Love Spell [Tomco] [SVTFOE|

By HeyHowAreYouK

17.5K 547 174

Tom liked Star very much, we all know that. When Star didn't accept his feelings though, what does he do? He... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15, Part 1.

Chapter 7

1K 31 0
By HeyHowAreYouK

Tom's POV:
Day 6 with love spelled Marco. I haven't seen him today or heard of him so my day is going pretty great. Without Marco, everything is great. Hm, what to do. Maybe I can hang out with someone? Wait, I have no friends haha. Just Star. Maybe I can hangout with Star? Leave Marco by himself though. Let me call Star.

I picked up my phone and called Star. She picked up, and she greeted me with a smile. "Hay Tom!" I smiled instantly. "Hey Star! Would you like to hangout?"

"Oh! Sure! After school though okay?" Oh yeah, school. I remember when I sent that "counselor" to do some spying/work for me. "Alright. Call me once you get home!" Star nodded her head. "Okay, see you, bye!" She hung up. Now all I have to do is wait. When does she get out though, and what do I do in the meantime?

Hm, I mean I can do this but why should I? Yeah I am bored but still. I mean, I guess I can.

Time to go to the library that's inside my house. Yes my house does have its own room filled with books. Sometimes we just want to read you know?

I headed to the library and went the area called/labeled, "spells." I skimmed through the books and got all the books that told about love spells and stuff. Yes I am researching more about that. I'm bored okay? Might as well since Marco's under one. I'm not doing this for Marco though! Plus, I'm kind of curious too. Oh and I also need to entertain myself while I wait for Star to get out of school.

I placed the books on a table and sat down. I had grabbed 5 books. Hm, which one to read first. Ah, I'll read the, Dangers Of a Love Spell book. We should obviously know the 'dangers' to this spell first.

I opened the book and there were different sections to it. First one was about levels, I know about that one already. How it feels for them? Interesting. Hm, side effects too? Why is that in a book that has the title dangers? I skimmed through more of the sections and found one that said, "Realization." Realization? Huh, sounds intriguing enough for me to read this section first. I looked through the section, reading what it had/said.

"A person that is under a love spell should never realize they are in one. It could be dangerous for them and their mental state. If that person comes to realize that they are under the spell, they will try and find out what's "wrong with them." They will be put in a state of shock, and will have these questions. They will doubt themselves and their capability to love. Not only their capability of love will they doubt, but they will also doubt all their feelings and their mental health. It is quite dangerous for the person to know. It's not much known what they do, feel exactly, and what it does to them, but those are some things we do know. Never let a person under a love spell know that they are on in one.

If a person has realized that they are in a love spell, here are some ways to know that they have:

•They start distancing themselves
•Stops being affectionate with the one they're in love
•Doesn't seem like quite themselves
•Starts shutting themself in a room every day
•Quiet almost all the time
•Doesn't want to be around the one they're in love
•Starts acting way different then usual

If a person starts showing multiple of these and they are under a love spell, know that they are starting to get aware and trying to find answers. Try and convince them that they are not under a love spell until the love spell wears off. Oh and one more thing, do NOT mention to them that they are under a love spell. Under no circumstances mention it near them or in front of them. You're lucky if they aren't hearing you or someone else if you happen to mention it on accident.

Oh. That's quite, um. I mean, it doesn't seem like Marco has realized yet? Star and I have mentioned it around him, but it doesn't seem like he heard us? I think he was too busy being all over me, eh. Alright, I guess I'll watch out if Marco acts like this. Of course, Star will tell me how he acts or whatever since I don't like being around him, and the fact that Star lives with him.

Alright, let's cover the other dangers of this love spell. I guess I'll read how it feels for them next.

Star's POV:
"Hey Marco? Is it okay if I hang with Tom after school? I think he would prefer if I just came so is that ok? It's not like you have anything else planned for us, right?"

"Oh, it's fine haha. I planned doing something just myself too, so it's completely fine!"

"Alright! I'll try and get you some info that I haven't told you about Tom cause I didn't know yet okay?"


After school
"Alright! Well, I'm going to go hang out with Tom now okay?"

"Alright, have fun Star."

