All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)

By AlwaysSeb

84.8K 3.4K 3.1K

Four time Formula 1 World champion Sebastian Vettel had been just 18 years old when his girlfriend, now ex wi... More

1. A Familiar Face
2. Face to Face
3. Joel's Story
4. Confrontation
5. Setting the Ball Rolling
6. Lost and Found
7. Alyssa's Story
8. Bournemouth
9. A Face From The Past
10. Reconnecting (1)
11. Reconnecting (2)
12. Promises
13. A Bit of Lighthearted Banter
Race Results 🇧🇭🇸🇦🇦🇺🇮🇹
14. Cry For Help
15. Protective Instinct
16. Leap of Faith
17. Stronger Together
18. Not His Usual Type
19. The Porsche
20. Barcelona
21. The Morning After The Night Before
22. The Lunch Date
23. One Step At A Time
24. No Time To Talk
25. Sister Time
26. Homecoming
27. The Double Header (1)
Race Results 🇺🇸🇪🇸🇲🇨🇦🇿
28. The Double Header (2)
29. The Trouble With Overthinking
30. Forgiveness
31. Time To Say Goodbye
32. The Argument
33. A Day At The Zoo
34. Easy on Me
35. The Day After
36. Teasing
37. Sneaking Around: Austria
38. Sneaking Around: France(1)
39. Sneaking Around: France(2)
40. Sneaking Around: France(3)
41. Sneaking Around: Hungary
Race Results 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇹🇫🇷🇭🇺
42. Summertime Blues (1)
43. Summertime Blues (2)
44. Summertime Blues: Seb's Version
46. Revenge
47. Just The Two Of Them
48. From Paradise to Reality
49. Whispers
50. In the Spotlight
51. Past and Present
52. Seeing Red (1)
Race Results 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇮🇹
53. Seeing Red (2)
54. An Awkward Encounter
55. Sochi
56. Doubts?
57. Suzukaraoke
Race Results 🇷🇺🇸🇬🇯🇵
58. A Sky Full of Stars
59. Tensions
60. The Costume Party
61. Hospital Dash
62. Falling Apart
Race Results 🇺🇸🇲🇽🇧🇷
63. Slipping Through His Fingers (1)
64. Slipping Through His Fingers (2)
65. Facing His Fate
Race Result 🇦🇪 and Final Standings
66. A Glimmer of Hope
67. Silent Night
The Story Continues...

45. Fury

1K 48 52
By AlwaysSeb

Seb's anger only grew on his flight from Mykonos to London Gatwick. How dare that bastard harm a hair on Alyssa's head? Dean Talbot had better hope the police caught up with him before he did.  

He'd tried to catch a few hours sleep but he was far too wound up.  Besides his anger towards Dean, feelings of guilt were beginning to work their way into his mind, and to his disgust, feelings of anger towards Alyssa. 

He knew she'd been through an ordeal but he was fuming with her.  What had she been thinking?  Why had she gone back to Bournemouth and put herself in this situation?  If she'd wanted to see Cherry that badly she could have asked her to come and stay any time she liked.  Or she could have waited until he was around and he'd have gone with her. 

Sure, she'd taken Joel and Shannon but something had obviously gone wrong.  She was lucky Joel had arrived before Dean had hurt her even more than he had. 

He didn't know whether to hug her or give her the biggest telling off ever.  He guessed he'd find out when he got there. 

He switched his mind to the person who had caused this.  Dean.  He began to think of what he'd like to do to the scumbag. 

The sun had already risen by the time he landed.  He headed straight to the long stay car park to pick up his DBX.  He got into it, started it up and headed for a nearby supermarket.   He quickly dashed around, grabbing a pack of sandwiches, an energy drink and a bar of chocolate to keep him going.  Then he located the entertainment department and grabbed hold of a cheap mobile phone and a car charger for it.

He made his way back to the car and climbed in.  He took the phone out of the box, put the SIM card in and turned it on.   After topping up the credit on it he entered Joel's number into it.   He looked at the time.  It was 7.30.  He shrugged and hit dial.

