By 22_97j

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[MPREG] When the one you thought would be your constant star becomes your temporary fix, would you do everyth... More

Chapter 1: love is painful, so are goodbyes
Chapter 2: the one who broke your heart
Chapter 3: let's burn this out, let's play hide and seek
Chapter 4: he's the only one around and he meant every little thing to me
Chapter 5: memoirs of sadness
Chapter 6: universal truth
Chapter 8: right or wrong?
Chapter 9: fears
Chapter 10:history
Chapter 11: missing you
Chapter 12: efforts and sincerity
Chapter 13: like a cold bucket of water
Chapter 14: his side of the story
Chapter 15: sweet dreams
Chapter 16: the sound of healing and hurting
Chapter 17: when the wind blows
Chapter 18: holding me back
Chapter 19: maybe, i'll get drunk again, to feel a little love
Chapter 20: bleeding love
Chapter 21: such cruel fate
Chapter 22: flicker of hope
Chapter 23: a lovely family
Chapter 24: nostalgia
Chapter 25: weird feeling
Chapter 26: special someone

Chapter 7: why did we turned out like this?

516 30 5
By 22_97j

THE moment Jikook had entered the daycare, the both of them were both left with the inevitable silence that always came between them. This was the very first time they have seen each other since Jiimin had decided to let go of Jungkook, and of course, it was full of awkwardness; the air blowing against their bodies making them stiff and tensed until it was Jimin who had broken the silence.

"Jungkook, we need to talk." He spoke, his expression drawing a serious aura that gave his facial features that kind of justice it deserved – he looked ruggedly handsome; manlier in this kind of expression, the one that had people at their feet just by looking at him.

Jungkook didn't listen, yet he moved. He moved to stay away from Jimin; Jungkook was leaving, turning back at Jimin and ready to cross the street. Jimin cursed and ran after Jungkook, grabbing his wrist with such force that made Jungkook's body reverberate and actually face him, something that Jungkook had been avoiding since they first met.

"Damn it, Jungkook! We freaking need to talk!" He told him, his brows knitting together and grip tightening on Jungkook's wrist, his face now shifting into a scowl and it was that, Park Jimin was angry.

"We don't need to! You already let me go!"

"Fuck, that's why you need to stay! I already let you go, don't make the same mistake with me!"Jimin replied with the same intensity and volume, his voice turning deep and hoarse that Jungkook knew it implied something grave, and the way his eyes flickered with strong emotion that he couldn't pinpoint. Then he knew – he'll have a long day ahead. "And you didn't even bother telling me the truth!"

"What truth?"

"You know it, Jungkook. You knew about Jikook, but you didn't even tell me about it."

And Jungkook suddenly felt cold, feeling the blood that was rushing in his veins, flushing down his system leaving him void and unable to register what he heard. He can't be hearing it right, did Jimin found out already? He can't! He should never! It didn't took him second thinking what decision he will make, because in his perspective, it was clear as a day, that Jimin should never find out about Jikook.

because if he does, he'll take his only happiness away.

Just like what he did years ago.

He can't bear that pain again.

"Jikook is my son, isn't he?"


"I looked at him, and it was undeniable and obvious how he looked like me when I was a child. How much he resembles me and how the last night that we had - I knew for sure we had unprotected sex."

"So where are you getting at--"Jungkook replied boringly, trying to express how disinterested he was on what Jimin had said. He didn't need this, not now, not ever. As months passed by since Jimin had left him, Jungkook had created the perfect master piece – a mask. With everything that's left intact with him, he had poured all his craftsmanship and efforts to utilize all the pain and suffering he had gone through to create a mask, something that would hide everything that was left to him.

"Don't play coy, baby boy." Jimin said gruffly, the way he does when he's restraining every bit of anger that was threatening to pour out of him. "I'm sick of playing games! You know damn well where I'm getting at. Jikook is my-"

"He's not yours! He's not your son!" The younger male countered before Jimin could even finish what he was saying. "He's mine! Jikook is my son!" Damn, this was getting into Jungkook's system. He never had expected this day to even come especially when Jimin had given him a promise of goodbye, easing him from his nightmares but yet here he is right now, living in one of them. His greatest nightmare had turn into reality he could never escape now, at least that's what it seems.

"Don't lie!" Jimin said in a cracked voice, "he's my son. I know It. You can't hide it from me, Jungkook. I want a DNA test."

"You're pathetic, Jimin! He's not yours! He's my son, mine... So don't you dare ask for a DNA test, because I'm clearly telling you right now, don't get your hopes up. He's not yours."

"Fuck! Then why wouldn't you let me do it, kookie-ah? I don't care whether the results tell me he's not mine, but I at least need to confirm."

"You already said good bye!" Jungkook huffed, the frustration circling and radiating off him was evident. Jimin is so fucking stubborn. "Do me a favour, and keep your promise at the very least. At least, keep that promise. That's the only promise you can fulfil to make up for all the lies and pain you've fed me."

"No." Jimin shook his head, still refusing everything that pain staked his heart; he'll endure. He'll break that promise no matter how Jungkook beg, because breaking that promise meant fulfilling his own promise in the past, a complete family of his own. "No, if you really believe that he's not mine then, do the test."

"Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, nothing's ever going to come through you." Jungkook said, before finally deciding to leave, but Jimin's not letting him.

"You always do this, every time I ask for you and I to talk, you leave."

"And you didn't?"

"Stop throwing the past back at me, Jungkook! Yes, I left! But that's why I'm here standing right in front of you, because I regret leaving. I want everything back, that's why this time around, I'm not leaving."

"Fuck you, you know that?"

