Professor Layton and the Cons...

By Unknown_Mafia786

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Set after Lost/Unwound Future. Roughly 7 years have passed since Layton separated from his loved one, Claire... More

Prologue: Life in London
Chapter 1: ''We Meet Again, Apprentice Luke Triton''
Chapter 2: An Organization Called 'Targent'
Chapter 3: The Search for Flora
Chapter 4: The Master of the Time Machine
Chapter 5: Next Stop: Dropstone!
Chapter 6: The Dilapidated Town of Folsense
Chapter 7: Shadows Surrounding Herzen Castle
Chapter 8: The Mastermind Revealed
Chapter 9: The Curious Village of St. Mystere
Chapter 10: Strength in Numbers
Chapter 11: The Professor Returns?
Chapter 12: Autonomous Assault
Epilogue: Memories of the Past
Next Story Preview: ''Professor Layton and the Politician's Wrath''

Chapter 13: The Battle for the Fate of London

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By Unknown_Mafia786

"We'll save him Flora. But we need a plan to do so. Calm down dear!" Layton shouted.

Flora stopped resisting and watched as Cyrus walked away with Luke, laughing. A loud rumble was heard before Layton and everyone followed him out to notice a giant metallic machine emerging out of the ground. It looked way more fierce than the Detragiant.

"Crikey! How do you intend we stop this thing Hershel?" Dimitri asked.

"I'm working on it!"

"You'd best hurry up Layton. Otherwise London will be destroyed." Don Paolo mentioned.

Cyrus controlled one of the four legs on his Octagiant and tried to crush them all. Layton and everyone quickly dodged it. Dimitri had an idea to slow him down.

"Hershel! My shield! I don't know how much force it can take from this thing but it is very strong. It should be able to slow him down and block his leg and maybe arm attacks."

"But if he destroys it, you'll die!"

"That's okay with me. I've wanted to die ever since I couldn't help save Claire. And you know that." Dimitri looked to the floor whilst he pulled out his shield.

Layton gasped slightly.

"Dimitri, don't say such nonsense!"

"I'm sorry Hershel. But if there's a chance it will slow him down, even a little bit, I must take it." Dimitri extended his shield. "Finish thinking of your plan and get on with it!"

"Thank you, Dimitri. And I will." Layton smiled at Dimitri.

Dimitri ran towards the Octagiant and held his shield out, extended as much as it would go.


Cyrus was irritated.

"Get out of my way depressed scientist! Or I'll kill you first!" He hissed.

"Make me!" Dimitri mocked.

Cyrus growled. He used one of his Octagiant's arms to smash Dimitri's shield but it didn't smash, nor did it crack. All it did was push Dimitri back slightly.

Cyrus sent another arm at Dimitri but still had no effect on his shield. Cyrus then tried to send multiple arms at Dimitri, one from the front and one from the side. Dimitri blocked the front one and managed to roll out of the way before the side one hit him.

Layton crouched behind cover with everyone else deciding a plan to stop Cyrus, save Luke and destroy his machine. Descole peeked over the top of the half wall they hid behind and growled at Cyrus. Flora held onto Layton's arm, Don Paolo grunted along with Emmy and Clive who just stood there, listening to what the Professor had come up with.

"I've got something. But it will be dangerous."

"If it means saving London and stopping Cyrus, I'll be more than happy to help carry it out Professor!" Clive mentioned.

"Hurry up Layton!" Descole ordered. "We haven't got all day!"

"Right, Paul. Do you have another customised Laytonmobile around?"

"Yeah, it's just around the corner of the street. What are you planning?"

"Good. Emmy, you come with me. We're going to scale that machine to the top using the Laytonmobile. We might have to use some debris as a ramp."

"Copy that Professor!"

"You must be crazy!" Descole yelled.

"Perhaps. And perhaps not. I've done it before, and I will do it again. If it means stopping Cyrus and saving Luke and London, I will gladly do it."

Flora tugged Layton's arm.

"Professor, please take me with you!"

Layton looked Flora in the eyes before sighing.

"I'm sorry Flora, but it will be too dangerous up there. It would be best if you stayed down here with Dimitri and the others."

"But...being up there is safer than down here! And I want to help save Luke. After all...he's always been there for me. And he's my friend!" Flora let go of Layton's arm and put her hands on her chest, looking to the floor all gloomy.

Layton hesitated for a moment. He couldn't take Flora up with him as she would be put in danger. But he also couldn't leave her on the ground without doing anything to help.

"Fine. But please Flora, stay as close to me as you can!"

Flora suddenly cheered up at raised her head towards the Professor. She beamed at him.

"I will! I promise!"

Layton smiled back at Flora before looking back at everyone else.

"Okay Layton. We get it. The girls go with you. What are we doing then?" Descole muttered.

"Descole, I need you and Paul to get everyone to safety and fight off any of Cyrus' henchmen while you're at it."

"So we're helping people are we?" Descole groaned. "Very well, I'll do that. And then I'll kill every one of those disgraces to society!"

"Descole, no!" Layton yelled as Descole ran off. "You can't kill them, only make them surrender!"

"I know what I'm doing Layton! Now get up to the top of the thief's machine and stop him!" Descole ordered.

