Acrimony: Unhinged Return

By Twisted_Truths

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Adjusting to the new life of parents. Past trauma plague Melinda and Derrick. With stress mounting a common g... More

Summary & Cast
Love Of My Life
Right By You
Do You
Bringin It Down
Next To You
Say Yes
Next to You
Nasty Girl
If You Let Me
Hate Our Love
You're Making Me High
You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration
Late Night Drive
Easy on Me
Love in the Sky
Something In My Heart
A Woman's World


408 18 18
By Twisted_Truths

"Okay so you said you received a letter?" Yes from Robert. I don't know who the fuck Red Sanders is but I know Robert's handwriting. "Did you tell Derrick about it or what happened?" Oh I told him. Definitely didn't get anywhere after that shit but I fucking told his ass. "I'm sensing aggression. Are you two at odds right now as we speak?" Something like that. "Melinda I need you to elaborate just a tad bit more for me to understand what has happened within 2 weeks." Ugh I'm getting to that. Niyah was still pulling at me trying to get my attention and my nerves were fried and I know I should've calmed down before I even went to Derrick but I couldn't. ROBERT MEMORIZED OUR ADDRESSSSSS.

Mel scooped up a screaming Niyah and stormed into the kitchen with Derrick. "What's the matter?" Derrick asked as he looked at his screaming child. "Robert wrote a letter!" Mel tossed out as she shoved the paper into his hands before readjusting Niyah in her arms. Derrick glared at her before looking at the letter. "Red Sanders? Is this his new alias?" "I don't fu-" Derrick put up a finger before Mel could finish that word. All sensible thoughts went out the window with Niyah laying her head on Mel's shoulder.

She needed to say her piece before she blew a gasket. "She's half sleep. She's not going to repeat what I said. But that's his handwriting. I know it anywhere!" "Okay so we will call up Clarke and then have PD make a report because he is violating the grounds of the no contact order." Mel gawked at her husband. Was he fucking serious? "That's it!? That's all you got to say!?" "What do you want me to say Mel? That I'll go up to the prison and tell him to stop sending letters? He's locked up. This will more than likely get him more years. That's a win is it not?" She blankly stared at Derrick.

"Did you feel like Derrick wasn't listening to you?" He was listening but he wasn't. "What were you trying to get him to hear?" That Robert still had his eyes on fucking with me and he knew our address verbatim. Who has time to take a chance with a pure psycho? "These are the issues I mentioned about you two not being back into the groove of you. The frustrations and anger are being misplaced along with the lack of communication." Oh fuck you whatever. Let me finish telling the story. "Okay. Continue." What are you writing? "That you are heavily in denial. What happened next?" I hate you. Ugh.

"He knows.....where we live!" "He knew that before he got locked up babe." Derrick tossed a grape in his mouth. Spinning on her heels she went and laid Niyah now before returning to the kitchen. "This man doesn't know when to quit Derrick. I think we should move." "What!?" Derrick snapped in her direction. "Move. We need to relocate somewhere." "For what?" Mel's eyes grew even bigger. "The psycho knows where we live!! We have a daughter! You really okay with this nigga getting out then coming back again with a better plan?"

"Let him fucking try! I got some shit for his ass this time." "Do you even hear yourself?" "Do you hear me? I got us. Robert is not getting a second chance to do shit. Do you trust me?" "Derrick-" " you trust that your man will protect you?" Mel looked at him, thinking on that question. She trusted him but she still thought about the lengths Robert went to while she was pregnant. What would he do next? She wanted to say yes but her mouth went ahead of her brain. "I love how niggas used to punk you everyday of high school and I should know this because I was there. Yet here you are ready to take on serial stalkers. What are you trying to prove?"

Derrick's eyes grew dark. How dare she talk to him like that? "I think we need to take a breather before some shit gets said and feelings get hurt." "Who feelings cause they not about to be mine." "MELINDA!" Derrick barked at her. She slammed her mouth closed, her attitude on full display but her cat was jumping in excitement. I was hoping he would say go to the playroom but he just walked out. By the time I walked out the kitchen to go check on Niyah, he was already in there. Singing My Girl to her like he always did. I just went and took a long shower then got in bed.

"You two didn't finish the conversation?" Not that night. Next morning he got up early to go to the gym. I didn't care because I wasn't in the mood to talk to him anyways. I went to Jo's with Saniyah. We ended up doing some retail therapy at Derrick's expense. I knew he was upset about how much we spent when he didn't want to help me with the bags. It kept going. I was so annoyed with him acting like nothing could possibly happen at the house that I just brushed past him. The next day he took Saniyah with him and called over my sisters. By the time I woke up, thinking he was making breakfast, I was welcomed to those bitches in my house. No one else.