"You can curse me and I'll fucking bear with what I hear, but I have the right to know my son. I won't stop until you tell me the damn truth I'm deprived of."

His far stretched out patience and empathy were barely hanging by a thread, each words being thrown inflicted more stress and pressure at the said thread, slowly losing its strength as each fibre starts to break down from the induced force and such. With the given variables at hand, the thread had snapped. His patience and empathy being drowned by anger and fury at the stubbornness of the man in front of him and spouting such incredulous words, that was the moment that he had lost control. Strong emotions spiralled and overtook his body, releasing the pent up frustration he had over the years of carrying the burden alone.

And it didn't felt like it was his own body anymore, like it has a life of its own built by the thundering emotions he had felt, because right at the moment his hand had landed on Jimin's cheek at its own will. Like it had done something before it could even register in his mind.

"Right?" Jungkook had uttered, the word left his mouth with such disbelief, clearly mocking what Jimin had said. "Don't make me laugh, Park Jimin. You think you have what you call 'right'? Stop throwing nothing at me." He had told with such danger laced in his voice. "You fucking lost that right the moment you left me that night! You fucking lost that right when you left me pregnant and alone as I wonder; how could I get through this? You fucking lost that right when I was there outside the doctors thinking whether I should even continue or have an abortion because I can't fucking do it alone. So don't you dare speak up to me with the right you're talking about because you have none!"

Suddenly, the hardest yet most rewarding time of Jungkook's life had flashed back to him. It was the times where he had shed the most tears, especially the moment he found out that there was life growing inside of him. The first thought that pondered on his mind was, "could I do this?" because, right at that moment, he was alone. He was alone when he needed somebody the most. He was left alone by the person that he loved the most when he needed him right in his life – right in their baby's life.

He was too depressed at that time that even the thought of abortion came to his mind, because how could he support a child? How could he support the two of them when he can't even support himself? Late at night, he would go to the bathroom, searching for some way to ease up the pain that was swallowing him whole and leaving no remnants of the happy person he used to be.

But then, he remembered how he was abandoned. Abandoned by his parents, and abandoned by Jimin. Would he bear to do the same thing to his own flesh and blood? And suddenly with a new hope sparked in him, Jungkook knew he had to turn his life right. He had to stop from mourning over the love that has lost, and start appreciating the life that has gained. He worked even when he was pregnant to support his needs, and he knew the moment Jikook was born, he had made the right decision.

Tears escaped his eyes, remembering all the hardships he had went through, he had gone through so much.

He clenched his eyes, trying to pry the tears away without using his own hands, but then he felt the familiar warmth caress his skin. The familiar pair of hands cupped his face and drove the tears away with his own thumb. "Don't cry," He didn't want to open his eyes because he knew what he will see, him staring deeply into him, and then he'll feel like he's exposing his own soul. "I told myself that when I see you again, I would never let you cry because I know, I know how much you had cried the moment I left you." He kept brushing his skin with his thumb, each stroke held such gentleness and care that was so sincere and genuine – it felt raw. "I know, because I cried too."

"S-stay away from me," Jungkook pushed him away, feeling uneasy at how he found Jimin's touch so warm and gentle. Like how he used to describe it before. He didn't want it, not one bit. Then, he had opened his eyes. He was staring back at him, hurt evident in his eyes but then it flickered away.

"I want to meet my son, please, kookie-ah."

"I can' can't."

"Why? You kept telling me how I left without even turning back, how I left you pregnant and alone, but how come now that I'm here and trying to fix everything, you're pushing me away and casting aside my efforts? I'm here, trying to fix and do what I couldn't during the years I left you, but you're not even letting me."




"Talk to me,"

"You can't meet my son, I'm sorry."

"What the hell?" Jimin cursed out loudly, he, too, was running out of patience. He had endured every hurtful words and slaps Jungkook had given him, he was human too. It was inevitable not to feel emotions every time Jungkook spoke with no restraint, hitting him with a blow about their own past, he knows his mistake, he was atoning for it. And with those slaps, he would have gone berserk if someone had done that to him, but with Jungkook he'll bear, because despite all those slaps and words, it wasn't even enough for the pain that he had caused him. But despite those, he still hoped Jungkook would see he's trying, he's doing his best to change for him but damn, Jungkook was blinded by the past so much, blinded by his anger, that right now, he was depriving him the family that he didn't know he has and his son from the other father that Jikook has.

Jimin was so done.

"I've had enough of this! I am stubborn but I can't help when you are! You're being too fucking selfish, I'm Jikook's other father if I don't deserve to meet him then he at least deserves to meet me! He deserves the family he's supposed to have, but you won't let it be. I'm so done playing nice with you, kookie-ah. I'm only enduring everything you're throwing at me because I love you too much, but I think I'm putting myself too low. I know I've made a mistake, but that doesn't mean I don't deserve to fix it. Everybody deserves a second chance at everything." Jimin's muscular chest heaved up and down, his gaze was deathly affixed only on Jungkook but the boy in front of him was acting deaf. "That's it, I've had enough. I'm taking this to court."

Jungkook's eyes widened at what he had heard, no, no! This is what he was afraid of the most when he had met Jimin again, he'll be taking his child away. He's taking Jikook away from him! He knew Jimin had power now, Jimin was famous and he had company that was backing him up so well. With the circumstances laid out in front of him, it was easy to deduce that Jimin would do well in the court. Who is he anyway? He's barely living off with his jobs, he has no backing or no whatsoever, he only has Jikook.

No, he can't take this to court.



how are you guys still finding this story? does it still interest you?:( this is just short btw. i hope you like this. it was kinda hard writing this. needed to feel the emotions aye. really wanna hear your thoughts!

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