Roses and Knives

By redninja173

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A dangerous figure is coming to Paris bringing about a change that no one expected. (Miraculous x Male OC) More

Author's note
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: The Depths of Despair
Chapter 3: Foundation of power
Chapter 4: A Chance Encounter
Chapter 5: First Impressions
Chapter 6: Nightmare Toys and Parties
Chapter 7: Caught on Camera
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet
Chapter 10: Managed Mischief
Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen
Chapter 12: Swift Strike
Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster
Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You
Chapter 15: Debts Must Be Repaid
Chapter 16: Tensions Rise
Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero
Chapter 18: Skynet and a Sleepover
Chapter 19: New Powers
Chapter 20: A Strange Kind of Zombie Apocalypse
Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf
Chapter 22: Too Much Glitter
Chapter 23: A Pain In The BEEhind
Chapter 24: A Brief Shift In Personality
Chapter 25: Sticky Situation
Chapter 26: Someone Like You
Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone
Chapter 28: Thin Ice
Chapter 29: Heroes Day
Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life
Chapter 31: First Date
Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai
Chapter 33: A Liar Returns

Chapter 34: A Different Path

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By redninja173

It was an abnormally normal day. It was so normal that it was extremely boring to Dante who was on the couch watching the news on TV.

Dante: "I'm so bored."

Kaitto: "You could have gone to that movie premiere. It's your own fault for not having anything to do."

Dante glares at Kaitto then goes back to watching the news. Soon after they both hear a bunch of books falling from the library prompting Dante to get up and walking to the room with Kaitto. As the two got there they see a pile of books on the ground without any sign of Fluff.

Dante: "Don't hide Fluff. I know your the one who did this."

Fluff reveals herself ashamed for making a mess.

Fluff: "Sorry, I was going to clean it up, but then I heard you coming and got scared that you would scold me."

Dante: "It's fine. I know you didn't mean to do it."

Dante uses magic to make all the books fly to their proper places on the bookshelf next to him except for the last one that he is now holding in his hands. The kwamis became curious about the book in his hands and flew over to check out what it was. Kaitto was able to recognize it instantly, but Fluff wasn't. The book didn't have any kind of writing on its cover and was considerably thick.

Fluff: "What is this?"

Dante: "It's a family scrapbook I've been making over the years. It is the most precious book in this Library."

Kaitto: "So he says even though he isn't halfway finished with it yet."

Dante: "It's not supposed to be. The point is to add more to the book the more your family expands."

Fluff: "May I look at it?"

Dante: "Sure." (Puts the book on a table) "Just be really careful with it. I'm going get us breakfast burritos so behave while I'm gone."

With that said Dante promptly left leaving the kwamis alone. Fluff quickly opened the book and looks over the contents. There were tons of pictures and small items of Dante's parents and his adopted family with him in them of course. To say that Fluff was invested would be an understatement.

Kaitto: "Your really into that book."

Fluff: "How could I not be? I never met Dante's family so this is the next best thing." (Looks at Kaitto) "Do you know what his parents were like?"

Kaitto: "Of course I do. His father was my weilder for a short while."

Fluff: "Were they every bit as great as I heard?"

Kaitto: "For the most part. Dante over exaggerates his father's strength."

Fluff: "Really?"

Kaitto: "Whenever Dante mentions how strong his father was, he means his father's prime before his fight with the dragon. By the time I was found by him he was already less than half of what he used to be from the damage he took from the dragon."

Fluff: "Was it that much of a difference?"

Kaitto: "If he didn't face that dragon I have no doubt that he could have been the Blade Saint."

Fluff: "No wonder Dante holds him in such high regard. Does he miss them?"

Kaitto: "Of course he does. He even once told me that he wish they ran away with him instead of staying back to fight saying that it might be a shameful thing for them to do, but at least they would be alive."