"Okay so when did the conversation pick back up?" Ummm when I got back from the gym. He didn't go with me this time which pissed me off for 2 reasons. He left me alone with Dean and because he was just being an ass. He had came to every session I've had with Dean except that one. "Is there a specific reason you needed Derrick there?" I was pissed. That's not exactly a good combination when you are with Dean. He can go from trainer and acquaintance to Master Dean in a heartbeat from my damn attitude.

Mel blinked the sweat out of her eyes as she half assed with the weighted ropes. "Melinda I need quicker movement than that. Why you slacking!?" Dean barked at her. He had already knew her issue. From Derrick's side of the story he understood her reasoning for being upset but until they talked about it and got back into normal routine then shit wasn't going to get better. He even got confirmation that Derrick had fell off even more than he thought. A simple "What did you give her for punishment" gave him the answer he needed. Mel was in need of some serious correction and neither were addressing it. But she had 1 more time to roll her eyes at Dean.

Standing off to the side, Dean glared at Mel. She wasn't whining like she usually was but she also hadn't given 200% like he wanted her to. "Do we have a problem? Am I talking to myself?" Getting nothing in return except a huff, Dean nodded. "10....9....8....7....6...... 5..........6.....7......." "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Mel snapped without thought. "Oh so you can talk. You can clearly hear as well. You wanna tell me what your frustration is cause I feel like I'm wasting my time right now." "You probably already know so what do I need to tell you for," Mel mumbled not expecting Dean to bend down and yank the ropes from her hands, making her stumble forward.

Looking up at him Mel felt a shiver go over her. Dean had switched to Master Dean in a flash and she didn't know what to do. "Box jumps. Move now!" Just from 2 words she was back to her eye rolling and sucking her teeth. "Oh you just gonna keep playing with me today. Imma ask you 1 last time what is your problem." "Right now it's you," she tossed doing the jumps. Dean glared at her, meeting her fire. She was really losing her damn mind and Derrick needed to get his shit together because this was getting out of hand.

Not giving her a chance to rest after each jump, he made her work those legs nonstop. "Bruh!" "If you can talk then you can go faster. Move those legs. Let's go let's go let's go!" He barked at her like a damn warden. Soon she was beginning to feel her legs begin to fatigue. "You bet not stop. Did I tell you to stop!?" My legs went to straight jello. I was exhausted and he just keep barking at me. It was a punishment for getting snippy. Which I kind of figured he was going to tell Derrick about. Probably why he wanted to talk when I got home. "The box jumps were the punishment?" Basically. My legs gave out on the last one.

"I'm not here to play games with you Melinda Rae Collins. I am your trainer and right now you are not giving me the satisfaction of putting your everything into these exercises. Whatever the fuck you and Derrick got going on at home, do me a favor. Leave it the fuck there! I am not accepting this half ass bullshit anymore! When you're in this gym your focus is on giving me 200%. Is that understood!?" Dean's tone ominous as he held a stern look. Mel sat on the floor catching her breath and nodded. She looked up and realized he was still in Master Dean mode. "Yes sir. I apologize for my behavior today. It won't happen again," she said.

"It bet not. You done for the day. Stretch and I'll go get your stuff." As he walked away he saw a little someone who he didn't expect to come in today. "Seems kind of hard on her don't you think." "Nah. She responds well. Don't usually see you here on a Thursday. You missed me?" Dean taunted. "I thought you missed watching me from a distance so I decided to let you get a little relief." "Oh so this is a favor to me?" "Maybe. I was thinking about letting you train me," Lira mentioned letting her words float in the air.

Dean raised an eyebrow. His first mind screamed new Kitten but he had to remember they were in a gym. "Nothing wrong with a little 90 days. What made you change your mind?" "Your other trainer over there what's her name Ashley? She showed me a before and after picture of herself and also the before picture of your current client and you are gifted I must say." Dean licked his lips as he took the compliment. "What exactly are you trying to work on?" "Well 1 my stamina and endurance. 2 I think my booty could be a little bigger. But mainly I was some arm strength." "Mmhmm they are a little on the flat side." Lira gasped at him.

"Not like that. I'm saying your muscle mass in your arms are almost nonexistent. You're fit so they look nice and toned but as far as strength and mass, very little." "Mmhmm," Lira hummed seeing Melinda stand up steadily. Dean looked over his shoulder and remembered what he was supposed to be doing. "Forgive me. I gotta make sure she makes it to the car or Derrick will kick my ass. I'll be back to finish this discussion." Lira nodded seeing Melinda roll her eyes as Dean told her he wasn't about to carry her. So that was her job.

She had to admit Melinda was fine. She didn't exactly strike as a slut in her opinion. Maybe for Derricj but she definitely wasn't a community hoe. But then again some of the best ones are quiet so who knows. "I'm not carrying you. I'm not Derrick. If you can't walk then you can't drive and I bet money you don't want me to call him." "But I did the box jumpssss. My legs are on fiiiiiire," Mel whined. "Mmhmm but you snapped at me so I don't caaaarrrreee." Lira smirked at how the two interacted. They were like straight up siblings so they clearly didn't mess around.

