By 22_97j

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[MPREG] When the one you thought would be your constant star becomes your temporary fix, would you do everyth... More

Chapter 1: love is painful, so are goodbyes
Chapter 2: the one who broke your heart
Chapter 4: he's the only one around and he meant every little thing to me
Chapter 5: memoirs of sadness
Chapter 6: universal truth
Chapter 7: why did we turned out like this?
Chapter 8: right or wrong?
Chapter 9: fears
Chapter 10:history
Chapter 11: missing you
Chapter 12: efforts and sincerity
Chapter 13: like a cold bucket of water
Chapter 14: his side of the story
Chapter 15: sweet dreams
Chapter 16: the sound of healing and hurting
Chapter 17: when the wind blows
Chapter 18: holding me back
Chapter 19: maybe, i'll get drunk again, to feel a little love
Chapter 20: bleeding love
Chapter 21: such cruel fate
Chapter 22: flicker of hope
Chapter 23: a lovely family
Chapter 24: nostalgia
Chapter 25: weird feeling
Chapter 26: special someone

Chapter 3: let's burn this out, let's play hide and seek

763 35 3
By 22_97j

The sound of skin hitting skin mingled with the gust of wind that reigned around them; it resonated for a while before the sound died down but Jungkook's gaze remained fixed, the deathly glare was solely darted on Jimin; it didn't took a second of thinking that the gaze constituted hatred and wrath that Jimin should've expected.

He broke Jungkook's heart after all.

And Jimin didn't even look back when he did it.

He had seen Jungkook's chest heaved up and down, crumbling his knuckles and hiding it behind his back as if fighting the urge of malevolence dominating him - suddenly, all the maturity and rationality he had built through the years of growth had gone down the drain in just a instance of meeting this man in front of him.

There were a lot of thoughts running around Jungkook's head at the sight of this vile man in front of him but the most profound one was; why? Why was he here in front of him? And is the God above playing the cruelest joke on him? But despite all, ther was one thing he was sure. Jimin should not know about Jikook.

Jikook is his. Jikook is his baby, his son, his only child and family; this little boy clutching tightly at him in fear had become his anchor after the years of tragedy that occurred in his life. It was abominable thinking of the both of them being separated because of the possibility that this man in front might take his son if he finds about the boy's existence.

And he made up his mind now, he'll leave. He'll run away; hide the fuck out of Seoul to get away from this man. Just for Jikook, he supplied; all for his son. He made his step to leave, and after that was a series of footsteps; a rhythm that pounded his heart because it was too fast - he was running already.


Thundering sparks thudded arose at the contact of their skin together, the exact same pair of eyes meeting again and the mask of anger were gone. The facade that he had was gone, it was sadness, he could conclude. Jimin had caught his hand even if he had just run a few meters away.

"Let me go,"


"I said, let me go, Jimin!"

"I won't let you go. I want you to talk to you!"

"Jimin, you're being inconsiderate right now! Let me go! You're scaring my son!"

Jimin's eyes widen at the revelation and suddenly he was like a mirror; sensitive and smooth - yet, the mirror at a single pound cracked into different parts. That's how he felt like that after hearing those words, himself cracking into numerable pieces. He has a son?

Jungkook realized that he had said something he should never have, never have said and never to this person. Waves of regret flooded his system as he scurried to leave immediately. He took advantage of Jimin's astonishment and picked up his son, dashing out of the place right away. Despite being stuck with two same environment everyday such as cafe and home or vice versa - he's still fit like before, he volunteered carrying boxes of ingredients or sacks of coffee beans when needed, jogged around in the morning when he can.

He became successful with the operation of leaving. He ran and ran, never even looking back, scared that if he ever see Jimin looked back, he might do something that he'll regret showing to his son.

Jimin tried to follow them but when he was about to make a move and go on the run, his phone rang. He cursed loudly at the hearing of the familiar ring tone, this was an important call. Though, his spirit wouldn't die down, he still ran and placed the cellphone beside his ear. "What is it, hyung?"

"Where are you? Manager forgot his phone at the van so I called you instead. There's a lot of fans here already and the event is about to start, you should go here."

"F-ck, can't I just pass?"

"What do you mean pass, Jimin? You can't bail out on this! It's for our fans - you know how much they mean to us!"

"Fine, I'll be there in a few minutes."

He cursed loudly not afraid that somebody might hear him. He felt so frustrated right now, he's been searching for the same goddamn person for years yet no one could even find him. Not even the greatest ones in Korea then he finds him here out of mere coincidence? That was his last goddamn chance! For Christ's sake! He finally found him.





