Let's hang out

465 19 3

Ichigo's POV

I got finished with work. I am in my disguise as I walked around the park in the city.
"I'm tired" I said to myself as I yawned. I saw a stall of a man selling something, I went closer to take a good look and he was selling tickets. I went to the stall

"Excuse me sir, what are you selling?" I asked, he looked at me and gave me a big smile
"Hello there lovely miss, I am selling tickets to a theme park." he explained, 'Theme park?' I thought. 'Maybe I can hang out with Suzukawa-san' I thought.
"How much is the ticket?" I asked
"¥100 each" he answered, I paid ¥200 and received 2 tickets to the theme park.
"Thank you!"
"Anytime miss!" I walked back to the Academy to tell Aoi and Ran what I'm planning.

As I walked in the gate to the dorms, I spotted Suzukawa-san walking outside the gates (It's like he is walking outside the dorm gates) I quickly went inside and hid behind a bush, I took a peek out and saw him leaving. 'He looks tired' I thought, I went out of the bush and went inside the dorm and headed to my room

"Aoooiiiiiii" I called,
"Gah! You scared me"
"Sorry" I said as I sweat dropped, I took a shower and changed into my pajamas and lied down on my bed. I let out a big sigh.
"How was work?" Aoi asked
"Fun and tiring as always" I answered
"Ichigo guess what?"
"What?" Aoi stood up and posed like she found something great
"There is a ship in this school, and I will do anything in my power to make it sail!" she stated, I looked at her cluelessly
"What do you mean? There's no ship in the school. How can a ship be on land anyways?" it was silent, Aoi stood up straight and coughed
"It's actually another meaning" she said, I tilted my head a little bit to the side
"What's the other meaning?" I asked
"I shall explain!" she said as she did a dramatic pose

~after the explanation~

"Oh... I get it"
"Mmhmm. And do you know who the ship is?"
"Who is it?" she did another pose and said
"You and Suzukawa-sensei~" I was still processing what she said, then my face turned red
"What?! Are you kidding me?" she gave me a smirk
"No I'm not kidding. And I will be doing anything in my power to make the IchiNao ship sail!" she said as we did another pose, a knock came from the door

*knock knock*

"Yes?" I said, the door opened and there was Ran
"Hello, how are you?" I directly ran to Ran and hugged her tightly,
"Ran! Aoi is torturing me" I said as I showed a sad face
"No I'm not. I am simply informing you that I will be helping you. Ran's with me too" Aoi explained
"What! Ran..." I looked at Ran
"Sorry Ichigo, but it's true, I'm with Aoi" she said, then I remembered what I was gonna tell them
"Oh right. I want to tell you guys something" then I lead them to sit at Aoi's bed. I sat on mine and took a deep breath
"Well... The thing is.." I started
"Go on.." they said together
"Go on...."
"I bought tickets and..."
"I'm.... on... to..."
"What? Could you say it again a but louder?"
"I'm gonna..... sensei...."
"A little but more louder?" I breathed in and out
"I'm gonna ask Suzukawa-sensei to hang out with me at the theme park this Saturday!" I said out loud as my face turned really red. They looked at each other, then back at me
"Really? Congratulations!" Aoi said
"Have a fun time there" Ran said
"I haven't even asked him yet.." they just looked at me
"Then ask him tomorrow"
"Wh-what! But I—"
"We'll be supporting you"
"You don't have to worry" I sighed
"Yes!" then they high-fived each other.

~the next day~

We were walking around the school hoping to bump into Suzukawa-san.
(Just to remind you guys that Ichigo calls him with -san when alone and calls him with -sensei when there are other students or teachers)
"I'm nervous..."
"Don't worry, just be yourself and you'll be fine" Aoi advised me,
"Thank you Aoi... Ran" I thanked them
"Isn't that Suzukawa-sensei?"  we all looked at where Ran was looking and it was him. He was sitting at a bench looking up at the sky under the shade of the tree. My heart beats and my face grows red as I watch him.
"Go Ichigo"
"You can do it"
"Thanks guys" I approached him slowly, 'Just be yourself. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Everything will be fine'  I chanted in my head, I was near him and I called out to him
"S-Suzukawa-sensei" he looked at me
"Oh, hello Hoshimiya" we just stared at each other, then I said something to break the silence
"M-mind if I sit with you?" I asked
"Sure" he replied as he looked ahead and I sat next to him, with a bit of distance. 'How should I start this?' I thought

Naoto's POV

It was silent, my heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest. 'I need to initiate a conversation' I thought
"What do you need?" I asked, she looked at me
"W-well it's... um..." she stuttered, 'Cute' I thought. I just realized that I have feelings for her days ago.
"Suzukawa-san" she called
"U-um.. You see... Um..."
"I-I bought tickets to-to the the-theme p-park and I-I wan-wanted t-to ask you if-if you're fr-free this Sa-Saturday. S-so can we hang out.... then?" she explained as she stuttered, her face is really red. 'She wants to hang out with me?" I thought, I gave her a smile
"Okay" her face turned more red, and she stood up
"Really? Thank you Suzukawa-san. I'll be meeting you outside of the dorms gate at 11:00 pm on Sarurday. See you!" she said as she left. I smiled to myself
"I can't wait" I said to myself

Guys I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for updating REALLY LATE. It's been ages ever since I updated. I'm really sorry. I'll try my best to update from to time. I promise you guys. See you on the next chapter

WiFizone shutting down🔚🔚🔚🔚

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