Joel must have been awake as he answered on the first ring.


"Joel. It's me. I'm on my way.  How is she?"

"She was ok when I left her.  They moved her to a ward for observation so we had to go.  I'll be going back around ten.  By ok, I mean she wasn't in any pain.  They'd dosed her up.  She was pretty much out of it."

"Does she know I'm coming?"

"No.  She was already sleeping when I got back from calling you. Then when she woke they whisked her off to the ward.  It will be a nice surprise for her."

"There's something I want to ask you you do for me."

"Name it."   Seb explained what he wanted.  Joel fell silent. 

"You don't have to. I understand if you don't want to get involved."

"I'll do it with fucking pleasure," Joel replied.

After telling Joel he would meet him outside the hospital at ten o'clock he hung up.  Then he rooted through the glove compartment looking for something.  He found what he was looking for and pulled it out, a business card with his lawyer's phone number on it.  He dialled the number. 

"Alex, it's me, Sebastian.  Sorry to call so early.  I've had an accident with my phone, so you can contact me on this number for the next few days.  I have a job for you.  I need you to contact a private detective agency.  I'm willing to pay a lot of money.  I need information. I want someone finding. I need an address today if possible.  The subject's name? Dean Talbot."


Alyssa groaned as she raised her hand to her face.  Her cheek was hurting, her jaw was hurting, as was her head and her ankle.  And to make matters worse she had the hangover from hell.   She had been puking on and off for the last couple of hours.   Even the smell of her neighbour eating toast was making her feel sick.  

She just wanted to get out of there.   She wanted to go home and never come back to Bournemouth again.  How could she have been so stupid?  She'd just been so lonely and so pissed off with Seb that she'd made a spur of the moment decision that could have had fatal consequences.  She looked at her handbag that a nurse had placed on the bedside table.  Her dress was folded up and placed besides it.  Her heels were on the floor. 

I won't be wearing them for a while, she thought bitterly, looking at the cast on her ankle. 

She reached out for her bag, taking her phone out.  It was down to 11% on the battery.  There were still no calls or texts from Seb.  There was however a text from Joel. 

Joel:  Hey sis. Hope you're feeling ok?   I'll be in around ten.  Hopefully you'll be discharged not long after.  I'm bringing you a present.  I think you'll like it.  X

She looked at the time.  It was ten now.  He should be there any minute.  She wondered what her present was.  

A couple of minutes later she heard the nurses saying good morning to someone at the nurses' station right outside her door.   She heard footsteps and then Joel's head poked around the curtain that was drawn around her bed. 

"Good morning sunshine."

"Is it?" she said sulkily.  "I feel like shit."

"I'm not surprised, but I have the ideal thing to cheer you up."

"If it's food,  don't bother.  I feel sick as anything."

"Oh it's much better than food.  Close your eyes."

"I'm not in the mood."

"Please," he begged.  She sighed and closed her eyes.  She heard a lot of shuffling and more footsteps. 

"Ok, you can open them now."

She slowly opened her eyes and got the shock of a lifetime.  Stood at the end of her bed was the man who hadn't bothered contacting her for days, the man who'd told her he loved her then seemingly forgotten about her, the man she loved more than life itself. 

He stared at her, concern showing in his ocean blue eyes.  She closed her eyes and turned her head away. 

"Aly?" Seb said uncertainly.  "Aly, I'm here." He sat down on the end of the bed, placing his hand on her thigh. 

"I'll leave you alone," Joel said. 

Seb looked at Alyssa again.  He felt his anger building up again as he saw the bruising on her face. 

"What were you thinking of Aly? Why did you go back there? Of all the stupid things..."

"Maybe if you weren't too busy screwing Sienna to ring me I'd not have come here!" she hissed quietly. 

Seb's mouth dropped open.  She really thought that?

"Alyssa don't be fucking ridiculous.  If you'd just let me explain.   I love you!  You know I do.  I'm sorry I never called.  My phone..."