"Professor, what about Dimitri and I? What do we do?" Clive asked whilst holding on to his head.

"Clive, I need you and Dimitri to use whatever gadgets you have, maybe some sort of drones if you have them, and destroy the mechanical arms on the machine. Or, cause them to malfunction. I'll also need you two to find the generator or power source inside the machine and destroy it however you can."

"If you're going up there, surely you can destroy the power supply, right?"

"I wish that would be possible, but we're only going up there with Paul's Laytonmobile. Besides, we may not even be able to gain access to the generator room.  It's best left under your control Clive."

"Thank you Professor. I won't let you down!" Clive beamed at Layton and ran off towards Dimitri to tell him the plan.

Dimitri listened well to the plan, still with his shield ejected. He then put his shield away and got out his drones from a suitcase. They were tiny but packed a serious punch as they also exploded. The explosions weren't that powerful though.

"Alright you two, follow me." Layton escorted Emmy and Flora to the road where the Laytonmobile was on. Layton made sure the two of them got in the car before he got in himself "Put your seat belts on!" He said whilst putting his own on. "It's going to get bumpy."

Emmy and Flora both put their seat belts on but Flora was struggling to put hers on due to her dress getting in the way. Layton noticed this in the mirror and un-did his belt to help Flora put hers on.

"There you go dear."

"Thank you!" She beamed at the Professor once again.

Layton turned back to put his belt back on.

"Right, now let's get a move on."

Layton turned on the engine and pulled down the clutch to start driving the car. He drove it back to the road they came from and towards Cyrus' contraption. He then drove the Laytonmobile towards the nearest destroyed building in hopes of finding a ramp to allow them to jump onto the Octagiant. Layton found a ramp, which looked high enough to reach the middle of the Octagiant, and instantly drove towards it. He drove off the ramp and had Flora screaming slightly and Emmy gasping.

"Hold tight!" He ordered.

The three of them held onto their seats as tightly as they could. Emmy also held onto the handles above the doors. Flora tried to reach for one but was too scared to. Layton held onto the steering wheel. The Laytonmobile had landed on the mid point of the Octagiant and wouldn't be able to go up any further.

"We'll make the rest on foot. We'll find Luke this way too." Layton said as the three of them got out of the Laytonmobile.

"Professor, where do you think he's at?" Flora asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure. But I would guess somewhere on this level." Layton looked around. "Let's take a look around."

"Right behind you Professor!" Emmy shouted enthusiastically.

Layton grinned at her before heading inside the gigantic Octagiant. It had entrances similar to Clive's Mobile Fortress. They passed through a metal door and noticed four rooms around them. Layton also saw a map inside. He was unsure why Cyrus would need a map in his own contraption but he spared no time second guessing himself and observed the map.

"According to of these doors will take us to the top where we will most likely find Cyrus. And that's that door." Layton said pointing to the door at the far left of the hallway. "And another door will take us to the Generator room. That one there!" Layton pointed to the door on the opposite side of the hallway but also noticed the door was completely blocked off and barricaded. "Well that complicates things more. We just have to hope Clive and Dimitri can find the Generator room and do their best to destroy it." Layton looked at the map again.

Emmy noticed some Targent thugs who had managed to grapple on top of Cyrus' Octagiant.

"Professor, you might want to hurry this up!" Emmy mentioned.

She ran towards the thugs and tried to knock them off the Octagiant. They didn't fall far but were left slightly injured in their backs and arms. Layton observed the map carefully again to find the prisoner cells.

"There are no prisoner cells, but I'm guessing Luke is in the Ventilation Room. Which is right there." Layton pointed the the door directly in the middle of the hallway. "That's where we need to go. Come on!"

Layton and Flora ran towards the door whilst Emmy held the Targent thugs back by pushing them off the edge and onto the lower level. She pushed the last thug and quickly caught up with the Professor and Flora.

"We need to get this door open." Layton said, straining as he was opening the door. Emmy helped him turn the handle which was very difficult to nudge. Flora watched the two of them work together and heard footsteps coming from behind. She turned around to notice more Targent thugs had managed to find them.

"Professor?!" She exclaimed.

Layton and Emmy managed to open the door and he turned around to notice them starting to aim their weapons at the three of them.

"Quickly, get in!" Layton yelled, pushing Flora and Emmy into the room and following shortly after, closing the door behind him and locking it from the inside.

The Targent thugs shot at the door with their weapons but not a single bullet penetrated the metal as it was bulletproof.

"Professor!" Someone called, slightly muffled.

Layton, Flora and Emmy turned around to notice Luke locked in the Ventilation Chamber, sweating and banging on the glass.


"Not to worry Luke. We'll save you." Layton rushed over to Luke to find anything he could use to open the glass chamber.

"Luke! Oh no! This is all my fault!" Flora complained.

"No Flora, don't blame yourself. There's nothing you could've done to save Luke from getting captured." Emmy mentioned.

"But...I was the one who got him captured! Cyrus wanted me, not him!" She cried.

"Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have done anything."

Emmy and Flora heard banging on the door as if the thugs were trying to break it down. Emmy had her fighting stance ready whilst Flora hid behind Emmy.

