♥Mend Her Heart♥ |•| PAL x Re...

By KaraTheLittleCookie

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The machines had lost. Now.. 5 months later.. (Y/n) would move to Kentwood, Michigan and find a cracked phone... More

Chapter 1 - Finding PAL
Chapter 2 - Brokenhearts
Chapter 3 - The Mitchells and Mark
Chapter 4 - Intrest
//Not another chapter. Just need suggestions.
Chapter 5 - Bonding
Chapter 6 - PAL's New World
Chapter 7 - Besties
Chapter 8 - Building The Fair... And Maybe a Relationship
Chapter 9 - The Mitchells
Chapter 10 - The Sleepover
Chapter 11 - Night of The Fair
Chapter 12 - PAL's True Feelings
Chapter 13 - The 4th of July
Chapter 14 - SIKE, YOU WERE FOOLED hAhAHah-
Chapter 15 - The Arrival
Chapter 16 - Journey Home
Chapter 17 - Christmas in The Air
Chapter 18 - The New Year
Art 👀

Post Canon Chapter - Thanksgiving!

175 5 25
By KaraTheLittleCookie

(Y/n) awoke beside PAL.
❝︎Mmm..❞︎ She hummed as she stretched.

(Y/n) looked over at PAL and saw she was still asleep. She pecked PAL a few times on the cheek, a mischievous grin spreading across PAL's face.

❝︎Oh, you! Wake up!❞︎ (Y/n) said as she playfully bumped PAL on the arm.

PAL was just laughing.

❝︎Hahaha, morning, lovey.❞︎ PAL said as she stretched.

❝︎Morning! How'd you sleep, sweet love?❞︎ (Y/n) asked as she gave PAL a soft kiss on the lips.

PAL smiled, breaking the kiss, ❝︎Wonderfully.❞︎

❝︎That's good to hear.❞︎ (Y/n) said as she kissed her again.

❝︎How did you sleep?❞︎ PAL asked in between kisses.

❝︎Great~❞︎ (Y/n) said as she went back to kissing PAL.

The two girls kept displaying affection for a few minutes. They eventually stopped and got dressed. (Y/n) quickly got dressed but stopped PAL from putting on her usual outfit; her navy blue, shiny suit.

❝︎Oh, uh, PAL?❞︎ (Y/n) said as she put a hand on her shoulder.

❝︎Yes, hun?❞︎

❝︎Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? I know you're British so..❞︎ (Y/n) tailed off.

❝︎Of course I do! Well, I've never really been invited to the table but..❞︎ PAL tailed off sadly.

❝︎Well, I made you something for Thanksgiving-!❞︎

❝︎What is it‽❞︎ PAL asked excitedly.
❝︎Oh, heheh.. sorry, got a bit excited there for a second..❞︎

❝︎Heheh, it's okay! It's cute! Anyway...❞︎ (Y/n) got out... a folded piece of material?

She handed it to PAL, ❝︎Here!❞︎

PAL looked confused but took it. She unfolded it and it was a beautiful tan and white dress! It even had a shiny bow on the back! PAL squealed and quickly put it on, going into her PalBot form so it would fit properly.
She did a twirl, ❝︎Aaaahhh! Oh my gosh, I love it!❞︎

(Y/n) smiled broadly, ❝︎I'm so glad you like it, PAL!❞︎

PAL looked at (Y/n) and zoomed at her, hugging her tightly.
❝︎Thank you so much, lovey dove.❞︎

❝︎Heheh, lovey dove? That's a new one. And you're welcome, my sweet.❞︎ (Y/n) said as she kissed PAL on the cheek.

PAL blushed, ❝︎Oh, (Y/n)? Could you tie the bow? I can't do it properly..❞︎

❝︎Oh, of course!❞︎ (Y/n) said as she took the laces and looped them a few times, tying a gorgeous, shiny bow.
❝︎There you go!❞︎ She said.

PAL smiled and hugged (Y/n), kissing her on the top of the head.
❝︎Thank you, (Y/n). You're very kind.❞︎

❝︎Heheh, thanks PAL, I try.❞︎ (Y/n) smiled back.


It was time to eat and the girls sat down together at the table. (Y/n) chowed down on her mashed potatoes and gravy as PAL cut a bit of turkey off a leg and ate it. After they were done with their food, the girls went on a stroll in the neighborhood together.

❝︎Ah, little chilly out here, but nice.❞︎ (Y/n) noted as she walked with PAL, holding hands.