Fluff thinks on those words for a while before going back to the scrapbook. Getting towards the end of what was made Fluff sees a good 4 pages dedicated completely to Kaitto. Instead of photos there was incredibly detailed drawings of Kaitto and events he was a part of. Seeing this made Fluff smile. It made sense why Kaitto would have his own section since he was with Dante for so long. Thinking she reached the end of what was made Fluff turned the page and saw an in progress page about her.

Fluff couldn't believe her eyes. She had only been with him for a short time but he already considered her family. It made her so happy that she started to cry which got Kaitto's attention.

Kaitto: (floats over to her) "You okay?"

Fluff: (wipes her tears away) "Ya....I'm just so happy." (Kaitto looks down at the book and now understands why) "I want to do something for him. What could we give him that he doesn't already have?"

Kaitto: "Nothing. I understand how you feel but there's not much we can do."

Fluff: (looks at the scrapbook and gets a very dangerous idea) "Maybe there is."

Fluff flies up to Dante's room and grabs a golden key before making her way to the artifact room and unlocking it. With great difficulty Fluff opened the door and started looking around.

Kaitto: (floating in the doorframe) "What are you doing?! You know we aren't allowed in there!"

Fluff: "I'm looking for something to help me obviously."

Kaitto: "What are planning on doing?"

Fluff: "You should know. You were there the last time I did it."

Kaitto: "What are you talking you can't be serious. If you do that we'll never see him again!"

Fluff: "The whole point is for him not to come back. It's better this way. I just need the mana to do it."

Kaitto: "I can't let you do that." (Darkness starts to surround Kaitto as if he was about to attack with it) "I won't lose Dante!!!"

Fluff starts to cry again which caught Kaitto off guard and made him drop the darkness around him. Feeling bad for making her cry Kaitto pulled Fluff into a hug.

Kaitto: "I know you want to make him happy but trust me when I say that going to extremes won't make anything better."

Fluff: (stops crying) "Thank you Kaitto.......and I'm sorry."

Fluff made her power radiate off her so Kaitto is frozen in time without causing a disaster to happen. She slipped out of the hug and found the magical artifact that she was looking for. It looked like a metal ball with intricate carvings in it. This was actually a container for mana that Dante had created. It was capable of holding many times more than the average mana battery and has been completely filled with Dante's own mana.

If Fluff was going to pull off her plan it would be with this. Fluff absorbed all the mana inside and waited for Dante to come home. She would not have to wait long though as within the next few minutes Dante came back with the food he set out to get.

Dante: (put the bag of burritos on the table) "Kaitto, Fluff come eat." (No response from the kwamis) "What the hell are they doing?" (Turns his head and sees Fluff who could not stop shaking from all the mana inside her) "Oh, there you are Fluff. Are you okay? Your shaking quite a bit."

Fluff: "Dante you have done so much for me. You even reunited me with Kaitto who I thought would hate me forever. So know that this is because I just want to make your life better like you've done with mine."

Before Dante had a chance to speak Fluff used all her power and open a pure white portal underneath Dante making him fall through it and disappear. All that was left was Fluff's and Kaitto's miraculouses on the floor where Dante was standing.

Speaking of Dante, he didn't know what to think at first. When he fell through the portal he saw only a complete white void before going through the otherside to where that portal led to. Looking around he sees that he is still in his apartment but it's completely empty and full of dust like it had been untouched for months on end.

Dante: (regains his bearings and stands up) "Fluff what the fuck did you do?............... Fluff?"

There was no response. Dante looked at his wrist noticing that Fluff's miraculous was gone. He reached up around his neck and feels that Kaitto's is gone too.

Dante: 'What did Fluff do? Did she send me through time? No, I would still have my Miraculous if that were the case. I need to figure this out.'

Dante left the apartment and left it unlocked since he didn't have his keys when he fell through the portal. As he was walking the streets everything seemed to be the same. Just by eavesdropping he found out that it was even the very same date and time as when he left. A couple red flags for him though was that his phone had no service even though he had an international plan and that people didn't recognize him. Everyone in Paris knew him on at least some level because of the scandal a while back.

Dante: 'It's like my existence was erased.'

