Yours • Park Jimin ✔️

By Fauve__

128 1 0

A birthday gift for a friend of mine!! Amin is saved from an unknowm man, by Jimin. But she doesn't know who... More



4 0 0
By Fauve__

Jimin's POV----

Her eyes widened when she looked at us. And then a giggle escaped her mouth.

"Honey. Honey, come here and see the kids," she called her husband.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I heard that. I wanted to put Amin down in an instant, but arms failed me and instead I kept holding her. She too was too surprised and shocked to say anything.

A moment later, her father came from upstairs and joined his wife. He looked at the scene and laughed.

"That's so cute," her mom said and I could feel Amin's body heating up.

"It's not cute, mom," Amin mumbled and then looked at me. "And you," she said in a loud voice, "Put.Me.Down.Right.This.Instant." I gulped and put her down. An angry Amin was a scary Amin.

We just stood there looking at each other; all four of us. Then Amin's dad laughed again. "That really was the cutest thing I've seen in quite a while. Ah, you kids remind me of my youth, when I would hold up your mother like that," he said and smiled.

As soon as he had said that, the blush was suddenly sucked from mine and Amin's faces and plastered on her mom's cheeks.

Whoa, I didn't know she could blush; heck, I didn't know elder people could blush. And this thought gave me even more of a sense that I belonged to a family and that I wasn't alone. I had people who made me feel welcomed as their own son.

And as much as I had felt embarrassed before, it was worth this odd, yet sweet feeling of being part of a family.

"Mom, you're blushing!!!" Amin suddenly spoke as she realized the situation. She then grabbed my arm and shook it. "Jimin, look, Mom is blushing," she said and smiled. "Yeah, Mrs. L/N -no, Mom, Amin's right; you really are blushing," I said.

All three of them looked at me; shock evident on Amin's face while her parents had warm smiles on their faces. "I'm glad you called me that, Jimin," her mom said softly and smiled.

Calling her mom made sense. I never understood how it did, but it did. It just seemed right; so, so right. I wasn't really used to calling my own mother, mom. In fact, I hadn't ever addressed her in particular -neither, my dad- since they were usually the ones who would do the talking for most of the part and I'd just listen.

"Okay now that you both are back, go change and be down in half an hour; we're going to eat outside," Amin's mom announced.

We nodded and made our way towards the stairs. Amin raced up the stairs before me leaving me behind with her parents as I slowly made my way upwards.

"That really was cute, Jimin. I wish you both lots of happiness and cute, little moments like that, cherish them," mom told me softly and smiled. "And Jimin, I really am glad you gave me the title of your mother. Whatever happens, know that you're our son, Jimin, and we love you as our own."

I don't know what happened to me but in a swift motion, I was hugging her. She was a little take aback by the sudden gesture, but soon hugged me tight.

Her warmth provided warmth to me. It was a gesture I was unknown of. My parents never showed me any affection at all; neither physical, nor verbal. 

I kept hugging her and she didn't let go. I put my chin on her shoulder and closed my eyes. This is what a hug of love, affection and warmth from a mother felt like and I finally felt that motherly affection I had always been deprived of.

Tears brimmed at the corners of my eyes a little, as the person I now called mother pulled away and gave me a motherly kiss on my forehead. "I love you, my little Jimin," she said in a motherly tone and ran her hands through my hair.

"I love you too, Mom," I said and the smile on her face made me want to make her smile again and again.

Then we parted ways as she left downstairs and I continued my way up the stairs. A tear rolled out of eye at the affection I had received a moment ago and I smiled.

I made my way inside mine and Amin's shared room. She wasn't in the room but I could hear her hum something in the bathroom; the door of which was open. I proceeded towards the door that was half open and opened it fully.

Amin was standing in front of the mirror, applying some makeup, wearing a beautiful dress that reached her knees. She didn't notice me standing outside looking at her as she kept doing her work.