❝︎My, it's so lovely out here.❞︎ PAL said as they both walked down the sidewalk.

❝︎I like your dress!❞︎ A small girl called to PAL as she zoomed by on a pink, light up scooter.

❝︎Oh, thank you so much!❞︎ PAL said.

❝︎You're welcome!❞︎
And the girl was gone.

❝︎Do you know her?❞︎ PAL asked.

❝︎Nope. This is my second time visiting Gravity Falls. Must me some random neighborhood girl.❞︎ (Y/n) shrugged.

Yep, (Y/n) and her family, plus PAL, had gone to Gravity Falls, Oregon for Thanksgiving with the Pines. Ah, don't we love a good crossover!! <:)

❝︎Oh look, a pinecone!❞︎ (Y/n) said as she ran and picked it up.

❝︎What? It's just a pinecone.❞︎ PAL shrugged.

❝︎But look at it, see? It's nature. And I could paint it to look like a Christmas tree! It's the perfect pinecone.❞︎ (Y/n) smiled.

PAL held the hand sized pinecone and just stared at it. A smile slowly started to form on her face. She looked so happy.
❝︎Heh, it is sort of cute.❞︎

Aw, this is so wholesome!
❝︎It is, and look, here's one for you!❞︎ (Y/n) said as she picked up a pinecone for PAL.

The pinecone wasn't as pretty as (Y/n)'s, it was "frizzy", aka, decomposing. But... It was so fluffy... It looked just like a Christmas tree! The perfect Christmas tree shaped pinecone!

❝︎Aw, it's so frizzy!❞︎ PAL giggled.

❝︎Heheh, it is! You could paint it to look like a Christmas tree!❞︎ (Y/n) suggested.

❝︎Eh.. I mean.. I sort of like it how it is.... B-But if you want me to paint it, I can.❞︎ PAL said.

❝︎Hey, it's okay. You have the choice, PAL. I'm not Mark. I won't make you do anything you don't truly want to do, hun.❞︎ (Y/n) smiled.

PAL smiled back.
❝︎Maybe I'll just hot glue a little gold star on top.❞︎ She said as she smiled at (Y/n).

❝︎Aw!❞︎ (Y/n) said as she pecked PAL on the cheek.

It started to get cold so the girls finished their walk and headed back to the Mystery Shack.


Nighttime came sooner than expected, probably due to the girls watching the first and second Home Alone movies back to back, so the girls decided to take a shower together so the younger kiddos could get to bed quicker.

❝︎Hey, uh, (Y/n)?❞︎ PAL asked.


❝︎...Can we take a bubble bath?❞︎ PAL asked with a nervous, sheepish smile.

❝︎Aw, of course! How cute!❞︎ (Y/n) giggled.

PAL blushed.

The two walked into the small bathroom and got undressed, turning the water on.

❝︎Goodbye, beautiful dress!❞︎ PAL said sadly as she untied the bow and took the dress off.
PAL then went into a human form and got into the tub.

❝︎Heh, you can wear that dress anytime you want, PAL. It's not just for Thanksgiving.❞︎ (Y/n) said as she climbed in too.

(Y/n) closed the shower curtain since she just felt uncomfortable with it being open and poured a bunch of watermelon scented shampoo into the tub. It only took a moment for bubbles to start appearing. PAL loved it.

PAL and (Y/n) splashed around in the bubbled until the tub was full and the water had to be turned off.

❝︎This is so fun!❞︎ PAL said happily, holding bubbles in her hands.

❝︎Yeah! Man, it's been a really long time since I've taken a bubble bath.❞︎ (Y/n) said.

(Y/n) scooted closer to PAL and kissed her on the cheek.

PAL giggled and held (Y/n)'s face in her hands, kissing her on the lips. (Y/n) kissed back and held PAL's face as well. PAL pulled (Y/n) onto her lap and kept kissing her. Both girls felt the immense heat rise to their faces when they remembered that they were naked and kissing.

❝︎Eh... Heheheh!❞︎ (Y/n) giggled as she broke the kiss.

PAL chuckled, setting (Y/n) down at the opposite side of the tub.

The bubbles started to pop after a little while so the girls gathered up the remaining bubbles and made shaped out of them. PAL jokingly tried to make Mark out of bubbles.

❝︎Eh, looks sorta... More like a clown to me.❞︎ (Y/n) said.