Jungkook halted on his steps. Jikook's call for him waking his senses and like a computer turned open, he's slowly regaining conscious and rationality being able to think and grasp things clearly now. He gazed down at his son who's currently huddled against him, his eyes were wide and his lips were parted - he looked sincerely worried over his appa's actions.


"Appa, gwenchana?"

"Gwenchana," Jungkook smiled, the anger that bubbled inside him had burst and everything faltered. "I'm okay, baby, appa's okay."

"Appa, mianhe..." Jikook held his head low, feeling terribly ashamed of what he did to his appa. "Appa, mad at me? Appa, mianhe...Me not mean to go out, people pushed." He reasoned out, pointing at his knee that was dressed in gauze.

"Baby, appa's not mad at you, okay? Don't worry, about it."

"Then, is appa mad at Jimin-hyung?" The little boy raised his head, although relieved that his appa's not mad at him; his inquiry deciphered that Jungkook must have been mad at Jimin. At least that was the name that he heard when his appa called the kind hyung.

"Ani... Jikook-ssi. Appa's not mad, okay. But next time, appa will be. I don't want you to talk to strangers especially him. What if he's bad? What if he hurts you? Or worst, what if he steals me away from you?"

"Appa," Jikook started knowingly, as if trying to reprimand his father from previous accusations. "Jimin- hyung isn't bad! He put medicine on my wounds! He saved me, appa!"

"Jikook! Stop. Okay, but that's not mean he's all good! You don't even know him that much! Didn't appa always tell you not to come with strangers? Huh, maybe he didn't take you today but what if there's a next time and you meet him then he goes away with you and you can't see me again? What am I going to do if I lose you?" Suddenly the tears overflowed out of Jungkook's eyes, he wasn't mad. He was sad and terrified because of the thoughts that he spouted unknowingly. He realized the moment he said it, the very consequences of this all.

If the next time they meet and Jimin is not dunce, it's highly unlikely that he might deduce that Jikook is part of him too. But I refuse that, he's not part of him. The moment he walked out that door that night was the moment he left me and all his rights to my son. The moment he left everything that we're related to the both of us, and the freaking moment that he left his love for me.

And just like that, every single right he has, are now void. He didn't even dare to look for me, not even once did he check up whether that night bore something.

So much for I love you's and I'll never leave you.

Right then there, Jungkook decided they must never cross their paths again. Jimin must never found out about this, this was going to be a onetime thing. It's that .1 percent in every 99.9%, that tiniest coincidence that people may call miracle - this was the first and last. And we will leave at that.

No more.

I don't want anymore.

Tiny little fingers washed his eyes, his vision clearing up as the tears went away. And he remained still, unwavering, all tensed. Still deep in his thoughts and trance that was merely brought upon by fear, engulfed in the scenarios of what ifs and will it be. Then, he felt heat crawling and arising between them because the pair of little fingers now became arms and wrapped around his neck.

"Don't worry, appa. Jikook will never leave you. I promise, appa." The little boy whispered against his ear, "don't cry anymore okay, appa? love you," He kissed his cheek before pulling away to stare at his appa's condition.

Jungkook was in awe, but instead of appeasing him, the tears became uncontrollable, falling one after the other.

"Appa~!" The boy was worried, he looked alarmed with wide eyes and frantically shaking head - he didn't know what to do.

"It's okay, baby. I'm okay. I just... I'm just happy, I have you, okay?" Jungkook opened his arms and Jikook went in, hugging his appa tightly as he could. "Appa's really blessed to have you as his baby. Appa also promise not to leave you as long as you won't leave him."

"Pinky promise, appa?"

"Pinky promise,"

They made their promises, and sealed the deal on their foreheads. The father and son tandem laughed in synced the moment the seal was made on their foreheads.

"Now, let's continue our free day? Where was it we were going? And where do you want to eat? Appa's really hungry, right now. Let's eat first."

"Appa, banana pie! Banana pie, appa!"

"McDonalds, it is."

The previously tensed atmosphere slowly dispersed and came back to normal, both of their day went back to normal; resuming from what happened earlier and it seemed like nothing happened at all that the event will now just be a figment of their minds and hopefully never come back to haunt them.


           Jimin smiled brightly at the last fan that went to the event today. She came exactly and almost a split second for the cut-off; they commemorated a fan signing at the cafe today - signing whatever items their entertainment had sold along with items and merchandises sold by their sponsors. The last fan was also lucky - winning the raffle of whoever bought coffee today will get another free drink and a selca with the world's hottest South Korean boy band right now, Bangtan Sonyeondan.

