𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

By twistednoglastia

762K 34.5K 62.8K

"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... More

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】


18.8K 913 1.2K
By twistednoglastia


» "They're really just getting boned by fate right now. This is just not a good time." «

*mentions of stabbing*

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

Luca's lips trembled as he stared into the dead eyes of the mask before him. He crossed his arms, swallowing back the urge to laugh at your dumb antics. You stood before him, with a peace sign raised, a Ghostface mask adorning your features.


Shaking his head, the brunette swat at you, to which you dodged giggling. "Take it ooooff! You're gonna get yelled at!" He scolded you, giggling as well. Again in a bad scratchy accent you put your hands to your masked face, "I'm too amazing for that. You see this beautiful face?" "Your Ghostface voice sucks." Sticking out his tongue, he avoided your hand that went to slap the back of his head playfully.

"I think my Ghostface voice is amazing." You dropped the weird voice, and took off the mask, your hair slightly frizzy from the static. Luca took the mask from your hands and placed it back on display. "I know your obsessed with Scream but you already went at Ghostface last year." Using your younger brother as an arm rest you snorted, "I'm not obsessed with Scream."

Pushing your arm off, he sent you a suspicious glance. "You main him in Dead by Daylight." Chewing on the inside of your lip, you glanced away, "It's just cause I like his gameplay." "You've watched all the Scream movies, and do it again every Halloween." "It's a good series." You protested, crossing your arms, glancing at the racks in the Spirit Halloween store,

Luca grabbed a costume off one of the shelves, "Sis, you've literally made animations of Ghostface lip syncing to vines." Awkwardly you sucked in your cheeks, "..You do have a point." Smirking in victory, the gremlin child disappeared around to another aisle, you followed after him helplessly.

"Didja find anything you like?"

Luca hummed at your question for a long time as he continued wandering around, before he gasped. Grabbing your sleeve, he tugged on it, forcing you to stumble after him. Once he stopped, he grabbed two plastic coverings of costumes and shoved them into your arms. "These two! These are what we'll be!" Letting out a small grunt from the force of items being thrown into your grasp, you raised a brow and held one up. Immediately your lips curled into a grin as you looked down at the brunette. "Undertale?" With a serious look in his eyes, he nodded firmly. "Undertale."

Clicking your tongue, you nodded and nudged him to follow you to the cashier. "Who's gonna be who?" Swinging his arms as he walked, the boy in the puffy coat looked up at you, "Well obviously," he rolled his eyes and a smile twitched at his lips when you mocked the way he said 'obviously', "you'll be sans because your older..and lazy." You pouted, "Hey!" Giggling, Luca skipped up a bit further towards the register, "And I'll be Papyrus!" Shooting him a look you grinned, "You sure it's not because Papyrus is your favorite?" "No!" Defensively he puffed out his cheeks and weakly punched your arm. "..Okay maybe a little."

As you paid for the costumes, Luca rocked back and forth on his heels beside the counter, not focusing on anything in particular. He snapped out of the daze as you poked his cheek and began walking away, quickly he jogged to catch up and grab onto your coat sleeve.

   "When we get back can we watch a movie?"

   Looking down and moving the bag to be slung around your other arm, you raised a brow. "Did you finish your homework?"

   Luca nodded rapidly, to which you laughed through your nose and pat his head. "Alright, alright, fine. We can watch a movie."

   He threw his arms up in victory, "We're gonna watch the Sonic movie!"

   "I still think Tails is better."
"You're just wrong, but okay."
   "How dare you? Tails is a treasure to this world."
   "So is Sonic!"
   "He's a glorified blue hedgehog."
   "Hedgehogs are cool!"
   "They're dumb."
   "You're dumb."