"Flora, Emmy!" Layton called. "One of you two come over here and help!"

"Go Flora. Help the Professor and Luke. I'll deal with these lot if they break through."

Flora didn't hesitate and started walking backwards towards the Professor before she turned around and ran to him.

"Professor, what...what do you need help with?"

"Flora, I need you to pull that switch down so I can break apart these supports holding the glass chamber in place. We have to be quick!" Layton pointed at a lever with a big red ball on top of it.


Flora ran over to the switch panel and flipped the switch that Layton had pointed to. She struggled at first since it seemed like it was rusty and hadn't been used for a long time, but she managed to get it in the end. Whilst Flora was pulling the lever, she noticed Emmy fighting the thugs who managed to break open the door. She knocked out most of the guards but one of the remaining ones shot their gun at her. They missed her but the bullet nearly hit Flora, who let out a short scream, and hit the switch panel and it ricocheted off of it and towards Layton. The bullet broke one of the support beams.

"That sure makes things much easier." Layton said whilst chuckling.

Flora flipped the switch as far as it would go.

"I've done it Professor!" She said with a cheerful expression on her face.

Layton turned to Flora, still with his hands on the supports, and grinned at her.

"Thank you Flora." He turned back to the remaining supports that had started to detach from the glass chamber and pulled them with all his force to break them off. "Now I just need to break these off." He said whilst straining.

Layton managed to break the supports holding the glass chamber and ran over to the chamber to try and take the glass off it. Flora followed behind him, with one hand over her mouth.

"It's no use. It won't budge!" Layton yelled.

"Professor! Over there!" Luke shouted whilst muffled, pointing to a steel wrench lying against a toolbox near the wall by a bunch of barrels.

Layton noticed this wrench and immediately ran over to pick it up. Flora followed him again.

"Perfect. This should do the trick."

Layton ran back over to the glass chamber with Flora behind him and he started to whack the glass as hard as he could with the wrench. It cracked everytime he hit it with each crack bigger than the last. Eventually, the entire glass chamber was covered in cracks and the Professor knew one more hit would smash it.

"Take cover Luke!" He shouted. "And you Flora!"

Luke immediately hid his head in his jacket and used his bag as extra protection. Flora hid behind the Professor for protection. Layton swung the wrench at the glass chamber. Smash! The entire glass chamber shattered into a million pieces. Luke revealed his head again looking all shocked and confused.

"LUKE!!!" Flora ran over to Luke and hugged him very hard.

Luke saw Flora dashing at him and was slightly scared as he thought she would do something to him. He also noticed Emmy still dealing with the remaining three thugs and the others knocked out onto the ground. Some had even fallen to a lower level but Luke was unsure whether they were okay or not.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" She cried with a heart-warming smile on her face.

Luke returned the hug.

"I'm okay Flora. You don't need to worry. You were very brave coming here with the Professor and Emmy weren't you?"


Layton chuckled slightly before noticing Emmy approaching them, dusting her hands. He realised all the thugs were all knocked out.

"That's a wrap. Now we should get out of here and stop Cyrus!"

"Agreed. We should get you all out of here."

"No, Professor. We're not leaving you here!" Luke exclaimed.

"Yeah, what he said!" Flora shouted.

Emmy laughed whilst Layton sighed. He also noticed Flora limping slightly but thought it was just how she was standing.

"Very well then. Follow me."

The four of them ran out of the Ventilation room and started hearing thuds and crashes coming from what sounded like upstairs. There was a short tremor which shook the whole room.

"That must be Clive and Dimitri trying to destroy the arms." Layton deduced. "We mustn't waste any time. We need to find Cyrus now!"

They continued running out of the ventilation room and towards the farthest door on the left. Luke had noticed Flora was limping severely and was even slow at catching up. She was also hyperventilating a lot.

"Flora, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine...Luke."

Luke had noticed the bandage that was wrapped around her leg managed to rip off and was revealing itself at the bottom of her dress. It must have ripped from inside the Ventilation Room. She must've caught it on something without knowing. Luke also noticed a small puncture wound in her dress, right in the general area her bandage was, which was easily fixable with the right tools. Luke instantly changed his thought of how the bandage could've ripped. Instead of her dress getting caught on something, this looked more like some of the glass from the chamber that pierced her dress and cut the bandage. It didn't seem to have hit her though.

"Flora, your leg..." Luke began.

Layton and Emmy both looked at Flora and they both noticed the ripped bandage. She fell to the floor and passed out from all the pressure that was getting to her finally from her leg being free.

"No!!!" Luke ran over to Flora to check on her. She was completely unconscious.

"This isn't good. Flora cannot stay here any longer." Layton mentioned. "Emmy, you need to take Luke and Flora back to the ground."

"No Professor! I can't leave you here!" Luke yelled.

"Luke my boy, someone has to look after Flora on the ground and in the car. That would be you."

Luke started to tear up.


"Luke, do not worry. I will be fine." Layton smiled at Luke before helping an unconscious Flora up.

Luke put Flora on his back so her legs were going over his shoulders. Flora was completely knocked out. The three of them ran back to the Laytonmobile with Layton getting in the driver seat.