"Hyung, I'll go ahead," Jimin said to their leader, who goes by the stage name of Rap Monster but real name, Kim Namjoon that was just right beside him.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon turned to him, packing up the things he needed specifically just his cellphone, markers and his journal. Who carries a journal around? Namjoon- hyung, Jimin inwardly supplied.

"The washroom so I could wash my sweaty hands." He waved his small chubby fingers that he was teased just recently, and Namjoon chuckled at the sight. Jimin instantly knew what it was about and started walking ahead, "Tsk,"

"Hey, wait up! You don't even know where the washroom is,"

"Then, I can ask the manager. Jin-hyung if i recall?"

"He's right over there. You're taking the other way round."


"Wait, I'll ask him for you," Namjoon stopped him from getting a closer to Jin and hop a step instead, and in a flash he was right beside Jin asking where the bathroom is. He flashed his killer smile that awoken his dimples, Namjoon looked good with his silver hair on a fringe and combed to the side in the form of a big curl or wave by the end whilst flashing his smile - definitely his tactic to catch another fish. And that fish seemed to be Jin-hyung, Jimin now thought.

And when he got back, "The washroom is just over there,"

"And it took you too long because?"


"Because you got his number, thank you for answering Jimin," The man supplied the answer to his own question, obviously keen about the conversation that happened between Namjoon and Jin. He went ahead to the bathroom to wash his hands but halted on his tracks when he saw a familiar face nailed against the wall of the cafe.

Fate has better plans.

It does, Jimin agreed. He took a few steps forward and he's now inches closer away from the frame that was hang on top of the wall. He read at the top, Employee of the Month. And beside was the organizational chart of the cafe, they've placed that in order for the customers to recognize the employees further and gave feed back in terms of the employee and the service itself.

He smiled to himself, feeling delightful how the universe is conspiring or maybe this is just coincidence but he'll kept it at fate bringing their loose ends together as he read the name of the employee of the month.

Jeon Jungkook.

His fingertips grazed the smooth glass that covered the picture beneath it and secured it at its place. The familiar face he had always etched in his mind, the relentless guilt he felt over leaving him and the countless years he spent staring at the similar picture that hid on his wallet.

"Jimin?" Namjoon called him and stood right beside him. "Oh! Is that him?"

It is him! He looks a bit older and more matured here but that definitely is him. You finally found him, Chim, and he just works at this place." Namjoon pointed out the obvious, feeling victorious and triumphant for his friend beside him who was too busy staring deeply and affectionately at the portrait.

"He did aged, but time and puberty did him well,"

"And it certainly did you well too,"

Jungkook became more matured looking, his features didn't appear cute anymore but handsome. And Jimin too, Jimin became more handsome than he was before. As an artist, he had to take care of his looks well and having numerous sponsors for those beauty products that he needed helped him a lot, he also became more fashionable and lastly Jimin became more built. His body had more sculpted abs, toned muscles and terribly hard biceps.

But Jimin wanted to know more about this boy he's staring at, wanted to know what happened after those years he left, wanted to know what changed in him. But he couldn't know. He knew deep down how much he scarred Jungkook's heart before he left but damn - he kept thinking about him every day, there wasn't a single day he didn't feel regret and guilt over what he did, he wished he could turn back time and changed everything though even if he did that, he wouldn't be here right now if he chose Jungkook.

He gritted his teeth - the image of Jungkook with a child already burnt a hole on the back of his mind. He has a child already, Jimin. But Jimin craved to see him again, his body searching for the familiar body being beneath him, being able to touch and explore every paradise that the boy's body could offer. He craved the feeling of his body against him, the boy's hands on his as well. He can't have anyone.

He wanted Jungkook.

He has to see him one more time. And that meeting will decide if he'll continue his chase or not. He'll stop, he'll definitely if ever Jungkook already has a family of his own, although it hurts for him just to do that after all the years of trying, he'll do so. He can't break a family.

Especially, not Jungkook's.

That's the least compensation he could give him for the pain he had made him suffer.

But he'll not hold onto anything yet,

He needs to meet Jungkook again, first.


       Jungkook and Jikook came home late, before they went home they decided to eat again so Jungkook wouldn't have to bother cooking for dinner and just go directly to sleep. He was currently tucking Jikook to bed, the boy definitely drained from all the activities they've done earlier. His son was now soundly asleep, hearing his light snores as he turned to his side of the bed. Jungkook smiled at the sight of his son peacefully sleeping.

