Let Me be His Replacement

بواسطة WifiZonedPerson

10.4K 334 74

Hoshimiya Ichigo is a second year high schooler in Starlight Academy, she is a top idol or also known as the... المزيد

Get me out of depression
Smile and Challenge?
The Stage and Feelings💝 [1]
The Stage and Feelings💝 [2]
Trust them and a bit of past
I like... Thanks
It's what you call "ship"
Let's hang out
Working with you [1]
Working with you [2]
Working with you [3]
Movie [1]
Movie [2]
Movie [3]
Movie [4]
Movie Release | Summer Cafe Concert
The Press Conference
He's Back [1]
He's Back [2]
Father's Approval

Suzukawa Family Dinner

295 12 1
بواسطة WifiZonedPerson

Third Person's POV

'Saturday. It's Saturday today' Ichigo thought as she looked at herself in the mirror. Yes, a Saturday. In Ichigo's calendar on the box of Saturday were words of reminding marked in red. Family dinner with the Suzukawa's, it's about time she met with her boyfriend's family. She smoothened her uniform and looked to her wardrobe, 'What should I wear tonight?' she asked in her mind as she scanned through her dresses, she wanted to be ready so she wouldn't have to make Naoto and his family wait later in the evening and at the same time she wanted to make a good impression on his parents. She thought long and hard yet she couldn't decide what to wear.

She then thought of asking her friend Ran who is knowledgable with fashion so she gave her a call. Her friend's advice was simple,
"You can go with a simple one that shouts out you. No need to go over the top, put effort in it but not too much and not too little" she said, Ichigo expected more from her but from what she could hear on her end were shouts and arguments. She remembered that Ran is supervising a fashion show in a mall to promote the clothing shops and they are sponsored by Spicy Ageha, they requested her guidance for it was their first time doing so and it seems that chaos happened and the stress was getting to Ran, Ichigo only thanked her and made a mental note to send some Nori bento to her for lunch. As much as she also wanted to ask Aoi she remembered that Aoi was doing an early morning shoot for the drama she's currently working on and she didn't want to interrupt her work. So Ichigo made her choice, plain and simple, though she doubts the part of the outfit that shouts out her.

Realizing that she's running out of time, she decided to make some changes later after work. She packed up the stuff she needed and headed off. Throughout the day, Ichigo couldn't help but smile, nervous and excited to meet Naoto's parents.

Naoto didn't have to do anything as a teacher, but as Nao he did. He grabbed his guitar case and went to the front door placing it to his side and sitting down, as he was putting on his shoes he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
"Naoto" a monotone voice called. He glanced back to see his mother,
"Yes?" he asked as he continued to put on his shoes.
"Does Ichigo-chan have a particular favorite food? A meal she likes?" his mother asked,
"She likes to eat nori bento and strawberry parfaits. She doesn't dislike any food either" Naoto answered. His mother chuckled lightly,
"Then I'll prepare the food I make best" his mother said,
"I heard from Tiara that Ichigo-chan's family owns a bento shop so I was wondering if she had a certain palate" his mother added as Naoto stood up.
"I'm sure she will love your cooking" he assured his mom
"Then I'll have to do my best" his mother said.

Loud footsteps could be heard from the inner part of the apartment and out came Naoto's father with a panicked look. He skidded to a halt to avoid hitting his wife and son,
"Morning! Where's Tiara?" he asked,
"Aneki already left a while ago" Naoto answered in his usual tone,
"What?! She said she'd wait for me" his father said slumping.
"If you go now then you'll catch up with the bus. And maybe Tiara" his mother said.
"Alright. I'll be off now! I'll be back in time for dinner!" his father said quickly as he put on his shoes and dashed out of the apartment. Naoto's mother sighed, she grabbed the guitar case on the floor and held it out to Naoto.
"You still have work to do right? You should get going" his mother said as Naoto nodded while taking the case from her and strapping it to his shoulder.
"I'll be back tonight with Ichigo. See you later" he said, his mother nodded and waved as he made his way to the door. He walked down the stairs and out the building, rode on his motorbike and drove to the studio. He swore he saw his father and older sister Tiara on a bus he passed by.

