He's Back [1]

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Third Person's POV

Mizuki decided to pay a little visit to her friend Mikuru who actually lives near her agency. She put on her usual hat and headed out, informing Honoka about where she was going beforehand. She arrived to see Mikuru watering her plants, Mikuru noticed her and waved. She let Mizuki enter her home and prepared tea, Mizuki sat at the couch in her living room and grabbed the remote
"Mind if I turn on your TV?" she asked
"I don't mind!" Mikuru called back, and so Mizuki pressed the button and proceeded to watch TV.

A few seconds later, Mikuru joined her with tea and the two chatted about their recent activities and events that occurred. Then Mikuru realized something about today and decided to tell Mizuki
"By the way Mizuki" she said
"Hm?" Mizuki hummed in response as she took a sip of her tea
"Someone's coming today" she said, Mizuki looked at her in question and put her tea cup on the coffee table
"Who is it?" Mizuki asked
"It's-" Mikuru was cut off by the ring of the doorbell, the two turned to the door wondering who it was then Mikuru stood up
"It must be him!" she claimed excitedly as she ran to the door leaving a confused Mizuki.

Mikuru dashed to the door and grabbed a hold of the doorknob, she twisted it to open the door revealing a teenage boy who had pale white hair and pale skin who also has sky blue eyes, the boy looked at her a bit surprised but then smiled
"Hello, Mikuru-nee" he said, Mikuru teared up as she gave the boy a tight hug
"Welcome home!" she said, she pulled away as she grabbed hold of his shoulders and inspected him
"Wow... you've grown. You're even taller than me!" she said pouting a bit, the boy chuckled
"Even so, you're still my onee-san" he cooed, Mikuru snickered as she gestured him inside
"Come in" she said then the two went inside her home.

The boy looked around the place as he took in the feeling of home
"This place hasn't changed one bit" he said, they then went to the living room where Mizuki waited. Mizuki and the boy shared confused looks to see a new face in Mikuru's home
"Oh! Let me introduce you" Mikuru said,  she went to Mizuki's side and made her stand
"This is Kanzaki Mizuki, my friend. And she works as an idol too!" she said, she then went to the boy's side
"And this is Natsuki Itsuki. He's my little cousin, he came back from America and will be staying here for a while" she introduced, Itsuki bowed
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Natsuki Itsuki. Thank you for taking care of Mikuru-nee" he said then stood straight again, Mizuki then bowed
"Kanzaki Mizuki. Mikuru is a great friend, she was even a great idol" Mizuki said with a smile. Itsuki looked at her puzzled then at Mikuru
"An idol...?" he asked, Mikuru laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her head
"Yeah... Mizuki taught me about it and made me her partner. It was really fun!" she exclaimed as Mizuki giggled. Itsuki's eyes lit up as he held both fists in excitement
"I would like to see you perform. Not a recording but live!" he said, Mikuru and Mizuki made surprised faces as they looked at each other but giggled.
"Okay. Prepare yourself, Itsuki!" Mikuru said as they performed.

As they ended the performance, Itsuki clapped as he stood up from his seat
"That was amazing, Mikuru-nee!" he said as Mikuru snickered
"You too, Mizuki-nee! Oh, do you mind if I call you that?" Itsuki asked as Mizuki shook her head
"I don't mind at all" she said as Itsuki smiled, he then punched his fist to the air
"Alright! I'm gonna cook us some lunch!" Itsuki said as Mikuru whooped loudly.
"Keep your stuff first, okay?"

"Haha, I almost forgot about that!"

Mizuki and Mikuru sat at the dining table as Itsuki served their food
"Here you go! Itsuki's special omurice!"

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