"I'll never give you up, Jikook-ah. You're the best thing that ever happened to appa's life, I can't let you take him away from me just because he wants you. I'll do everything so he can't know about you, I know I'm sorry appa's really selfish but, this is the only way so you can't be taken away from appa. I love you too much, Jikook-ah. I don't think I can endure the pain of being away from you, that's honestly as equal as being dead. You're my life now, Jikook. It won't be as meaningful without you." He wiped his tears away, fixing and pulling the covers for his son, before he bent down and kissed his son's forehead gently.  "I love you, baby boy."

He went out the room, scared that he might wake Jikook up from his crying so the moment he got out of the room he quickly sided with the wall and cried to himself.

It was hard not to associate everything with that night, and that night left a terrible wound at Jungkook. He'll never be able to forgive, he made that sure. But that was because he was so sure he would never see him again. So sure that he'll never come back.  He remembered how his body ached as he shivered at the coldness of the night he left, and the sleepless night that followed his departure.

He also couldn't help but remember the endless hope that he'll come back, that he'll realize how much he loves me and everything was just an illusion that took place in between them.

But he never did.

He never came back.

He never called.

He cried again, this time anger was searing inside him. It made him red, red with anger as he remembered how Jimin looked earlier. He looked good, looked perfect in all his lifetime; time must have done him good. He had a nice watch, expensive brand of clothes and the newly released model of phone - certainly topnotch.

And then he knew when they ate inside an ahjumma's store. The news about their fan sign at their cafe were on every channel, he finally found out about Jimin being in a boy group.

He certainly was living his life while he had crawl through day and night just to earn for the both of them. Even had to work when he was pregnant with Jikook, thankfully he couldn't have done it with the people around him that help especially Jin-hyung. Jin helped him get through everything, offered him a job and even part times when he knows people that needed one.

He lived through hell just to ensure Jikook's good growth.

But Jimin lived in paradise. Not living without a bit of conscience over what he did to Jungkook, not even minding about a son that he left.

Then suddenly his phone started ringing, it was an unregistered number. Jungkook already had a hunch on who it was but instead of pushing the end button, his fingers and something inside him urged for him to do the other.

And it was too late before he realized the actions of his own fingers.

He had answered the call.

"Hello? Hello?"

He didn't answer.

"Jungkook-ah? I know you're there." The familiar voice deducted, knowing Jungkook wouldn't be there if the phone didn't rang and if the call wasn't answered.

"I know this is your number." He said seriously, voice dropping low.

"How did you get it?" Jungkook finally replied, voice sounded hoarse.

"Are you okay? You sound sick,"

"Where did you get my number?"

"That would be a secret of mine to keep, Jungkook-ah..."

"I'm going to end this call,"


"Why shouldn't I?"

"You're very much aware of the consequences, Jungkookie." He teased, and Jungkook just saw black.

"Oh yeah, I'm not very much aware so I shouldn't be caring if I end this call. Bye,"

"I know where you live, kookie-ah. I know your number, knowing your address isn't that hard for me. I can do anything and everything just to make you talk to me. You know me, kookie. I'll never stop until I get what I want and I want you, simple as that."

"You think after all those years you made me suffer through, I'd still want you? In your fucking dreams, Park Jimin,"

"You still remember my full name after those years, I'm honored."

"You shouldn't be, I keep writing it at my death note every day in hopes that you're going to be dead instantly. But you're not." Jungkook gritted his teeth, feeling agitated that jimin could still talk this nonchalant with him.

"You still have that odd sense of humor I love."

"And you're still stubborn as fuck, which is I hate so much."

"So Jungkook, where do you want us to meet?" Jimin diverted the topic, turning definitely serious.

"Who said anything about meeting you? Didn't I make it clear with that slap, Jimin? I. hate. you! That was what the slap meant, it wasn't even enough. I don't ever want to talk to you, you left me right? You left me when all I did was ever call for you; you walked out that door that night, so you coming back and asking for me aren't making any sense. You coming back and asking for the things you left willingly, is such a stupid move."

"It does make sense, when I still want you."

"You think I'd fall for it again? I fell for it once, had my heart broken and deep ugly scar that will never heal - who in their right mind would ever do it again after suffering from that?"

"Jungkook-ah, please?"

"Good bye, Jimin. I hope this will be the last time I'll ever have to talk to you."

"This isn't good bye, Jungkoo-"

End call.

No, Jimin.

This is good bye.

You've already said good bye to me last time. You've already said good bye for the last time.

So...Why, Park Jimin? Why are you coming back?

And he couldn't believe that the very next morning after his day-off, he'll get a chance of saying those words out loud the moment Park Jimin enters his workplace.

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