-Later that day-

Both Ichigo and Naoto finished work for the day, Ichigo rushed back to her private dorm and changed to her chosen outfit while Naoto changed his attire in the bathroom of the studio. He made his way back to Starlight Academy's private dorm for the Starlight Queen and Ichigo sat at the couch waiting for Naoto.

Three minutes later he arrived, he got out of his motorbike and removed his helmet. He wore a simple plain white t-shirt and a blue long-sleeved cardigan, black jeans and black sneakers. Ichigo just got out of the gate, she wore a simple plain white long-sleeved top with a pink skirt that reached an inch below her knees, pastel pink doll shoes and kept her iconic red ribbon. (Refer to pic above)

"Did I make you wait?" he asked, Ichigo lightly shook her head and smiled.
"I just got out" she said walking towards him smiling. Naoto smiled a bit and gave her a kiss on the forehead making her cheeks flush. He placed a helmet on her head and fastened it then did the same to his own,
"Let's go" he said as Ichigo nodded. They both rode on the motorbike, he started the engine as Ichigo wrapped her arms around him then they headed off to the Suzukawa residence.


Naoto's mother hummed as she cooked. Once in a while she'd look at the time and would estimate when her son would arrive with his girlfriend. Just when she finished cooking, the door to the apartment burst open revealing her daughter Tiara.
"I'm home!" she called as she removed her sandals and walked in.
"I'm not late right?" she asked,
"You came just in time. Naoto and Ichigo-chan will be here in a few minutes" her mother said,
"Okay, I'll change first and I'll come help you!" Tiara said as she entered her room.

That's when the door burst open again, this time revealing the father.
"I'm back!" he called removing his shoes and coat then hanging it to the rack by the door.
"Naoto's not here yet right?" he asked as he hugged his wife from behind.
"Not yet" the mother replied as she tasted a bit of her cooking.
"You should change now" she added as her husband chuckled
"Haha, alright" he said as he went to their room and changed. Tiara finished changing and is currently helping her mother prepare the table, after that the mother then changed her clothes. Now all they have to do is wait for their son and potential in-law.

The couple finally arrived at the apartment building. They got off the motorbike and removed their helmets then walked to Naoto's apartment. Arriving at the door, Ichigo sweat dropped as she gulped which Naoto noticed.
"Are you okay?" he asked,
"I'm just a little nervous..." Ichigo admitted, Naoto held her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry. My family will love you" he said with a small smile. Ichigo smiled in return and exhaled calming herself while Naoto opened the door and led them in.
"I'm home" he said as he shut the door behind them. Greeting them by the door is none other than Yumesaki Tiara in casual clothes. She grinned as she waved at the two.
"Welcome home Nao-kun, Ichigo-chan!" she greeted.
"Pardon the intrusion Tiara-san" Ichigo said after she removed her shoes.
"No need to be so formal. You can call me 'onee-chan'!" Tiara said as she held Ichigo's hands.
"O-okay Tiara onee-chan!" Ichigo said as Tiara giggled while Naoto gave her a look.
"Anyway! Come in come in! Mom and dad are waiting inside" Tiara said as she gestured the couple to follow her. Naoto sighed at Tiara's attitude while Ichigo giggled to herself.

They walked to the living room where Naoto's parents waited, they stood up as Tiara joined their side.
"Ichigo, they are my parents" Naoto introduced as he gestured to the man and woman.
"I'm Suzukawa Heika, Naoto's dad!" the father introduced with a grin similar to Tiara's.
"I am Naoto's mother Suzukawa Megumi. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ichigo-chan" the mother with a small smile similar to Naoto's.
"I'm Hoshimiya Ichigo, Naoto's g-girlfriend! It's nice to meet you!" Ichigo stuttered a bit as she bowed. Megumi giggled slightly as she held Ichigo's hands in her own.
"No need to be stiff Ichigo-chan. Just relax" she said.
"Yeah! You're a part of the family now so make yourself at home!" Heika beamed. This eased the tension and anxiety Ichigo felt so she curled her lips into a smile.
"Okay!" she said, Naoto smiled at this glad that they were getting along.