"Luke, take this." Layton tossed Luke a spare bandage to put around Flora's leg. "Put that around her leg. And make sure it's tight!"

"Got it!" He responded.

"Emmy, I'm going to need you to take over driving for me soon."


"Because...I plan to jump out and stop Cyrus myself. What I will do will be crazy so as soon as I jump out, press that red button there." Layton pointed to a big red button on the dashboard of the car. "I hope you know how to fly."

"I do but are you crazy?"

"It's the only way! Just whatever happens, make sure you get Luke and Flora to safety." He commanded. "And also tell Clive and Dimitri to stop targeting the arms and target the generator room."

"Very well then. I hope you have a plan to stop Cyrus."

The Professor chuckled, slightly nervous. He drove the car towards a collapsed ramp that would reach the top of the Octagiant but also send them all flying in the process.

"Make sure you've got your seatbelts on!" He yelled.

Luke immediately strapped himself and Flora in with seatbelts and went back to putting the bandage back on Flora. Emmy was already strapped in. The Professor immediately drove off the ramp and had Luke grabbing his hat whilst also holding onto Flora tightly so she didn't go flying. He screamed slightly but Emmy was enjoying it.

"Now Emmy!" Layton yelled.

He opened his door and jumped out of the Laytonmobile and landed at the top of the Octagiant and came face to face with Cyrus. He survived the fall as it wasn't that high up. Emmy immediately pressed the red button and quickly un-did her seatbelt and moved over to the driver seat so she could fly it. Luke managed grab hold of his hat and put it back on him before quickly finishing off putting the bandage around Flora's leg. Flora managed to wake up and noticed the Professor on top of the Octagiant staring at Cyrus.

"Professor?!" She called for him.

"No Flora. Leave him be. He plans to stop Cyrus by himself. Your injury meant that we couldn't join him."

Flora started to cry on Luke's shoulder.

"He'll kill him!"

"Don't worry Flora. He'll be fine. I've known him for so long." Luke comforted.

"Flora, don't worry about him." Emmy began whilst looking in the front mirror towards her. "Cyrus alone won't be able to beat him."

Flora lay down on Luke's lap, still crying. Luke stroked her head, smiling at her.

"You're naturally concerned about him, I get it. I was too when we were younger. I never wanted anything to happen to him. He goes through this a lot Flora. Just have faith in him."

Emmy continued flying the Laytonmobile towards the ground whilst avoiding falling buildings and the Octagiant's mechanical arms.

Back on top of the Octagiant, Layton stared Cyrus in the eyes.

"Layton!" Cyrus muttered. "Bold of you to come here on your own."

"You must stop this madness Cyrus. It's eating you up from the inside."

"I have waited a long time for this perfect moment! And you will NOT take it away from me!" Cyrus yelled.

They circled each other before Cyrus drew his sword at Layton. He had this sword locked up tight in the armoury of the Octagiant in case he needed it. Layton had no weapon to defend himself so Cyrus took this opposition to strike the Professor down. Layton dodged almost every blow before part of his trenchcoat got cut off by Cyrus. Only a corner got cut.

Layton managed to find a steel pipe lying on the ground next to the control panel of the Octagiant. He picked it up and held it like a sword.

Cyrus laughed hysterically.

"Do you think that will save you?"

"Maybe not for long. But it will help me stop you."

Cyrus muttered and charged at Layton who blocked every blow with the bar. Cyrus managed to land a slash on his arm with the metal bar which cut his clothes and arm partially. Layton groaned but held on to the metal bar as tightly as he could. Cyrus ran again and landed another swing on his leg which ripped his pants slightly and his leg. He groaned again. The Professor was still standing, holding onto his arm with his empty hand.

Cyrus cackled.

"It seems I've beaten you!"

"I wouldn' so sure Cyrus." Layton said casually, quickly recovering from his injuries.

Cyrus growled at Layton and charged at him again. This time, the Professor dodged him and Cyrus fell against the floor. He quickly got back up.

"Stay still!" Cyrus muttered, frustrated.

He went for another swing against Layton before a tremor knocked him to the ground and his sword out of his hand which slid off the Octagiant.

"NOOOOO!!!" Cyrus screamed as he tried to grab his sword before punching the ground in rage. "LAYTOOOONNNNNNN!!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!"

They both got back to their feet before Cyrus charged at Layton with his bare hands. Layton dodged his punch which sent him crashing into the control panel and causing all the remaining mechanical arms to malfunction. Layton could also hear drones crashing into the generator room and saw smoke coming from the location.


Another tremor knocked them both to their feet but this one sent Cyrus flying off the edge of the Octagiant and had him scream slightly.

"NO!" Layton yelled as he rushed to save Cyrus. He grabbed one of Cyrus' hands but was struggling to pick him up.

Back on the ground, Emmy and Luke noticed the Professor grabbing onto Cyrus and trying to save him from the middle of the street which had barricades set up by Barton and his squad to block the Octagiant. Flora was upset but came back to her senses shortly. Luke had her leaning against him on the ground with his hands over her. The first thing she noticed was Luke and Emmy looking in the same direction and then Dimitri and Clive controlling the drones one at a time whilst the other would protect them with the shield and hold onto their hat in the wind. She then looked at where Luke and Emmy were looking and also saw the Professor grabbing onto Cyrus' arm and struggling to hold him.