So she gets in good with Dean and then what? She was drawing a blank there. Did she just ask to be around the Collins or was this a long haul job? Was she going to have to live in Dean's life until she was deemed worthy enough to meet his family? "Okay so where were we?" Dean asked the zoned out woman. She looked down, slightly embarrassed that she didn't notice him coming back. "Yeah so the training." "I don't think you need a 90 day. I think you just need some 1 on 1 daily training. A 90 day is rushed. What you're needing and wanting has to be taken in stride. To mold you into shape." "Then I'll be up to Mr Brooks standard?" She bit her lip eyeing him. "We'll see. You gotta prove to me this is what you want." "That's a deal." Dean smirked. This was going to be fun.


Mel pulled into the garage, Derrick standing in the door frame waiting on her. After reading Dean's text, he felt like they needed to have a serious conversation. "What?" She asked as she closed the door to her new Aston Martin DBX. "Why are you walking like a ball of firecrackers?" Mel shrugged as she wailed inside. "Melinda I'm not about to do this." "Whaaaaat? What do you want? I need to shower." "You're acting like a brat because I don't want to move?" "Why don't you want to move!? In 3 years that psycho will be out and we will me in danger AGAIN!!!" "No we won't I told you-" "Derrick please!! This is not about your complex this about the safety of my child!!"


"You want to move because you don't believe I can protect you." "We have evolved since high school Derrick. I trust you with everything in me but I'm being realistic right now! He's not going to stop. I don't want to be caught off guard or trapped because he has had nothing but time to map out everything he wants to do. I was scared while I was pregnant I'm certain Niyah has anxiety because of it! She gets so scared of anything new. Derrick I don't want her to encounter that shit either," tears began to fall as she thought about her sweet baby. Outside of family and close friends, she didn't like to be near ANYONE. It all began in the womb.

Derrick walked up to her, wiping her tears and pulled her into a hug he knew she needed. He kissed the top of her forehead before he said what he had to say. "Mellie. I hear you I really do. But I don't think we need to move right now." She pulled away and stared at him in disbelief. "With all the restraining orders and everything, we're okay. If something changes then we can think about relocating but baby is not simple to just pick up and go away." "I....." She pushed her tongue to the roof of her mouth. "A restraining order that did nothing but let me end up getting snatched up onto a boat and you almost dying. Okay," she sarcastically spat as she brushed past him. She was done with this conversation whether he was or not.

I don't think I've ever been so pissed at Derrick ever. He's just not seeing things from my perspective. "Are you seeing things from his?" He's trying to himself that he's capable of fighting this battle and I don't want him fighting this battle for me. I want to avoid the battle as long as I can. He don't seem to care though. I don't want a repeat of last time. I don't want Niyah to ever know about Robert Gayle. The man knows where we would be. Where we live. He can find out what we drive. I'm sure he'll be ready to get back following us like wouldn't you want to get a head start on him and move before he get a chance to know we've left?

The Next Saturday

"You know she gonna kick your ass for this right?" Dom voiced as he watched Derrick last back with eyes closed. A slight wince from 2 tattoo artists working on both sides of his ribs. "She gotta talk to me before she try and do anything." "STILL!?" Dean tossed out. How long were they going to keep doing this shit? "She want to be a brat and throw a tantrum then okay. I'm not entertaining that shit." "Okay so Master to Sir quick little talk here. Playroom?" "I can't shove her back in there she keeps freaking out that this nigga is going to magically come back." "He might," Dom said forgetting this was a sensitive topic even for Derrick. Eyes shot open and looked straight at him.

"Whose side are you on?" "I'm just saying it's not like he got life in prison. He got 5 years. Imagine the 5 years is up and Mel has Niyah at a park and that nigga just pops up on them. He really could cause I still don't know how he found all of us at 2am at a club he knew nothing about. Anything could happen." "Hate to be a 'I agree' ass nigga but dude really could be plotting. You think the piece of shit that was supposed to be my step dad killed my mom and never got locked up before that point? He came right the fuck back." Dom looked at Dean in shock. He didn't know his mom was killed by a step dad?

"Ain't no step dads around here," Derrick tossed. "Tell that to a crazy ass nigga who thinks otherwise. Yall need to squash this beef yall got and talk about this. It doesn't hurt to be precautionary. It's just in case things shift for the worst." "I told her let's see what happens and if anything changes we can discuss moving but she not hearing that. It's either we move or she wants to be on lockdown but we will see what she says when I get home." "Where she at right now?" Dean asked. Derrick pointed at Dom, the answer very clear. She was with Jo. And if she was with Jo then she was going off a mile a minute.