Megumi gestured them all at the table, the food was appetizing that Ichigo drooled a bit, Naoto only wiped it with his handkerchief making Ichigo flush red from embarrassment. They all sat together and chat as they ate. With the first bite, Ichigo had stars on her eyes as she found the food delicious which made Megumi happy for she wanted to impress Ichigo with her cooking. Throughout their dinner, Ichigo and Naoto told the family about how they first met to a steady friendship to falling in love and confessing, both Heika and Tiara were excited the whole time while Megumk remained calm as she listened. Ichigo also noticed that Heika has brown hair and golden eyes while Megumi has raven black hair and violet eyes. 'So Tiara onee-chan got her eyes from their mom and her hair and attitude from their dad while Naoto got his eyes from their dad and his hair and attitude from their mom' Ichigo thought as she stuffed her face with food. She also learned that Heika is an electrical engineer while Megumi is a musician who used to participate in competitions. She concluded that Naoto loved music through his mom.

"It was back in college when the auditorium suddenly had a blackout and our professor forced us to fix it! Said it's a good test with what we learned. That's when I met Naoto's mom! She was getting ready for her piano concert backstage in the dark and I mustered up the courage to talk to her!" Heika shared as he reminisced,
"She was very cold and distant, similar to Naoto right now. But I was able to warm her heart!" Heika said proudly as he stood up, Naoto raised a brow at the mention of his name while both Tiara and Ichigo clapped as they woahed.
"Alright, sit back down" Megumi said coldly as she dragged him to his seat, Heika only laughed sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

They also asked about Ichigo to get to know her so Ichigo shared a few stories about her family and friends along with her experiences as an idol. After they finished dinner, they cleaned up the table and Ichigo helped in washing dishes. They all gathered at the living room and Tiara brought out a few albums that had pictures of the family such as Tiara and Naoto's pictures when they were younger. They shared stories from the pictures while Ichigo listened and looked at the picture, Naoto kept his  impassive look but he was actually embarrassed.

Ichigo had a fun time with the Suzukawa's and she was able to learn more about Naoto. The family saw them out while Ichigo and Naoto were preparing to leave.
"Thank you very much for inviting me. I really enjoyed it" Ichigo said with a bow.
"The feeling is mutual. Ichigo-chan, you're welcome to come back and visit as you please" Megumi said as Ichigo slightly widened her eyes
"I can?" she asked.
"Of course. There's actually a few recipes I want to learn and I'm hoping you could teach me" said Megumi. Ichigo gave her a close eyed smile.
"Sure! I can teach you everything I know! After all, my friends sometimes call me a walking cookbook!" Ichigo beamed making Megumi crack a rare smile.
"Then I'm looking forward to it" Megumi said, stars formed on Heika's eyes as he gave his wife a big embrace.
"Megumi! You're so cute!" he said as Megumi's cheeks flushed
"What are you saying?" she asked back in her monotone tone. Ichigo looked confused for a moment so Tiara leaned to her ear
"Actually, it's really rare for our mother to smile" she whispered as Ichigo understood Heika's reaction. Naoto sighed at his parents then checked his watch, he walked towards Ichigo and held her hand in his.
"It's getting late, I'll send Ichigo to her dorm" he said.
"Okay! See you around Ichigo-chan" Tiara said as she waved.
"Be careful you two" Heika reminded with a grin.
"Come visit us when you can" Megumi said as Ichigo smiled at them.
"I will!"

Back at the Staflight Queen's private dorm, Naoto insisted that he walked Ichigo to the door of the manor. They talked about the things that happened back at the Suzukawa residence.
"Did you have fun?" he asked,
"Yeah! I really enjoyed talking to your family. I felt like I got to know you more!" Ichigo beamed. They talked more but their conversation was cut short when they already arrived at the door.
"We both still have work tomorrow so get some sleep" Naoto said as Ichigo opened the door
"Mhm, I will" Ichigo replied. Before she entered, Naoto held her wrist making the blonde turn to face him in wonder. Not saying a word, Naoto only pulled her close and embraced her. Ichigo was surprised from the sudden act but returned the hug anyway, they broke from the hug and smiled at one another.
"Good night" they said to each other before they parted ways.

