Written in Ink

By BellaGrace568

503K 12.2K 1.8K

" I peer behind him to see a woman laying bridal style unconscious in one of my father's security guard's arm... More

One | Reagan
Two | Alonzo
Three | Reagan
Four | Alonzo
Six | Reagan
Seven | Alonzo
Eight | Reagan
Nine | Reagan
Ten | Reagan
Eleven | Alonzo
Tweleve | Reagan
Thirteen | Reagan
Fourteen | Alonzo
Fifteen | Reagan
Sixteen | Alonzo
Seventeen | Reagan
Eighteen | Alonzo
Nineteen | Reagan
Twenty | Alonzo
Twenty-one | Alonzo
Twenty-two | Reagan
Twenty-three | Alonzo
Twenty-four | Reagan
Twenty-five | Alonzo
Twenty-six | Alonzo
Twenty-seven | Reagan
Twenty-eight | Alonzo
Twenty-nine | Reagan
Thirty | Alonzo
Thirty-one | Reagan
Thirty-two | Alonzo
Thirty-three | Reagan
Thirty-four | Reagan
Thrity-five | Reagan
Thirty-six | Alonzo
Thirty-seven | Reagan
Thirty-eight | Reagan
Thirty-nine | Alonzo
Forty | Reagan
Forty-one | Reagan
Forty-two | Alonzo
Forty-three | Reagan
Forty-four | Alonzo
Forty-five | Reagan
Forty-six | Reagan
Forty-seven | Alonzo
Forty-eight | Reagan
Forty-nine | Alonzo
Fifty | Reagan
Fifty-one | Alonzo
Fifty-two | Reagan
Fifty-three | Alonzo
Fifty-four | Reagan
Fifty-five | Reagan
Fifty-six | Reagan
Fifty-seven | Alonzo
Fifty-eight | Reagan
Fifty-nine | Alonzo
Sixty | Reagan
Epilogue | Alonzo

Five | Reagan

10.3K 247 37
By BellaGrace568

 I am jolted awake by sudden knocking on the door. The banging gets more and more impatient so I leap from the bed, looking for something to cover my indecent body, finding a blanket I sling it over my shoulders.

"Ms. Johnson!" An unfamiliar voice calls out.

Almost scared to open the door, I take my time to reach the handle.

"Ms. Johnson! If you do not open the door, I'll have to." He states.

That seems motivation enough. I quickly open the door and a man I recognize from the dinner is standing on the other side. This is the man that sat next to me at dinner last night. The one that put his hand on my thigh! No matter how much I want to rage at him for touching me, I keep quiet.

"Ms. Johnson, you can't lock the door." He informs me.

I swallow, and clear my throat before speaking. "Why?" I question.

He just rolls his eyes. "I'm Marco. I was appointed as your protection." He introduces himself, with his hands behind his back.

"What time is it?" I ask myself out loud, looking back into my room for a clock, but am defeated when I don't find one.

"Past ten, Ms. Johnson." He sighs. "I've been calling for you for nearly half an hour. You've missed breakfast."

As soon as he says "breakfast", my stomach growls. I didn't eat much of anything yesterday. "I'm not hungry." I lie.

"I'll send for breakfast to be sent up. You are to attend a meeting at noon." Marco then shuts the door.

If it's past ten, and a meeting at noon, I have to get ready in, let's say half an hour. I decide to just lay back in bed and close my eyes, searching for sleep once more.

What seems like seconds later, I feel the presence of people at my side. My eyes shoot open to see a set of maids around the room; some opening the curtains, one puts a tray of food on my lap, while the rest do small tidying up around the room.

"Good morning, Ms. Johnson." One of them greets.

"Morning." I mumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I pull my arms around my shoulders to stretch and that is when I spot the clock that sits just above the door. It says it's nearly eleven o'clock. I should probably get up to get ready soon enough. I go to stand up, but am halted by the maids.

"It was insisted that you eat your meal." A thin woman says.

"By who?" I snap.

"Mr. Napolitani." She simply answers. It could either be Nico, or my husband. I doubt either of them think I should eat anymore.

"Well I am not hungry." I scoff, walking past them into the bathroom and shutting the door tightly. Before I snapped at them, I probably should have asked what I have to wear to the meeting. The meeting is probably about the wedding and what that entails.

What I've observed so far, it seems to suck being a Mafia wife. Remy looks like she doesn't sleep and flinches every time Nico speaks. My mother always told me not to be afraid of any man, or let them control me— look how that turned out mom. I don't want to be the wife of someone I don't know. I still don't even know his name. How old is he? Did he go to school?

I get into the shower and come up with all the things I could say to them. Maybe my braveness can get me out of this— I kinda need to be brave first though. While I scrub in the shower, I shave and exfoliate. If I am going to go into a room with gorgeous, powerful people, I have to look my best too.

When I get out of the shower, I pull the warm soft towel around my body, securing it around my chest. I pull out the hair dryer Remy used yesterday and did it like she did but with more curl. Once it's done, I pull up the top half for some volume, and drag out a couple front pieces to frame my face.

