Happiness 2✅

By Pink2Jai

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Sequel to Happiness 1. It's Daddy Tine and Baby Sarawat Story. Their journey to becoming Parents. I try to in... More



672 31 0
By Pink2Jai

Long chapter almost 3000 words because why not I am free now so sit back and enjoy reading 🥰🥰

After spending some more time in store and making all other people crazy all five boys grabs grocery bags and went to Kristy and Green cars and both cars reach Kristy house. As soon as the boys reached Kristy's place they start cooking food Sarawat and Omy got busy with frying and baking where Green and Gulf start preparing non veg dish for dinner. And Kristy start preparing his living room for them to sit, eat, play and sleep together.

Kristy already put the music and it was bumping loudly all through his house. When he finished arranging mattress and pillows with some props for them to use he went to his open kitchen to check out what the other Whores' are chatting about. Upon reaching he heard Green asking Gulf when he is going to confess his feelings to his cousin. Gulf shamelessly said to Green that when he believes that his cousin is mature enough to understand the word 'Love' that day he will confess which is quite impossible and he think that day will never going to come in his life because his cousin is little dumb to understand his feelings. After hearing Gulf Kristy replied him "confesse it before it's too late because it's also an advantage if your partner is dumb in this area, he will only understand the word which you will explain because then you know which level of dumb he is and you don't have to worry that other people can manipulate him because he is already dumb" Green hearing Kristy telling his cousin dumb gives glares but then he was the one started laughing with Gulf because he completely agree with Kristy.

Kristy then started serving juice and soft drink to everyone he sternly warn Omy to eat and drink plenty and healthy and avoid soft drinks. Kristy was careful with Omy what he was making him eat Omy felt really good he didn't argue with Kristy because after very long time someone was caring for him and taking care of his food asking and scolding him to eat more from time to time. They were still in kitchen while preparing food they were eating and chatting and teasing each other.

Gulf already mingle with everyone and become the permanent member of Bubble Whores' chat group he saw Sarawat is silent and busy making chocolate chips muffin for everyone he ask him why he is silent is he missing his grumpy hubby. Sarawat giggled hearing from Gulf who just called his hubby being grumpy. Gulf inform other Whores' how Tine reacted when he saw them in Delhi and how much he has to convince him to sign Mew for his next launch. Then Sarawat denied that he is not missing but everyone understands and knows the truth that he was missing his hubby. Kristy then ask him how did Tine gave permission to him to do sleep over because even he also had doubts of getting no from him. Sarawat inform it cost him 40 minutes BJ. Everyone ghasped hearing 40 minutes but started laughing the way Sarawat narrate how he seduce him made him hard and give him BJ. Then Green also shared for him one night out cost him 2 fuck back to back because when Kristy message him he was already riding his hubby on their couch early morning but after message his hubby change his position and let him pay by fucking him twice.

Omy was silent and quietly listening when everyone was talking about their partner he was thinking about PV's face how his face fall and his mouth hang open after hearing him asking to go back, Green saw the sadness on his face he try cheering him up by saying don't worry he think PV will soon come to him running and beg him to marry which make Omy giggle and make him feel good if this happens in real it will be the best day of his life. Omy feel the difference in there relationship, it's change but still there is something which stopping PV to commit fully and he is willing to wait.

After making dinner and snacks they start arrange the food in Kristy living room when everything finish cook they all transfer to living room and got amused with the arrangements but Kristy immediately grabbed everyone attention and ask everyone that he arrange some thing for everyone to enjoy the night and have fun he order everyone to close their eyes. When everyone finished closing their eyes obediently Kristy pull the sheet from the clothing rack and loudly screen "Surprise for Bubble Whores'" everyone was stunned watching beautiful shiny dresses on the rack. Kristy ask everyone it's a rule everyone has to wear so let's go and change into Ladies clothe and enjoy the night.