» Dorm «


Sighing, you gripped your hair as the glare of the screen burned your eyes. Luca had gone to bed in the spare bedroom of the dorm a while ago, but here you were at one am doing work. Eyes drifting down to the clock on the bottom of the screen the word 'Wed' and 1:21 am flashed back. Technically yesterday, you finally took Luca to get a costume instead of earlier in the week on Saturday like you planned. After the incident on Friday of literally witnessing a masked guy possibly unalive people, you had to take a day to yourself to regroup. It disturbed you from how you didn't have a reaction to what you witnessed, not the event itself. It had bothered you so much, you couldn't get out of bed on Saturday. On Sunday, Luca probably sensed you were still out of it and simply wanted to stay inside drawing all day. You were thankful for it, but still felt bad.

   Thinking about the event, your eyes drifted to the side as you stared at your closed sketchbook. Frowning, you sighed and dug the ends of your palms into your eyes in an attempt to wake up more. Did you draw the random stranger that saved you? Yes. Yes you did. Only! Only, because you were bored and the memory of Friday wouldn't stop harassing you. Was it strange? Yes, most definitely. But then again, you are an artist that draws anything that peaks your interest. Ha, what are you turning into? An Albedo kinnie?

Gritting your teeth, your head plopped down onto the counter of the island. You couldn't sleep, so here you were doing work that wasn't due anytime soon. It didn't help that the only light in the dorm right now was your computer screen. You knew it was a horrible decision to stay up, seeing as you had to wake up early to get Luca to school.

Groggily, you raised your head at the sound of quiet footsteps. Luca stood beside the island awkwardly, clutching part of his night shirt in his hands. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up straight and opened your one arm so he could waddle into a side hug. "What's up, buddy?" He waited until you stopped yawning, before he fidgeted and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"I..I think I saw something in my room."

Feeling more awake, you looked down at the brunette who was covering his face in your side. His tone held embarrassment, like he was ashamed to admit being scared. Your brows dipped and you pat his head. "I'll go check it out, ok?" Looking up, he nodded tiredly. He stood back, giving you room to stand up from the stool, once you got up he gripped the end of your shirt and followed behind you. Sticking your head into the empty guest room, your eyes narrowed.

There was nothing there, except for furniture. Luca dropped his grip on your shirt, opting to stand in the doorway nervously. Approaching the closet, you swung it open and looked inside to find nothing. Next you checked under the bed, to find nothing again. Lastly you opened the window and looked around, only to find no one outside. Closing the window, you locked it and shuffled back over to Luca. Picking him up effortlessly, you plopped him back on the bed and ruffled his hair. "Well kiddo, no one seems to be here, and if they were.." You stepped back towards the door as Luca sleepily got back under the covers, "..they were too intimidated by you and fled." Your brother giggled causing you to smile. "Besides, I'm right across the hall."

Turning off the light you barely caught the sound of Luca calling after you.

"Night night, [Y/n]."
"Night, shortie."

Stepping away from the room, you lingered in the hallway, eyes narrowing at the door for a moment. Your stomach churned with anxiety. Luca frequently had nightmares, but something about this time seemed off. Shaking it off, you wandered back over to the kitchen and sat on the stool at the island. Maybe it was..Jack? No..no that wouldn't make sense. Your demonic friend always entered through the same window and he may be creepy, but not creepy enough to watch your brother in his sleep.

Biting your lip, you shook your head again and attempted to focus on the work before you. However, the feeling of anxiety never left and your concentration was everywhere but your work.

After about half an hour of this, you finally groaned and slammed your laptop shut. Looking up at the hallway leading to the bedrooms, you fell into a cold sweat. Alarms in your head began blaring, and the word danger was screaming inside your head. Brows furrowing you slowly got up and backed up towards the other counter, eyes never leaving the hallway.

As quietly as you could, you opened a drawer and pulled out a knife. Glancing down at it, you swallowed hard before forcing yourself to leave your spot and creep into the hallway. The knife, it was just in case, yeah. Is what you kept reassuring yourself as you licked your lips anxiously.

Slowly, you pushed open the door and kept low. Eyes squinting, you could barely make out anything in the dark.

However, you couldn't miss the large figure that loomed over the bed in the dark. The mere sight of it made you freeze, and your breath left you. Their back was towards you, and the figure was staring down intently at the sleeping boy, a dangerous glint in their eyes. You swore quiet laughs were emitting from the thing. The sudden urge to throw up made your stomach hurt. The entire ordeal was disgusting.

