Professor Layton and the Cons...

By Unknown_Mafia786

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Set after Lost/Unwound Future. Roughly 7 years have passed since Layton separated from his loved one, Claire... More

Prologue: Life in London
Chapter 1: "We Meet Again, Apprentice Luke Triton"
Chapter 2: An Organization Called 'Targent'
Chapter 3: The Search for Flora
Chapter 4: The Master of the Time Machine
Chapter 5: Next Stop: Dropstone!
Chapter 6: The Dilapidated Town of Folsense
Chapter 7: Shadows Surrounding Herzen Castle
Chapter 8: The Mastermind Revealed
Chapter 9: The Curious Village of St. Mystere
Chapter 10: Strength in Numbers
Chapter 11: The Professor Returns?
Chapter 13: The Battle for the Fate of London
Epilogue: Memories of the Past
Next Story Preview: "Professor Layton and the Politician's Wrath"

Chapter 12: Autonomous Assault

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By Unknown_Mafia786

"I apologise for the late arrival everyone, but I had some other important manners to attend to." Layton stated.

Don Paolo and someone else also walked in from behind Luke and everyone and stood next to Layton. Clive recognised the other person to be the same person from inside the Casino who had helped him take out the man who attacked Flora. The man smirked at Cyrus before taking off his jacket and what looked to be a wig. He put his actual hat and cloak on and revealed himself to be none other than Jean Descole, Layton's older brother. Don Paolo and Descole both smirked at Cyrus.

"Well, Cyrus. I believe this is it." Layton said.

"These Targent men, thinking they're all the good guys here." Descole muttered angrily. "I'll stop you all here myself if I need to!"

Don Paolo didn't say anything but rather started to laugh.

Cyrus hissed at Layton and the other two.

"Come at me then!" Cyrus teased as he put his guard back up.

Descole charged for Cyrus with his bare hands. He had a scabbard with no sword inside. Luke realised that Descole had given his sword to the Professor. Luke was suspicious of Descole still.

"You'd be foolish to attack me with no weapon!" Cyrus warned Descole.

"I don't need a weapon against a puny organisation such as yourselves! I CAN TAKE YOU ON WITH JUST MY BARE HANDS!!!"

Cyrus tried to slash Descole but Descole dodged it and flanked him from the side. Descole punched Cyrus in the face before Cyrus dropped his sword and attempted to fight Descole back. Don Paolo decided to join in the fight against Cyrus whilst Layton ran to Luke and the others.

"Flora!" He crouched down to check on Flora. "Hey everyone. I apologise for my disappearance for 5 years. I'll tell you more about that later." Layton lifted up Flora's dress so the wound was visible. He studied it carefully whilst Luke was still applying pressure on it. "Of course!" Layton instantly spotted something useful about the wound - the bullet had gone straight through, for a small caliber weapon. Meaning, it was an easy treatment. Layton grabbed a clean cloth from his pocket that he got from Descole in America and used it as a bandage. He tied it around Flora's injured leg and applied tight pressure on it from both sides so that it would help her to heal.

Flora started to regain her consciousness slowly. She noticed the Professor.


Layton looked her in the eyes, her eyes watering.

"It's me Flora. You don't need to worry any more. I am here for you." He stroked Flora's face with his hand before she got up and hugged him hard. She did not want to let go.

"Easy Flora! You're still healing!" Luke cried.

"No, no. It's quite alright. She hasn't seen me for so long that she was worried. I would be too in all honesty."

Flora begun to cry once again.

"I'm so happy to see you! You really did come back! Like Don Paolo promised!"

Layton hugged Flora back.

"Yes. I know you missed me a lot. But I couldn't come and see you as I was trapped in America. I'll tell you later."

Layton stopped hugging Flora before he got up and tried to walk over to the fight between Descole, Don Paolo and Cyrus before she stood up and grabbed his coat.

"Please...don't leave me again!"

Layton looked back at her and smiled.