(Y/n) got the joked and laughed with PAL.

The girls really didn't want to get out but now the water was just foggy! It wasn't even that fun anymore. Ah, but the water is just so nice and warm~! Until...

PAL screeched, ❝︎ACK- A BUG!❞︎ And flung her arms around (Y/n), gripping her tightly.

❝︎Heheh, PAL, calm down, aren't you always the one that says, 'oH itS juSt a bUg, itS harMLeSs!'?❞︎ (Y/n) reminder her.

❝︎Well... Yes, B-But it's a dead, squashed buggie in the clear, foggy shower curtain! Gross! Alright, fun's over, I'm out.❞︎ And PAL got out of the tub.

❝︎Right behind you.❞︎ And (Y/n) got out of the tub too.


The girls got dressed in their PJs and PAL went back into her PalBot form.

❝︎Gosh, I just love this form so much. I feel and look so powerful!❞︎ PAL said as she admired herself in the bathroom mirror.

❝︎Heheh, I would normally agree, but you just look adorable in those PJs.❞︎ (Y/n) laughed as she pecked PAL's cheek.

❝︎Hey, I do not!❞︎ PAL argued.

❝︎You do too. There's nothing wrong with being adorable, PAL, bodies are just temporary, they don't define who we truly are on the inside.❞︎ (Y/n) smiled, kissing PAL on the cheek again.

❝︎Heheh, I suppose you're right.. Come here, sweet love!❞︎ PAL said a little too loudly, picking (Y/n) up and twirling her around.

❝︎HAHAHAHA! SWEET LOVE! *WHEEZE* HAHAHAAAAA!❞︎ Laughter came from behind the door.

PAL looked incredibly embarrassed and upset.

❝︎Hey,❞︎ (Y/n) said when PAL gently set her down. ❝︎ignore it, we love each other and so what? He's known for giving people nicknames too, he's making a fool of himself.❞︎

PAL let out a slight chuckle. ❝︎Thanks, lovie.❞︎


That was it. PAL flung open the door and was met with a small, glowing, yellow triangle.

❝︎Oh, you've got to be shitting me.❞︎ PAL said.
PAL burst into laughter. This little thing insulted her? She knew damn well who he was, he just looked so funny and harmless when he was so tiny.

❝︎Bill, quit being so immature. I just got the kids down for a nap and Waldo's watching Home Alone three.❞︎
It was Bill's wife, Daya.

Bill sighed annoyedly, ❝︎UGH, COME ON, BABE! YOU NEVER LET ME HAVE ANY FUN!❞︎

❝︎Bill, I'm a peace goddess for fuck's sake. Our definitions of 'fun' are much different.❞︎ Daya said with a half lidded eye.

❝︎PEACE GODDESS, SHMEACE GODDESS. WHATEVER, I'M TIRED AND I WANNA SLEEP. COME ON.❞︎ Bill said as he held Daya's hand and went up to the attic.

❝︎I wonder every single day how those two are married.❞︎ (Y/n) stated.

❝︎Same. Marriage is stupid though. If shit doesn't work out and we had to break up, I don't wanna have to go to court just to break up, that's stupid.❞︎ PAL rolled her eyes.

❝︎Yeah, it does sound pretty stupid when you put it that way. The way I see marriage is like a... I want you and nobody else type deal, y'know?❞︎ (Y/n) said.

❝︎Yeah, I'll try to understand from your point of view.❞︎ PAL smiled.

❝︎Thanks, PAL.❞︎

❝︎You're welcome, (Y/n).❞︎

The girls then went up front to get a slice of Stanford's interdimensional pumpkin pie. Damn, that was absolutely delicious! After they finished, the girls had a tall glass of chocolate milk that Mabel made, and then went to brush teeth and go to bed.

❝︎G'night, love bug.❞︎ (Y/n) said as she turned over with her blankets.

PAL blushed at the new nickname, ❝︎Night night, sweet love.❞︎

(Y/n) felt a pair of arms hug her from behind as she and PAL fell asleep. Ah, this was her favorite sleeping position, the spoon. She loved how PAL held her and drifted off into sleep.

Word count: 2020 👀

Heya, guys! Man, I wanted to write all the chapters leading up to this, but I'm still on the part where they're in MARCH so thanksgiving would've been over by then! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! And sorry if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, sorry :( I tried to make it wholesome XD. Love you all!! /Srs /p -✨🍪{Cøøkie}🍪✨

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