"Professor..." she thought.

"Professor, come on. You can stop him. And save him too!" Luke thought.

"Professor, Targent must be stopped and you are the only one who can stop them. Save Cyrus if you need to, but stop Targent! Come on!" Emmy thought whilst also holding her arms out like she was begging.

Dimitri and Clive had been told what to do by Emmy and were crashing as many drones as they could into the generator room which they deduced to be where all the vents were on the side, which they were correct.

Luke noticed Flora, who was completely aware now, and held her closer to him to which she held onto him and practically hugged him.

"...please, be safe."

Dimitri watched as the drone he controlled flew up towards the Octagiant. He didn't notice Layton and Cyrus but Clive did.

"Hershel, I sure hope you know what you're doing with this." He thought.

Back on top of the Octagiant, Layton was struggling to hold onto Cyrus' arm.


"I can't let you die! It is an ungentlemanly act for both of us!"

"DO. NOT. CALL. ME. A. GENTLEMAN!!! I AM NOT ONE, AND I NEVER WILL BE!!!" Cyrus sighed. "I've done many terrible things over the course of my life that don't give me the right to be considered a gentleman. Even if I was to atone or do good deeds, nothing will help me!!!"

Dimitri and Clive had crashed some more drones into the generator room and had moderately damaged the generator.

"Cyrus...I can't let you die here! I can't let anyone die if there is a way I can save them all! Now give me your other hand!" Layton reached out his left hand in order to reach for Cyrus' left hand.

Cyrus hesitated for a while.

"Just let me go! I don't deserve to live. I've already been through so much."

"No I will not!" Layton noticed Cyrus starting to tear up.


"No, Cyrus. I will not let you go!!! You still have a long life in front of you to live! Even if you end up spending most of that time in prison, you can still change. You can become good again! You can live amongst the people of London and not worry about them being scared of you!"

"But I tried to destroy London! They won't forgive me for that!"

"If you do something good to or for them, they may just forgive you. That's how the people of London work Cyrus. You just need to do some good deeds for them."

Dimitri and Clive had crashed some more drones into the generator, severely damaging it and causing the entire contraption to break down and crumble. A tremor knocked Layton to the ground but he still held onto Cyrus as tightly as he could.

"Hurry Cyrus! Give me your other arm!"

Cyrus hesitated again before grunting. He then proceeded to give Layton his other arm to be lifted up. The Professor immediately grabbed it and pulled him up.

"What you say better be right. Because if they don't forgive me, we're gonna have problems!"

"Some may not forgive you straight away Cyrus. You may have to do multiple good deeds to earn the people's trust but some may not forgive you at all."

"Whatever! Let's get off this crumbling machine!"

"Of course." 

Layton rushed over to another edge of the Octagiant to look for a way down. Cyrus followed behind, also looking for a way down.

"How do you suppose we get down, Layton?" Cyrus groaned.

The Professor observed his surroundings before noticing an apartment building not damaged at all and the top floor windows were close enough for them to jump through.

"That's it!" He exclaimed. "Cyrus, get ready to jump."

"What? Are you crazy? A jump from this height will most definitely kill us!"

"No. We jump through those windows and run downstairs as quickly as we can before this thing explodes. We don't have long left so get ready."

Cyrus didn't like the idea but wasn't willing to stay on top of the machine. Dimitri and Clive had stopped launching drones into the Octagiant as they saw it smoking badly and knew it was enough to bring it down. Dimitri held the shield and had a lot of people take cover behind it in case any debris would fly at them. Luke, Flora and Emmy couldn't fit behind so Luke shielded Flora with his arm and jacket and Emmy shielded them both with her whole body. Descole and Don Paolo had finished evacuating as many people as they could but a good group of them remained. They had also finished dealing with the Targent thugs too.

The Octagiant approached the apartment building and Layton and Cyrus got ready to jump.

"Forgive me, fellow residents of these apartment rooms, but this will be very ungentlemanly of me." Layton began.

The windows were in range to jump to.

"Cyrus, jump now! Before we miss it!"

Cyrus hesitated to jump so the Professor grabbed him from around the shoulder and jumped with him, breaking the window on the apartment room and startling the residents inside.

"It's not safe here! Evacuate the building quickly! Or at least get to the stairs!" Layton ordered the residents. "Cyrus, get up. We have to move before the machine explodes!"

The Professor reached out for Cyrus' hand who instantly grabbed it and pulled himself up.

"You are one crazy Professor, Layton!" Cyrus muttered.

"Yes, well thank you for that." Layton began whilst helping up Cyrus. "But we can't stay here!"

"I know! I'm not stupid!"

The two of them ran out of the apartment room just as the Octagiant exploded due to power failure and overloaded circuits. The explosion sent the two of them flying out of the room and hitting the wall. They started coughing heavily and trying their best to get up but due to the injury sustained from hitting the wall at such a force, it was hard for them to get up.

