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By _SapphireAngel

40.9K 953 120

"š“š”šž š©ššš¬š­ ššš„š°ššš²š¬ šœšØš¦šž š›šššœš¤ š­šØ š”ššš®š§š­ š­š”šž šŸš®š­š®š«šž, š²šØš® šœššš§'š­ š«š®š§... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

1.8K 50 6
By _SapphireAngel

I S A B E L L A.

Annoyed is an understatement of how I feel.

The guts this guy has making me fall for his sweet and charming act whereas his got me as a sideline.

Hell No!

I paced the room into the early hours of the dawn seeing as I couldn't sleep and this idiot fell asleep without even damn bothering.

I grabbed my gown, a blanket and made myself comfortable in the cold outside on the balcony as I watched the sky tell it's story above me.

I never imagined even in my wildest dreams that this is how my life would have turned out.

All I wanted was to live a simple life, despite my rich upbringing and tortured broken past but look at me now I'm getting married to the freaking mafia king for godsake.

I huff as I fold my arms over my bossom.

So much for simple...

S A N T I A G O.

I'm very much awake, I heard Isabella pace through the room we shared until I heard the sliding door to the balcony open and close.

After the tension that built between us I couldn't bring myself to face her after dinner so I faked being asleep and almost gave my own cover up when she undressed me and tucked me in.

She is fucking perfect and I'm fucking screwing it up.

It's true what they say... 'you never know what you want until you have it.'

And what I want is Isabella and only Isabella.

I was positive that she was outside as I sat up and glanced out the door.

Her breath could be seen in the cold air as the darkness of night gave way to the dawn of day.

Is she fucking insane she going to catch a cold!!

Grabbing a blanket, I was on my feet within seconds before I stopped myself.

I'm fucking losing it... I need to cool my shit and get it under control.

Pulling on some sweatpants and a T-shirt I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and walk outside to join Bella.

I S A B E L L A.

I heard the door slide open and I sighed.

I'm not letting this go and he may run a Mafia, the strongest mafia in the world...

But I will not let him run my life as if I'm one of his businesses!

"Just who do you think died and made you god Santiago De Luca?" I ask before he even has the chance to utter a word.

"Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean Isabella?" He asks as he takes a seat and his eyes meet mine.

The damn audacity.

"Hmm let me refresh your damn memory shall I? You finalised our damn wedding without even thinking to mention or discuss with with me!" I fume out

"Mention it? Discuss it? Just who the fuck do you think I am Isabella?" his jaw clenches but I don't dial down my glare as I stand my ground.

"That's exactly what I want to know. Who the hell are you! "I raise my voice now. "Because by you playing this charade with me is really starting to give me whiplash!"

"Santiago De Luca that's who I am. I run the most know Mafia in the world and I most certainly do not discuss things with anyone" his jaw is clenching as he speaks.

"So what? I've also come from a Mafia family but yet I turned out to be a simple girl who only wanted simple things in life but no, I got fucking dragged into this miserable lifestlye but let's get one thing clear Mr Santiago De Luca..." I stand up and I pull the blanket tighter over my shoulders. "I will not let you run my damn life like it's some damn business deal of yours!"

I turn around to walk away but find myself being spun around and being held tightly in place.

I meet his eyes as I defiantly try to release myself from his hold.

"It's cute how you think you have a choice Bella" His eyes show no emotion as his jaw is clenched.

I practically fume as I make my struggle more defiant than ever.

With teary eyes and a trembling lip I meet his hard gaze once more.

"Let me go Santiago you're hurting me" I say softly as I feel the wall I built begin to crumble around me.

He immediately let's me go with worry and concern in his eye.

"Bella..." He begins but I hold my hand up to stop him.

"No. Don't even. I'm going to bed I'm tired and I don't want to hear it" I say as I do just that.

The real side of Santiago was shown tonight which will always be the ruthless Mafia King.


The sound of the birds chirping awakes me from my slumber, my eyes slowly adjusting from the brightness of the day light. I sat up leaning against the headboard thinking about what occurred last night, Santiago just makes me so mad sometimes. Scratch that he makes me mad all the damn time, I still can't believe I was falling for his charade that he started caring for me.