At Jo's

"Midori slow down baby!" Jo yelled as she watched her child try and chase their dog Hennessy. "He still won't talk about it." "Have yall talked about anything?" "Noooope. Been sitting in fucking silence. If it's not something pertaining to Niyah or work we don't talk about much of shit." "Which also means you not getting any peen either." "Nooooooo," Mel whined. She was sick of this shit. She wanted that old thang back and asap. "Girl you better than me cause I'd be on his ass for that. Like so wrong about moving anyways?" "That's what I want to know. Like what is here that we just need to stay and say fuck the safety of our child let alone of us?"

"I mean I get work but that's not a good enough excuse in my opinion. He could relocate headquarters. Shit I'll move if I have to. I love my job too much to not move." "Exactly. I never thought I'd see Derrick on an ego trip. He was always humble and now I'm just like who are you?" "I mean his pride probably is hurt. He got shot. He literally lost you for what almost 2 days? Even Dom said he'd feel some type of way if that was me and him but Derrick has to realize it doesn't matter. Yall are okay. You still had Niyah. But it doesn't mean that you remain a sitting duck. That's how ducks die." "Tell him that shit."

Jo shook her head. She was just as confused as Mel right now. "That's why he keep doing these 90 days? What's this his 3rd one?" "Something like that. I'm sick of him and Dean." "Says the bitch who only off day from her 90 days is today." "And I'm almost done bitch. Don't play me. But I look goodt! Snuck is also why I'm mad I ain't got no type of dick lately. I look like a fucking meal and he acting like he can't even agree just to get some ass. He a whole respectable human dick hole right now."

"Wait where did they all go?" "Gym." "They don't have gym today. Dom told me yesterday there was no gym today." "What are you talking about?" Niyah walked over to Mel rubbing her eyes. Scooping up her child Mel put her in her lap, the little one reaching for Mel's titty. "No Niyah. No more." The little one's lip quivering as she looked at her mother. "Oh my..... okay here!" Jo snickered as she pulled up the map on her phone. "I'm about to look up his location cause I know he said no gym." "If they don't have gym then what would he lie about doing?" Mel spoke aloud. If this was 2 years ago she would've off the bat screamed he was cheating. But these days, Derrick was liable to be doing literally anything.

"They definitely not a gym. You gonna be maaaaaaddddddd," Jo voiced as she looked at the pinged location. Mel snatched the phone and looked at where they were. "Is that the fucking.............. HE'S GETTING ANOTHER FUCKING TATTOO!" Mel spat, scaring Niyah awake. "I'm sorry baby. Shhhhh lay down." "Welp looks like somebody getting put on lockdown." Mel glared at Jo as she dialed Derrick's number. The phone rang, no answer. She hung up and redialed, still no answer. "Let me take her please," Jo said, knowing she would scare Niyah awake again once Derrick answered. If he answered.

Getting his voicemail for the fifth time, Mel huffed. "Derrick James Collins I am very fucking frustrated with you right now." Derrick chuckled as he listened to the voicemail. She figured it out. "Your GPS is on Dom." "Huh?" Dom pulled out his phone the notification of his location being pulled sitting on the screen. "Daaaamnnnn. My bad man. I figured she wouldn't need to look up my location. Wait did you tell Mel we was at the gym?" Derrick nodded. "That's why they looked. Yeah Jo knows the schedule. She double checks."

"I'm not even worried about it." "Yall got some serious disfunction going on. You better go home and put some restraint on that." "And we're done," the tattoo artists voiced. Standing up to look in the mirror Derrick admired the work. He was annoyed with his wife but he loved her more than anything which was why he added a tattoo on both sides dedicated to both of their astrology sign. He was expecting her to be upset but he believed she'd get over it quickly. Paying for the new ink, Derrick pulled his shirt back on.

"So you gonna fix your marriage?" Dean tossed. "My marriage is fine." "Mmhmm so that's a........" "Shut the hell up. How about you go get a wife so Nan can stop telling me that her dreams are telling her someone is coming for you." "What the fuck that mean?" "I don't know but she keep saying it. Look I got Mel. She'll be straight." "Aight man. You better." Saying bye to Dean and Dom, Derrick headed home. He unbuttoned the shirt, wanting her to see it right off the bat. Mad or not she couldn't deny that he looked good as hell with these tats. Pulling up to the house, Derrick looked at her car in the garage.

Once he got out, he touched the hood of her car. Still warm. She had just gotten home not too long ago. Walking inside he expected her to be close but she had managed to get upstairs to lay Niyah down for a nap. Derrick tossed his jacket and shirt on the couch, waiting for Mel to come back down. Hearing her footsteps, he smiled when she froze on the stairs. "What is that?" She asked. "What is what?" "Derrick..... why do you have plastic going down on your sides?" Her tone was calm but he could hear the disgruntled hints behind her words.