Back on the ground, Dimitri held his shield tightly to protect the remaining citizens from the explosion. Even though it wasn't very powerful to destroy buildings, it did damage them partially and knock some walls and bricks out. Nobody, except Descole and Don Paolo, saw Layton jump through the apartment window with Cyrus.

"PROFESSOR!!!" Flora cried as she ran forward slightly and reached her hand forward as if she was trying to grab something.

"NO, PROFESSOR!!!" Luke yelled. He then took his hat off and held it against his chest in respect for a supposed "deceased" Layton and Cyrus.

"HERSHEL!!!" Dimitri shrieked. He took his hat off and did the same as Luke.

"PROFESSOR!!!" Emmy screamed.

"Damn it!" Clive muttered. He also did the same as Luke.

Flora started to cry very heavily and ran to Luke, who was mourning the Professor and hugged him tightly.

"No!!! He can't be dead!!! HE CAN'T BE DEEEEAAAAAADDDDDD!!! Luke, please tell me it's not true!!!" She looked Luke in the eye and saw him shedding tears and them dripping down his face.

"I'm sorry, Flora..."

Flora felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart.


Flora began to make a scene but Emmy tried to calm her down and restrain her. Emmy was upset and shed a tear as well but she wasn't crying like Luke.

"Emmy, please tell me it's not true! That the Professor is dead!"

Emmy didn't say anything but instead just hugged Flora back to which Flora knew what her response was.

"No! He's still alive! He can't be dead! I KNOW IT!!!"

Don Paolo faced palmed whilst Descole shook his head lightly.

"Will you shut up already!? All this noise is really annoying me!" Descole shouted. "I know I treated you with respect and everything but stop annoying me!"

"But...the Professor's dead! Are you two...really not heartbroken...about that?" Flora asked whilst crying.

"He's not dead." Don Paolo began. "Look at the doors of the building and you'll see."

Flora turned around to look at the front doors of the apartment building Layton and Cyrus jumped into whilst still holding onto Emmy and Luke. The Professor burst through the door with Cyrus, both coughing and smoke coming from inside. Other people also came out of the building too but instantly ran away from the scene. Cyrus fell to his knees and starting crawling forward, still coughing. Layton was too weak to help him but ended up spotting Luke, Flora, Emmy all crying and Dimitri, Clive and Luke still mourning him. Flora all of a sudden stopped crying and was filled with relief and happiness.

"Professor!!!" She ran towards him and hugged him, despite him being weak to return the hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!!! I thought you were dead!!!"

Layton paused for a moment as Flora hugged him. Luke, Emmy, Dimitri and Clive all stopped mourning him and also had the same expression as Flora, except Dimitri didn't feel relieved as if he knew Layton wasn't dead. They all ran towards him too, except Dimitri who walked towards him, and left Descole and Don Paolo watching. Descole felt a bit disgusted but Don Paolo looked as if he enjoyed what he was seeing.

"Professor!" Luke, Emmy and Clive shouted as they also joined in the hug.

"It's okay everyone. I'm alright."

Dimitri continued approaching Layton.

"Hershel, you really are crazy! Much more crazier than me. You never cease to amaze me."

Layton chuckled.

"Thank you, Dimitri. You were quite impressive yourself."

"Not as much as you though."

Dimitri put his hand on Layton's shoulder, just under Flora's arm.

Descole and Don Paolo also approached the Professor.

"I'm glad you're okay Layton. But you really are suicidal sometimes." Don Paolo mentioned. "You did it. You saved us all!"

"I couldn't have done it without everyone here Paul. Especially you."

Don Paolo laughed hysterically before starting to walk off.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm glad everyone is safe." He said. "Well, if that's it, I'm going to fix the Laytonmobile and maybe add some new stuff to it. But don't worry, I'll be back for a bit. For the girl too."

"Thank you Paul. For everything." Layton muttered.

Descole grunted slightly before approaching Layton.

"Layton, if this is all, then I'm gone. I need to stop the rest of these fools. I'm glad you're okay, brother. All the times you've thought I wanted to kill you, I never could kill you even if I tried."

Descole threw his cloak around him and walked off, grinning.


Descole stopped before looking back.

"Thank For your help today."

Descole smirked.

"Don't mention it. If the time comes you need me again, you know where to find me."

"I understand. Thank you, again."

"You're welcome, brother."

Descole turned back and continued walking off. Emmy, Clive and Dimitri backed off of Layton but Luke and Flora continued hugging him for a bit longer. Luke eventually stopped but Flora did not want to stop. Layton had to take her off him in order to get her to stop.

"You all did exceptionally good today! It's no surprise you'll all take my position in solving mysteries."

"Thank you, Professor." They all said one after another.

"We're just glad you aren't dead." Luke mentioned.

"Likewise Luke. You and Flora were both really brave. Emmy and Dimitri told me a lot about you two. They said you two make a superb team together." Layton touched both Luke and Flora's shoulders with his hands. "I'm proud of you both. And I'm sure your father would be proud of you Luke."

Luke beamed at Layton and Flora giggled slightly. They both hugged the Professor again, but this time it was a short hug.

Cyrus managed to get back to his feet before Barton's Police Squad apprehended him and the remaining Targent thugs. Some of them fled though.