-The next day-

"And? What happened?" Aoi asked curiously as the usual trio walked along the halls of TKY TV.
"Then, this happened. And that!" Ichigo explained as Aoi nodded excitedly
"Yeah? Yeah?" Aoi asked then the two childhood friends fangirled.
"It's good that things went well between you guys" Ran said referring to Ichigo and Naoto's parents.
"Yup! I was really nervous at first but everything went well" Ichigo said with a giggle as Aoi thought.
"If this goes well... then I see..." she started as she walked ahead of the two then turned to face them with a thumbs up.
"A guaranteed future where you two get married!" she declared confidently. Ichigo processed her words for a moment then turned red.
"Wh-what? M-married? Me and Naoto?" she said as she imagined a future where they actually got together.
"Aoi, aren't you rushing that idea?" Ran asked as Aoi crossed her arms.
"It may be early to think of that, but as long as the two love each other then it's a sure ending!" Aoi stated as she nodded to herself. Ichigo's thoughts raced to that idea for a few seconds but her fantasy was caught off when her Aikatsu Phone vibrated. She took it out from her pocket and checked who the caller is.
"Raichi?" she said as she answered the call and a hologram screen appeared above the phone.
"Onee-chan!" Raichi called catching the attention of the other two idols.
"Oh? Raichi?" Ran said leaning to see while Aoi did the same.
"Hello Raichi!" she greeted. They exchanged a few greetings together as the tril arrived at the studio and took their seats while the staff prepared the set.

"So why did you call?" Ichigo asked as she tilted her head to the side in wonder.
"Right. I called to tell you that Otou-san is coming home" Raichi said as Ichigo's eyes widened.
"Really? He's coming home?" Ichigo repeated while Raichi nodded.
"Yeah! He just called Okaa-san a while ago and said that he finished work so he's coming home and will be staying for two weeks" Raichi explained as he remembered the conversation between their parents Ringo and Taichi.
"That's great!" Ichigo said with a smile.
"Oh, and Otou-san also said that he wants to meet Naoto nii-san" Raichi added making Ichigo open her mouth in shock. They ended the conversation since they're about to go live, Ran and Aoi looked at Ichigo as said blonde was thinking.
"Raichi said that Otou-san will arrive by friday... what if Naoto is busy?" Ichigo thought out loud.
"You just need to talk to each other about it and agree on a day where he is available" Aoi advised as Ran nodded in agreement.
"Right. He has work in this building right? You should tell him" Ran added.
"Okay. I'll make sure that they get along!" Ichigo said in determination as her two friends assured her that she has their support.

She already messaged Naoto to meet up outside the building when their work is finished and currently she's waiting for him outside. She hummed to herself as she waited when someone joined her side.
"Hey" the voice said. Ichigo whipped her head to see the person she was waiting for.
"Did I make you wait?" he asked as Ichigo lightly shook her head.
"It's alright, I wasn't waiting long" Ichigo replied.
"So? What did you want to tell me?" Naoto asked as Ichigo put her hands behind her back.
"Well... when are you free this week?" she asked.
"Friday evening. Why?" he asked back.
"My dad is coming home this week and he said he wanted to meet you" Ichigo informed, Naoto blinked for a bit then closed his eyes.
"I see. Alright, I'll meet him on Friday. It's about time I properly introduced myself to him" he said when he opened his eyes. A smile formed on Ichigo's face when she heard his answer.
"Okay!" the two talked for a bit about the Friday meetup then separated ways for Naoto still had band practice. Ichigo made her way inside the building and was joined by her two friends Aoi and Ran.

Yeeyyees, another chap done! I swear, I really don't know how this kind of thing goes cuz your girl Wifi-san is single huhu. Next chap, Naoto will meet Taichi and something's gonna happen, whkkokkkjsj. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed thiz and look forward to the next one.

Wifizone shutting down

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