Touch The Sky

By OnlyOneHan

10.1K 436 84

There it was again a white flash he thought he'd never see.. A confident smirk that made his heart drop as sh... More

01 - Where Do We Start?
02 - Nameless
03 - Cheap Thrills
04 - Strength
05 - Besties?
06 - The Cult
07 - The Cult Pt. 2
08 - Azure
09 - Alpha
10 - M.I.A.
11 - Transfers
12 - Festival
13 - Festival Pt. 2
14 - Screw The Standards
15 - Retreat Camp
16 - They Don't Know You
17 - Home
19 - It's Not Trivial
20 - How You Been?
21 - Bippity Boppity Boo A Time Skip For You
22 - First Impressions
23 - Not A Secret Mission
24 - Sports Day
25 - Catch Up
26 - Our Lands I
27 - Our Lands II
28 - Our Lands III
29 - Scar
30 - Too Late?
31 - Instincts
32 - Too Soon?
33 - Miro
34 - Rest Day
35 - Not Again Jiho...

18 - Luna

159 7 4
By OnlyOneHan

[Luke's POV]

"So one day when I was taking a nap in an alleyway, comfortably hidden in a pile of old furniture and what not, I mean I doubt I have to tell you kids what luxury was back then"

Luna waves her hand as we all nod along.

"Well when I was about to peacefully drift away, I heard some shouting and sounds of some people fighting. Normally I wouldn't mind, but since they were disturbing my nap time I was bout to give them a piece of my mind".

"But what I saw made me shut up before I even said anything. A bunch of kids were surrounding this other kid on the floor and kicking the living shit out of him..."

Her words trail off leaving a small silence as she grimaced looking away. But after a few she jumped right back into the story.

"But... it was really weird.. I watched them kick the shit out of him.. but he didn't fight back. Well I guess he couldn't cause they were continously hitting him.. But something felt off about it.."

She mutter out the last part barely audible.

"Either way- he was helpless, so I was about to go in and help him out but this other kid beat me to it. Some kid with black hair came running as fast as a cheetah before clobbering the bullies in their faces. The bullies were whispering something about him being a big shot boxer while another kid came running from the same direction the boxer came from"

"And let me tell you kids.. she was a girl like no other.. beautiful is an understatement to who she was. Her whole presence was so enchanting time almost stood still as every stared at the girl who came concern drawing her beautiful features. Seeing her made me blush and feel timid at the same time-"

"Someone that's more beautiful than our Luna?"

"That's hard to believe"

"If she's making Luna feel inferior, she must be something.."

We casually state our thought as Luna smiles while staring at a point, probably reminiscing these events.

"Moving on, the bullies had this like big boss guy who suddenly appeared and started troubling the girl. And me being me. I though Ah OK, this is my time to shine and I like stood up insulted the bullies and beat them once which somehow made them scram".

She acts out her actions after gesturing to herself in a dramatic way.

"And right after I did I just left-"

"You what??" Lucy questioned like she didn't hear her.

"Well I mean I checked up on the three of them- y'know telling the girl to be careful, told the boxer that he seemed alright and then went on to help the guy on the floor.. Now I'm pretty sure he ain't okay being... well- kicked to a pulp. So I told him, from what I saw, that he was the strongest person I've ever met".

"So wait.. like for sympathy or..?"

"No for reals, I mean anybody would fight back.. unless they've got something to lose.. so for him to not fight back to protect whatever it is- he's one strong kid"

Luna answers Matt's question, which throws us into a silence, her words repeating in our head, till it made is subconsciously nod along in agreement.

We turn to Luna waiting for her to continue her story only to see her smiling while staring at something, once again lost in the memories.

"What's making you smile so much now?" Eric asks chuckling at the girl who seems to have even built up a slight blush now, desperately trying to thin the smile off her lips.

"The boy I helped up.. he's so cute..." Luna mutters burying her head in her against letting her pearly white display as the wish.

"Are you crushing on him right now?" Mile chuckles at the sight of our flustered leader.

"Shaddup" she mumbles out through muffling hands.

"What did he look like?" Violet asks hiding her giggles from her already embarrassed sister.

"Well... he had this really fluffy brunette brown hair that was like kinda long and his bangs swept to a side of his face- and his eyes! They were so big and black like cute beads. A-and he had the most lost and cute expression on his face! He looked like a cute puppy I just wanted to squish him and ughhhh"

Her ramble ends in her flailing around, grabbing a pillow and burying her head into, hiding her blushing face from us once again and we try to hide our laughter from caused by our adorable leader.

"Hey, C'mon now we wanna here how this story goes.." Vi calls out to Luna after we compose ourselves.


She finally sits back properly (not like you see in those health books I just mean normally).

"Anyway somehow.. that puppy boy and I meet again at a place I worked at.. I was kinda excited seeing him at first.. y'know since he's cute and all- but after actually saying hi to him and walking away whenever I looked at him or even slightly glanced at him he was already staring at me.."

"I kinda found it cute at first since when I turned to him he would look away or sometimes shyly wave, but after that it just got creepy"

"Anyways went I left the place I ignored him and walked away but like a few steps away from the shop I heard him call out to me again. I was kinda scared first but when I tried to turn to him nonchalantly I saw the flustered puppy look on his face and immediately my heart melted and all the suspicion I had disappeared......"