"Don't worry Flora. I won't be leaving London without telling you first from now on. Though, I may not be around to help you for any longer."

"Huh?" Luke asked, shocked. "What do you mean?"

"Oh I just mean I might retire soon. I won't be going on any more adventures with you that's all."

"No! But I want you to come along with us!" Flora begged. "Please! You have to help us solve mysteries."

"I think you've done a good enough job by yourself Flora. Especially with Luke and everyone else." Layton complimented her and smiled.

Flora smiled at Layton back before letting go of his arm.

"Now, I should help them deal with Cyrus."

"Can I help Professor?" Luke approached him.

Layton turned to his right to notice Luke looking up at him.

"Sure. But someone has to stay with Flora."

"I will Professor! Don't worry about us." Clive mentioned.

Dimitri got to his feet and stood next to Layton.

"So what's the plan Hershel? What do you intend to do to him?"

"All we have to do, is make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else. We must apprehend him."

"Easier said than done. How do you intend to do that Hershel?"

"If we can all surround him, he may just surrender. I also called in some help from the remaining Scotland Yard Police Force. They should be here any minute now."

And indeed they were. The Police Force, led by Barton, aimed their weapons at all the Targent thugs who finally got to their feet and reached for their own weapons.


There were more thugs than Police but the Police didn't hesitate to shoot if they shot first. The thugs may have been trained but since there were so worn out, they couldn't aim properly and some of them even dropped their weapons but they didn't surrender.

"Haha, perfect!" Dimitri laughed.

"It's not over yet Dimitri. We need to stop Cyrus now."

Cyrus was struggling against Descole and Don Paolo. Layton walked over, slowly and Cyrus decided to retreat.

"ALL FORCES, RETREAT!!! GET BACK TO THE CASINO!!!" He snarled at Layton before throwing a smoke bomb and vanishing within it. Many Targent thugs did the same thing.

"Damn it! He's headed for the Casino, Hershel!"

"Dimitri, you, Emmy, Paul and Descole chase after him. Stop him if you can!"

"And what are you going to do Layton?" Don Paolo muttered.

"I'll catch up. I need to take Flora back somewhere safe."

"Roger that Professor!" Emmy said.

The four of the sprinted towards the Casino whilst Layton returned to Flora and Clive with Luke.

"Clive, can I trust you to take Flora somewhere safe so she can heal?"

"Don't worry Professor, I'll take her to my hou-"


Luke and Clive looked at Flora, concerned. Layton naturally looked at her without thinking anything.

"Professor, I want to go too! I want to stay. I want to be with you and Luke! I want to help you."

"Flora, please. You must reconsider. You're injured! You need to go back and heal." Layton tried to convince her to rest.

"I'm fine Professor. As long as I have this bandage on tightly, I'm okay."

"I'm not concerned about the bandage, I'm concerned about your health!"

"Professor, I've been through a lot! And you know it! Even though this is worse than what I've been through, I can take it. I just want to help you in anyway I can."

"You're help is greatly appreciated, but not at a time like this when you are injured." Layton tipped his hat slightly.

"Please Professor! Let me go with you!" Flora begged.

"I guess I can not change your mind now can I? Come along, if you must. But please, be careful. I don't want anything else to happen to you."

"Okay. I promise to stick by you the entire time Professor." Flora beamed at Layton.

"Very well then. Let's head to the Casino."

Clive helped Flora walk whilst Luke followed them from behind. Due to Flora's injury, they were slow getting to the Casino. In about seven minutes, they made it to the Casino's front doors. Clive set Flora down so she could walk on her own. Luke stood next to Layton on the right and Flora behind him on the left. Clive was at the far back, slightly behind Flora.

"Once we enter the Casino, expect a lot of Cyrus' henchmen." Layton warned.

"Right!" Luke shouted.

