, xue yang and all, but... don't you dare to blame yourself and anyone present here in this room!!! The story further is going to make a complete new twisted angle , I hope the twin prides and elder jade can control their emotions!!", stated Jin ling with a rare calm. Now everyone was scared , specially the asked persons, What more is in stock?? was the question in everyone's mind. Jin ling starts this time, he tell them how wangxian meet mianmian in their way, then wen ning, he had cleared all corpse in the way of wangxian, how they fought corpse and how weak was wei wuxian, having his sword with him too , but it was completely useless to him. They went on burial mountain, how they all found the juniors tied , how they were freed, they thought they were captured by wei wuxian but he declared himself forever poor who can't even afford people for their kidnapping so they all got that it was not the deeds of wei wuxian, how every sect was there, and how every single one except sect leader nie and Jiang, Grandmaster lan and juniors every single one was again blaming wei wuxian. He tried to tell them he was innocent but they didn't get a shit inside their head. Soon there was another round of corpse, they all started fighting but soon all people except juniors and wangxian lost their spiritual power . Sizhui gave idea that they should go inside, but shithead shu se tried to change everyone minds, but soon everyone was inside and wen ning closed the door. Grandmaster lan, made a array formation for protection, how wei wuxian exposed shu se and Meng yao's real intention, how wei wuxian protected everyone, how wen ning recognized sizhui as yuan, how Jin ling cried for his father, how they all went to lotus pier, arrival of two unknown maiden, completely exposing Meng yao, how wangji and wei wuxian went to stroll, how stupidly wei wuxian fall from the tree without giving warning but wangji catches him, they went to ancestral hall to offer their respect , how Jiang Cheng mocked them and insult wangji, how they tried to leave but Jiang Cheng stops them, how wei wuxian fell unconscious, entry of wen ning, he demands Jiang Cheng to take out suibian from its sheath, and how Jiang Cheng pulls out suibian.......

" What?? How can I pull out suibian??", panicked Jiang Cheng. So were the others. Jin ling took a deep breath, " Because... suibian knows you", he said reluctantly. " What do you mean suibian knows him?", asked wei wuxian in confusion. " Because the spiritual energy which was inside jiujiu was yours!", stated Jin ling sighing. What!! screamed everyone specially the Jiang's they were not able to posses what happened. " Can't you tell everything together? Why you are giving all mini heart attacks?", asked zizhen. " So what do you want me to do ? Tell them everything together to give them a big heart attack so their souls can left their bodies!!", said Jin ling getting annoyed." Can you leave your fucking argument for afterwards!!! Please elaborate this first!!", screamed Jiang Cheng. " Actually....there was no such mountain where Baoshan was wei wuxian who gave his spiritual powers to you...with the help of wen qing and wen ning. She took your spiritual power and transferred it to jiujiu, during the whole process one should be conscious so, the spiritual energy can be affect less, it took 2 days and one night through all the process. After that he was captured by wens and thrown to burial mountain. He didn't use sword anymore because he didn't had the power or you can say the ability to use that...he was forced to use demonic cultivation to protect himself, he didn't had other choice better than this....." , said Jin ling tears falling from his eyes .

" Wei wuxian!! How can you do this!!! You were right every single damn time but you didn't even tried to tell me!! Don't you consider me as your family in future anymore!!! Shouldering every burden alone !!!", screamed Jiang Cheng grabbing wei wuxian's collar. Wangji immediately ran to stop Jiang Cheng but wei wuxian gestures him to go back. " I GUESS , ITS THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE!! LOOK HOW NICELY YOU USED THAT SPIRITUAL ENERGY, INFACT BETTER THEN ME!!!, IF THE SITUATION REPEAT I WILL STILL DO THE SAME !", said wei wuxian he actually didn't have any regrets of giving his brother his core. He was somewhat happy after knowing why exactly he used demonic cultivation! " You dare to say that!! I am not fool enough to do the same mistake again!!!", cried Jiang Cheng hiding his face with his hands. Wei wuxian pulls him in his embrace, yanli was crying too, madam yu was quite impressed by wei wuxian but at the same time disappointed at Jiang Cheng. " A-cheng, how many times I have told not do anything recklessly , look what you did! It's all because of you , wei wuxian had to suffer this much, and yanli and Jin zixuan also died !! If he had his core he won't needed to use demonic cultivation!!!", she scolded him. " Madam Yu , giving him core was my decision! How did he is responsible for that!", screamed wei wuxian hugging Jiang Cheng tightly , Yanli Also joins the hug .I also think the same , said Jin ling. Me too , said zizhen. " I also think it's my fault!", stated Jiang Cheng breaking the hug.

Jingyi couldn't take it anymore, " Are you all done with your blame game?",he spoke coldly. Everyone's attention was on him , " Jingyi! It's my fault!!", said Jiang Cheng. " Do you the whole damn truth? Do you?", asked Jingyi calmly. " I don't remember there is anything left!! ", stated Jin ling other two nods in agreement. " Hah! How will you all know when except a-niang and baba no one else know this!!", laughed Jingyi sarcastically. " Then , how do you know? ", asked lan qiren. " Because I accidentally eavesdropped them! But...since a-niang wanted to keep this secret ! I didn't tell anyone. But since this is not gonna happen again I guess I should say this!!!", said Jingyi calmly looking at everyone. Everyone was know more anxious , even the juniors as they also wants to know what Jiang Cheng was hiding. " You all remember that senior wei was getting food when the wens were behind him they were gonna catch him.... a-niang saw that and to protect senior wei, he shouted at wens and got caught by them....he clearly knew that if got caught he will lose his life but for his brother he was accepting the death willingly. You all will be thinking he regretted his decision as he was depressed he wanted to die without his core and all...No he wasn't regretting his decision too , the thing was he wanted to take revenge for YUNMENGJIANG but without his core he knew he can't do anything he was feeling bad that he will not able to get his revenge!!!" , screamed Jingyi his heart out, all the things he used to hear for his a-niang , now he can finally proudly say all, that his a-niang is the best person and no one can lay fingers on him. Everyone was shocked and surprised with this side of Jiang Cheng , specially the juniors and future huisang too. " You are really mad!!! How can you do something like that!! You are really reckless!!", screamed wei wuxian hugging him tight. " I can say the same for you ! I did what I needed to do!!", said Jiang Cheng with a relief but he was still feeling guilty. " I'm sorry a-cheng! I'm proud of you!", said madam yu wiping her tears. Me too joined sect leader Jiang. Me three joined Jin ling, me four,five, six , seven, eight.....and it continue till the last member in the room said that!! Jiang Cheng smiles so were everyone, specially zewujun!! He thought, " EVERYONE SAID THAT HIS ANGER IS LIKE BOILING WATER BUT...NO ONE KNOWS THAT HE CAN MELT LIKE ICE FOR HIS LOVE ONES......".


Three more chapters left........

Can you tell me is this chapter was emotional or not?

If it was then,Do you need tissues?? I don't have them, bring your own😜
And bring tissues for next chapter too......

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