Luna continues on explaining how her day with him went running around saving some lady and fooling around at the birthday party of a small kid called Tim, till she dropped him off near his house.

"Hey you better not skip the important part" Eric interrupts her as she gave him a gesture of reassurance.

"Wait- What are their names, though??" Matt questions catching Luna off guard.

"Ummm well I didn't tell their names to Eric or Vi either since I'm not sure if that is a past we'd like to be known by... but let's just call the beautiful girl 'M' the big shot boxer boy 'Z' and the lil' puppy 'J' " Luna answers making up the names as she continues her story.

"Oh... okay what's the important part?"

"Well right before we were about to part ways, lil pup was calling me strange for thinking he was strong, so I firmly explained to me exactly how I found him strong and at the end he just seemed to freeze up, like I hit a shot to his soul.."

"Just like you did with all of us"

"Yeah, you somehow manage to know exactly what to say"

Matt and Mike comment after Luna answers Lucy's question. Silence falls on the room again as it becomes our turn to stare at space and reminisce on our memories of meeting Luna.

"Anyways... After that I tried to leave but he stopped me and asked for my name again only for me to reject him by explaining exactly how I don't have one which silences him for a while.. until he speaks up again asking if he could name me".

"Wait- Did he??"

"Wait he's the one that named you!?"

"On the first day you guys hung out??"

Matt, Mike and I throw questions at Luna making her lean back in surprise at our eagerness.

"Yeah she told us, for having hair that blended perfectly with the clouds and eye that rivalled the blue sky~"

"Woah that's such a smooth line~" Lucy swoons at Violet's recital.

"So what happened next?" I ask on the verge of my seat.

"Oh well after learning his name and telling him I loved my name, he slowly came closer and reached out for my hand holding it gently like it was made of fragile glass; stared throught my eye into my soul as he softly told me, how because I stayed strong through everything that happened to me since my parents disappeared that I.. was the strongest person he ever met.."

The room falls into another silence that was cut shirt with Lucy randomly blurting out, "wow... I'd kiss him for that".

"Wait did you kiss him??" Matt practically squeals.

"Umm well I did give him a tight hug tryna hold back the tears. Then I gave him a peck on the cheek before turning around and walking away while saying goodbye."

"You just left like that???" I question.

"Nooo" Lucy cried curling up to a ball.

"WELL I HAD TO! I WAS BLUSHING HARD SINCE I KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK" Luna blurts out in a panicky tone that sent everyone into a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha but do you ever think he would have been blushing just like you back then?" Mike asks absolutely loving the mess.

"Not a chance lil' pup, he's got this big ass crush on M, and also he probably saw me more as a lil brother"

"A little brother???" Matt laughs out.

"Well in my defense- size wise I was smaller than him, and I wasn't really girl like back then. I mean I sleep on the road and punch people twice my size and beat them".

"Too bad I'd definitely fall for your confidence if I met you back then" Eric states flashing a knowing smile at Luna.

"Hah, doubt you would I was a mess back then" she scoffs back and continues her story not allowing Eric to protest.

"Anyway, after a week I met him again and he then introduced me to his mom, who couldn't see by the way so had to touch my face to imagine what I looked like".

"Then on another day he introduced me to his friends, who were M and Z by the way and we got along alright. Z was whipped for M so the three were in a love triangle where M was oblivious and just liked them both as bestfriends.

"J always though he wasn't as good as Z so he was timid and insecure most of the time. In those times I step in and make him realise that you don't need to be better than someone else to be someone special"

"Our Luna, a street smart kid that knows exactly what to say and when to say it" Eric repeats our discussion earlier interrupting Luna's narration to make us smile.

"Ha I guess I really am just street smarts" she laughs shaking her head.

"So if you guys got along why aren't you together now?" Lucy asks tilting her head.

"Well... Back then J's mom fell into a weird religion, which ended up being a cult we got into alot of trouble and barely managed to come back alive. I got a head injury and M was almost sexualy assaulted.."

"Either way we did survive that but I don't know maybe he felt guilty or ashamed for not being able to protect M or his friends... J...... left into the forest..."

The lively mood of the room died as Luna's beautiful smile disappeared from her lips.

"I tried to follow him! But... running after someone in a forest... with a head injury that made your sight blurry from time to time, was not the best plan.." she lets out a fake laugh the desperation in her tone not even slightly hidden.

"After that, while I was lost in the forest, not sure how to go back... I met the elders of the Pack... 'Hey Marshmallow, you lost?' Is the first thing they said to me before taking me in... and raising me up, to where I am now".

Her story concludes with her looking at each of us with a soft smile that somehow reflected all the sorrow she went through in her life. A soft smile that made us smile at her with empathy and pride as we naturally recite about our incomparable leader,

"The Luna of the Azure Moon Pack..."

"...The Owner of the Midnight Sky Company"

"..Protector of all the stray wolves..."

"..and saviour of all stray humans.."

"Our own..."

"..Luna Sky"

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