Layton opened the doors and they walked in. They instantly spotted Emmy, Dimitri, Descole and Don Paolo in the crowd and the saw Cyrus on the balcony on the 1st floor, looking over straight towards them. He had his contraption on the ground floor, directly below him in the centre of the Casino. His contraption was a small but very powerful bomb which would be able to level most of London if it blew up unless it was contained some how. But this wasn't an ordinary bomb, it looked like any old metallic device that could easily be destroyed. If it was destroyed, it wouldn't explode.

"Layton! So glad you could join us. Here to witness the destruction of London with me? I'm flattered, honestly. That you would go out of your own way just to watch London get destroyed."

"Cyrus!" Layton grunted.

Some Targent thugs approached Layton from behind and restrained him from behind. This time, they actually cuffed him with some wire. They took Layton towards the centre of the Casino which had been cleared from the crowd.

"No! Professor!" Flora cried and tried to run after him before she was stopped by other Targent thugs.

Luke, Clive and Flora put their hands up as well as Emmy and Dimitri, knowing very well they couldn't do anything to save themselves or anyone else. Don Paolo and Descole refused to put their hands up so the thugs whacked them to the ground.

"Descole! Paul!" Layton shouted.

"You see Layton, this is what happens when you try to interfere with my plan. I already warned your friends back there not to but they didn't listen. That girl too." Cyrus pointed towards Flora. "I'll admit, she's got guts. But she's still useless! Emmy, the traitor, don't think I've forgotten. And you, boy!" Cyrus pointed at Luke. "Your mere existence annoys me! You and that Clive bastard!" Cyrus grunted.

"She's not useless Cyrus. None of us are. And if you find Luke annoying, then that means he's doing his job well. He is becoming a gentleman just like I knew he would."

"Keep telling yourself that Layton!" Cyrus froze for a moment and looked at his contraption. "Say, you wouldn't know how to power this up by any chance would you?" he asked.

Layton didn't respond but stared Cyrus directly in the eyes.

"Oi, Layton! Did you hear me?"

"I heard you alright. And I'm not going to answer that."

Cyrus smirked.

"Foolish choice, Layton." He gave out some hand signals to his men. His men were ordered to drag the others to the middle with Layton and if he didn't answer, they would all die.


Emmy tried to fight back but it was no use.

"Professor, do something!"

Layton turned back to notice them being forcefully dragged to the middle.


"If you don't answer my question Layton, I'll kill them all and then you!" Cyrus began to walk down the stairs. "Now then, do you know how to power this machine up?"

"Why are you doing this Cyrus?"

"Why do you think? This world is full of corrupt and evil people. I intend to cleanse this corrupt society and start anew upon a grateful country and then eventually, a grateful world. Now tell me Layton. Do. You. Know. How. To. Power. This. Machine?" Cyrus gave another hand signal to his men.

"ARRGGHHHH! LET GO!" Luke groaned.

"Please, let go!" Flora cried.

"This is madness." Dimitri muttered.

"Professor, don't tell him anything!" Clive yelled.

"Are you sure that's wise boy? If he chooses to say nothing, you're all dead."

"Better us being dead than having to see your ugly mug!" Clive insulted.

"Woah there. That's not acting like a gentleman now is it?" Cyrus kicked Clive in the stomach and sent him flying towards the crowd.

"CLIVE!!!" Flora yelled.

Layton grunted even louder.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you boy!" Cyrus shrieked whilst still kicking Clive.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Flora cried.

"Or what?" Cyrus threatened.

"Cyrus, you'll pay dearly for this!" Luke warned.

"Sure I will." He turned back to Layton. "Last chance Layton, tell me, do you know how to power this machine up?"

Layton hesitated for a moment. He looked around at all his friends struggling to free themselves. He looked towards the floor before looking back up and opening his mouth to say something.

"STOP!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!" Flora screamed at the top of her lungs.

Everyone looked towards her.

"I'll show you how to power it on. As long as you don't hurt my friends." She said without knowing the consequences of her actions.

"Flora, no!" Layton shouted.

"I'm sorry Professor, but I can't let anyone die. This is my chance to prove useful to you all."

"Not this way! It's too dangerous!"

