Yours • Park Jimin ✔️

By Fauve__

128 1 0

A birthday gift for a friend of mine!! Amin is saved from an unknowm man, by Jimin. But she doesn't know who... More



3 0 0
By Fauve__

3rd person POV----

"Amin, where are you?" Jimin called the said girl on top of his voice.

Her phone had been ringing for a while and she was nowhere to be found. Jimin kept searching for her but she wasn't around.

Sighing, he picked up the phone, his hands trembling, his breath caught up in his throat, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach as he read the caller ID, which read 'Mum.'

He gulped as he said a 'hello.' The voice on the other end was nice and warm. "Who are you?" the other person, probably Amin's mom, asked.

"I'm Jimin Park, Amin's friend. She is staying at my home for a while, but she's a little busy right now so I picked up," Jimin said. "Oh, so you are the Jimin. My daughter told me about you," she said and giggled.

Amin talked to her parents about him?

 "Amin told me you live alone," his mom said. "Yeah, my parents live in Busan, while I and my sister live here in Seoul. We lived here together, but a few years earlier, she got married and moved to her own home," he told her, "and I have been living alone only with the maids. That is until Amin came."

The last sentence got Jimin wondering, which was soon answered fortunately for him. "Amin told me how you both met. I'm so thankful to you, Jimin," she said.

It was clear that Amin had told her about the truth of their meeting but she hadn't told them I was a vampire or her mom would be lashing out on me.

"Jimin, are you by any chance interested in my daughter?" her mother suddenly asked. Jimin was taken aback by the question but answered nonetheless.

"Yes, Mrs. L/N, I like your daughter a lot, more than just a friend," he answered calmly. "You know we have to meet right," she said. Jimin didn't say anything. He was still processing. Her mother hadn't refused him for her.

"Jimin?" she asked in a soft voice. "Yeah? Oh I'm sorry, Mrs. L/N," he said. She giggled. "Don't worry, Jimin," she said.

"Well then, I must say goodbye now," she said, "I'll call later and talk to Amin. It was a pleasure talking to you, Jimin. I can't wait to meet you soon." "Yeah," Jimin said awkwardly.

"Goodbye, Jimin," she said


Jimin exhaled and fell back on the couch. He had just talked with Amin's mom and he had also told her he like her more than just a friend. Moreover, she hadn't rejected him and asked him to meet her.  

"Jimin, are you okay?" Amin's voice called from somewhere beside him. He opened his eyes to find her face peering over his. He suddenly brought her in an embrace.

"Jimin, what the hell?" Amin said. "Shh, shh, just a moment," Jimin replied. After a long pause in which Jimin hugged Amin so tight it nearly took the air out of her body, he let her go.

"What is it?" Amin asked him, clearly bored. "Why were you shouting all over the pace for me?" Jimin gave her a sheepish smile then told her about the conversation he had had with her a mom a few minutes ago, leaving the part where he told her about liking Amin.

Amin's mouth hung open at his words. After a moment, she recovered from her perplexed state and took her phone from Jimin's hand to call her mom.

"Amin, what the hell?" Jimin said this time, and snatched the phone away from her. "Jimin don't get on my nerves and give me back my phone," Amin said.

"But- but- what will you talk to her about?" Jimin whined and pouted. "Jimin, I understand you're cute and all, but please give me back my phone now," Amin told him.

He reluctantly gave it to her, as she dialed her mom's number. She talked to her mom for a while and then returned back, where Jimin was lying on the sofa, laughing at something on his phone.

Amin smiled when she saw Jimin laugh like that. She felt all warm and fuzzy inside each time she saw Jimin smile or laugh.

Clearing her throat, she went and sat beside Jimin. Seeing her, Jimin put his phone down and came to a sitting position. "So, what happened?" he asked her after a moment.

"Nothing, except for the fact that my mom kept talking about you and meeting you and then you and then you again," she said. Jimin laughed at this, while Amin scoffed but soon a smile formed its way on her lips, seeing him laugh because of her.

"Well then, I'll go sleep now, Jimin," Amin said, getting up from the sofa. "Do I have to go with you to work?" she asked him. "No, tomorrow I'll go alone, but be ready by 7, we'll go out," Jimin told her.

She gave him a questioning look but Jimin smiled it away. As Amin was about to turn back and go to her room, she felt a hand on her wrist. Before she could protest, she was pulled into Jimin's arms, who was looking at her.

"What?" she asked him. "Oh I was just wondering if you wanted me to sleep with you again, pretty. I wouldn't mind sleeping if it was with you," Jimin said, smirking.

"What the hell, Jimin?" Amin said, and pushed Jimin a little and got out of his embrace. "You do realize that I'm a vampire and I can have you in my arms for as long as I want to," Jimin said.

"Both of us know you wouldn't do anything like that to me against my will," Amin said, folding her arms over her chest and smirking. In an instant, Jimin was near Amin, his hands around her waist as he held her tightly.

"Ugh, Jimin," Amin mumbled to herself, but Jimin heard it. He released her from his grip and picked her up bridal style and started going upstairs.

"Jimin, I can walk by myself, " Amin said, shouting on top of her lungs, but Jimin kept giggling and ignored her. In a moment, they were in Amin's room.

Jimin laid Amin down on the bed, and tucked her in. Then kissing her on the forehead, he told her a good night and left.

Amin thought about Jimin and her heart skipped a beat. Smiling to herself, while thinking about Jimin, she fell asleep and that night, Amin saw Jimin in her dreams.


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