Parking Lot Kids

By AyImWalkingHere

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The marauders and teen angst don't mix well. Rich private school, confusing feelings, and relationships desti... More

Chapter One: This Is The Day
Chapter 2: Beautiful Boy
Chapter 3: More Than A Woman
Chapter 4: Homage
Chapter 6: Chiquitita
Chapter 7: Another One of Those Days
Chapter 8: Mixed Signals
Chapter 9 : Kids In America
Chapter 10 : Where Is My Mind
Chapter 11 : Mr.Brightside
Chapter 12 : Piano Man
Chapter 13 : Fire For You
Chapter 15 : Fly
Chapter 16 : Cupid's Chokehold / Breakfast In America
Chapter 17 : parents
Chapter 18 : I can't handle change
Chapter 19 : The King
Chapter 20: Rises the Moon
Chapter 21: Ever Since New York
Chapter 22: She Knows
Chapter 23: Watching Him Fade Away
Chapter 24: Fine Line
Chapter 25: On The Sea
Chapter 26: Somebody That I Used To Know
Chapter 27: Roddy

Chapter 5: Maneater

199 8 19
By AyImWalkingHere

Senior Year: Move In Day


I stared at the open Louis Vuitton suitcase lying before me on the bed. One of the maids had already packed some of my bags a few nights prior, but their content was less than ideal. All button up shirts, dull ties, and slacks. Nothing I would ever be caught dead in. The only things I kept packed were my school uniform clothes. Sure, it probably would have been wise to begin my repacking last night or even this morning, but time is just a concept. I like to say that Sirius Orion Black has his own time zone.

My suitcase was basically almost packed. I just need to find my leather jacket, phone charger, and the silver rings I bought in France this summer. At least my eyeliner was packed. Maybe I could go nude this term. Naked Sirius with eyeliner, you'd probably have to assign me a security detail to keep everyone from jumping on me. After 5 more minutes of searching I found my leather jacket buried under the clothes I unpacked from my trip to France. The rings were in my bathroom and the charger was at the bottom of my backpack. After a final sweep of the room and the packing of a few more band T-shirts, I was ready to go.

Downstairs my mother was nowhere to be found. I knew my father wasn't coming to drop me off, we hadn't really spoken since, well, ever to be honest, but Mother made a huge deal about dropping me and Reg off at school last night at "family dinner". I padded across the large sitting room over to where Regulus sat anxiously tapping his foot on the hardwood floor.

"Hey, do you know where Mother is?" I asked him.

"In the study with Father," he replied, tapping his foot a little harder.

Clearly Regulus had no plans of informing our mother we needed to leave, so I guess it was my job. Not that I cared. Just another way to break a rule. "Sirius, never interrupt us while we are in the study," I could hear my mother's hard voice reprimand me. I smirked a little thinking of the fight to come. Without so much as a knock, I sauntered into my parents' study. They were both huddled around my father's oversized computer screen, speaking quickly in French. My mother's head spun around at the sound of my intrusion, her clear, gray eyes narrowing on me. Oh this was going to be good.

She walk-sprinted over to me, grabbed my arm, and dragged me into the adjoined conference room. As soon as we were inside she slammed the door and released me from her grasp, looking at her hand like I had somehow given her a disease.

"Explain yourself Sirius," she exclaimed "You know better than to interrupt me and your father while we are in the study!"

"Regulus and I are ready to leave Mother," I said, barely holding back an eye roll.

"Well then leave." She looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in the world.

"I thought you were going to take us."

"You thought wrong. Your father and I have important business we must deal with. You have a car. Drive yourself."

"But Mother..." I started. My sentence was quickly ended by a sharp slap to my left cheek. She hit me. I can't believe she hit me.

"Sirius, I will NOT take any of your sass today. I am at my wit's end with you. You look like a mess and let's not even mention some of your lifestyle choices!" she spat at me. And with that our conversation was over. I stormed out of the conference room, cheek still smarting like a motherfucker. I grabbed my keys and Ray-Bans from the coffee table I'd left them on last night and walked back into the sitting room.

"C'mon Reggie, we're leaving," I demanded, grabbing my bags off the floor and walking to the garage.

I angrily threw my luggage into the backseat of my car. Regulus came into the garage, bags in hand with a confused look on his face. By the time he finished loading his things into the trunk, I was already in the driver's seat ready to go.

"I thought Mother was dropping us off?" Regulus questioned.

"Nope. Something about business." I answered. I could tell he was looking at my reddened cheek, but he said nothing. I think he was finally over his whole "defending our parents" phase for which I was extremely glad. Regulus had been about one comment away from getting pushed off a cliff lately. Always explaining away my parents cruelty. Luckily, it seemed this character flaw had been ironed out.

I grabbed my phone, my temper having cooled down a bit, opened Spotify, and shuffled my favorite playlist James had made me. "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado blasted through my car speakers as I peeled out of the driveway. I caught Regulus smirk slightly before putting on his Beats and no doubt listening to Kanye.

Other than my amazing music playing at almost full volume, the ride to Hogwarts was pretty quiet. It was only about an hour drive from my house to Hogwarts and I felt I really had nothing to talk about with Regulus. I was more than relieved when I pulled through the school's large iron gates. Finally, I would get to see James and be far away from my parents.

Since I was late most of the parking lot and drop off zone was packed, forcing me to park in the second to last row of student spots. I texted James I had arrived, ignoring all the previous times I'd left him on read this summer. I'll tell him about it later, I thought to myself.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was probably only 5 minutes, James was still nowhere to be seen. "Stay with Dianna, Reg. I'm going to look for James," I announced, pushing back my Ray-Bans to the top of my head.

"Uh huh," he grunted in reply. "I still can't believe you named your car Dianna." What a heathen. Had he no respect for royalty. I will forever be a Princess Dianna stan. Fuck Charles. I couldn't even dignify Regulus' comment with an answer.

An initial scan of the parking lot showed no sign of James, so I figured he must be inside. I knew our shared dorm was 4b, he was probably getting his side of the room set up. A group of girls was gathered by the front entrance.  I didn't recognized them so they must be transfers. That meant they hadn't had their lives blessed by meeting the one and only Sirius Black. I HAD to introduce myself. I couldn't deprive them from meeting the GOD of Hogwarts. Plus, the brunette was kind of cute. James wouldn't mind. He was probably off talking to Peter.

"Hey ladies," I beamed, flashing them a signature Sirius Black smile. "I'm Sirius Black. I'm sure you'll hear so much about me." The group erupted into giggles. Two of them waved back shyly.

"Hi, I'm-" the brunette started.

"Move along Black." Ugh, of course. Mary MacDonald.

"Mary, you're looking absolutely ravishing this fine afternoon," I began, "still an orientation leader?"

"No, just saving these girls some time," she replied. Turning to the group she added "He's not worth it. Trust me. I know he's pretty, but he'll ghost you." With that epic display of cockblocking, Mary strutted away towards the girls' dorms, the group of freshmen in tow.

"Always a pleasure MacDonald!" I called after her. She raised an arm over her head and flipped me off with her perfectly manicured finger.

I looked back around the parking lot, hoping James had come to find me as I was no longer in the mood to search for him. I spotted his unruly hair standing by my car talking to Regulus. I made my way back across the lot. As I neared James, it looked like he was preoccupied with his phone. I snuck up behind him, putting my hands over his glasses.

"Guess who?!"  

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