"There is no other way." she muttered.

Cyrus smirked.

"Very well then. Show me how to do it, and I'll let you all live. Trick me, and I'll kill you all. Starting with the girl."

Flora swallowed hard before walking over to the contraption by Cyrus.

Layton stood up and tried to find a way to break free from his restraints. He managed to find something sharp sticking out of a wall. It looked to be a stand for one of the Arcade Machines Clive toppled down on one of the guys that attacked him and Flora earlier. Layton side-stepped over to it without anyone except Luke noticing.

"Go on then girl. Turn it on!"

Flora tampered with the contraption in hopes of turning it on. She managed to activate it which made her smile.

"Activation complete! Imminent destruction in T-minus five minutes." The contraption blurted out.

"It's done. Now please, let them go." Flora begged as she looked at Cyrus with concern.

Cyrus cackled.

"Girl, you really are a fool for trusting me!" He snatched Flora and held her hostage. Flora let out a scream.

"NO! FLORA!" Luke and Layton screamed together.

Dimitri, Clive and Emmy grunted.


Layton managed to break free from his restraints and tried to rush to Cyrus and save Flora.

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Cyrus gave the order for his men to shoot.

The thugs started spraying their weapons, causing the people inside the Casino to panic and run outside. They also started to panic about Cyrus' contraption too. The thugs missed almost every single one of their shots. Layton rolled forwards to dodge the bullets. He and everyone else ran towards the nearest set of arcade machines to take cover. Layton noticed Cyrus still holding onto Flora. Dimitri stood up and used his shield to block the bullets.

"You got a plan Hershel?" Dimitri asked whilst holding on to the shield as hard as he could and looking around for anything else he could use.

"I do. But I'll need everyone's help for it."

"We're here with you Professor!" Luke shouted.

"Yeah. We're here to help!" Emmy mentioned.

"Thank you everyone. This means a lot to me." Layton took another peek towards Cyrus and eyed a chandelier directly above his contraption. Layton had a plan on how to defeat Cyrus. But actually carrying it out was the hard part. He had to be quick with it otherwise he and everyone else would die. And if he managed to destroy the contraption but failed to stop Cyrus, Flora would die. Layton had to act...and fast!

"Okay, we'll have to split up into multiple teams for this. Emmy, you, Descole and Paul take out as many of Cyrus' men as you can. I need you to keep them busy for us and make sure they don't come after us."

"You got it Professor!" Emmy gestured with her hands.

"As long as I can punch some of these guys, I'll do whatever!" Descole muttered as he punched his hands together. "But hurry up with whatever you're going to do Layton!"

"Thank you, Descole. And I will try my best." Layton looked towards Emmy. "Emmy, when I give the signal, I want you to go for Cyrus. Keep him busy."

"If I go near him, he'll kill Flora."

"Don't let him. I have a plan on how we can free her but me and Luke will carry it out."

"Okay. If you insist." Emmy muttered.

Emmy, Descole and Don Paolo ran towards the biggest group of Targent thugs whilst running behind cover. They fought them and knocked them out. Emmy picked up one of their weapons to use against them but she didn't shoot them, instead she hit them.

"Professor, what shall I do?" Clive asked whilst looking at Dimitri who looked like he was struggling.

"Clive, do you still remember how to make that slot machine gun we made 7 years ago? In Future London?"

"I sure do!" Clive laughed.

"Good. You and Dimitri get the parts for it and make it. Use it to fight and push his men back."

"You got it Professor."

Clive sped off towards the destroyed Arcade Machines near the corner of the Casino. Dimitri followed behind with his shield still out.

"Professor, what do we do?" Luke asked.

Layton looked towards Cyrus, who was still holding Flora and moved towards his contraption.

"We have to destroy that machine of his." Layton looked up to the ceiling. "See that Chandelier Luke? We have to find a way to cause that to fall on it. And...we also have to rescue Flora."

"Okay Professor." Luke adjusted his hat. "Let's save London and Flora!"