Dante notices people gathering around the TVs and goes to see what was on the screen. It was the news doing a live broadcast of Ladybug and Cat Noir fighting what looked to be fighting a 2D dragon ball character who then transformed into a 2D magical girl. Weird as that sounded it was fairly normal for Paris so it was losing Dante's attention. However before he looked away there was a third hero who joined the fight.

(The Miraculous will still be a choker)

Now Dante was invested. Dante kept watching and saw this third hero summon a pack of shadow wolves from darkness. The wolves then pinned down the akuma and it looked like the fight was going to be over very soon. Now filled with rage that someone other than him was using Kaitto he sets out towards the battlefield. If Dante was going to get any answers it would have to start there.

On the other side of the city the heroes are wrapping things up. Ladybug caught and cleansed the akuma before releasing it. Cat Noir was tasked of escorting the civilian back to his movie premiere while Ladybug stayed behind to talk to her other partner.

Ladybug: "That was easy enough. Your power really gives us an edge."

???: "So you say. Even though [Wildhunt] is just the basic technique. I think you underutilized my skills. I still have three other techniques I could have used for this."

Ladybug: "Ya, but your able to control those wolves without needing to look at anything. If any of us were looking at the akuma he would be moving again."

???: "True. So many of these akumas have such stupid weaknesses and names."

Ladybug: (hears her earrings beeping) "I need to leave. I wish I knew how to stay transformed like you do. Bye Azazel." (Swings off)

Azazel: 'You'll figure it out..........Eventually.'

Azazel leaves the area and detransforms in a secluded place.

Kaitto: "We're finally done for today" (quickly eats a piece of beef jerky) "So what are we doing now kid?"

The person Kaitto was talking to was his user. A boy with black hair and purple eyes. A shy boy whose scrawny and looks easy to bully.

(Imagine black hair and purple eyes)

???: "I'm not sure Kaitto. I guess we just go home."

Just as the boy finished his sentence he was grabbed from behind, forcefully turned around and pinned against the wall with a knife pointed at his throat by Dante himself. The boy could see rage and murderous intent coming off of Dante. The boy put his hands up just enough to be in a surrendering motion but not to get close enough to the knife.

???: (Scared) "My wallet is in my left pocket just please don't hurt me."

Dante: "I don't want your money."

???: "Then what do you want?"

Dante: "Let's start with your name."

???: "Dante Barbatos."

This pissed off Dante and punched the boy in the face giving him a bloody nose.

Dante: "I said your name!!!"

???: "That is my name. I'm Dante Atreus Barbatos. Son of Andreas and Lilith Barbatos and uh........friend of Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Dante made a decently sized surface cut on the boy's neck.

(From now on I'm going to refer this other Dante as Dante 2)

Dante: "You better be very FUCKING careful when using that name!"

Dante 2: "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." (All of his injuries healed up)

???: "Let him go!"

They boys turn their heads to see Kaitto charging up energy. Dante 2 takes a quick look at Dante and notices Dante's glare soften like he was seeing an old friend.

Dante: "It's good to see you Kaitto. At least you're still the same."

Kaitto: "Shut up human! Let go of my wielder right now or I will use all my might to annihilate you!"

Dante 2: "No Kaitto! Saving me isn't worth the thousands of lives you'll put in danger if you use your power!"

Kaitto: "I don't care! You're my family and I won't lose you!"

Dante: "hahahahaha"

Both Kaitto and Dante 2 turn their attention to Dante. Kaitto stops charging energy due to being confused as Dante let Dante 2 go.

Dante: "Oh Kaitto you're just as protective as ever." (Puts away his knife)

Kaitto: "Shut up! I don't know you! How do you look so much like my weilder?! And how do you know me?!"

Dante: "It's a kind of a strange story." (Explains everything that happened)

Kaitto: "So that's what happened. Figures that bitch fucked up."

Dante: "Hey! Watch what you say about her."

Kaitto: "I'm sorry.............Wait. Why am I apologizing?!"

