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By inthewind111

560K 16.4K 2.2K

Y/n has been studying in Tokyo away from her hometown, Osaka. She lives with her uncle who happens to be the... More

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CH 50

8.6K 257 37
By inthewind111

Small hands drummed the counter as giggles echoed through the four walls. The red-headed chocolatier appeared from the kitchen with a tray of freshly made chocolates. "Uncle Tendou, those look yummy!" Akio chirped with Akira popping his head from the edge of the marble counter. The twins had sparkling eyes at the sight of the chocolates as Tendou chuckled. "Of course, boys!" He snickered while retrieving an empty box to store the chocolates.

The twins were given their first errand from Ushijima after dropping them off at Tendou's shop. They were tasked to collect the chocolates their father had requested his close friend to make and he would come back after an hour. Instead of just watching, the twins helped their uncle Tendou place the chocolates carefully in the individual dividers in the box. "Do you fellas think your father will approve them?" Tendou asked as the twins nodded with huge smiles. "Mhm! Uncle Tendou makes the best chocolates in the whole world!" "Yep!" Hearing that made Tendou feel a little relieved as he knew Ushijima was picky when it comes to certain things. Things that have got to do with you.

The sound of bells chimed as Akira looked back only to squeal in delight and run towards the newcomer. "Papa!" He hugged his father's leg as Akio did the same. "Hello, boys. Were you good for Uncle Tendou?" Ushijima asked. The twins nodded and followed him like ducklings to where Tendou was. "Here, miracle boy. I hope these are up to your standards for y/n-chan." The box of personalized chocolates was displayed as Ushijima lowered his back slightly to take a closer look. "Papa, Akio and I helped pack the chocolates." Akira tugged Ushijima's pants. "Mama will like them with the flowers, papa!" Akio pointed at the beautiful bouquet of red roses. Ushijima hummed and patted his sons' heads before taking out his wallet.

"Thanks, Tendou. They look wonderful-" His words were cut off when he was pushed towards the exit with the twins following behind. "Your little Ushijimas help was the payment, Wakatoshi-kun. Go home to y/n-chan." Tendou sang. His best friend always had his ways of rejecting Ushijima's payment as he bent down to the twins. "Don't forget our date next Saturday!" He booped the twins' noses. The reminder of the sleepover at their favourite uncle's place brought a swig of sparkle in their eyes as they nodded, bidding goodbye and made their way home.

You were humming to a song from your playlist while taking a star-shaped cookie cutter on the kitchen counter. The relaxing environment accompanied by your favourite songs and the scent of lavender vanilla set the right mood to bake cookies. It was also to kill time as boredom started to lay on you two hours after having the penthouse to yourself. Shaping the last remainings of the dough, you lifted the baking tray and turned to the left only to feel a small bump. Looking ahead, it was Hades, your Doberman fur kid. "Hey, sweetie. Mama's fine, hm? Just gonna pop these in- Oof." You grunted as your bent forward to the height of the oven, placing the baking tray in it.

Hades whimpered and nuzzled his snout against your protruding belly as you giggled at how protective he was. "You're just like your papa, always looking out for me." You rubbed his head, taking a treat from the drawer and feeding it to him. When Hades was first introduced to the twins, you were worried that your sons would be afraid of him. His tall and muscular structure was the opposite of what Akio and Akira perceived dogs in books which were small and cute. Furthermore, Hades was a black Doberman, making him look fiercer. Much to your relief, the twins pounced on their new furry sibling and thought he looked cool and handsome. Sometimes, they would sneak him into their bedroom to rest for the night though Ushijima made it clear not to do so.

As you were petting Hades, he straightened himself and made his way towards the front door. His senses were most of the time accurate whenever a family member has reached home as soon enough, the door clicked open. "Mama!" Your angels called from the doorway. You propped yourself up the couch with a hand on your seven-month belly to welcome your favourite boys home. The twins tried hugging you only to have your swollen belly coming in their way. However, that did not matter as the twins rubbed and cooed at your belly. They cooed at it for a few moments before Hades caught their attention and began chasing him around the penthouse.