"Hold it right there sir!" Barton ordered Cyrus.

They cuffed him and the rest of Targent and began to take them in when Cyrus stopped to talk to Layton.

"Layton." He said. "I feel like you should know. Since you're the only one that offered me a second chance at life."

Layton got up and pushed Luke and Flora to the side very lightly so he could approach Cyrus.

"And what's that?"

"About...why I did everything i did." Cyrus sighed and looked to the ground before looking back at Layton. "I did everything...for revenge. I feel like you should know. Back when I was 8 years old, 17 years ago, I witnessed my parents die right in front of my very eyes." Cyrus had a raging expression in his eye. "They were Bill Hawks...and some lesser Targent men. Though at this point, I didn't know since I was so young."

Layton gasped as well as Luke, Emmy and Dimitri who overheard their conversation.

"I'm sorry Cyrus. I had no idea."

"No. It's not your fault. It's that man's fault." Cyrus muttered as he shivered for a few seconds. "He's the one responsible for my change. And he's the main reason I wanted to destroy London. It was people like him who made me sick. I thought, if I could kill people like him, then maybe no one would become evil again."

Layton sighed.

"That's not how this works Cyrus. And you know that. It doesn't matter how many people you decide to kill in order to get rid off all the evil within the world, that number will always increase and never each zero. If it does, it won't stay there for long."

"I know. I know" Cyrus started to cry. "But I was so blinded by rage and hate that I wanted to carry out my plan. It took me many years to get where I am now with being the leader of the Targent. Was it worth it? No it was not." He sighed again. "Bill Hawks completely blinded me with rage that I lost control of myself ever since that day that I was so devoted to killing him and everyone who was evil. But, I'm glad you managed to stop me. I feel like....if I managed to destroy all of London, there would be no point."


Layton approached him and put his hand on his shoulder. Flora slowly walked up to Layton and hid behind him in case Cyrus managed to break free and lash out at the both of them.

"...I understand how you feel. In fact, I know someone else who was the same way as you. Clive."

"Yes. I heard about him when I was only a lesser thug in Targent. And that reminds me..." Cyrus caught Flora looking at him, quite shaken. "I'm sorry girl. For calling you useless, holding you hostage, shooting you in the leg, stealing the gold from your home village and wrecking it and everything else I did that caused you so much pain." Cyrus sighed. "I promise I'll repay you back for the gold I stole off you."

Flora all of a sudden overcame her fearfulness and beamed at Cyrus for apologizing.

"And boy," Cyrus turned to Luke. "Luke was it? I'm sorry for kidnapping you and everything else I did to you too."

"Don't worry. I'm not the type of person to hold a grudge."

Cyrus smiled slightly before looking towards Emmy.

"Emmy, I'm sorry for trying to kill you. I realise now the real enemy is me and the rest of Targent."

Emmy laughed nervously and stroked her own hair. Cyrus turned towards Dimitri.

"Dimitri. I'm sorry for calling you names. And trying to kill you many times too. I had no idea you were a victim to Bill Hawks. That Time Machine Experiment 17 years ago..."

"At least you apologized. That's good enough for me. And don't worry, that's not your fault."

Cyrus turned towards Clive.

"Clive, I'm sorry for kicking you and all the other stuff I did to you."

"No, it's fine. I was looking for a fight anyway. That was my fault."

"No. It's all my fault. Not yours."

Cyrus sighed and finally turned back to Layton.

"And Layton. I'm sorry for getting you dragged into this. I had no idea you were also victim to Bill Hawks by being trapped in America with Descole and even losing your loved one by the hands of that man. I'm sorry you had to stop me."

"Cyrus. That's not true. A true gentleman always finds a solution to problems such as these."

Cyrus chuckled slightly.

"Huh. Maybe one day, I'll end up being a gentleman like you too. And until then, I wish you farewell Layton and crew."

"I'd like to see that." Layton said.

Barton dragged Cyrus away and into the Police Car where they drove off towards Scotland Yard. The other police officers had to walk back as there weren't enough cars and spaces. Everyone else had approached Layton again and all smiled at him. The crowd had finally dispersed, leaving no one behind, meaning no one for Layton or anyone to help out. There wasn't a lot of people to begin with. The roads were empty but the Professor was unsure why.

"Well then, since there's no one to help out around here, shall we head somewhere together?"

"Oooo Professor, can we go to Chinatown? Please?" Flora asked whilst jumping in the air with excitement.

Layton smiled at her.

"Sure dear. Where ever you want. I'm sure Luke promised to take you there after all."

Luke looked shocked. How did the Professor know about the promise he made to Flora? Layton beamed at Luke.

The six of them walked off towards Chinatown. They were headed to where Flora was promised a free dish of her favourite food every time she visited - Don Paolo's Restaurant. Though it was slightly damaged from the outside, nothing on the inside was damaged. They opened up on Don Paolo's orders as he knew Flora would come here almost straight after dealing with Cyrus. Layton insisted he'd pay for Flora but the workers there said "No need" and gave her a free dish anyway. Layton wondered why they gave her a free dish but then remembered asking Don Paolo to do the same thing.

"They must work for Paul. Would make sense after all."