Dante 2: "Um.....Kaitto......I'm still confused. How are there.....two of me? He said this was the same day he left so.......he can't be from the future right?"

Kaitto: (sighs) "Okay, think of time as an enormous tree. The base of that tree is the beginning of time and as time goes on it branches off into different kinds of futures depending on possible outcomes of certain events. As you know your future could always change but it would only change the future of that particular branch. Most things wouldn't make new branches as it would have to be world changing events for it to make that significant of a change. However time does have a natural urge to protect itself so if you change your past too much then the branches connected to that past have a very real chance of being erased and replaced."

Dante: "That still doesn't explain my situation."

Kaitto: "I was getting to that. When someone time travels they only move up and down that particular branch they originally existed on. What Fluff did to you was move you from one branch to another. Normally you would need the kwamis of both time and space to do this kind of thing. Although you can still do the effect with just one of them if you have enough mana to make up for whichever one you're missing. Much more mana than a kwami should have."

Dante: "She must have used my mana battery. I was saving that too." (Sighs) "If what you say is true then how come my Miraculouses didn't come with me?"

Kaitto: "If you time traveled normally then they would have gone with you, but in this case they were forcibly left behind because you are in a timeline where different versions of us exist. Which explains how you had both me and Fluff while my Dante only has me."

Dante: "Would I be able to use Fluff to get back then?"

Kaitto: "Theoretically yes, but you would have to find her and know what event makes this timeline different from yours. Any ideas on what it could be?"

Dante: "None. Everything looks pretty much the same. Except for him of course." (Points at his other self) "He has quite less notoriety than I do and apparently lives somewhere else. So I have no idea what the change could be."

Dante 2: "Well.....maybe mom and dad could know."

Dante: "They're still alive?!"

Dante 2: "Y-yes........why wouldn't....they be?"

Dante: "I guess I know what's different now." 'Damnit Fluff. Now I know why you did this, But this isn't what I wanted. I have built a life for myself and I was happy. I'm going to need to have a very, very long discussion with her when I get back.' "Since things should be relatively the same Fluff should still be in Paris so I'll find the one who has her and make my way back."

Kaitto: "No. You need to be very precise when doing something like this you should talk to your parents and find out the exact details of what is different. Otherwise you could end up even worse off than you already are."

Dante: "I would rather it not come to that. Seeing them would only bring up bad memories."

Kaitto: "Do you want to go back home or not?"

Dante: "...........Ugh fine. Let's just this over with." (Points to his other self) "Lead the way."

Dante 2: "R-right."

Kaitto flys into Dante 2's pocket. Then Dante 2 started walking home with Dante following beside him. As they were walking Dante 2's curiosity got the better of him and asked what was probably a really stupid question.

Dante 2: "Um....Other me." (Dante looks over at him) "If I may ask......why did you get so defensive about....Marinette?"

Dante: (goes back to looking forward) "She's the love of my life."

Dante 2: "Yours too?!"

Dante: "Heh, guess some things really do stay the same. How long have you two been dating?"

Dante 2: "Oh......W-we aren't dating.........she rejected me."

Dante stopped in his tracks and pulled his other self to the side.

Dante: "What do you mean she rejected you? Tell me what happened."

Dante 2: (gets sad) "It was hero's day and after the picnic Marinette set up with everyone I was able to get alone with her and that's when I confessed. She rejected me and said that she was in love with someone else."

Dante: "Who was it?"

Dante 2: "Who do you think?"

Dante 2 pointed at something so Dante directed his gaze to what his other self was pointing to. It was a billboard of Adrien and the perfume that was named after him.

Dante: "You got to be fucking kidding me. Did she hesitate when she rejected you?"

Dante 2: "Why does that matter?"

Dante: "It matters a lot. So did she or not?"

Dante 2: "Um......I guess she did. It did take her a bit to say something."

Dante: "That's good."

Dante 2: "How is that good?"

Dante: "If she was hesitant it means she was thinking about it. Meaning you still have a chance so you better keep at it because trust me she's worth it."

