Father's Approval

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Third Person's POV

The sound of the doorbell resounded along the walls of the Hoshimiya residence. Ringo, who was washing dishes, knew who was at the door and wiped her hands with her apron. She proceeds to the door and opens to see her husband back from his work. He enters the house as Ringo flashes him a smile.
"Welcome home, Taichi-kun" she said as the man she addressed removed his hat and reflected her smile.
"I'm home Ringo"

Friday came and it was late afternoon. Ichigo just finished recording a variety show she was invited in, she walked out of the building and looked around for her ride. At the same time, Naoto was standing by his motorbike then noticed the blonde idol with her iconic red bow bouncing as she walked, who so happened to be his girlfriend, so he raised a hand to get her attention.
"Ichigo!" he called. Upon hearing her name, she turned to look for the source and found Naoto. She broke into a smile as she made her way to him, embracing him by the time she arrived. Naoto only returned the hug with one hand wrapped around her waist and the other stroking her head.
"Good work today" he said in a gentle voice, Ichigo snuggled to Naoto's chest as she replied.
"Mhm, you too" she said in a muffled voice. They broke the hug for Naoto to put on their helmets, putting on his then Ichigo's.
"What happened to my ride?" Ichigo asked curiously as she looked around for the familiar van provided by the school.
"I told them you're going with me today" he answered casually. The two then got on the bike and made their way to Ichigo's house. After all, today was the day that Naoto formally introduced himself to the Hoshimiya's.

It was getting dark and the street lamps lit the road one by one. He parked at the front of the Nandemo Bento shop that belonged to Ichigo's family and they got off.
"Does your family know we're here?" he asked.
"Yup. I already texted them that we were coming over" Ichigo replied as she opened the door. Her parents greeted her with smiles, especially her father who has come back home from work.
"Otou-san!" Ichigo called happily as she attacked her father with hugs.
"Welcome home!" she said as Taichi laughed.
"I'm back! How have you been?" he asked as he pulled away.
"I'm doing great!" she answered with a small giggle.
"Oh! Let me introduce you two!" Ichigo said excitedly as she returned to Naoto's side.
"Otou-san, this is my boyfriend Naoto!" she introduced him confidently.
"I'm Suzukawa Naoto, it's a pleasure to meet you sir" he greeted politely as he bowed then stood up straight. Taichi eyed him for a bit then introduced himself.
"I'm Hoshimiya Taichi, Ichigo's father" he offered his hand for a shake, Naoto accepted it and shook hands with him.
"Alright Suzukawa-kun, how about we talk in the living room? Just you and me if you don't mind" he offered with a questionable sweet smile.

"I don't mind at all"

"Great! It's just this way"

Taichi led Naoto to their living room leaving Ichigo worried.
"Will everything be okay..?" she asked as her mother gave her a reassuring pat on the back.
"Don't worry, everything will be alright. Let's prepare dinner while they talk, hm?" she suggested as Ichigo nodded optimistically and they both proceed to the kitchen.

Taichi and Naoto arrived at the living room, with a menacing vibe coming from the older man. He gestured Naoto to sit at the sofa, which Naoto accepted, and grabbed a chair from the dining table to sit across the raven-haired boy. Taichi studied him while Naoto himself sat quietly. He spotted Raichi peeking behind the door to listen in the conversation but Taichi sensed his presence.
"Raichi" Taichi called in a stern tone making Raichi flinch and stand straight.
"Y-yes?!" he responded with a panicked expression, a bit scared from the vibe Taichi was emitting.
"Go help your mother and sister" he said as Raichi sweat dropped.
"O-okay" he said as he took his leave.

Taichi continued to eye Naoto for a few minutes. He then decided to speak up and start his interrogation.
"Suzukawa-kun" he started.

"Yes, sir?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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