"I don't want to hear excuses Sebastian.  Now please go, I'm tired.  I want to sleep."

Seb was torn.  He didn't want to leave.  He wanted to make her listen.  He wanted to kiss her and hold her, but he didn't want to upset her any further.  He didn't want to cause a scene.  She wasn't in a private room and anyone could overhear.  He sat down on the chair besides the bed. 

"I'm going nowhere my love.  Sleep.  I'll be right here. I could do with a sleep too.  I travelled through the night as soon as Joel told me what happened."

She didn't answer.  He reached out and took her hand.  She didn't pull hers back.  He gave it a little squeeze. 

When Joel returned twenty minutes later he found them both fast asleep, still holding hands.  He smiled, turned around and headed to the canteen to get himself a cup of coffee.


Alyssa woke an hour later.  Seb was still holding her hand.  Her anger softened as she looked at him sleeping.  He'd been clean shaven when he'd left for Greece and now his stubble had reached the length that Alyssa loved. He was wearing black shorts and a grey hoodie. His legs looked tanned. He'd obviously spent plenty of time in the sun since she'd last seen him.

She wondered what Sienna had thought to him flying back. That wouldn't have gone down well.

She eased her hand out of Seb's grip and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She needed the toilet. She grabbed the crutches that a nurse had brought her earlier that morning and  slowly made her way to the bathroom down the corridor.

After she'd finished she made her way back, bumping into Joel by the nurses station.

"Are you and Seb ok?" he asked.

"I don't  know. I went  to sleep. He's asleep now."

"Don't be too hard on him. He was devastated when I told him what had happened. He got the next flight over."

"That doesn't make up for ignoring me."

"He didn't. His phone got drowned."

"He could have borrowed Sienna's phone just to tell me he couldn't ring."

"You'll have to take that up with him, but the guy loves you Alyssa."

They arrived back at her bed. Seb was awake. He'd sat more upright and was looking at the cheap phone in his hand. He looked up at Alyssa,  smiling at her.

"Aly," he murmured. He patted his thigh. She couldn't resist. She let him pull her down onto his lap.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She lay her head on his shoulder and the tears she'd been fighting finally came.

"It's ok, I'm here. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you in the first place. I love you so much."

"I just want to get out of here. I want to go home. Please take me home."

"I'll go and ask when you will be discharged," Joel said, heading out to the nurses station. Seb pressed featherlight kisses to the top of Alyssa's head.

"I've booked a hotel room for tonight. We will go home tomorrow. I'm absolutely shattered baby."

"I'm scared Seb. What if he finds me?" She knew she wasn't being rational but the thought wouldn't leave her head. "I can't be here. I should never have come."

"He won't find you. You will never be alone while here. I will accompany you to the toilet if I have to."

"I'm so sorry I accused you of shagging Sienna. I was just missing you so much, and when you didn't call I began to panic and fear the worst."

"We need to talk my darling, but not here," he said, gesturing towards the bed next door. She nodded. "How are you feeling now?"

"Like I've been hit by a bus. My head is thumping, more from the hangover than the bump mind you. My ankle isn't too bad I guess. And my face... it looks like I've been in the ring with Tyson Fury."

"Look at me." She slowly raised her head. Seb put his hand under her chin and raised her face up. "You are still you. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The bruises will fade. Your beauty will not. I love you ."

"I thought you'd changed your mind."


He was just about to kiss her when Joel returned.

"Good news. They're working on your discharge papers as we speak. It won't be long until you can get out of here."

"Shit!" Alyssa cursed.

"What's wrong?" Seb asked.

"I can't exactly walk out of here in a hospital gown, and I only have my dress and my stilettos."

Seb laughed. "Look, I'll grab you a T-shirt and a pair of my joggers out of my suitcase. I can carry you to and from the car.

Alyssa laughed. "What a fucking nightmare."  Then she burst into tears again.  Seb held her tighter. 