Dante 2: "Is that how it was for you?"

Dante: "It would be quicker if I just show you."

Dante touched the head of his other self and a copy of all his memories since he came to Paris directly transfered into his mind.

Dante: "As you can see it took awhile to get things going."

Dante 2: "less than a took you less than a year while I haven't made any progress at all despite knowing her for so much longer. I feel so pathetic."

Dante: "Chin up bud. You had the guts to actually confess to her first. Not even I was able to do that. Trust me she'll come around eventually."

Dante 2: "That's easy for you to say. I'm not cool like you. I can't challenge her like you can. I don't have the courage to flirt with her like you do."

Dante: "Just use my memories as a guideline. I promise it'll help.

Dante 2: "Maybe, but that only can go so far. I feel like there are big gaps in the memories you showed me."

Dante: "Those are the parts you aren't meant to see. If Marinette knew I let anyone see any of that she would kill me."

Dante 2: "From what you showed me that's true. It also explains why you got so defensive when I mentioned her name."

Dante: "I would do anything for her. She's the biggest reason why I need to get back to my own timeline. Are we close to your house?"

Dante 2: "Not much farther now. But, if you would rather not see mom and dad I have a suggestion."

Dante: "What is it?"

Dante 2: "You just read all my memories and figure out exactly what is different. That way we can skip the awkward conversation with them."

Dante: "As good as that sounds I was told from my Marinette not to use mind magic too much. It's one thing to give someone a copy of my memories, but If I went poking around in someone else's head she would definitely not approve. Besides I need to be as objective as possible so you aren't exactly the most reliable source."

After a few more minutes of walking and the two make it to Dante 2's home. It was surprisingly normal much to Dante's disappointment.

Dante 2: (sees Dante's reaction) "What's up?"

Dante: "Nothing. This just seems too normal for the man who had the potential to be the Blade Saint along with his family."

Dante 2: "Do you mean da-?"

Dante: "Let's get this over with. The sooner I can get back to my timeline the better."

Dante 2: " me go in first and try to ease them into the idea of there being two of me. Just wait by the door until I give the signal."

Dante 2 opens the door to his home and walks inside, but leaves it cracked open. He doesn't see anyone immediately but he can smell a very familiar foul oder.

Dante 2: 'Oh no Dad is trying to cook again. Looks like I'm skipping lunch today. Thank the gods for my secret junk food stash.' "Mom, Dad I'm home."

Dante 2's father Andreas comes out from the kitchen with his signature apron and scars that covered his whole body making him look like a mob boss turned house husband.

Andreas: "Hey kiddo. Already finished helping your friends?"

Dante 2: "Ya dad. It turned out to be a lot simpler than they originally thought it to be. Where's Mom by the way?"

Andreas: "Tending to her garden like usual. She should be coming inside pretty soon. Just in time for the lunch I'm making."

Dante 2: "Um.....None for me Dad. I already ate when I was out."

Andreas: "Again?" (Gets close to his son and gives him a suspicious stare) "I'm starting to think you don't like my cooking." (Notices the droplets of blood from his son's nose and gives a more intense stare) "How did you get a bloody nose?"

Dante 2: (Starting to get nervous) "I kinda tripped on my own feet and landed on my face. You know how clumsy I can be."

Andreas: (still suspicious) "Hmmmm, I thought it was your girlfriend who was clumsy."

Dante 2: "Marinette isn't my girlfriend!"

Andreas: "yet." (Smells something burning) "Oh shit! We'll pick this up later!" (Runs to the kitchen)

Dante 2 sighs in relief that his dad was too preoccupied at the moment to notice anything strange going on. He cleans all the blood from his face while worrying that his other self will lose his patience and come barging in. Pretty soon after that his mother came inside wiping the sweat from her forehead before sitting on the couch. Dante 2 sits across from her striking up a conversation.

Dante 2: "Hey mom, how's your garden?"

Lilith: "I finally got every last weed completely out of there. Yard work is so much harder without using any magic."