Layton smiled at Luke before crouch running towards the stairs without Cyrus seeing them. The plan was simple - to destroy the supports holding the Chandelier in place and cause it to crash down onto the contraption. But it was harder than it looked.

Layton and Luke rushed over to the stairs by Cyrus without him noticing. Cyrus was too busy surveying Emmy's every move. Many of the thugs tried to stop them and even shot at them but Layton and Luke dodged them.

"Quickly Luke! We must hurry!"

"Imminent destruction in T-minus four minutes." The contraption blurted out again.

"Right behind you Professor!"

The pair ran past a few thugs and Luke even knocked one to the ground, causing him to drop his weapon. Layton watched Luke as he did this.

"I apologise for that Professor. That was ungentlemanly of me, I know."

"It's fine Luke. Sometimes, against people like Cyrus and his men, you may have to break a few rules for being a gentleman."

Luke still felt guilty but he also thought that they deserved it.

"As long as you don't kill them that is."

"Thanks Professor." Luke grinned at Layton.

The pair ran up the stairs and tried to destroy the supports for the Chandelier. Luke spotted Clive and Dimitri, struggling to assemble the Slot Machine Gun but they finally got it in the end. Dimitri poured a bucket full of coins into the top of the gun and Clive pulled the handle down to fire it. Dimitri held on to his hat and grunted whilst the coins were flying through the sky, hitting the Targent thugs. Some innocent people hid behind some Arcade Machines too, just like Layton did. Clive noticed this and ran over to fire the machine gun at the thugs approaching them.

Meanwhile, Emmy, Descole and Don Paolo were doing a great job fighting the thugs physically. Layton ran over to a storage room to look for something sharp and metallic so he could destroy the chains supporting the Chandelier.

"Luke, come here and help me find something sharp."

Luke rushed over to assist but remembered something.

"Professor, where's your sword that you were using before gone?"

"Cyrus' men took it off me when they restrained me. One of them down there has it."

Luke looked downstairs and saw the thug with Descole's sword. The thug spotted Luke and he and some other thugs ran up the stairs to apprehend him. Luke walked backwards before spotting a wide barrel. He picked it up and threw it down the stairs, knocking down two of the five thugs. Luke looked around for anything else he could throw. He spotted a box of some sorts, wide enough to fit the entire stairs. He pushed it over to the stairs and pushed it off. The box knocked down two more thugs but the thug with Descole's sword was still standing. He made it up the stairs and was about to attack Luke when Luke dodged and kicked him in the stomach. The thug fell to the floor and was too injured to move. Luke grabbed Descole's sword and ran to Layton.

"Professor! I've got it!"

Layton looked back at Luke and noticed him holding Descole's sword.

"You actually got it? Good job my boy." Layton rubbed Luke's head as he took the sword off him. "Now Luke, you see if you can rescue Flora. I'll deal with the Chandelier."

"Right! I'm on it!" Luke darted over to the balcony that Cyrus stood up on and peeked below him. He could see Cyrus, still holding Flora, and threatening Emmy.

"Imminent destruction in T-minus three minutes." The contraption blurted out once again.

"You take one more step traitor and I won't just kill you, I'll kill her too."

Luke took this opportunity to jump on Cyrus' head and try to tackle him down and free Flora. It was going well until Cyrus threw Luke across the Casino. Luke used his feet and his hands to make a superhero landing on the floor and stared Cyrus in the eyes. At this point, there weren't many Targent thugs still standing.

"LUKE!" Emmy screamed.

"I'm fine."

Cyrus stared at Luke before looking back at Emmy.

"You pests! All of you!" Cyrus cocked his gun in an attempt to shoot Emmy but missed every single one of them as she dodged them all. Emmy then proceeded to try and punch Cyrus but Cyrus used Flora as a shield so instead, she hit Flora. Emmy knew this would happen and therefore didn't send out a strong punch - in fact the punch that landed on Flora was weak but Flora still felt it.