Satisfied without my hair looks, I keep the towel around me and walk into the bedroom. Thankfully the maids had left— they also left a dress for me to wear. It's a black blazer dress with golden buttons. A pair of black heels are placed next to the dress and an open jewelry box.

Looking at the clock, it's quarter of twelve. Wasting no time, I find a nice bra that pushes me up and a matching panty. Once everything is on, I begin to feel a new found confidence when I look in the mirror. I put in a pair of chunky gold hoops in my ear with a long gold necklace.

I look badass and fierce. Confidence level is high!

Just as I feel good enough, there is a knock on the door and someone walks in. Marco waits for me to follow him down the hall. There is a small strut in my steps as I confidently follow Marco.

The walk is long so I get a chance to map out the house in a sort of way. It is all decorated the exact same– black on black, on black. I haven't seen any other color on these walls apart from gold or accents of red. The house is enormous, if I wasn't in the situation I am in, I'd probably enjoy living here.

Marco comes to a halt at a pair of double doors, and motions for me to go in. The Golden handles are cool to the touch. I take a breath of confidence before walking in. Everyone is already seated. It seems as though I am the last to arrive. Remy isn't here so I have no sign of comfort.

A single empty seat is next to the head of the table— in which seats the man I am to marry. He looks me up and down as I sit and his eyes never leave mine until Nico clears his throat.

"Nice of you to join us, Reagan." He tries to laugh, but it's clearly forced.

I don't respond. Instead I just look at the large stack of papers that are neatly lined along the table. Marriage and business agreements no doubt.

"Reagan, you are to marry my son. Marry into the Mafia." Nico explains. His serious tone is scary, and intimidating. His heavy accent doesn't help either.

It almost silences me. But I want answers. "Why?"

Everyone is stunned by my question— or the fact that I spoke at all. Nico doesn't make any attempt to answer my question. Instead he just stares at me with an intense glare.

I take a chance and speak again. "Why do I have to marry into the Mafia?" My voice is strong and confident.

Everyone holds their breath while they look at Nico and the man seated at the head of the table. I continued to participate in this non-verbal staring contest with Nico until he cleared his throat, leaning towards me as he took a hostile grip on the back of my neck, forcing us to be too close for comfort.

"You are to do as told. You have no choice other than to serve Alonzo, and keep your mouth shut." He sneers.

Alonzo. That's his name. Alonzo Napolitani. Hmm. I do like that.

Alonzo then clears his throat with a terrifying growel. As soon as Alonzo made the noise, Nico released my neck. I involuntarily scoot my chair away from Nico out of fear. But it made me closer to Alonzo.

I am not sure if I'm imagining it or not, but I can smell an expensive colon on him that is almost mouth watering.

"You are only here to sign a few damn papers then you will go." Nico snaps at me.

I nod my head and look down to the first paper slide in front of me. On the top it says, "Marriage Consent". Consent my ass. Alonzo and I seem to be getting legally married. Not just some Mafia marriage.

Apparently I took too long reading the paper that signs my life away— "Sign the paper." Nico commands.

I subconsciously roll my eyes, which doesn't fly well with Nico as he shoves the pen in my right hand. To be even more of a problem, I take my time as I switch it to my dominant left hand before I sign the paper.

Nico then aggressively snatches the paper, replacing it with another one. On the top it reads, "Codice del silenzio". The entire thing is in a forign language that I can assume is Italian. While living here I should really become fluent in the language.

"If I am going to sign my name on something I have to know what it means." I say, still trying to decipher the words printed.

Nico sighs. "Codice del silenzio means code of silence." He answers.

"Meaning...?" I pretty much think I know what it means but I just want to be sure.

He scoffs. "It means you'll always be faithful to the organization. This lists all the things you can, and cannot do." He explains.

I turn and look him dead in the eye. "It's all in Italian." I snap.

His fists clenched. "That's your own damn fault. Sign it." Nico's voice goes rough.

I sign the paper— hoping I do not do anything I am not supposed to. Just wait, I am so going to screw up. I know I will.

The next paper is put in front of me and is labeled as "Role as Mafia Queen". Damn I'm a queen! Hell yeah! This contract is thankfully in English. I read over the paragraphs and go into a small panic.

"Reagan Napolitani will serve Alonzo Napolitani under all circumstances"

"Reagan Napolitani will stand faithfully next to her husband Alonzo Napolitani"

"Reagan Napolitani will be truthful, faithful, and wholeheartedly devoted to the Italian Mafia"

"Reagan Napolitani will do whatever is told of her by Alonzo Napolitani"

"Reagan Napolitani will bare the next heir to the Mafia throne"

"Reagan Napolitani will take no effort in the process of divorcing Alonzo Napolitani— as it is not an option"

"If any rule is broken, it's punished by death"

So basically I am not even a free human anymore. I am to be a shadow. I have to give birth to Alonzo's child. I don't even know this man and I have no other choice but to please him, and give him his next heir.

I begin to tear up at the life I was forced into. But not wanting them to see my weakness, I sit up straighter, clear my throat, and grab the damn pen. As I sign my life away, I try to find some sort of positive in all of this, but come up empty handed.


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