"Hey come on, it's ok.   He's never getting near you again.  Actually, what's happening? Have you spoken to the police? Have they got him?"  

He couldn't believe he hadn't given the police much thought.  He'd been too caught up in his revenge plans.

"She won't speak them," Joel said.

"I don't want to have to go through court again.  You don't know what it's like!"

"Cherry should have let me sort the bastard out," Joel added. 

"Please, I can't take this.  I just want to go home and never come to this place again."

"He shouldn't get away with it," Joel fumed. 

Seb remained silent.  There was no way Dean Talbot was getting away with anything.  As soon as he found out where the bastard lived he was going to pay him a little visit. So in a way it was good that Alyssa didn't want the police involved. He wouldn't have been able to get to him in a police cell.

"Look, I'll go and get you some clothes to wear. You can wear a pair of my boxers too if you want. It will do until  we get you to the hotel."

"Please don't leave me," she begged, clinging on to him tighter. He managed to slip his hand into his pocket and pull his car keys out. He tossed them at Joel.

"Can you get her something to wear? A pair of joggers, a T-shirt, some boxers and a hoodie."

"Sure, no problem."

"And call Shannon. Tell her to get everything packed. We're moving to another hotel for the night. I already booked a room, I'm sure we can book rooms for you both when we get there."

"Rightyo." He disappeared through the door.

Seb began gently rocking Alyssa. "It's ok baby. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again. I'm going to protect you. I'm never going away without you again. Where I go,  you go. I love you so very much. You're my world."

Alyssa relaxed in his arms. She felt safe in his embrace. She believed his words. She knew he would protect her.

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed. "I should have had faith in you, in us. I'm just scared that you'll decide Sienna is the one you want."

"Never! Alyssa, no one can compare to you. Not Sienna. No one. Yes, I loved her once,  but not like I love you. You've made me feel things I've never felt before. And also....." He paused. "She knows Aly. She knows about us." He felt Alyssa's body stiffen in his arms.

" were waiting until the last night."

"We argued. She wanted to know why I was flying back. I couldn't help it. I told her I love you and that you love me too."

Alyssa shivered. It was what she wanted so why did she feel so bad?

"How did she take it?"

"Not well. Look, we'll talk at the hotel."

"Ok. So how was the holiday? I feel so bad about taking you away from the girls."

"I'll make it up to them. It was fun but I was distracted. I just wanted to talk to you. I knew you'd be worrying about why I didn't call."

"You've picked up a nice tan."

"Yeah, that's from Wednesday when we went out on the boat."

"I don't know if we can go on our holiday now," she said sadly, pointing at her cast.

"You don't know for sure. We'll ask the doctor. If not I'll take you away in the UK and we'll go somewhere over winter break."

Several minutes later Joel came back in carrying an armful of clothes. He dumped them on the bed.

"The joggers should be ok, there's a drawstring so you can tighten them up," Seb said.

"I need to get one of those waterproof covers for my cast so I can have a shower at the hotel. I feel dirty."

"I'll go and see if I can find one. I've got to go and pick Shannon up anyway. We need to check out before noon."

"I'll text the address of the hotel. Meet us there later," Seb told Joel. "I'll get rooms sorted for you and Shannon. Don't worry about the cost. I'm paying."

Joel told them he'd see them there and headed out.


An hour later Alyssa hobbled back from the toilet dressed in Seb's clothes.  He grinned and wolf whistled at her.   She smiled tiredly. 

"A doctor popped in. I asked about the holiday.  You'll be fine to fly as you will have had the cast on for over forty eight hours when we fly.  He said he'll pop an information leaflet in with your discharge papers."

"So we can still go?"

"We can still go.  You won't be able to go in the pool but I'm sure there's loads more we can do."  He winked at her.  She sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"I'd kill for a hairbrush right now."

"I never thought to ask Joel to get mine."

"Oh there you are Alyssa," a young blonde nurse said, popping her head around the curtain.  "Here's your paperwork.  You're all ready to leave.   Now it's a long trek to the car park so I suggest I get you a wheelchair, then this lovely man of yours can push you.  How does that sound?"

