Movie [1]

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Ichigo's POV

"And that's what happened!" I said as I finished my story telling, Aoi had tears on her eyes as she shook Ran
"How cute! That confession must be legit! It has to be!" Aoi said as she squeeled for the unth time, after shaking Ran she gave her an apologetic smile as Ran sighed
"Well, if he were to confess then that's pretty much what he'll say" Ran said smirking as I blushed.
"But you're lucky! You get to be in a movie with your crush. And both of you are the leading roles too!" Aoi said as she sat back
"I bet Maruno-san ships the both of you too" Ran said smirking
"What? That can't be it" I said trying to shake off the idea until I remembered something

"Oh right, I almost forgot to tell you guys" I said catching their attention. I grinned
"Both of you will also be in the movie with us!" I exclaimed, they widened their eyes as they tackled me in a hug
"That's great news! Great news!" Aoi said squeeling
"It's nice that they put us together. What are our roles?" Ran asked
"You're my best friends!" I said as I smiled,
"This is exciting! I get to be in a movie with you guys and at the same time we get to see MoTrue!" Aoi said dreamily as I sweat dropped remembering that Naoto didn't like his band to be called that way,
"Oh, and I get a little sister" I mentioned
"Really? Who is it?" Aoi asked excitedly
"I'm not sure, the audition was 2 days ago and I forgot to ask" I replied as I rubbed the back of my head. Aoi slumped a bit before returning back to normal.
"That's fine! We'll be meeting her on the day of filming" I said reassuring Aoi

"Of course! Wahh, this is so exciting! I can't wait! Ran! Our ship might really sail!" she squeeled as Ran smirked
"That's a big possibility"
"We meant you and Suzukawa-sensei"
"Eehh? Oh come on guys, don't give me hope" I whined
"You should probably do. I have a feeling something is gonna happen" Ran said
"Like what?"
"Who knows?"
"Oh come on!"
They only laughed at my reaction as I pouted. After a few seconds, they calmed down
"Should we do practices?" Ran asked
"I think it's fine. After all, we already are best friends" Aoi said with a wink and all of us giggle. Then all of a sudden Aoi's eyes sparkled as she looked at me
"Is there gonna be a kiss scene?" she asked, my face turned red as I covered my face
"I-I don't know but the hug was enough!" I said aloud and they only laughed at my reaction.

Naoto's POV

"Really?! We get to be in a movie with Ichigo-chan?!" King asked with stars in his eyes, I only sighed as I nodded. He then jumped around cheering here and there around the studio. I only sighed as Hiro and Shurato laughed

"So Nao, how was the audition? Did something happen?" Hiro asked with an innocent smile on his face, my cheeks turned pink as I looked the other way
"Not really.."
"Something did happen" Hiro said as Shurato nodded in agreement. King stopped jumping around and went in front of me with a huge smile
"What'd you do? Did you confess or kiss or something?" King asked, I turned red from the memory of confessing and hugging her for the commercial. I only looked down as I turned
"Nothing of the sort.." I muttered, Shurato chuckled
"Awe.. Nao's blushing" he pointed out
"Really? That's like so rare!" King exclaimed
"He must really like Ichigo-chan" Hiro said with a smile.

I breathed in and out then I turned to look at them with my usual cold expression making them flinch
"Practice until 8 pm. No breaks" I said making them shock
"No way!!!" they shouted in unison
"Positions!" I demanded as they just sighed and went into their places. We practiced until 8 pm and went home tired, as I arrived I sat down on my bed and looked at the calendar. The day of filming is coming close, I think we'll be having a meeting first. I only smiled looking forward to filming.

~Day of filming~

Third Person's POV

The filming location is at a school, the staff were doing what they have to do as the actors and actresses slowly arrive. More-Than-True arrived first and were sitting down waiting for the other actors. In a while, Soleil arrived.
"Wow! A school!" Ichigo exclaimed
"What's with the school Ichigo?" Aoi asked as she held a laugh
"That's because I haven't been to a school like this in a while! Last time was my school with Aoi!" Ichigo said as she and Aoi gave nostalgic sighs. Ran only smiled at the two as she placed a hand on their shoulders
"Come on, we've got a film to do" Ran said as the three went on walking to where the staff were.

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