Yours • Park Jimin ✔️

By Fauve__

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A birthday gift for a friend of mine!! Amin is saved from an unknowm man, by Jimin. But she doesn't know who... More



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By Fauve__

3rd person narrative----

Jimin couldn't process it.

His parents were dead. The only people who gave him parental love were dead. He shook his head; he couldn't believe it.

"No," he mumbled. "No, no, no, this can't be happening," he muttered and tugged at his hair.

How was he going to tell Amin?

Tears fell out of his eyes and for the first time, Jimin felt pain. He felt what pain meant. But it was an odd feeling for him; his chest hurt and so did his dead heart.

He had grown to love those two people who had welcomed him to their home a few days ago. He had grown to love the feeling of having parental affection.

But now, he had lost that.

And it hurt him.

Wiping his tears, he took a shaky breath and made his way to where he had last left Amin.

Even though the talk with the officer and his walk back took barely five minutes, it still felt like an eternity. Jimin felt slow.

Being a vampire meant he could usually move anywhere in just a blink of an eye. But his body was too numb and too shocked to even take a step.

Finally after what seemed like a millennia, but was just a minute, he reached to the place where Amin stood.

"Jimin," she spoke his name as she saw him coming back. She ran to him and held his shoulders. "What happened? What did the officer say? They're going back, right?" she bombarded him with questions as he looked into her eyes.

How could he tell her? She would break.

"Jimin?" But all he could do was stare into those eyes that he always found himself lost in. "Jimin?" she asked again and shook his shoulder. Panic was now written all over her face.

"Amin," he spoke in a whisper. She didn't wait patiently this time like she always did; instead, she shook him and asked him what these people were doing and where her parents were.

"They- Amin, they were murdered. They're.....dead," he said in a dangerously low voice. He hated himself; he hated himself for how he had said those words.

He didn't want to tell her but he had to.

"W-what? Jimin, okay, enough joking around. I get it, it was a prank or something; you can all quit now," she said the same words Jimin had said.

But Jimin looked at her seriously. And then what he saw next broke her heart.

She turned around and ran to the double doors that led inside the mansion. Jimin was instantly back to his senses as he saw his girlfriend running inside.

Using his ability, he was behind her in an instant, and held her arms.

"What are you doing, Jimin? Let me go," she said and tried to get herself free from his hold, but his hold was that of a vampire.

She kicked and thrashed and kept screaming at him to let her go. Jimin wanted to break down right there and never get up again. He felt pain in all of his body; but especially in his dead heart.

Their parents had died and his girlfriend thought they were inside.

Finally giving up, she collapsed in his arms and cried harder as she hit his chest. " to...see....see them...Jimin," she said in between her sobs.

The way she spoke his name with so much heartbreak and pain in it, stabbed his heart very badly.

And Jimin hugged her. He hugged her tight and finally let his tears flow as well. He too was in pain after all.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled as both of them sobbed, "I'm so, so, sorry." But all she did was cry and tell him to let her go.

"Jimin," Amin spoke after crying so much, there were no tears left to cry anymore. Her voice was hoarse from all the crying and shouting to let her go.

"Jimin, you need to let me go inside. Please," she pleaded in his chest and the way she said her last word broke his heart again. She sounded so helpless; so broken.

Slowly, Jimin un-wrapped his arms from around her and laced his fingers in hers and they walked inside.

Everything was in its place when they walked inside. The maids were being interrogated by the officers. There seemed to be no sign of any struggle. The assassins had done their work very well.

Tears flowed out of her eyes once again. They went towards the stairs but Amin couldn't go up there. She was too scared of seeing their room.

She collapsed on the stairs and her sobs filled the air. Jimin pulled her in his lap as they sat on the stairs and sobbed together.

Jimin didn't know how much time had passed and Amin had fallen asleep due to the trauma and her state. He wiped his own tears away, which seemed to not stop flowing.