"What this? Oh its nothing. Just a little something nothing major," he said. Blinking at him she pondered her next words. "Just a little something. How come when we talk about something and I say please don't do that anymore, you can just freely go do it. But if I do something you ask me not to do then I get the big bad wolf." "Mellie calm down okay. This is it. I'm done. I'm not getting anymore. The last pieces to my puzzle and that's all. I told you this was my therapy. I mean just look at them baby." She sat down on the couch, rubbing her forehead as she listened to her husband try to weasel his way out if this argument.

"I think the issue is you're looking at everything from the wrong angle. See when you're underneath me then......" he spoke as he hovered over her, his hands on the back of the couch, his muscles flexing. "You li.......ed," Mel trailed off once she finally looked up. When did he take the plastic wrap off? Her mouth drooled as she took in a full view. Her fucking sign on his rib. "I know I lied and I'm sorry for that. I just needed these last pieces baby and I didn't want to add more fuel to the fire already ablaze. You have to admit the view looks better from here doesn't it?" "I don't know I think I need to see them from above," she threw out without second thought.

A low growl came from his chest at her response. "That could be arranged," he wrapped an arm around her waist, prompting her to wrap her arms and legs around him. Switching positions, Derrick made quick work with Mel's shirt. Just as he captured her lips the sound of Niyah calling for them was heard. I was actually thankful for Niyah waking back up because we needed to really talk. As much as I wanted to push the conversation down I couldn't. Everytime I held my baby girl I thought about Robert getting out and hurting her. I needed to protect her.

Bringing Niyah downstairs, Mel put her in Derrick's arms. "Hey NyNy. What's the matter?" The little one tucking her head into his neck. A nightmare plagued her sleep. "You see how you are wondering why she's so distraught?" Mel voiced. He looked up at her knowing where she was going. "Imagine if Robert gets his hands on her." Derrick's eyes grew dark as he stared at Mel. "Why are you putting that out into the universe?" "Why are you not willing to move?" "Because I'm not running!"

"Really Derrick?" "I've ran away from shit my whole life I'm...... not running anymore. He want to come back then he better come ready. This is a flight or fight situation and I'm fighting." "And what if you die in the midst?" No words left Derrick's lips as they shared a look. Mel nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Hmmmm. So just leave me and Niyah to fend for ourselves huh? You are a piece of work right now. I think that you might actually need real therapy because you are not thinking straight. You're not thinking smart so........ I....... I'm going to make dinner." Derrick watched her walk away, a sigh leaving his lips.

Her words pounded in his head the rest of the day. By noon on Sunday, his thoughts were all over the place. He was pissed that the thought of Robert was back in his head. He had a rule about this. Leave the past there. Mel wasn't doing that which meant they couldn't move forward. They needed to move forward. This rut they were in was not healthy for anyone. Derrick's alter ego seeping through at every turn. Even so as much to make him snap at family. That didn't change at Sunday dinner.

Mel held out her glass as Dawn filled it up with wine. Fuck the 2 glasses of wine rule. She had to deal with Derrick seething all fucking day. She deserved it. "Mel when are you going to give me another great grandbaby?" Nan asked as she held Niyah. "I'm not. One time was enough for me." "We have all said that and have all failed," Debbi said, checking on the food. "I can't. I loved being pregnant but labor can kiss my ass. Plus she still won't get off my breasts. I don't want two babies hanging on me." "That's just Collins children. I think it's their true nature being heavily present when they're first born to just do as our ancestors did," Nan explained.

"What do you mean?" "Our ancestors breastfed at least 3 years after giving birth. That made our children stronger and healthier. Breastfeeding that long also restored our women's hormones back to normal. They didn't have as many issues as women do these days due to high this and that. So what I'm saying is, miss Saniyah might be still trying to latch on for another year and a half out of second nature." Mel looked at her child laying content on Nan, her thumb in her mouth. "She better not. Those teeth are killing me already." The women all laughed as Dean walked in.

"What yall talking about?" "Breastfeeding," Dawn tossed out as if Dean would be grossed out. "Damn Mel. You gonna be one of those women who gives titties to 7 year old kids?" "Ewww no! I'm trying to get her to stop now." "Oooooh. You hear that Niyah? No more titty for you." The little one raised her head and cocked her head to the side. "Mmhmm you gotta eat real food now." "No Dino!" She snapped at him. "Yup. No more titty for you." "Dean if you don't stop saying that," Debbi spat. "I'm sorry mama. Come on Niyah. Say no more titty, no more titty," he chanted as he carried his best friend out of the kitchen.

"Who is that man?" Mel said with a laugh. "The goofiest nigga you will ever meet," Dawn chuckled. "Dinner is ready!" Debbi called out as the women carried the food to the table. Once everyone was seated, Don said grace. Saying Amen, light banter commenced at the table. Looking to the side, Derrick noticed his baby girl getting sleepy. Taking her from Dean, he gave her a few bites of food before she started shaking her head. Sleep grabbing a hold of her quicker than she would like. She reached for Mel, wanting her favorite bedtime snack.

