Pink Skies (Dean and Sam Winc...

By OzzyBlack22

213K 6K 594

"Well Jack called for me, " Rania told them. "I did not, " Jack said looking at her with accusing eyes. "Ye... More

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Pink Skies-26

1.5K 55 3
By OzzyBlack22


Mary was engrossed in the books she found in the bunker trying to better understand her daughter. Everything she currently found was related to demons, vampires, ghouls,angels and how to defend against evil  although nothing pertained to Rania at all. A few weeks had passed with no occurrence but due to them having a mission soon in Florida Mary was wary of the young girls well being.

'Is it a curse that she can't control, or is it something more?,' Mary pondered it over and over again especially the mention of angels and God himself. Getting up to look for another book she looked above her head noticing a rose gold shimmer she squinted in confusion. It stood out amongst the darker books although she just noticed it seemingly appearing out of nowhere glimmering, Mary sighed deeply as she climbed up the ladder. Grabbing the book in her hands she gasped a bit, the cover was thick plush pink velvet with roses and thorns decorating the bind it even smelled sweet.

"Hey Mama," a soft voice stated from behind as she looked over her shoulder to see her sweet Rania.

"Hello sweetie, what's up?," Mary was asked placing the book back as she came down,the last thing she wanted was for Rania to know she was looking up info on her. Rania was  a bit difficult to work with if she thought you didn't trust her or was looking up ways to control her. Mary was not quite sure where it came from but her tantrum's were not pleasant and she wanted to avoid one at any cost.

"We are packing to head out for the mission but I need your help," Rania pouted causing Mary to chuckle as she climbed down  and wrapped her arms around her.

"What do you need help with?," Mary asked as they walked to Rania's room in a brisk pace.

"Jack scares me," she whispered to Mary as soon as the door closed behind them. Mary was confused she did notice Rania distance herself from him but she thought it was due to her wanting to learn about where she's at,not once did she recognize anything other than that.

'I'm responsible for her,even if I saw nothing I must believe in her unless other information comes forth,' Mary thought, she wasn't sure what exactly occurred but Rania was pretty steadfast about what actions she was ok with and not. Sitting on the bed Rania followed laying her head in the woman's lap as she played with her thick coiled pink hair. Rania seemed shaken by whatever had occurred but Mary knew to be patient as not to alarm her.

"Jack makes me uncomfortable," Rania stated low.

"What did he do?," Mary asked.

"He makes me feel like an animal," Rania stated trying not to cry.

"Like an animal,how?," Mary questioned her softly trying not to become upset.

"He makes me feel like he wants me in zoo, in a cage," Rania stated then hiccups began to follow her soft cries.

"He makes you feel like your meant to be displayed," Mary pondered a loud.

"Yes it's just like... how he wanted me," Rania whispered confusing Mary as to who he was.

"If he ever does anything or harm you, I as well as my sons will protect you," Mary told her embracing Rania tightly. She did not want to shame or deny what Rania said to her, she was fragile but not an idiot as Mary made a mental note to speak to her sons about it.


Jack was becoming fed up with the lack of impact the spell seemed to have. It was much too slow to show him any proper effects as he worked on enhancing it to push Rania towards him. Daily seeing how the Winchester brothers grew closer to her he regretted praying for her to be there for them, he should've been selfish and summoned her for himself.

He did not know why he felt an intense longing for the girl, as if he knew her for eons yet could not get a proper hold on her yet. He dragged his feet grabbing food wondering what other materials he'd need to strengthen the spell when he felt a wave of dark energy wash over him. Although it was late,humans were still moving about but he knew someone was not who they pretended to be. The sense of the memorable energy washed over him again as he followed the direction. Jack could not tell whom it was coming from but he was in the right direction as the waves seemed to intensify.

As the crowd slowly thinned he ended up at a park, following a lone woman in all black with a sleek ponytail. Jack soon realized it was no accident that he followed her as she turned around to face him with coal black eyes.

"What the hell do you want?," he asked angrily, "my father's not here so why are you sniffing around me?"

"Well for me of course," a smooth southern voice stated coming from the darkness of the tree lines. He was older,in all white reminding him of the KFC man,but younger. A short laugh was in his throat but he kept it down as they observed each other.

"Who are you?," Jack asked disgusted feeling the darkness on this man swell it almost was the same as Lucifer.

"I am Asmodeus think of me uncle of sorts," he stated as the woman laid a handkerchief on the nearby park bench before he sat.

"Great family reunion, I'm out," Jack stated turning to leave.

"Already?," the southern voice drawled,"You haven't even heard what I wanted or what I could do...for you," Asmodeus stated as Jack turned around to snap but stopped as he saw the man,who claimed to be his Uncle, pull out a dim glowing pink rose, he could feel Rania's power from it. Although faint and weak,it was most definitely hers,causing him to stop and listen.

"What do you want?," Jack asked wondering how his Uncle got it.

"The same thing you want, to make her yours," Asmodeus stated smiling softly.

"I wasn't born yesterday, why help me with that?," Jack stated giving a mock chuckle,"I doubt she'd find you attractive."

'She doesn't even like you,' Asmodeus thought as a light smile covered his face.

"Rania is a powerful being and hell needs rulers, your father failed to make her a Queen," Asmodeus stated,"but you don't have to."


Vote,comment,share and happy reading I will be updating more accordingly

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