Ushijima appeared with occupied hands as he placed a familiar looking carrier on the dining table and made his way to you. "Hello, my love." He kissed your lips as you giggled when he nudged his nose against your cheek. Rustles were heard as you were presented with the bouquet of roses. You wondered what the special occasion was only to have your husband shake his head. There was not a need to receive flowers only on special days. Ushijima just wanted to show his love and appreciation for you whenever he could. Your heart turned into a puddle of goo, leaning to his chest and peppered a few kisses. "How's our princess doing?" He inquired, large hands placed on your belly to stroke it.

Well, your twins' wish for Christmas came true. Both you and Ushijima worked hard to conceive again as somehow it was harder for you to get pregnant after having the twins. You started to worry if something had gone wrong while Ushijima tracked your cycle to have intercourse during your ovulation week. Nothing happened and when you were thinking of giving up, a small part within told you to give it one more try. You were glad you listened to that gut feeling as that led to where you were now.

"Mama! Mama!" The twins ran to you from their bedroom while Hades tapping his claws behind them. "Papa bought you chocolate!" Akio pointed at the carrier. "Akio and I helped packed them with Uncle Tendou." Akira smooshed his cheek against Hades' side. "Wow! You did? Thank you, my babies." You tried bending down to plant kisses on their cheeks but sighed when you failed to do so. Ushijima chuckled and took the carrier to the couch where the family sat. The twins plopped themselves on either side of you and savoured the sweet treat that their father bought. It was when Akio reminded Akira that they had to finished up colouring their drawings for school tomorrow before running into their bedroom. Of course, not forgetting to take wash their hands and mouths first.

"Toshi, can you get little Hades some treats too? He has been a good boy today!" You complimented and tickled his chin. "Again? Didn't you feed him one this morning?" Ushijima cocked a brow at you. Your husband was a strict fur dad, he has trained and disciplined Hades well and treats were an occasional thing. Your eyes looked down to Hades who rested his head on your knee, giving you puppy eyes. "Just one more, please?" You requested. Ushijima demeanour softened seeing his heavily pregnant wife with a mouth full of chocolate gazing up at him. You had your own set of puppy eyes too and Ushijima would always give in no matter how he said not to.

Ushijima quietly made his way to fetch the treat and realized that the remaining amount was different from what he saw earlier today. He sighed, knowing that you have already gave another treat to Hades when he was out with the twins. Ushijima lifted his head, wanting to say something but zipped his lips when his cute little wife was playing with Hades. He returned and positioned you on his lap, handing the treat to Hades and watched him savour it on the floor. "Look how happy he is with the treat, Toshi!" You pointed out while Ushijima wiped the chocolate stains on the corner of your lips. "Hm, he had three today. Of course he's happy." You jutted your lower lip because you got caught by Ushijima. Your husband may be an airhead to some people but he was not one towards his family, especially his wife and her antics.

"But... You still love me, right?" You mumbled under your breath. Ushijima sighed and let out a small smile, pressing his cheek against the side of your head. "Of course, I do. You're my wife and the woman you gave me two, almost three, children." Hearing that made your lips tilt, closing in to his radiating warmth. You rested your head on his chest and nuzzled against him, enjoying the moment with occasional giggles coming from your twins and Hades gnawing on his treat.

Never in your life would you think that you would end up with the Ushijima Wakatoshi. A mere crush and restless readings from Uncle Fuki somehow led you to this blissful state. Ushijima who opened up to you slowly. He who blushes when you kiss him from when you were dating till now. He who always make sure to remind how much he loves you every day. He who makes time for his family as a husband and father though he had a busy schedule. Life definitely had their ups and downs but with Ushijima next to you, it was going to be alright. It always has.

A/N: Late Happy New Year and this is the last chapter! Thank you for reading, upvoting and supporting this story!! I appreciate everyone of you and I wish you a great 2022! Stay safe and be happy❤️

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