"No baby. Eat some food." "Mamaaaaa," Niyah began to whine. "Mel," Derrick voiced, his tone saying to give Niyah what she wanted. "Nah nigga. Mel said need a break so no more titty Saniyah. No more titty, no more titty, no more-" "Dean act like you got some sense," Don barked. "My bad." "Why don't you just go lay her down? She'll go to sleep," Nan suggested. "No." "She's sleepy Derrick," Dawn added. "You need to stop carrying her around anyways. She has 2 working legs. Put her down so they can get stronger. You wonder why she won't stay sleep on her own. Yall need to put her in a bed and let her self soothe. She'll be okay."

"No." "No?" "No. She is MY child Nan. Let me do as I see fit as HER father," Derrick growled. "You so grown and don't know shit. I could've sworn I was your elder. It's not like I raised a village right?" Don rubbed his temple. Leave it to his big headed son to get Nan started. Everyone else quiet at the table, Derrick not noticing Niyah was drifting off to sleep anyways. Or at least trying to. "Why are you on my ass anyways when you sat there rocking her to sleep after holding her the entire time dinner was cooking?" Dean looked down, Niyah's head drooping to the side only to pop back up from Derrick's voice.

"That's different smart ass! I see her once a damn week. You coddle her 24/7." "No I don't!" "Yeah you do," Dawn dropped her two cents without looking up to the glare her brother sent her. Mel pursed her lips as she refilled her glass for the 4th time. Dean reached over, grabbing Niyah from Derrick so the child could at least go to sleep. Her whining meeting his ears as he rubbed her back. "I know I know. Daddy loud tonight. Being a rude ass and he arguing with Nan. Nigga acting like it's a full moon."

"Who side you on?" "Shiiiiiiiit my name is Bennett and I'm not in it." "I don't see what the issue is. I been letting her cry herself to sleep so go lay her down." Derrick's head turned slowly towards Mel. "Is that what we're doing tonight?" He growled deeply at her, his Dom showing up. She shrugged and reached for her wine only for him to move it out of her reach. Dawn stared at her brother with wide eyes. A memory involving the birth of Saniyah flashing into her mind. Dean nudged Derrick, knowing he didn't realize he was in front of the wrong crowd for this. "I told you this before," Mel said, her thighs rubbing together, teetering over that line she knew she shouldn't be crossing.

"Not now," Dean quickly shot out with another hard nudge. "I'm done with this conversation." Grabbing Mel's glass, he tossed it back before downing his own. Mel let out a heavy breath, going back to eating. "Are y'all good?" Dawn asked. Both Mel and Derrick looked at her, simultaneously saying "Yup." Dean shook his head as he held his tongue. Nan eyed him up and down. She'd call him tomorrow and ask what he knew. "So how is the book deal going?" Debbi asked, going back to eating. "Pretty good ummm. Just took author photos. This is all so surreal." "I bet. But you deserve it Mel. Seriously," Dawn said. "Thank you."

The night went on as normal. By 9, the youngest kids were knocked out sleep. "Why don't yall come to the club tonight? Might be ease the tension." Mel lit up in hopes of Derrick saying yes just for him to say "We have an early morning meeting. Raincheck." Her heart sank as she carried Niyah to the car. "Think about it man." "Yeah. I'll see you," Derrick said. Speeding up he raced to open the door for Mel. "Can we talk?" "I don't know can we?" "Melinda." "Derrick." He sighed as he looked down at her. Letting her buckle in Niyah, he held the passenger door open for her.

Once she was in, he went around the car and got into the driver's side. Turning on some light jazz, he sent the music towards the back of the car to keep Niyah sleep. "Baby I'm hearing you okay? I listening and I'm thinking. Can you just give me time to really think about this? Moving is not just us packing up and going. It's figuring out where to? Will it be out of city or out of state? How far out? Will I have to create a new headquarters? Plus baby we are known in the media. One shot of us in a different place and it's reported everywhere. Can we really hide for long?" She thought about that. Hell just from her story alone was making Mel a celebrity.

"Just give me time okay?" "Okay," she complied receiving a forehead kiss. At least he was agreeing to think on it. "Was that the last time you two talked about moving?" Yup. He said it then never mentioned it again. Even when I bring it up he doesn't really engage. He is quick with deflecting. I've just stopped asking about it. "That's not healthy for you Melinda." Obviously! That's why I'm here! It just feels like something is coming and we're not going to see it coming. Just like last time but worse. "Elaborate on that feeling for me." I'm starting to feel like Robert is still watching me. Somehow he knows what I'm doing.