"Byeee!!" I said, as I waved frantically as Marco walked home. Now, to call Tom so he can make a portal for me because Marco obviously has the scissors, and he needs them for some unknown reason.

I called Tom and waited for him to pick up which wasn't long. "Heyy, Starship!" I smiled. "Hi, Tom!" I saw him looking at something too which got me curious.

"Whatcha looking at?"

"Oh, I'm just reading about love spells. Right now I'm reading about the dangers of it so that we can be careful you know?"

"Ohhh, gotcha, gotcha. Why are you so interested in the love spell(s) now?"

"I'm not, I was just bored, and I was waiting for you to get out of school."

"Oh, well can you make a portal for me? I don't have my dimensional scissors right now haha, Marco has them at home."

"Sure thing."

Tom hung up, and I waited for him. Soon enough, a portal opened up, and I walked in.

"Hii Tom!"


"Nice library," I complimented. So many books, not as cool, but the library looks nice. "So, what have you read so far?"

Tom handed me a book called Dangers Of a Love Spell. Do I seriously have to read all this? Can't he just give me a quick summary of this? "Do I have to to?" I groaned. "Yes. Don't you wanna know the dangers of a love spell? Marco is under a love spell after all, Star."

"Hm, I guess you're right. Okay, okay, I'll read it."

I read the whole book, glad I did now because this was valuable information. "Hm, it does seem like it is dangerous. Maybe not AS much to us, but to the person under it, it might be."

"Hey Star? Wanna go play some video games?" Tom suddenly asked, changing the topic. Good relief though.

"Yeah, yeah!" I beamed as I ran out of the library.

Marco's mom (Angelica) POV:
I saw Marco run up to Star's room. I didn't see Star with him though. I looked up the stairs and heard a bunch of shuffling going around. That's when he came out with a big book. I heard him run to his room with the book and put on the lock. Why would Marco put on the lock to his door? He almost never does that?

I walked up the stairs and headed to Marco's room. I stood outside of Marco's room and I knocked. "Marco? Is everything alright hunny?"

Silence. That's.. unusual. Did something between him and Star happened? I knocked harder. "Marco? Are you alright? Why did you lock the door?" Silence. "Marco Diaz answer your worried mother this instant!" I heard shuffling again. At least it wasn't silence this time. That's when he finally spoke. "I'm okay mom! Sorry for worrying you I'm just doing something and got caught up in my thoughts and the moment that I didn't hear you! Sorry!" He voice seems, a bit off. "Are you sure you're okay hunny?" I asked in concern. "Yep! I'm okay!" He responded with. His voice seemed stronger this time. "Alright, if you say so.."

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. Why does Marco seem a bit off? Star didn't appear with him today. Did something happen between them? Oh, I hope he is truly alright.

Glossaryck's POV: (crazy right?)
"Why did you drag me here Marco?"

"I need you help."

"Well, I don't want to help right now."

"Glossaryck! You will help me! It's not an option ok?! I need you to help me! NOW."

Hm, why is Marco acting so strange? He seems desperate and off. I guess I'll help him. If I help him, the faster I can get away from him and finish other stuff that I need to do.

Tom's POV:
"Well that was fun!"

"Yeahh it was," Star said. "I better go now, Marco's probably waiting."

Marco. "Okay. Do you need me to create a portal for you again?"

"Yeah. Have it bring me to Marco's living room please."

I nodded and opened a portal that led to Marco's living room. "I had fun today Starship, hope we can do it again sometime." Star gave me a warm smile and entered the portal. I closed it once she was through. Today was nice.

Star's POV:
I exited the portal and saw Mrs. Diaz sitting on the couch. The portal closed behind me and I walked towards Mrs. Diaz.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her.

She sighed. "Marco seems a bit off, Star. You two haven't gotten into any fights, have you?"

Huh? Marco seems off? "No, we haven't had any fights. Why?"

"Well, Marco just went into your room and then into his. He locked the door and I tried talking with him, but the first two times he didn't speak to me until the third. Something's wrong with him, but I don't know what. Since you didn't come arrive with him, I thought you two got into a fight. I'm just worried."

Now I'm starting to get worried. What's up with Marco lately? Why is he acting like this?

So, can you guys guess what's wrong with Marco? It should be kind of clear already but you know. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Good day/afternoon/night! <3

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