I throw the blanket of me and I'm suddenly met with coldness, I hurried to the bathroom and then back into the covers.

I suddenly noticed there's a card and a single red rose on the night stand.

I picked both the note and rose off the night stand and I smelt the rose while opening the card frowning as I read what was inside.

I'm Sorry :(
~ S.DL

Written in Santiago's fancy handwriting, I got to admit for such an arrogant asshole he has such pretty handwriting.
I scoff to myself while placing the card and rose back onto the night stand, I then got up to go have a shower.

Once I was out of the shower I grabbed my white fluffy robe. No. Let me rephrase that, Santiago's white fluffy robe. What? I like it, it's warm and he doesn't even use it so I'm doing him a favour.

I sat by the dresser as soon as I i finished put my make up on and suddenly my phone rings.


"Hellooo?" I say as I put my foundation bottle down.

"Bellaaaaa" she shouts into the phone and I cringe.


"My bad, sorry" I can hear the smugness in his voice and I shake my head.

"Why are you shouting?" I asked curiously.

"Isabella. Bella . My Bestest Friend in the whole wide world..."

"Spill." I roll my eyes at him obviously he can't see me but I just had too.

"What?" He asks innocently and I hold back a scoff.

"Please don't act all innocent I've known you since we was in our diaper days, don't fool me by this non existence innocence" I roll my eyes once again.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, I'm just missing my best friend. Is that a crime?"

"Rick." I deadpanned.

"Fine. Fine. Geeesh. Cut this poor guy some slack would you." I hear some shuffling in the background "Anyways I need your help, pretty please with a cherry on top"

Ugh. His such a child.

"I figure that much out already. What help do you require?" I asked as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Be my date." I think I just choked on air. "No!! Not like that!! Sweet Baby Jesus definitely not like that. Gosh Santiago will have me hanging from my balls if it was like that." I scoff and Cringe at the same time.

"Then?" I wheeze out.

"I mean uhh a date yes but not a real date, like a fake date" I narrow my eyes in confusion at no one in particular. "Okay. So you see I like this girl-" his cut of by my squeal but I cover my mouth hoping no one heard me.

"Awww. Really?"

"Yes. Now are you done? Can I continue explaining?"

"Uh Yes continue." I clear my throat.

"Anyways, as I was saying. I like this girl and I wanna make her kind of jealous so she's going to Angelo's Restaurant with her brother and his friends and their girlfriends who are her friends as well-" I cut him off again.

"Wait are you talking about Leah?"

"Bella. Do you want to explain it?" He asks clearly frustrated by me cutting him off.

"But I don't...Oh." I say realising it was a rhetorical question.

"Exactly. Now shut up and listen" he clears his throat. "Anyway yes it is Leah. That's why i need your help."

"And how does me being your date help?"


"Exactly." I rub my temples. "How about this. I go with you but not as your suppose fake date but as your best friend and I'll talk to her for you?" I suggest.

"You know Bella. What would I ever do without you."

"I don't know. Probably burn a mansion down?" I smirk to myself.

"Shut up. I'll be there in an hour, is that fine?" He asks.

"Hmm. Yeah sure, see you in an hour"

"Okay byee. Love you! You're a life saver!" I smile and let out a light laugh.

"Love you too." And we both hang up.

"Who was that?" I was startled by Santiago asking.

I look through the mirror in front of me to see Santiago leaning against the door frame and his expression neutral.

"Why do you even care?" I ignore his gaze as I finish up my last winged eyeliner. "It's non of your business anyway"

"Non of my business? You are my business Isabella!" He snaps and my anger just builds.

I turn to face him and walk to him ignoring his fuming temper.

"You see that's where you're wrong, I'm not your business. We not even married as yet so don't you dare think you claim and own me because I'm my own person and I can make what ever decisions I want on my own" his grows widen as I snapped.

I don't wait on him to say something back so I stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door locking it at the same time and start to change out of this gown into my outfit.

After I changed I sighed and took a last look at myself in the mirror, I chose to wear a black with silver giltter cropped off shoulder long sleeves top with a matching short pencil skirt, a simple gold necklace with a pair of black ankle strap heels.

