The Dragon Master and The Dra...

By Dynasty2001

9.2K 117 69

Two teenagers are exiled from their tribe after committing an act that is considered taboo in their tribe. Bu... More

Chapter one: Hiccup and Astrid
Chapter two: Bonding
Chapter three: The Night That Changed it All
Chapter four: Trial
Chapter five: Five years later with Hiccup and Astrid
Chapter six: Five years later on Berk
Chapter seven: Preparations
Chapter eight: Negotiations
Chapter nine: The Deal and the Volunteers
Chapter ten: Settling In and Starting Dragon Training
Chapter twelve: Unexpected Help and The Nest
Chapter thirteen: The Red Death
Chapter fourteen: Preparing for the Voyage
Chapter fifteen: The Final Battle
Chapter sixteen: Ending

Chapter eleven: Mission assignments and the Trip to Berk

491 7 16
By Dynasty2001

It was three weeks later when Hiccup deemed the volunteers ready for missions and quickly began planning for their first incursions into the archipelago. Hiccup however, won't be sending them to their home islands. He will be assigning them to different islands and told to stay on station until the next raid where they will attempt to follow the raiding party through Helheim's Gate to find the nest. He had notified the chiefs of his idea and provisions were made to accommodate the dragons and riders.

He sent Thuggery and Blaze to Murderous, Magnus and Flame to Uglithug, Fishlegs and Meatlug to Meathead, Hilde and Razor to Bog-Burglar, Ragnar and Earthquake to Hysteric, Ragna and Flystorm to Lava-Lout, and Cami and Scorpius to Berk, accompanied by the Haddock family to provide back up, while Heather was staying behind to watch over the edge.

"Do you think it is a good idea to bring Zephyr with us?" Hiccup asked while strapping some bags to Toothless while Cami was doing the same to Scorpius.

"It'll be fine Hiccup." Astrid assured while strapping Zephyr into Starlight's saddle. "I want her to see Berk at least once because I know that we aren't returning home even if they invite us back."

Hiccup nodded and looked at Cami, "Ready Cami?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Cami answered before climbing on to Scorpius' saddle.

"Let's go." Hiccup called out before taking off with the other two following suit.

It was nearing dusk when they spotted Berk and turned to make a landing when the dragon alarm was sounded. Vikings ran out weapons in hand and looked to the skies and spotted three dragons heading their way. As they were about to unleash the catapults and archers however, Stoick came out and noticed what was happening and quickly went into action.

"EVERYONE STAND DOWN NOW!!!" Stoick bellowed and did as their chief asked.

Everyone watched as the dragons got closer and realised that they were about to fire upon the Dragon Master and Dragon Mistress and nearly broke the terms of the agreement for their aid.

As Cami and the Haddocks got closer they can hear Stoick yelling at the villagers not to harm them or they will stop aiding the archipelago. They then landed in the square to the murmurs of the villagers as they finally laid their eyes on an actual night fury. Stoick then stepped forward as the rest of the tribe watched the Dragon Master and Mistress remove their helmets and reveal the faces of Hiccup Haddock and, as far as they are concerned, Astrid Hofferson.

Once Hiccup and Astrid were joined by Cami, they then walked towards the chief. That is when they noticed a little girl with auburn hair and blue eyes walking between Hiccup and Astrid while holding the hands of both adults and it didn't take them long to realise who this girl is.

"Dragon Master, Dragon Mistress, we welcome you and your team to Berk." Stoick greeted them once they arrived in front of him. "Accommodations have been made for you and your dragons in the form of a stable large enough for three dragons and a pair of rooms are built on top of the stables."

"Thank you chief." Hiccup then gestured to the darkening. "If at all possible, it has been a long day, we would like to get some rest."

"Of course. Gobber!" Stoick called out then said blacksmith stepped forward. "Take them to their stay areas and make sure they are comfortable."

"Yes sir." Gobber saluted before turning to the four with a big smile. "Come along you four." And with that Gobber led them to where they were staying.

Unknown to the group the Jorgensons were glaring at the group with hate but a malicious smile formed on their faces while looking at the little girl. Guessing as to how much Hiccup and Astrid will do anything for her, a plan is forming in the back of their heads that they will implement as soon as they can.

The next day after briefing the Chief and the council of their plan, which they will put into place in the next raid. Hiccup and Astrid were walking with their daughter while Cami went to go on a flight on the far side of the island when someone pushed past them and grabbed Zephyr from them they made chase which attracted a large crowd. Once caught up near the edge of the forest the kidnappers turned around and revealed themselves to be the Jorgensons.

"Spitelout, Snotlout, release our daughter at once." Astrid snarled while brandishing her axe and pointing it at the Jorgensons.

"We will on one condition." Spitelout grinned and gestured to the two parents. "You revoke the part of the agreement where we lose our positions and we will let her go.

"We know you won't do it." Hiccup called out. "She is your leverage against us so why would you release her?"

"Smart boy." Spitelout grinned and looked at his son. "Boyo?"

Snotlout moved a dagger closer to Zephyr's neck to the crowd's anger as her parents inched closer. 

AN: leaving you with a cliffhanger for this double update.

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