Everyone was stunned watching the rack full of beautiful soft piece of shinny clothing in champaign and milky white colors everyone got happy and it was Sarawat who came forward to check the dresses first and happily select the piece for himself and every one was watching him while raising their eyebrows and when he saw everyone eyes on him he softly and shyly muttered "I wore once during Delhi trip". Everyone mouth hang open hearing him then everyone ask him to narrate everything about his Delhi trip what happened and did he get Fucked and how many times Tine fucked him and which position he likes the best and what not when Sarawat finished answering everything all the details Kristy asked everyone these dresses they are wearing is also their presents and everyone hollard and cheers and then again he shouted excitedly "fellas come let's get dressed as a ladies and start our party because Readers are waiting"

PV still couldn't believe Omy dump him for spending time with his new friends he was feeling irritated and annoyed so being all lonely he call Tine. Tine was about to finish his work early luckily so he agreed to meet him in their favorite bar for drinks. When Tine and PV met he informed Tine how Omy dumped him for his wife and his friend Green which pissed him off alot. Tine laugh at him and said he know his wife's friends is doing night out at Kristy's place because Singto is out on business trip he will be coming back tomorrow so tonight they wanted to have some Twinkie fun alone without husband's. PV immediately said I am not Omy's husband but Tine chuckled and immediately answer back "but you're behaving like one". PV went speechless he didn't know how to answer Tine back. Where Tine started grinning thinking that he finally hit the right spot. PV softly said "he need some more time to think about accepting Omy as a partner". Tine didn't comment further he just nods in understanding.

Both PV and Tine were drinking and chatting about this and that when Dim call Tine asking him if he is free to go out for drink because he is also free tonight Tine inform him he is already drinking with PV and ask him come and join them as well. In 15 minutes Dim reach the bar where Tine and PV were drinking he joined them PV told Dim how his wife took his wife. (Omy) away from him and spoiled his time which he reserve for Omy. PV didn't realize unconsciously just after few drinks he already called and consider Omy his wife. Dim apologize again on behalf of his impulse and naughty wife who always love to give trouble other husbands by taking away their wife's with him. First it was Tine's wife and now it's PV's wife .

After few minutes of drinking and cursing Dim's wife Green they started thinking what their wifes must be doing at Kristy place and why all husband are not happy and drinking like their wife already kick them out from their own house and why they are not feeling good like normal husband. Immediately an awesome and naughty idea came into Dim's mind he smirk looking both husbands in front of him and share with the other two.

At Kristy home, after everyone got changed into sexy dress Kristy opened his make up drawers and ask all the boys to start getting ready by putting all make up. All boys were helping each other with mascara, liners, lipstick and blush with shimmer and what not. Green were incharge of hairstyling for the boys. The tight fitting dress and tops manage to put their chest together and giving them natural cleavage so they didn't have to use uncomfortable padding. After wearing makeup and finish with their hairstyling all five together blew a kiss to their reflection in the mirror, all boys were looking stunningly hot and sexy in their lacy sexy dresses.

It was Gulf who was amazed looking at himself he shockingly said " I can't believe I look this hot". Green smiling said "we are all sofisticated beautiful Bubble Whores' babe" followed by a wink. When Sarawat finish his hairstyling in the end he ask "how I am looking Whores'?" Kristy and Omy start to whistle and Gulf said "wow you are totally looking like a Pataka (firework)". All started laughing and in fit of giggling at each other . After few minutes of laughing and praising each other Kristy stop everyone from laughing and talking he announce loudly " let's rock our party night Whores'".

They all came out to Kristy living room from his walking closet and after getting ready they wasted no time and start their party eating, dancing together with Readers on "The Black Eyed Peas' and Taylor Swift songs. All boys enjoying their time bobbing their head on the music rhythm, moving their bodies sexily and spun around the room. Then all five boys holding each other hand and dancing in circles having the best time of their life. Sarawat eyes catch the glimpse of his hubby just in a matter of second, he can never ignore or forget the face of the one he love the most and the eyes which always hold so much love for him. But when he again shockingly turned to the window there was no one. He got confused thinking whether he really saw his hubby or it was just his illusion. And then his brain chimmed Tine is always busy with work these days why and how he will come to him he shrugged his thought and concentrate on his party again.

Tine huffed and hide back behind walls and plants. As he saw his wife he got lost in the beauty his wife and forget how to breathe but still he manage to hide again right on time. Dim, PV and Tine couldn't hold themselves back when Dim said "let's go and see what their wifes upto tonight". First Tine decline the idea but when PV agree with Dim's idea to find out why Omy dumped him PV got curious to find out what makes Omy leave him and go to his new friends. Then Tine reluctantly agreed to check out his wife as well.