"I'm sorry Flora! It's this guy's fault!" Emmy mentioned whilst struggling to actually land a blow on Cyrus.

Cyrus smirked. Luke tried to approach him from behind before Cyrus kicked Luke back without even knowing. He then threw Flora towards Luke's direction, who screamed.

"NO!" Luke quickly got back to his feet and rushed over to catch Flora so she wouldn't get hurt from the impact of hitting the floor. He caught her in the nick of time too. "It's okay Flora. I've got you!" Flora smiled at Luke and Luke noticed Emmy still fighting Cyrus near the middle of the Casino and the Professor struggling to destroy the supports on the Chandelier. Luke set Flora down on the floor behind some cover. "Flora, you stay here for now. I don't want you getting caught into anything else."

Flora nodded before Luke ran off towards Emmy and Cyrus. Flora peeked her head around the Arcade Machines to watch them.

"You just don't know when to give up do you?" Cyrus said whilst blocking Emmy's attacks. "You can't do anything against me because I basically taught you those moves!"

"I don't intend to actually hit you Cyrus! As long as I can buy some time, then my task is done."

Luke joined in fighting Cyrus. Luke and Emmy both took turns trying to hit Cyrus but he kept dodging or blocking every hit.

"It's no use! Just give up!" Cyrus shrieked.

"Imminent destruction in T-minus two minutes." The contraption blurted out once more.

"There's less than two minutes left before your precious London gets destroyed and I need to get out of here!"

Dimitri and Clive had finally run out of coins for their Slot Machine Gun and observed the fight between Luke, Emmy and Cyrus. Don Paolo and Descole continued fighting the remaining thugs. Dimitri eyed Layton, still struggling with the supports. He had managed to make a dent in them but the weren't destroying.

"Hurry up Hershel! We don't have long left!"

Luke and Emmy both managed to land hits on Cyrus finally who got sent to his knees temporarily before recovering easily. Luke landed another blow on Cyrus. A hard one. This one pushed him back. Emmy rushed in and kicked Cyrus in the stomach, causing him to fall back to his knees.

"Damn...DAMN YOU!!!!!" Cyrus punched the floor before getting back to his feet, holding his stomach in pain. "You'll pay for this Emmy! And you boy!"

Dimitri, Luke and Emmy thought to themselves about Layton and wanting him to hurry up.

"Imminent destruction in T-minus one minute!" The contraption blurted out once again.

"Professor..." Luke thought.

"Hurry up Hershel..." Dimitri thought.

"Professor, you can do this..." Emmy thought.

"We're all counting on you!" They all thought together whilst Luke and Emmy continued fighting Cyrus and Dimitri watched.

Layton was still trying to break the supports but was having no luck.

"I need more momentum." Layton ran to the stairs. "Dimitri! Get up here! I need your help!"

Dimitri immediately ran up the stairs and towards Layton. Cyrus saw this and tried to stop them, only to get blocked off by Emmy who continued fighting him.

"What do you need help with Hershel?" Dimitri asked.

"I need more momentum to destroy the supports. Do you have anything that can help?"

Dimitri pulled out some sort of jetpack device from his suitcase which he had on his back the entire time.

"This should do, right?"

Layton took the jetpack off Dimitri before putting it on.

"Thank you Dimitri."

"Now hurry up Hershel. We have less than a minute left!"

"Imminent destruction in T-minus 30 seconds." The contraption blurted out and continued to count down.

"It's almost time!" Cyrus yelled. "I have to get out of here now!" Cyrus ran up the stairs and towards the back entrance of the Casino and spotted Layton and Dimitri. He growled at them before ignoring them and proceeding to run out but the door was locked. He tried his best to unlock it by picking it, whacking it and even cutting it.