An officer came to Jimin and introduced himself. "Are you Jimin?" he asked. Jimin nodded. "The chief needs to talk to you, things. I know it's hard, but there are things to talk about," he said in a kind voice, which Jimin appreciated.

He got up slowly and walked to one of the rooms on the ground floor of the mansion and opened the door. Taking Amin inside, he gently tucked her in bed and saw the dried tears on her face.

Fighting back his own tears, he closed the door and went outside with the officer. The chief was waiting for him just outside the double doors.

"Chief, he's here," the officer beside Jimin said and left them alone. "Sit," the chief told Jimin a low voice and Jimin sat beside him on the stairs.

They both looked into space as they thought about the events of the night.

Finally, the officer turned to Jimin and Jimin saw his red eyes; the chief had been crying.

"Where's she?" the chief asked. "She fell asleep," Jimin replied and the chief nodded, looking back into space.

"What happened tonight....we need to find the murderer," the chief told Jimin, still looking forwards. Jimin didn't say anything and continued staring blankly in the same direction the chief was looking.

"L/N was my friend and I'll get to the bottom of this even if I have to give my life for that. He was the one person who always understood me; who always supported me," he said and memories played inside his head.

"I will personally inform you of the progress we make, Jimin. But, there's one thing I need to tell you here," and then he faced Jimin and saw his swollen eyes for the first time.

"Amin is unsafe here. The police suspects that the real target of tonight was not your parents," the chief told him.

Jimin kept quiet for a long time.

"Then why them? Why our parents?" Jimin asked. "We suspect it was simply a warning given by them." "How can you be so sure?"

"I never said I was sure; we only suspect. You need to get her out of here as soon as possible," the chief said.

"No, I'm not leaving until their funeral. They- they were my parents too," Jimin spoke quietly. The chief stared back into space.

"Very well then, we'll stay here until the funeral tomorrow morning. But you're going back as soon as the funeral is over, so I suggest you buy a ticket and start packing," he said.

Jimin just nodded; understanding the situation.

"If there is anything you ever need, where ever you are, call me and I'll assist you right away. L/N spoke highly of you, after all," he told Jimin and Jimin's eyes widened as he heard that.

"He said, he finally found a son," the officer said, smiling sadly. "He called me, said he was happy. Wanted me to meet you and Amin, now that she's grown up." And then a few tears rolled down the elder man's cheeks.

"Amin; she has to take over for him now," the officer said quietly. Jimin knew what he meant; he knew his girlfriend was needed here. He had indirectly told Jimin that the company needed her more than he did.

"Now go and do what I told you. My officers and I will be here for the night and make preparations for the funeral."

Before Jimin could leave, they exchanged numbers so that they could stay in touch.

Jimin's POV----

A sea of emotions ran through me, as I went inside. I was sad, confused, terrified and angry; I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong for her.

Running up the stairs, I ran into our room, not even looking at their room, knowing I would break down if I did.

I contacted the airport and asked for two tickets to Korea at 2 pm tomorrow. After having that settled, I took out our suitcases and started packing away all of our stuff.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I saw the necktie he had given to me and when I had gone to return it back to him, he had insisted me to keep it.

I packed everything and the room was left in its original sate again.

By midnight, everything was settled and I went to the room she was sleeping in. I saw her dried tears again and they broke my heart.

I moved forward and held her hand gently.

I thought about everything. Our parents were dead, Amin's life was at danger here, we had to return back to Korea, Amin was heartbroken; my heart was shattered as well.

But one thing bothered me the most; she had her responsibilities here and she was needed here.

Brushing my thoughts aside, I looked at the sleeping girl in front of me.

Finally, getting sore of sitting in one point for hours, I got up and headed outside the room.

I went into the kitchen to get some water for Amin for when she wakes up. One of the elderly maid was sobbing in the corner.

I went closer to her and she wiped her tears before turning around and facing me. "Do you need something, Jimin?" she asked me. "Yeah, water for Amin," I replied. She nodded and took a glass out and filled it with water and then handed it to me.