Alyssa was just about to protest that she didn't need a wheelchair but Seb got in first. 

"That would be great thank you."

Alyssa glared at him after the nurse had gone. 

"I could have carried you but there's your crutches, your shoes, dress, bag." She nodded, conceding his point.

The nurse soon returned with the wheelchair. Seb helped Alyssa into it. He passed her the dress, shoes and bag. She balanced them on her lap and took the crutches in her hand.

"Right off we go."

"Do you have any L plates for that?" the nurse laughed. "I hope he's good at driving," she joked to Alyssa, obviously unaware of who Seb was.
Alyssa chuckled.

"He's not too bad."

The nurse walked with them, opening all the the doors so Seb could push Alyssa through. They soon reached the main exit. The nurse said goodbye and Seb pushed Alyssa across the car park.

"Not too bad? The cheek!" Alyssa laughed. "You need a smacked ass girl!"

"I wouldn't say no to that!" she bantered back.

They arrived at the car. Seb took her things from her and put them on the back seat.  He opened the passenger door and lifted her from her chair onto the seat.  

"I'm just  going to take the wheelchair back," he said.  

He returned a few minutes later and jumped in behind the wheel.  They sat and looked at each other.   Seb leant over and kissed her softly.  She kissed him back. After a minute Seb pulled away.

"Aly, we'd better get to the hotel and check in."

She noticed his change in mood. "Seb, what's wrong?"


"Don't lie to me. I felt it in your kiss. I can see it in your eyes."

"I'm just pissed off Aly."

"With me? I get it. I'm sorry, I didn't know this was going to happen. Joel shouldn't have called you away from Sienna and the kids."

"Not with you Alyssa, although it was pretty stupid of you to come here. I'm pissed off with him! Although pissed off is putting it mildly. I'm literally trying to keep it together. How dare he lay a finger on you? I should have been here. You're my woman and I wasn't here to protect you."

"You were with your family," she said, quietly.

"You are my family too."

"Sienna hates me, doesn't she?"

"Look, she hates me too, so you're in good company."

"She didn't take it well then."

"No. She'd told me she still loved me earlier that night. I'd rejected her and she ran off in tears. She left her phone and Joel rang. I answered. She came back down and we argued. I lost it and shouted that I loved you."

"What did she say? Tell me Seb. I want to know."

"That it's disgusting as I babysat you and you're so much younger than I am. I threatened her with my lawyer if she makes things difficult for me with the girls. I was fuming and I was worried about you. I could have been kinder to her." Alyssa put her hand on top of Seb's.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't come back into your life..."

"Aly don't ever say that. You are my life. I've never been so happy as I am with you. We'll get through this. She'll come around. She has no choice."

"It can't be easy for her. I guess it's hard enough for anyone watching their ex move on, let alone watching them move along with your sibling."

"At least we don't have to hide now. We can let everyone see we are together."

"Well I  don't think I'll be working for a few months. This couldn't have happened at a worse time. I hope it doesn't affect my job," she said, pointing down at her ankle.

"These things happen. Maybe Lynn will consider coming back until you're ready to work again. And you can still come along as my girlfriend."

"The gossips will have a field day."

"The media too."

"Any second thoughts?"

"None." He kissed her lovingly before starting the car.

"Come on, let's go check in."


Later that evening Seb, Alyssa, Joel and Shannon lounged around in Seb and Alyssa's suite eating pizza. They were laughing and joking about, temporarily forgetting about what had happened the night before.

Seb had been very affectionate in front of Joel and Shannon,  which had surprised Alyssa. She hadn't thought he was the type for PDAs.

Around six pm Seb's phone had rung. He'd taken it into the bathroom to answer it. Whilst he was in there Alyssa had nodded off.

He came back in and smiled as he looked at his sleeping girlfriend. Then he looked at Joel.

"Everything good to go?" he asked. Joel nodded. Shannon looked confused.