Dimitri controlled the Jetpack to give Layton more momentum in the air. Layton instantly turned off the thrusters and hit he supports. It did some damage but did not destroy it. So, Dimitri and Layton tried again. Cyrus couldn't unlock the door and tried to attack Dimitri who kept on dodging and moving out of the way. But, Cyrus managed to land a blow on Dimitri, causing him to get hit back and let go of the Jetpack controls. Layton spun out and started to fall. He panicked but also held the sword tightly and slashed the supports again. Dimitri pushed Cyrus down the stairs before picking up the controls again.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

"Hurry Dimitri!" Layton yelled.

Dimitri used the controls again to get Layton in the air and let him come back down.

"!" Layton shouted as Dimitri turned off the thrusters and Layton fell towards the ground. He gave one final slash at the supports and managed to break them, causing the Chandelier to detach from the ceiling and fall. The time had run out and the device was powering up. Cyrus cackled whilst Layton and everyone else gasped, thinking they failed.

"You're too late Layton! The end of London is nigh!" Cyrus laughed menacingly. Layton looked towards the unstable Chandelier, hoping it would fall down quicker. The Chandelier completely detached from all its supports and crashed straight down in Cyrus' contraption, causing a miniature Earthquake inside the Casino. Everyone fell to their feet, including Cyrus and Dimitri fell down the stairs as he was close to them.

"DIMITRI!!!" Layton screamed.

Cyrus tried to get back up but punched the floor hard, causing another crack.

"DAMMIT ALL!!! LAYTON YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs before finally managing to get back up and heading towards the back entrance to laugh at everyone on the floor. The trembling stopped and Layton got back to his feet and stared Cyrus down. Luke, Emmy, Dimitri, Don Paolo and Descole managed to get back to their feet too and helped everyone else up, except Descole and Don Paolo. Emmy helped up Clive whilst Luke ran over to check on Flora who couldn't get up on her own.

"I've got you Flora!" Luke shouted whilst helping her to her feet.

"Thank you, Luke." She looked around. "Did we do it? Is the machine destroyed?"

"Yes. But it's not over yet."

Cyrus looked at Luke.

"Indeed you are correct boy! This contraption wasn't my only machine. I have another one, much larger than this and even more dangerous!" Cyrus cackled. "Allow me to demonstrate it to you!"

The sound of machines whirring could be heard from the back doors of the Casino and a giant metallic arm, similar to Descole's Detragiant machine, smashed through the doors with the flying doors just missing Cyrus from both sides. Some more arms also demolished part of the walls and the arms surrounded Cyrus.

"Allow me to introduce Octagiant! An improvement to Descole's Detragiant. Much more equipped to the brim with dangerous weaponry." Cyrus smirked at Descole who growled at him. "Yes, Descole, I heard about your Detragiant. It fascinated me very much so I decided to make my own version.

"You're even worse than I am Cyrus!" Descole yelled.

"Of course! Because unlike you 'humble scientist,' I intend to actually carry out my work!" He looked back towards Layton. "Now then, shall I we get started?" Cyrus smirked once again before noticing Flora next to Luke but not exactly next to him. There was quite a lot of space between the two of them.

Cyrus gave out some hand signals, as if he were trying to grab something and the eight metallic arms all reached for Flora one by one. Luke pushed her out of the way and dodged most of the arms. He managed to take a blow from one and sent him crashing into the wall to which Flora cried for him and tried to run to help him up. The final arm reached for a vulnerable Flora to grab her, but Luke got back to his feet and jumped in and let the arm grab him instead. Luke grunted.

"No! Luke!" Flora tried to grab Luke's hand before she got cut off by one of the metallic arms.


"NOOOOOOO!!!" Flora reached her hand out again to try and grab Luke but the arms took him towards Cyrus.

Cyrus glanced at Luke.

"You're not the person I wanted, but you'll do." Cyrus turned around, his cape whooshing with him and bringing the eight metallic arms with him, one of them carrying Luke.

"LUKE!!!" Flora tried to run after him before Layton and Dimitri stopped her.

"Stop Flora! If you go out there like this, you'll be killed!" Dimitri mentioned.


Flora kept on struggling and trying to break free from their grasp but it was useless. She couldn't do anything but watch Luke get taken away by Cyrus.

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