Lira sat in her car, making sure she looked perfect. She had drove all the way here last week just to chicken out about going. She lied and told Robert that Dean simply wasn't there so she had to go back. Now she was just staring at everyone walking inside. People who enjoyed any and everything. She was intimidated for a second. This was new to her. She had never been in this type of setting. A club to be freaky and kinky? Who came up with that? The test went smoothly but when she saw just how many people came to Dean's club she got scared. One wrong thing and she could end up fucked up.

She looked in her hands as she coached herself to get out the car. "You can do this. You can get money and get away from these niggas. You could start over and....." She trailed off. She had yet to decide what she wanted for herself from Robert for doing this job. Did she just want money? She wanted to ask for multiple things since she was going to be undercover and getting whipped but she didn't know if Robert would actually do it or play her. Shaking her head she pushed that thought to the back of her mind. She could think about that when she got home.

Finally getting out, she walked up to the entrance. "Name?" "Uh Dickerson. Green." "Here you go. Have fun," the guard said with a sinister grin. "Thank you," she voiced. Upon entering she marveled at everything she was seeing. Paddles, cuffs, whips, chains, ropes, leashes, so many animal ears. This was overwhelming for someone just walking into this for the first time. Why couldn't Dean just take the bait and fuck her nasty? She wondered around, watching people interact. Her eyes landed on a certain section. One that screamed Dean's quarters. "You gotta work your way up to that one." Lira turned to be face to face to a gorgeous woman.

"Work my way up to what?" "I saw you eyeing Dean's section. He's picky. You have to work your way over there." She slowly nodded. That made sense now. Why he wasn't just jumping her bones and keeping his distance. "How do you know this?" She asked the woman. "Everyone knows Master Dean. I've been trying to get added to his harem since he was last on a hunt for a new Kitten. You have no idea how hard it is to prove yourself to him." Lira cocked her head to the side. It couldn't be that hard. Maybe it was because the woman was so soft spoken.

"I'm Lira." "Anisa," the woman said, getting a full look at Lira. She blushed, hiding her face when she did so. "Why do you have a green band if you've been here before?" "I'm uncommitted." "Ohhhh. Okay." The two woman instantly clicked. One minute Anisa was showing Lira where everything was and the next they were in a room with the door open having some innocent fun. It was when a dark figure walked past with a sub on a leash that made both Lira and Anisa look up. He had seen her before she seen him. "Was that-" Anisa hummed in response.

A fire grew in Lira's chest. She needed to get this job done which meant she needed to get Dean's stamp of approval. "What if I wanted to play?" "We are playing." "I mean what if I wanted some impact play?" Anisa couldn't contain her grin. She always wanted someone she could play with and connect with. For some reason she and Lira were drawn to each other but she was liking it. While Anisa was taking Lira to the right places, Dean was looking at the guest list he asked the guard for. He wasn't sure if it was really her so he needed to check. Tiara rubbed her body against his leg, her persona on full display.

Dean grinned wide when he came across Lira's name. Handing the iPad back, he turned his attention to Tiara. He missed Kelsey like no other. He was grateful Tiara was still his Kitten but he missed having 2 on a leash. It looked sexier in his opinion. He needed to pick a new one and soon but no one was catching his eye. No one had proved to be 100 percent dedicated to becoming a new addition to his harem. He decided to take a break for a few days from the club scene. He hoped either someone new would come or someone would step up but he was damn near bored. The family dinner was more exciting to him at the moment.

That was until he and Tiara took another stroll. He halted to a scene playing out for everyone to see. A dominant handing Lira and Anisa some hard lashes....or so he tried. The first thing Dean noticed was the lack of collar which made his look at the band in her wrist. Tiara looked back at him, that intrigued look on his face. She knew it well. She was excited as fuck when she received that look from him for the first time. She sat back on her legs, watching the scene play out. Which one was the lucky sub to have her master marveled?

"Stay." Tiara did as she was told while he walked closer. His eyes solely on Lira. He smirked watching her take the hits with ease. She wasn't running even though her ass was turning red. She wasn't phased by the action at all which meant she needed more. He hummed to himself. The sadist in him wanting to play with her until she was drenched in tears and covered in welts. Opening her eyes, Lira jumped slightly from Dean standing face to face with her. She quickly looked down, remembering to never look him in the eyes when he was in Master mode.

He couldn't deny that his dick grew excited to see her follow instructions before even being told. He loved a good submissive just as much as he loved a bad one. "Eyes." Without hesitation her eyes were back on him. Since she was granted the ability to look at him, she was going to make sure he saw past her innocence. "You're not even feeling that are you?" He asked, squatting down to her eye level. "I could always use more," she said in a breathy tone, purposely not addressing him. "You forget something?" "No." She licked her lips, her body pushed forward, a slight wince from the paddle striking her ass.