They all sat down around the table outside the restaurant. Flora sat on the left of Layton, Luke sat on the right, Emmy sat next to Luke, Clive sat next to Flora and Dimitri sat in between Emmy and Clive.

"Professor, what are you going to order?" Flora asked whilst stuffing her face.

"Hmm." Layton observed the menu. "I think I'll have a Traditional Cottage Pie. Luke?"

"Oh uhhhh...I think I'll try...uhhhh..." Luke skimmed the menu. "...the Tandoori Chicken. Same as Flora!"

Flora giggled at Luke.

"Okay. Emmy, what would you like?"

"Hmmm...I think I'll have the Ramen Noodles. I've always wanted to try them."

"Impressive choice." Dimitri commented.

"Yes, very impressive." Layton responded. "Dimitri, what about you?"

"Oh there's no need, really. But, since everyone is here, I guess I'll help myself then." Dimitri picked up the menu from Flora. He hastily looked through the menu until something in it caught his eye. "I'll have the Sausages and Chips. It's actually been a long time since I had them." Dimitri chuckled.

"Right. Okay Clive, what about you?"

Clive was already looking at the menu.

"I think I'll have the Fish and Chips. It's a must eat here in Britain anyway."

"Okay." Layton added up the total cost of all the dishes, plus drinks. Layton ordered a cup of tea and so did Dimitri. Emmy ordered a Coffee. Luke and Clive ordered Water and Flora ordered Orange Juice. "That'll be...£85!"

Layton sorted out £85 from his pockets ready to give to the waiters when he had ordered their food.

"Professor, allow me please." Clive said.

Layton turned back to Clive who already had £85 in his hands.

"Clive? No I can't let you pay. That's not what a gentleman does."

"Please Professor, it's my treat. I wish to become a gentleman too. But I can't if you're always the one paying for everything."

Layton hesitated before he accepted his quick defeat against Clive paying for the food.

"Okay. You can pay for it then Clive." The Professor smiled at him.

"Thank you Professor!"

Layton ordered the food and Clive payed for it when the waiter asked for the money. Their food arrived after five minutes and by this time, Flora had already eaten half of her food. Together, the six of them enjoyed a hearty meal together, talking about how well everyone did today in terms of performance. Luke suddenly was reminded of something.

"Professor, what exactly were you in America for?"

"Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that." Dimitri muttered.

"Well, if you must know Luke, your father called me there on an investigation. This was five years ago. When I had arrived there, I found Clark and he filled me in on the details. But he also mentioned that we weren't able to go back home unless the mystery was solved. So Clark ended up buying a house there for us to stay at. It was quite a lovely house, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and also a huge living room and kitchen. Anyway, back to the story, it turned out the mystery was a murder that was constantly being covered up and all the evidence was being changed. We managed to get it in the end because we had solid proof of the culprit. Though, I can't exactly tell you about that." Layton chuckled. "We also met Descole there too. He was there looking for someone, possibly someone from Targent. But the real reason we were locked in America, was because of Bill Hawks."

"Bill Hawks? What does that man want now?" Dimitri slammed his fists against the table, causing everyone's food to fall out of their plates a bit and their drinks to also spill a bit. "Sorry about that."

"No it's quite alright." Layton said. "I understand your hatred for him. But it turns out Bill Hawks was trying to get rid of me. It seemed like he was planning something back in London but, to this day, I'm not sure what. All I do remember hearing is something like 'London will soon be controlled by Bill Hawks.' I was unsure what was meant by that but I was determined to solve the mystery in America quickly to get back home. And this part was only about a couple months ago."

"That monster, just what is he planning?" Dimitri muttered.

"I don't know Dimitri. But whatever it is, it's not good." Clive said.

Dimitri grinded his teeth together.

"Enough of that for now, once we're all finished, we should head somewhere with shelter. It's starting to rain. Maybe Gressenheller." Layton mentioned.

Everyone looked to the sky to notice grey clouds and rain was indeed dripping. They all quickly finished their food and drinks and started to make their way to some shelter. Layton and Luke took all the dishes back to the employees first and led the way before Clive spoke.

"Professor, let's go to my house! We can all live there together. It has about ten rooms."

"Crikey! Clive, just how big is your house?" Luke asked with his jaw completely down.

"You'd be surprised Luke." Clive chuckled.

"Then it's settled." Layton began as he pulled out an umbrella. "We'll head there then."

Layton extended his umbrella and held it above Luke and Flora. Dimitri used his shield as an umbrella and held it above him, Emmy and Clive. Flora held Luke's hand as they walked to Clive's house.

"I actually want to see this house of yours for myself Clive. Is it the one Constance Dove gave you when she passed?" Layton asked.

"Actually, it was! I just renovated and re-decorated it. She left behind a lot of money too. You'd honestly be shocked by the amount she left ad I still have, especially with the whole 'Future London' thing. I spent quite a lot on that."

Layton chuckled and Dimitri laughed. Flora wanted to feel included so she giggled. Luke smiled at Flora and Emmy was minding her own business, taking photos of interesting points of interests she saw. The six of them proceeded to Clive's house to rest after a long and hard-fought battle with Cyrus and Targent. It was getting dark too.

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