I walk out of the bathroom praying Santiago had left but to my disappointment his sitting at the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting on his interlocked fingers.

When his gaze met mine I felt my breath hitch but I don't show him the effect his has on me, his gaze drops and he eyes me from head to toe. I gulp nervously as his eyes meet my eyes and that's where his turning point hits, his eyes and expression are both dark and his jaws and fist both clench it's self.

"Get the fuck back inside and change. Now. You not leaving this fucking room dressed like that!" His tone was low and warning.

Here we go again!

"What? No I'm not changing and I'm not dealing with your arrogance right now I'm already late" I step past him not even noticing when he got up and grabbed my bag and phone from the vanity table.

He wraps his hand around my wrist and pulled me to him as I hit on his hard chest and his hands makes their way around my waist holding me tightly.

"I'm not playing around tesoro, don't make me regret even allowing you to leave. So be good girl and go change or else don't even think about leaving this house." He warned. ( Tesoro - Darling )

"Are you my father? No. So don't tell me what to do!" I break out of his grip and make some distance between us.

"Bella don't test my patients right now" he steps closer but I a step back.

"Try. Me." I say and I turn around as fast as I can and leave.

Luckily he doesn't follow me out the door, which is certainly weird...

Once I was outside I noticed Eric's car parked out front and I smile to myself, hopefully everything goes well for Eric.

Little did I know that all hell was going to break lose once I'm back home...



Everything went smoothly, Leah and her friends were so sweet and Eric looked like a love sicked puppy the whole time. I stare at the up into the sky and watch the stars twinkle as the car moves on my was back home, Eric is driving while I'm in the back seat.

As Eric entered the gates and parked right in front of the De Luca Mansion and I hesitated to get out of the car thinking about how I left off Santiago. I shook it off cause I'm sure his cooled down now.

I step out of the car as I looked up noticing Santiago leaning against the balcony rail holding a whiskey glass in one hand while staring straight through my soul. Feeling the chills of the winter breeze hitting my skin, I shiver but then I feel Eric behind me.

"You good" I flinch when I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yes I'm fine..." Eric is completely oblivious of Santiago watching. "I'll see you around m'kay"

To my surprise he leans in and hugs me.

"Thank you Bella" he whispers in my ears.

"Anytime Ricky" I pat his back.

I look up at the balcony where Santiago stood watching my every move, I noticed that his hand that was gripping the railing was now in a fist.

I pulled out of the hug and started walking inside, as I walked in I turned back to see Eric wave in which I waved back and practically ran inside.

When I reached the staircase I stopped to catch my breath but then continued walking up, I started picking at my nails debating to myself what Santiago's reaction is going to be like.

Before reaching our room I checked in on Rosalie to see she's sound asleep, I smiled to myself while quietly closing her door and walking towards the room.

Once I stepped in, the room was dark. All I could see was Santiago's silhouette on the belcony.

"You weren't answering any of my calls" he said calmly while still not facing me.

I swallow in anticipation because I knew his calm tone means he's anything but calm. His pissed and I know it.

"My phone died." I said while looking nervously at the ground.

I heard him scoff but he still didn't face me, I could tell he had been drinking from the empty whiskey bottle next to his feet.

That was it, I couldn't take this hot and cold treatment anymore.

"Why are you behaving as though something was going to happen to me? I'm fine, you're seriously overreacting right now. I'm not de... "

That's when I heard a growl, Santiago whipped his head towards me and I saw his piercing blue eyes daring me to finish that sentence.

"I'm overacting?" he dangerously started stepping towards me. "DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING CLUE WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

I flinched at his tone.

"You're Engaged to me, and the danger by that is already server. Do you have any fucking clue how many enimies I have!?" at this point he was right in front of me and I could smell the alcohol from his breath. "But you want to be a fucking rebellious brat and do your own thing without knowing that it's YOUR LIFE that's being held on the line"

"I don't know why you getting so worked up about it. It's my life not yours." I said while not daring to let a tear slip.

He stared at me with hesitation like he wanted. No needed to say something but didn't, he just stormed past me leaving me alone in the room. I hadn't realized when I started crying until I felt the tears drop to my chest.


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