"Mmmmm a pain slut are we? Yeah you need some of Master Dean." He murmured, delivering a slap to her face that gave her that stinging senstion she was expecting. A moan dripping from her lips. A fire burning in her eyes, Dean definitely wanted to play now. "If I didn't know any better I would say you were challenging me sub." "I only challenge those who can give me what I want. I'm not sure you have what it takes." Dean held up a finger, the Dom pausing the play at hand. "You sure about that?" Dean voiced, grabbing a fistful of her short hair, making her look at him.

She bit her bottom lip before nipping at him. A deep chuckle escaped his lips as he let her hair go. "Bad little minx." Lira shivered from his tone. She couldn't explain the feeling she was getting. Her inner thighs were glistening and he had only touched her once. Letting her go he traded places with the Dom who was giving her mediocre. Taking his whip off his hip, Dean delievered a lash without warning. A gasp followed by a deep moan flew from Lira's body. The cracking of the whip echoed in her ears as she felt another lash. Her eyes rolled back once she felt his hand on her throat.

"What was that you were saying?" He rhetorically asked. "Your hands are pretty soft for someone obsessed with arm day." A grin on his face that had yet to fall. Tiara watched on, her chest rising and falling fast as she felt her heartbeat in her pussy. She had a thing for watching Dean tear into a sub. It was satisfying to say the least. Hooking the whip back onto his hip for a moment, Dean shoved Lira's dress up, the sight of her bare ass had his dick harder than it already was. Licking the tip of his fingers, he deliver slap after slap, each one with full force against her skin

Pulling her back as he continued to choke her, he trailed his tongue over her ear before biting down. "Starting to think you're enjoying this." Lira hummed her response. She could feel herself about to cum. When he kicked her legs apart and started to slap her throbbing clit, she came undone. "Oooooooooooh. I love a hot button." Dean let go of her throat, slapping his soaked hand across her ass before grabbing his whip again. "YES!" She screamed, her waterfall freeing itself once again from impact. Feeling proud, Dean couldn't help himself. Using a skill he mastered over the years with his favorite tool, he left welts in the pattern of DB.

Little gasps left Lira's lips when he finished, her pussy was pulsating. Looking over at Tiara. He beckoned her over with a single head nod. Crawling over to him, she undid his pants and swallowed his monster. Grabbing Lira by the back of her neck, he made her squat right next to Tiara. Her eyes never leaving his soldier. He was definitely bigger than Red. She was so entranced watching Tiara bring Dean to a peak, she hadn't noticed just how calm she was getting as Dean raked his nails against her scalp. Hearing a single grunt, she watched him pull out of Tiara's mouth, shooting his seed onto Lira's face.

"Get it Kitten " he instructed Tiara. Eagerly, Tiara turned her focus to Lira. Licking the nut off her face before placing a kiss on her lips. "That's enough." Lira looked up at Dean. She had never felt like this before. "I want to be a kitten." Dean let out a hearty laugh. He had heard that way too many times. Some subs just couldn't take it. She had done well, letting him welt up her body. Even pushed through him breaking skin a couple times, but that didn't mean she could take it 24/7. "How bad do you want it?"

"You give me a rush like no other. I don't know what it is but I want it. I'll do anything." He smirked, if she really wanted it she had to work for it. "Prove it little minx. Let's go Kitten," he barked as he walked off. Lira watched him, a strong desire washing over her. "I'm so jealous. Do you need anything?" Anisa asked, knowing some just might need a little aftercare. "A quiet room?" After spending time in a closed room, Lira finally headed home. She just knew she was going to sleep good as hell. Which she did after a good soak in the tub.

The next morning, she made her way to the prison to talk to Robert. Waiting at the table, her mind flashed back to the mass of a dick Dean was carrying. Such a long and pretty dick. A smile crept onto her lips as Robert was escorted over. "What the hell you smiling at?" "Huh? Oh ummm he showed up last night." "And?" "And I think I might be in. I have to prove I'm worthy but I think I can do it." "Mmhmm don't be enjoying this shit. Don't get caught up. They use this life to brainwash you. That's how they got my wife. Don't forget you have a job for me to do." "Okay....I saw her. I didn't get to talk to her but I seen her." "How is my baby?" "She was good from what I seen." "Anything new?"

"No but she goes to gym more often so I might be able to actually talk to her one day. Their very protective of her I have noticed that." "Of course they are. Holding my wife hostage. Sons of bitches." Lira scrunched her face. Didn't seem like a hostage situation in her opinion. She had overheard some of the conversations amongst the men and Melinda was coming off as a grade A..........brat. "Did you figure out what you wanted from me?" Robert asked. "Yeah I did. I want money but I also was hoping you could find my son. He's in the system." "Your son?" She nodded, feeling hopeless by his tone. "We'll discuss that after I meet with this lawyer. Answer when I call. Got it." "Yes sir." Robert hummed as he got up. He could stall long enough to get what he needed. First step was done. Now he needed to work on step 2. Get the fuck out of prison.


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