Gaining back the ability to breath, your swallowed down your fear, instead letting rage take over. This bastard! Sneaking in to watch your brother! Disgust filled your senses, no way in hell was this guy going to get away with that. Slipping into the room, you crept up behind the looming figure, slightly surprised they didn't hear you.

Not wasting a moment to hesitate, your hand shot up and grabbed the figure by the back of their clothing and dragged them down, before using the same hand to cover their mouth. The being flailed for a second in alarm, before you raised the armed hand and dug the sharp knife into where you assumed would be their eye. You grit your teeth and shut your own eyes as the knife dug into their face, you couldn't help but shiver from how easily it dug through their skin. Wincing, you swallowed down the bile rising in your throat. The being didn't scream in pain like you expected, but they did grip your wrist and curse loudly into your hand. You barely heard what they said since it was muffled and you were launched into a panic attack.

Suddenly the figure disappeared, leaving behind a puff of black smoke. The sudden disappearance made you gasp and tumble back onto the floor. Panicked, you looked up and around the room only to find nothing. Swallowing hard, your shaking hands gripped the handle of the knife. Looking down, the metal on the knife clearly was darker, showing that it had been stained with blood. Or what you assumed to be blood. Shakily, getting to your feet you looked over at Luca. His slumber hadn't been disturbed at all.

Breathing out through your mouth, you gently placed a hand to his forehead, pushing his hair back. Biting on your tongue, you willed yourself away from your brother and out into the hallway. You kept his door open a crack, and slumped against the wall beside his room. How badly you wanted to run and grab your phone, call or text anyone who would listen, but you reasoned, who would even believe what you saw? Besides, the fear of that thing coming back once you left forced you to stay. Your hands wouldn't stop shaking, much to your dismay. For what felt like hours, you focused on controlling your breathing, and slowly your heart rate started to decrease into it's normal beat.

The stress started to get to you and the adrenaline in your veins began to burn out. Before you knew it, you passed out, slumped against the wall, knife still pressed tightly in your hand.



   Luckily for you, you had woken up before Luca due to the alarm on your phone. You being you somehow heard it in the kitchen, despite being in the hallway. Groggily you took one glance at your hands and the knife and were wide awake. Scrambling to get up, you closed Luca's door fully and sped walked to the kitchen. Turning off the alarm, you dropped your phone back down on the counter and practically flung yourself at the sink.

   Your brows stayed furrowed and a blank frown was permanently on your face. Instead of thinking about what happened last night, your main focus was to get rid of the blood so Luca didn't freak out. Rinsing off the knife, you sighed in relief after it all came off. Of course the blood wasn't gone but it wasn't visible. Afterwards you placed the knife in the sink and furiously scrubbed your hands down with soap.

   Placing your now blood-free shaking hands on the edge of the sink, your head dipped down as a long sigh left your lips. Why couldn't you have just one normal day? After wallowing for a moment, you hesitantly pried yourself away from the sink to grab your phone. Biting down on the inside of your cheek, you texted Lizzie. You always felt bad for asking her to drive Luca to school, but right now you could not walk him there. Just a few seconds after you sent the hesitant text, she responded with a happy "of course!" and a smiley face.

   Placing your phone down, you stood there in silence for another moment. Before deciding it would be best to get changed and wake up Luca. To which you did. Your outfit wasn't much, just a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. What? It's not like you had classes today. After, you brushed your teeth and did your hair, before finally going back to the spare bedroom. Opening the door, you walked over to Luca before jumping up on his bed.


   The brunette groaned loudly and turned over in bed, before taking a pillow and covering his ears with it. Huffing, you jumped down before shaking him. "Geeeet uuuuuup." Whining, Luca whacked you with his pillow, "I am! I am.." Yawning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, before turning to glare at you sleepily. Chuckling, you messed up his hair again. "Alright buddy, go get dressed. What do you want for breakfast? Pancakes? Or pancakes with abs?" Slipping out of bed, Luca waddled over to the closet to pull out clothes he had left here. "Pancakes with abs.." Shooting him a thumbs up, you began walking out, "Waffles it is then."

