wanderlust ☆ n.longbottom

By SummerRain2002

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•not all those who wander are lost• neville longbottom x oc More



32 1 0
By SummerRain2002

"Daisy. Can I ask you something?" Neville asked. Snow was swirling lightly outside and the two were huddled up beside the crackling fire in the Gryffindor common room.

Daisy's heart skipped a beat and she suddenly felt very sick. Maybe it was the sudden bumpiness of love she felt for her best friend. "You already did."

"Ha, ha, funny." Neville looked distracted. What was he going to say? Daisy was desperate to hear it but didn't want him to say anything at the same time. Even if the outcome was what she wanted, it would still change the direction of their friendship forever. Was she ready for that?

"Are you going to ask me then or what?"

"I don't want what I say next to ruin our friendship."

Daisy's blood dried inside of her. Her heart shot up into her throat. "Nev, you're scaring me."

"Vivienne asked me out on a date. Like properly."

Everything came crashing down. "Oh."

"And I'm just asking to see if you're okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be? It's not like we're married or anything!" Daisy shouted, louder and more accusatory than she meant it to but the sudden rush of emotion made it hard to steady her voice.

"No, I just know you don't like her very much."

"I'm not the one she's asked out. So that doesn't really matter."

"Of course it matters. You're my best friend and I don't want to hurt you."

"It won't hurt me! Do what you want!"

"Okay. Are you sure?"

"Yes. Neville I really don't care."

"Would you tell me the truth if you were upset? Daisy, we're always honest with each other and-"

"For God's sake, just go and say yes. If you're happy, I'm happy."

"Really? Oh, thank you!" His face blossomed into a grin that Daisy wished was because he had said yes to a date with her and not Vivienne. He charged away and there was practically a skip in his step. "I'm going to go and find her now and tell her."

"She will love this cool and casual attitude you have about the whole situation," Daisy joked. Neville stuck his tongue out at her before disappearing.

Once he had gone, she let herself drown in the pain. It stabbed her until she was hunched over and believed she was going to die. She let out a cry until warm arms scooped her up. The smell of mint, parchment and ink filled her nose and she knew it was Hermione. She didn't resist. She let herself be craddled in her arms.

"I know, I know. It's okay," Hermione whispered, stroking her hair. Daisy didn't have the energy to remind Hermione that it was absolutely not okay. She just sobbed into her arms, not being careful about getting tears or snot on Hermione's cloak.

Eventually, Daisy pulled away. Shame suddenly washed over her. "Sorry," she sniffed, mortified.

Hermione fished through her cloak pocket and located a handkerchief.

"Is this used?" Daisy grumbled.

"Yes but I'd rather you used that instead of my cloak."

"Point taken. Where are Harry and Ron?"

"Having a breakdown in their dorms over Quidditch. So, we have plenty of time for a nice chat. If you think it would help. Even if you don't speak to me I'm not leaving your side. You don't have anyone else."

"Erm...thanks? You really know how to make people feel better."

Hermione didn't pick up on Daisy's sarcasm. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I really think you should be honest with Neville."

Daisy debated denying how she felt. But, as much as she hated to admit it, Hermione was right. She needed someone to vent to, and she didn't really have anyone else.

"No, if he liked me he wouldn't like Vivienne."

"He didn't know you were an option. He thought you were happy with Dean."

"He knows we've broke up now."

"But you were together a while, so all of that time you set the boundaries of being just friends."

"So it's too late?" Daisy asked, meeting Hermione's eyes. The brunette's heart almost exploded as she saw the tears fill Daisy's eyes. She had never seen her so vulnerable. Daisy was always confident and assured. Now, she looked like a deer in the headlights.

"It might not be too late. You don't know if you don't try."

"I do know because if he liked me he wouldn't like Vivienne."

"So you expect him to just wait around for you to catch feelings for him? He thought you were off the cards when you were with Dean."

"I'm on the cards now!"

"And how is he supposed to know that?"

Daisy sighed, sensing they were going around in circles. "I don't want to ruin the friendship. If I can't be...with him...then I want to be his friend."

"Even if that involves watching him fall in love with someone else?"

"That's what friends do. They're happy for each other. It's the right thing to do. I can't mess this up for him. This could be his love story. His happily ever after. I can't ruin this."

"But what happens to you? What happens to your love story. You deserve happiness too."

"I can't make him love me. I want him to be happy and, of course I want that to be with me, but if it can't be then I'll just have to get over it." Daisy sniffed loudly. "Look at me, getting upset about a stupid boy. You better not tell anyone about this, Granger."

Daisy glanced at Hermione, expecting her to laugh or smile. She didn't. She looked at her with sorrowful, empathetic eyes. Her caring expression resembled her late sister's and suddenly she was filled with a flourishing admiration for Hermione.

"I should head to bed," Daisy said.

"Yes, good idea. I enjoyed our girly chat!"

Daisy cringed. "Don't say that."




"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Being you, I guess."

Meanwhile, Neville had located Vivienne and requested to speak with her alone. He was nervous; his whole body had gone numb. What if she didn't like him anymore? What if she asked him out as a joke? He remembered Daisy, teasing him for not acting cool and casual. He inhaled deeply and said:

"I say yes. On two conditions."

Vivienne giggled. "Why does dating you involve rules?"

"I just want to make sure you're sure."

"Oh I'm sure. Go on then, what's the conditions."

"You don't keep me a secret. And you make the effort with Daisy."

Vivienne groaned.

"If you can't do it then I guess we have to go our separate ways," Neville continued teasingly.

"Fine. But tell her to play nice too."

"She's already on her best behaviour."

They both beamed at each other. The intensity of what they were feeling, and the fact that they both felt the same way, was almost unbearable.

"So, where are you taking me then?" Neville asked.

"I'm not sure. I shall have a think and get back to you."

Filch materialised behind them and ordered them to go to bed since it was getting late. Neville's heart whimpered; he didn't want to leave Vivienne so soon. They bade goodbye to each other and Neville watched as Vivienne disappeared into the Slytherin dungeon.

The blonde was terrified. She would lose all her remaining status. She didn't have much left after she fell out with Veronica. Was she ready for it all to go?

She had pondered long and hard about what to do. Her feelings for Neville were stronger than her need to be popular. She wanted to be a better person and he helped her see the good in her that no one else did. She really was falling for him and it scared her tremendously. He was almost hers.

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