Touch The Sky

By OnlyOneHan

10.1K 436 84

There it was again a white flash he thought he'd never see.. A confident smirk that made his heart drop as sh... More

01 - Where Do We Start?
02 - Nameless
03 - Cheap Thrills
04 - Strength
05 - Besties?
06 - The Cult
07 - The Cult Pt. 2
08 - Azure
09 - Alpha
10 - M.I.A.
11 - Transfers
12 - Festival
13 - Festival Pt. 2
14 - Screw The Standards
15 - Retreat Camp
16 - They Don't Know You
17 - Home
18 - Luna
20 - How You Been?
21 - Bippity Boppity Boo A Time Skip For You
22 - First Impressions
23 - Not A Secret Mission
24 - Sports Day
25 - Catch Up
26 - Our Lands I
27 - Our Lands II
28 - Our Lands III
29 - Scar
30 - Too Late?
31 - Instincts
32 - Too Soon?
33 - Miro
34 - Rest Day
35 - Not Again Jiho...

19 - It's Not Trivial

129 10 1
By OnlyOneHan

[Luke's POV]

It's almost close to Winter Vacation and a new girl called Crystal joined Lucy's dept.

Isn't that kind of too late though? Anyways..

Lucy introduced her to me during lunch time and she was this cute short chubby girl with short ebony black hair and a beautiful smile that seemed to transform into a scowl quite alot of times. But nevertheless, I was practically squealing over her when we first met.

"Why are you squealing so much??" She questions, her tone completely shrouded in confusion.

"Cause you look so cute, you remind me of Clerk Danny and he's also this tiny chubby guy who just looks so squishy and soft and caring- like his size was fitting for the heart he had- Oh my Goddess I can't choose between you two- lemme just fanboy over both of you and-"


"Alright! I'm sure the cutie's ears are bleeding with your squealing and being all giddy let's say thank you and goodbye to the nice girl and go get some food" Lucy claps her hands to cut me off before ushering me away from the lil' panda gave off the most grateful look in her eyes.. for Lucy.


Eh- Moving on!

A few days after that, Luna asks if she should come over to our school. A result of us being whiney and stubborn against her for never coming to our school when we asked her.


"Yay!! Finally!"

"Haha but I better bring something for your friends, c'mon eat your food first"

She laughs while staring at us with eyes that were brimming with affection as Lucy and I cheer.

"Thank you for the food!"

"We can bring some cupcakes!"

"Oh yeah! Big Sis Lia's cupcakes are delicious! We should definitely take some of them!"

I instantly agree to Lucy's suggestion, both of us turning to Luna with our best sparkling puppy eyes.

"Haha, you can put away those puppy eyes. We can order some from Lia tomorrow and help her make them at night then take them to school the following day" Luna explains the plan she made up on the spot and we happily agree before continuing with our dinner through small entertaining conversations.

"Thanks for coming to help us boys"

"Seriously ...Sky we said it's alright, we wanted to see their school anyways"

Mike shakes his head at the white head who thanked them for what seemed to be the thousandth time, while momentarily struggling to pronounce her name.

Luna ordered us to call her by her name when in public human places. But calling Luna by her name almost feels sinful. Even the elders of the Pack have told us it would be a form of disrespect. But Luna said she doesn't mind and that if we are to show her respect, we should heed this order.

Honestly I feel like we're getting screwed either way..

"Woah who are they?"

"They look amazing"

"So pretty and handsome"

"Look at that colour palette"

"Two of them are blue, two of them are white and one is Pink"

"Wait, ain't that Luke and Lucy?"

"Woah it is!"

"I wonder how they know those people?"

"Given how pretty even those two look, I'd be asking how can they not?"

"Huh our pups are famous" Mike laughs out at all the remarks and whispers the students that passed by made.

"By the way why are all three of you matching colours?" I blurt out staring the three who were adorned in black and white.

"Well, let's just call it a coincidence and totally not the two of them going back and changing to match with me" Luna states nonchantly while trying to suppress her smile.

"Ummm, I think you mean, Matt dragging me back so we could match with you" Mike corrects us a sassy tone blending quite hilariously with his words.

"C'mon we should go to Luke's class first!" Lucy stops their conversation and leads us to the class.

It was like second period and both of us came down to lead them to our classes. We already lead them to the teacher's room for permission which they happily allowed.

"Hi boysss~~" Lucy smiles waving her hand over her head as she enters my classroom.

Honestly is it mine or hers?

"Hey.. Lucy?" Jace's words trail off till his eyes land on the unknown three entering the class with a mysterious box each.

"This is our housemate and kinda our guardian, even though we're the same age, Say Hi to Sky"

"And these two are actual twins in our little family, say hi to Matthew and Michael"

"Luke and Lucy wanted me to come and meet you guys earlier during lots of occasions, but each time I ended up having some work that popped up from somewhere... So now I've finally come to thank you for taking care of our Lil' Pups and for being such great friends to them".

Luna's soft voice echoes through the classroom that fell completely silent for one filled with boys. The smile she beamed at the end of her words seemed to leave the boys dazed till Luna turned to the blue heads with confused eyes.

"Also!" Matt grabs their attention with an exclamation.

"since you've been such great friends to our Luke and Lucy-"

"- you are friends of our entire family, and we'll be there to help you whenever you need"

Mike completes Matt's statement as, they share glances and prove their telepathic abilities to us.

After smiling at the connection between the twins, Luna places down the box in her hand and starts handing out cupcakes. Matt and Mike placed their boxes aside signalling that they were not for this class and went to help Luna.

I introduced Jace and Vasco to her as they both received two extra cupcakes for being especially sweet to both of us.

Luna's sweet smiles and kind words had our lil' Macho man beaming and blushing so hard it was pure joy for us to watch.

Once she was done distributing the cupcakes, Luna placed the remaining 5 cupcakes on the table and exchanged the empty box with Matt's full box while he was occupied with some of my classmates.

"We'll be going to Lucy's Dept. it was nice to meet you" Luna announces making Matt and Mike rush to their boxes after exchanging farewells.

Lucy and I were desperately hiding our laughs behind snickers as we watched Matt lift the empty box easily and just stand there in confusion like a malfunctioned robot.

It took him a while to realize that Luna exchanged the boxes but when he did it was too late and Luna was already out of the class her figure visibly trembling as she tried to suppress her own laughs.

It's a 1000 times more hilarious when you're not suppose to laugh.

"We'll come with you"

Vasco who seemed to have followed us out announces as he grabs the cupcake box from Luna. Jace follows his lead and attempt to take the box from Mike who kept looking back to see if his twin finally caught up.

Keyword 'Attepmts'.

"Awe such a sweet boy~ Are you just trying to score more cupcakes?" Her voice sweet and teasing at the same time as she tilts her head forward and narrows her eyes at him before breaking into a soft smile.

"M-maybe" Vasco confesses looking away from Luna as her contagious smile rubs off on him aswell.

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