   With that, you left to the kitchen and pulled out Eggo Waffles from the freezer. The badly written sharpie that was scribbled over the word "waffle" to write "pancakes with abs" made you smile a bit. Popping two into the toaster, you placed the box back in the freezer.

   By the time they were done and on a plate, Luca was already sitting on a stool. Plopping the plate in front of him, you practically drowned the food in syrup. Luca didn't mind though, seeing as he was obsessed with the stuff. Stretching, you grunted as your back cracked. "Lizzie is gonna take you to school today, alright?"

   Shoving a forkful of food in his mouth, Luca nodded, "Okay." Hitting him on the head lightly you rolled your eyes, "Don't talk with your mouth full." To which Luca turned to you and stuck out his tongue, food and all. Immediately your nose wrinkled, "You're so grooooss." Putting a hand on his face you pushed him back to his seat, causing him to giggle mischievously.

   While Luca ate, you got his bag together and set out his coat and gloves near the door. Going back to the kitchen, he was done and probably brushing his teeth. Taking his now empty plate, you put it in the dishwasher before begrudgingly making way to your room to grab one of your brushes. Returning to the living room-kitchen, Luca stood by the door with his coat and bag on. Currently he was struggling with his gloves, but managed to get them on. He smiled up at you when you placed a hand to his head. Taking the brush, you combed his hair out so it was less messy. "Remember, I'll be there to pick you up after school, alright?" "Aye aye captain." An amused huff left your nose, "And you're staying over again tonight, got it?" "Yup!" Glancing at the side table by the door, your phone buzzed with a text from Lizzie.

   "Lizzie's here." Pulling the brush away, Luca turned and hugged your midsection. Returning the hug you grinned softly. "Meet her by the entrance, alright?" "I will." Pulling out of the hug, the boy grinned widely, "I'm gonna ace my test, and you'll have no choice but to hang it on the fridge." Snorting you pinched his cheek, "You better impress me then, kid."

   You opened the door to let him out and to the stairwell. "Bye-bye [Y/n]! Love you!" "I love you too, squirt!"

   "Love you more!"
   "Love you most!"
   "Not possible!"
   "Yes it is!"

   Once Luca opened the stairwell door he yelled back, "Nu-uh! I love you most! To infinity! No beating that! Pffbbt!" "Oh you little..!" With that he stuck his tongue out before hurrying down the stairs. The pattering of his steps became fainter and fainter. Scoffing jokingly, you rolled your eyes and went back into your dorm, making sure to lock the door.

   Once you locked the door, your face fell. Were you being paranoid? Yes! Were you insane? Maybe. But did you definitely stab something last night? There was blood to prove it! Unsure of what to do next, you slowly made your way to the couch, phone in hand. Sitting down, you were still on guard and tense. God, what even was that thing? Human? That..wouldn't be possible. Unless it was a humanoid creature—but still! Bouncing your leg up and down, you sighed in defeat at the idea that came to you..but it was better than nothing.

[Best Friend 🤠 has entered their rchat.]

Best Friend 🤠
Hey, do you mind if I ask for a favor? -

- Depends. What is it?

Best Friend 🤠
Well...remember when I said I couldn't hang this week? -
Change of plans. -
If you are able to, can you come over? Like around 9:30? -
Sorry if that's a weird request -
I'm just a bit paranoid about something -

- Is there a reason? For your paranoia and why 9:30?

Best Friend 🤠
It's gonna sound crazy -
And I think it's better to explain in person -
And for the time, it's cause my little brother is staying over and idk how he'll react to seeing you -

   A text bubble kept appearing and disappearing for a few moments after you sent your last text. Your thumbs lingered over the digital keyboard, before you sucked in a breath. You really didn't have any other option, and you really doubted you'd actually be able to catch whatever that thing was off guard if it came back.

Best Friend 🤠
Please Jack. -

- I'll be there.

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

» "Never wanna be myself again." «


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