I cleared my throat and she suddenly stopped, looking at me. "Jimin?" she asked, tilting her head. Cute.

I was back hugging her in an instant, nuzzling my nose in her neck, which caused her heartbeat to fasten. I chuckled against her neck and inhaled her scent. Home.

Amin did the rest of her makeup with my head buried the crook of her neck, my body pressed against hers as I back hugged her.

"Okay, now move aside Jimin, and let me do my hair," she said. I pouted and got my face out, putting it on her shoulder and locking eyes with her through the mirror.

"You look beautiful," I breathed out. She blushed and smiled. "Okay, but now you really have to move," she said. I pouted but then moved away. 

Going outside the bathroom, I went towards the closet and took out my navy blue suit for the night.

Amin was done with her hair after a few minutes and she got out. I was in a hurry so I didn't see her hair properly, as she raced to the closet to find a matching pair of shoes to wear.

I changed and let my hair fall on my forehead as it usually did. When I looked into the mirror, I realized the tiny detail I had forgotten; a tie.

Opening the door, I went towards the closet to find a necktie but unfortunately I hadn't packed one.

"Amin," I said, as I found her head buried in the closet, still finding shoes to wear.

"Yeah?" she replied from beside me on the floor. "Amin, did you pack my necktie by any chance?" I asked her, hopeful.

"No, Jimin. I thought you might have done it so I didn't," she said, reaching out for something in the far end of the closet.

"Great, now what?" I asked. "Go ask Dad. He must have something that'll look good," she said, finally reaching what I assumed to be her matching shoes.

Sighing, I walked towards the end of the grand hallway. The door of the room was slightly open. I knocked and heard a 'come in,' from inside.

I opened the door hesitantly and went inside. Mom was applying makeup just like her daughter had a few minutes ago.

"What is it, Jimin?" she asked me. "Umm, I kind of forgot my necktie at home so is it okay if can borrow one of Dad's?" I asked.

And there it was; calling him Dad sounded right like it had when I had called her Mom just a while ago.

She smiled and nodded. "Honey, Jimin wants to borrow one of your neckties; show him," she said. He emerged from the bathroom, all suited up and ready to go.

He chuckled as he saw me nervously looking at him. "Come on, my boy, I'll show you. No need to be that nervous," he said, chuckling again.

I followed him to the closet and he showed me his ties. I tried on a few and looked in the mirror. "This one," both of us said together after I tried on the third one.

He gave me a warm smile and patted me on the back. "Now go and be down in five," he said. "Thankyou, Dad," I smiled and exited the room wearing the tie my father had lent me.

My father. My mother. Amin's parents were now my own parents and calling them that felt right.

When I got into our room, I saw Amin standing ready in front of the mirror. She had worn her matching heels, as she let her hair fall in loose curls behind her shoulders; her light makeup done just the way I liked it. She looked perfect.

In a flash, I had her in my arms. she put her hands on my chest and looked at me. Our eyes locked and in that moment, I couldn't look away from her eyes.

"You look good, Jimin," Amin whispered, still looking at me. "I look good? Have you seen yourself in the mirror?" I said, causing her to giggle as she blushed.

"You look beautiful, Amin," I said once again and kissed her forehead. We kept looking into each other's eyes.

"Let's go. We wouldn't want to keep Mom and Dad waiting. We can have our staring contest afterwards," I said. Amin laughed and nodded.

Hand in hand, we exited the room and made our way down the stairs where Mom and Dad were waiting for us.

They smiled when they looked at us coming down together. "You both look perfect together," Mom said, making us blush.

"Indeed," Dad agreed. Then turning to his wife, he said, "And you too, my dear; you look beautiful as well." Mom giggled a little as a blush rose to her cheeks when dad suddenly pecked her a little on the lips.

Amin and I stared at each other, wide eyed, before the scene that had just unfolded in front of us. Then we laughed together.

"Okay, enough, let's go now," Mom said, ushering us all out of the door.

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