"Don't ask Shannon," Joel said. "If you don't know you can't try and talk us out of it."

Shannon shook her head and went back to looking at her phone.

"I have the information you needed. Cherry helped me with that. I put your stuff in the bathroom in a carrier bag."

"That was the agency. I have the address."

"Excellent. When are we going?"

"Later, when it's getting dark."

They sat back down and began chatting about the upcoming race in Belgium. Alyssa woke an hour later and they all began watching a movie.

When it began to get dark Seb looked at Joel and nodded. "I quite fancy a beer. You fancy a drink? Non alcoholic of course."

"Sure, why not?" Joel replied.

"You don't mind do you baby?" Seb  asked Alyssa. "Shannon will be with you, and I'm only a phone call away. I promise I won't drown my phone this time." Alyssa smiled.

"Of course I don't mind. Off you go." He kissed her on the lips.

"I'm just going to get changed."

He went into the bathroom and came out wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a black hoodie. He pulled on a black denim jacket.

"You going burgling?" Alyssa joked. He gave a small laugh.

"See you in a bit. I love you."

Then he and Joel left the room.


Twenty minutes later Joel pulled up outside a tall tower block that was not dissimilar to the one Cherry lived in, albeit on the other side of the town.

"So this is where he lives," Joel said. "Are you sure you want to do this Seb?

"He hurt her. He's going to pay," Seb snarled. He knew that if they got caught he could lose his career but all he could think of was making that piece of shit pay for what he'd done.

"Good. We're on the same page."

"Thank you for getting the clothes." Joel handed him a black woollen beanie. He pulled it on, covering his dark blond locks.

"I found the perfect spot. We shouldn't be disturbed."

"Great work. Thank you Joel."

"Not a problem. She's my sister. I should have helped her years ago. This is my way of making amends for what I didn't do then."  Seb put his hand on the door handle. "Shit, that's him!" Joel hissed. Seb looked out of the window and saw a blonde man walking past the car. It was the first time he'd seen the man that had made Alyssa's life a living hell. He felt his anger building up, fit to erupt.

"Let's get him now."

They both got out of the car and approached Dean from behind. Joel pulled on an identical beanie to Seb's.

Dean turned as he heard them close in on him. He recognised Joel and started to run. Seb gave chase. Joel jumped back into the car and sped past them, slamming on the brakes.

Seb managed to grab hold of Dean's arm. He  twisted it up his back with more force than was really called for. Dean cried out in pain and then tried to escape Seb's hold. .

"No you don't," Seb growled. Joel jumped out of the car and opened the back door. Seb bundled Dean in and then jumped in the back with him.

Seconds later Joel was back behind the wheel and they were speeding away down the road.

"You can't fucking do this!" Dean shouted, lashing out at Seb. Seb grabbed the front of his jacket and slammed him up against the inside of the car door. 

"Oh I can, and I fucking am!"

"Who the fuck are you anyway?"

"My name doesn't matter. You think you can go around hurting my fucking girlfriend without suffering the consequences? Wrong. You're going to pay for what you did to her."

"What's she told you?"

"She didn't have to tell me anything.  Her bruises told me."

"Joel, stop the car. Let me go!  I'll tell the police."

"No chance Talbot.  I've been looking forward to this for a long time," Joel replied.

Dean tried to open the door but Seb had already activated the child lock. The only way to open it was from the outside.

"Let me go!"

Seb was having to use all of his self control not to beat the shit out of the little bastard there and then. 

The car carried on through the night, leaving Bournemouth behind,  until Joel  brought it to a stop in a small clearing that was surrounded by trees on three sides.  He got out of the car and opened the back door.

Seb got out of the car, dragging Dean after him.  He twisted his arm up his back and slammed him face first up against a tree. Dean screamed loudly.   

"Scream all you like. No one will hear you here, " Joel said. 

Seb put his mouth an inch from Dean's ear.  "I think it's time we had a chat, don't you Talbot?"

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