I thanked her and took the glass from her and went back inside the room.

The mansion that once we called home was now in a state of wreck; emotionally and mentally that is, physically it looked fine, just like all of us.

Not knowing what else to do, since the chief had told me to not come out and stay with Amin at all costs and try getting some sleep, I got into bed with Amin.

I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't sleep though; I couldn't, I was too depressed and besides I didn't really need to sleep.

I just kept Amin close to me, trying to comfort her in her sleep and be there for her when she wakes up.

I unintentionally caressed her back and hair and ran circles over her back. Even in her sleep, I could feel her disturbed mental and emotional state.

And what was even worse was that she suddenly woke up with tears in her eyes, screaming on top of her lungs and sat in sitting position, breathing heavily; she was having nightmares.

"Amin, it's okay. I'm here. Calm down, I'm here," I comforted her and held her close to my chest. The door of the room suddenly opened and the chief hurriedly came inside. "I heard a scream," he said.

I looked down at the half conscious girl in my arms, whose tears were constantly falling. "Nightmares," I replied and the chief nodded in understanding and then left.

Amin kept having nightmares throughout the night and finally, when even sleep wouldn't let her escape, she opened her eyes, fully conscious and sat up in bed. It was almost daybreak.

"Amin," I said and sat beside her. She didn't say anything but just looked at me, as if searching my eyes for something. Not finding anything there, besides the same pain she was suffering, she turned away.

We sat in silence for a while. the sky was getting lighter by the minute.

"Do you want me to stay or should I give you some space?" I asked her in a quiet voice. Again, she didn't say anything.

I waited patiently for her to reply and finally, she held my hand; eyes telling me to stay by her side. And that's what I did. I brought her closer to myself and hugged her tightly.

She looked at me as if she was looking at me for the first time. Her eyes looked so helpless; full of pain and misery.

We sat there for an hour. Amin's head was on my chest as I hugged her tight. She was awake but she wouldn't say anything.

"We're going back to Korea in a few hours; after the..." I trailed off; I couldn't say it. But she had no reaction. She just adjusted her head on my chest and remained quiet.

"The chief and his men were here all night. He is Dad's close friend," I filled her in slowly, bit by bit.

"He will be working on the case," I said again after a few minutes.

"He said he'd update me with it and get to the bottom of this."

"Your life's in danger here. That's why we're going back."

"Our flight is at 2pm."

"I'm sorry."

My sentences got shorter and shorter until the last sentence. I didn't know what I was sorry about; maybe everything.

Amin didn't say anything but showed him that she was listening to him.

A knock was heard on the door and the chief walked in. He looked at Amin sitting in my lap with my arms around her and gave a small smile.

"Amin, how are you feeling?" he asked. His voice was hoarse. Had he been crying all night?

Amin didn't say anything.

"She isn't talking," I said quietly and kissed her temple protectively. The chief nodded.

"I know it's not the time to talk about this, but once the funeral is over, you both will be leaving immediately. Your flight is at 2pm correct? And the funeral is at 11 am. I don't want to talk about this in front of everyone, so forgive me, Amin, Jimin," he said and looked at both of us apologetically.

"Amin, you are the heir to your father's company now. You will be needed here. But, we suspect your life's in danger here. So when the case is over and we've found who was behind all of this, you can return back safely and take your position as the CEO."

"I assure you we will get to the bottom of this very soon. As we're talking, my men are working on the case."

"I hope both of you understand. Your father trusted me with his deepest darkest secrets and I know everything about him. So I must tell you both to stay safe."

"And please don't hesitate to call me anytime I'm needed."

"That was all. I apologize for this again, but I had to go through with it."

I nodded in understanding. He then got up and came closer to us. Lifting Amin's face, he stared at her and then smiled.

"I see them in you," he said softly and I could see the tears at the edge of his eyes, and I felt mine as well. Then he left.

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