All three boys hides behind the Kristy's living room wall where they can easily see their wife's looking super stunningly beautiful and in goddess sexy Avatar by awfully wearing small little dresses. All boys cock twitch watching their wifes dancing, jumping and moving their ass in sexy way around. All three said in unison "fuck they are...... looking...... gorgeous". Tine's heart flutter watching his wife dancing he unknowingly smiled looking at his wife and he mentally took a note to do some shopping soon for his wife. All boys eyes were holding the view of their wife only and glued to them. Tine just wanted to jump on his wife and fuck him hard by sliding his panty aside but he has to control his chastity atleast only for tonight. Dim and PV were nothing feeling different PV couldn't believe his eyes his Omy is looking damn sexy and hot to his eyes after wearing ladies dress. He was looking cute chubby girl who is ready to be eaten. All were so engrossed in their wife beauty that no one notice or see that someone came and stand behind them.

Singto came and stand behind the boys watching inside his home like some Perverts. Singto came early because he finished his meeting and thought to surprise his wife by coming home early but when he park his car he heard the rustling in his front yard and saw his friend is peeping inside his house. It was Dim who saw Singto first and alert the other two boys who doesn't want to leave the sight of their wifes. But when Dim pulled both boys little harshly they both got stumbled and stunned looking Singto behind them and at the same time Singto catch the glimpse of his wife who is dancing wearing shortest skirt between his friends now its time for singto's cock to twitch he sighed and understood why his friends become Pervert suddenly.

Tine ask Singto he was supposed to come tomorrow then how come he came early. Singto explain his friends that he finished his work early so he came to surprise his wife but he is the one who got surprised now because his wife is unpredictable sometimes. PV couldn't help but laugh at Singto thinking that he is homeless for the night all husband definitely don't want to burst the bubble of their wifes they decide to let them enjoying so Singto decided to spend the night at PV place which is nearby to his.

Tine asked his friends to take a leave before their wife's catch them and it will be better if they let their wifes enjoy the night alone. It's only the matters of one night afterall they will not die without them and it will be better if they don't disturb them before they get distract and let them have fun in their own way and now they also know that they are safe and enjoying their time so all husband should leave but before leaving Dim took out his phone and snape a picture of Gulf. PV frown at him and he said " he is not your wife, he is there on couch with Kristy". Dim click his tongue and said he is forwarding the picture to Green's cousin Mew. Dim also informed PV his name is Gulf and he is Mew's future wife. PV just nod and take out his phone to click the picture of Omy too who was slowing shaking his legs with Sarawat. Tine couldn't help because he wanted to snap his wife picture too and he did it and immediately click four to five pictures even both Tine and PV set the pictures as homescreen already. When PV finished taking pictures he saw Singto and Dim is just standing and watching their wife smiling and not taking any pictures so he ask "you don't want your wife's pic's". Singto Chuckled and said he saw his wife every weekend in this getup so for him it's nothing new but Yes this getup everytime work on him and same with Dim too afterall old married couple. Then all boys went back to PV place with food and more beers he suggests to spend the night at his place. And It's better to spend time with friends instead of sleeping alone with boner.

Morning came very late for everyone, it was Sarawat who woke up first and saw the time it was already 11am in the morning. He groggily woke up and went to grab his bag to find his phone. When he got his phone he saw Kristy phone is also ringing beside his bag he went to Kristy to give his phone. He woke him slowly and ask his phone is ringing it might be emergency. Kristy saw his colleague is calling him. When he pick up the call from his collegue he inform him that the report he wanted to know came and result and the test came positive meaning Omy is pregnant. Kristy was shocked with the news somewhere he was still expecting that it will be better if the report come negative. For Omy as well as for PV but now he don't know how he should react.

Sarawat saw Kristy shocking face on call when he was talking he got worried and ask his friend what happened. Kristy informed him Omy reports came positive and he is already 10 weeks pregnant. Sarawat was also shocked hearing the news but he was more worried for Omy. Both Kristy and Sarawat turned around when they felt someone is behind them and both gulped when they saw all three boys standing and holding Omy shoulder either sides.

Sarawat : party all night

Green : party all night

Omy : we do party all night

Tine : Aunty police bula Le gi

PV : Aunty police bula Le gi

Kristy : but party yuhi chalegi

Gulf : but party yuhi chalegi

Me : sabki bajate reho 😅

How was this chapter let me know your thoughts and pwease don't forget to hit that Star below for next update please and thank you 🙏🙏❤️❤️

Let's start some drama and smut in next update ❤️

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