Yours • Park Jimin ✔️

By Fauve__

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A birthday gift for a friend of mine!! Amin is saved from an unknowm man, by Jimin. But she doesn't know who... More



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By Fauve__

Amin's POV----

As we walked inside, we were greeted by loud music. People were talking, eating, laughing, and dancing. I and Jimin spotted Mina and Min Jun and walked towards them, where they were talking to someone.

They both turned as soon as they saw us and Mina hugged both of us to death. She was looking beautiful.

We gave them their gifts and then Eunji came towards us. She looked like a little princess. Jimin picked her up, as I got closer to hug her. We smiled and then she got down and went running around with her friends.

We watched her run around and then Jimin turned to me. His face was very serious. "Amin, I need you to stay close to me tonight, okay?" he said. "Jimin, is something wrong?" I asked him, confused. "No, I- it's nothing, Amin. Just stay near me, okay. And talk only to those whom I tell you to. I don't want you getting hurt."

Hurt? What was he talking about?

As I was about to ask him, he pressed a kiss to my forehead and whispered, "Your blood, remember?" he asked me. Realization dawned upon me and I nodded, suddenly feeling anxious.

"Well, most of these people are vampires, even many of our friends. They won't do anything of course, so it's not a big deal," he whispered in my ear.

I had a feeling Jimin wasn't telling me everything. But I trusted him so I shrugged it off. I nodded a little and then Jimin gave me his beautiful eye smile which warmed my heart and then he said, "Let's go meet some friends." And with that he dragged me away.

Jimin introduced me to his family members and friends. I had fun talking to them and getting to know them. I was kind of nervous before, because these people were vampires and any one of them could do anything to me; namely draining me dry.

But as time passed on, I felt more comfortable. I was talking to one of Jimin's friends on the balcony. Jimin had left me there with him, saying he wanted to talk to Mina about something.

Ill Sung, Jimin's friend, was close to him and he was a very kind person. He was a vampire too. And he told me that I smelled good, which was highly embarrassing. Jimin would also tell me that I smelled good; not as in my perfume smells good, as in my blood smells good.

"I have someone to greet, Amin noona. I'll be right back, okay," Ill Sung said. I nodded and he left.

I thought about Ill Sung. All night I had talked mostly with Mina, Min Jun, Jimin and Ill Sung. Jimin had told me that I could stay with any of these four people and not anyone else; even though he said he trusted most of them.

Ill Sung was shy at first, but then he grew warm towards me and we talked a lot and I found out that he is four years younger than me, hence him calling me noona.

I stood there alone, taking in the fresh night air. I could hear the faint sounds of music and people, laughing and talking loudly. I closed my eyes, inhaling some more fresh air, feeling good.

That's when someone snaked their arms around my waist. And I knew it was not Jimin. Jimin smelled differently, and his aura was completely comfortable. But this person, his aura was not like Jimin's.

I tried to get away from his grasp but I couldn't. In a second, I was pinned to the wall. I opened my eyes and I looked at the person.

He was young, probably a few years older than Jimin, and he seemed familiar. I tried to get away from his grasp, but he wouldn't budge.

"Trying to get away kitten?" he said. His voice....where have I heard this voice? "Let me go," I told him. He smirked at me and then got even closer to me, his grip on my waist tightening. He got near my neck and kissed it. I pushed him away but he wouldn't budge. I was pushed tightly against the wall.

"I won't let you go away that easily, Kitten," he breathed against my neck. "Last time, that bastard came and took you away. But this time, he isn't around to save you," he said.

And that's when realization hit me. He was the same man from three months ago; the one who had come to drink my blood.

A few tears escaped my eyes as the scenes from that night came back. I never wanted to think what would have happened to me if Jimin hadn't been there to save me. Would this lunatic have drunk all my blood and left me there to die? The thought alone was terrifying to me.

I had always blocked the thoughts from that night, getting myself immersed in one thing or another to forget. And then Jimin made me forget.

These past months had been the best of my life. Getting to spend time with Jimin and with Mina and her family as well- it was all filled with happy memories.

These people welcomed me into their family even though I was a complete stranger. And they never judged me or anything. They loved me and I was happy.

And now this man was here again. "You smell so good Kitten," he said in a whisper, "And now it's time to do what I have been craving for these past three months. Just the smell of your blood drives me insane."

He looked at me, smirking again. And then I saw his eyes go red and his fangs appeared. I wanted to shout, to cry, or run, or do something, but I couldn't. The scenes of that night kept replaying in my mind and my mind felt numb. He would drain me any moment now. He would have done the same thing if Jimin hadn't been there that night; I would've died long ago if it wasn't for Jimin.

He smirked and the next moment, his fangs were on my neck. But before he could draw blood out, he fell to the ground and I was held tightly against someone's chest. I was too dazed to even react.

"Amin! Amin! Amin??!!?!" I got out of my daze to see Jimin holding me tightly, looking at me concerned. I looked to the side and saw the man lying on the ground unconscious.

I looked at Jimin again. "Amin, are you alright?" he asked. "I-I-I don't know, Jimin," I said. "I'm sorry you had to go through with that again." I didn't say anything. I just buried my head in his chest. Tears tried to fall but I held them in.

Jimin kept holding me tightly in his arms, caressing my back. I took deep breaths to calm myself. I looked at Jimin and from his expression I knew we both wanted the same thing; to not talk about this with the guests around. Perhaps it would be better to talk it out after the guests left.

We nodded, knowing we both thought the same thing. Jimin then buried my face in his chest again. I inhaled his scent and it made me feel calm and safe.

Jimin kept a firm grip on me. After a few minutes I pulled back from his chest and looked at him. He smiled at me and then pressed a kiss to my forehead. I closed my eyes for a moment. And then Jimin said, "Let's go inside." I opened my eyes and looked at him, only to find his eyes turning blood red. "Jimin, your eyes-"

By now, Jimin was breathing heavily. He pushed me away from him. "Go," was all he said and in a flash he was against the farthest wall; farthest from me. A searing pain shot through my neck and I clutched it tightly, as my vision blurred and I fell to my knees.

Had that man done something to me?

I wanted to ask Jimin what was going on, but the expression in his eyes told me to go away. I had a feeling this had something to do with his vampire abilities. He looked at me and his eyes pleaded me to go inside.

And that's what I did......I ran inside.

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