Dante 2: "Why didn't you use magic? It seems like a waste for a master mage not to use magic at any given chance."

Lilith: "Magic may be amazing, but it doesn't solve all of life's problems. The sooner you know that the better off you will be."

Dante 2: "But isn't there a spell for just about everything?"

Lilith: "Yes, you would just need the knowledge of how to do it."

Dante 2: "What about time travel?"

Lilith: "Theoretically. Though I wouldn't even know where to begin doing a spell like that. Why? You want to know your future self is like?"

Dante 2: "Something like that. It's funny you should ask because...." (speaks louder) "I feel like things could have been different for me." (Total silence for a hot minute so he gets even louder) "I said I FEEL LIKE THINGS COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT FOR ME!" (Still silence) "That's the signal!"

Dante: (walks inside and closes the door behind him) "It's your own fault for not telling what the signal was in the first place. Now you look like an idiot."

As the two Dantes were arguing Lilith could not believe what she saw in front of her eyes. Another version of her son but was clearly different from the one she knew. Now it made sense to her why her son was talking about time travel. Though it was far more likely that this was an imposter who tricked her son for whatever reason. She starts casting a spell which catches Dante's attention and immediately counterspells it. As she prepares to fire another spell Dante 2 gets in front of Dante to protect him.

Dante 2: "Mom stop! It is what you think it is. Dad help me!"

Lilith turns her head to see her husband in the doorframe with food before he slowly backsteps into the kitchen not saying a word.

Lilith: "Get your ass back in here!" (Andreas comes back without the food this time. Lilith turns her head back to her son) "Dante get away from him! I don't know what's going on, but it's not right whatever it is!"

Dante 2: "I swear there's a good explanation for all of this. Why don't we calm down and talk this through?" (To Dante) "Show them something to prove that you're me."

Dante holds up the back of his left hand and makes the magic crest he got from his mother appear for a few seconds before putting his hand back down.

Lilith: "That's my did you-?"

Dante: "Interested in talking now?"

Lilith finally stood down as did Andreas who had prepared his spear just in case. Then the both of them along with Dante 2 sat on the couch waiting for Dante to sit with them. It was then there was a knock at the door so Dante took the liberty of answering it even though it wasn't for him. When he opened the door he saw this world's Marinette with a large box which was probably filled with sweets of some kind from her family's bakery.

Marinette: (eyes widen) "Dante?! Is that really you? Wow got taller  and more muscular and........just wow. Wait! Are you taking steroids?! I know it's been........awkward since the confession, but this is not a good way to deal with it. I'm sorry I hurt you. I still want to be your friend so could we please try to make things right between us?"

Dante: (smiles and gives her headpats) 'As sincere as ever' (Turns to his other self) "What do you say champ? Want to give it another try?" (Dante 2 gets up and walks over to the two of them)

Marinette: "Wait a second." (Points to Dante 2) "If you're Dante...." (Points to Dante) "Then who are you?"

Dante: "No one of any importance." (Grabs one of her hands and one of Dante 2's and interlocks them together) "Why don't you two go somewhere more private to work things out."

Dante 2 gets the message and takes Marinette to his room so they could talk things out. After they left Dante sat down on the couch where the alternate version of his parents were waiting for him. Just seeing them filled him with such extreme emotions, but was able to keep them extremely well hidden.

Lilith: "Ready to explain yourself?"

Dante: "Of course. I'm just wondering how to start."

Lilith: "Just be straightforward and to the point."

Dante: "You always were a no nonsense kind of person. To put it plainly I'm your son from an alternate timeline. Due to a troublesome individual who used time magic I ended up here. I can get back if I get a couple of things. First and most importantly information on what's different from my timeline and I have a really good idea on what that might be."

Lilith: "And what might that be?"

Dante: "The two of you." (Lilith and Andreas' eyes go wide) "The fact you two are even alive tells me you're the biggest change. So how did you survive?"

Andreas: "Do you mean the invasion on our home when you were 4?" (Dante nods) "We didn't fight, we ran away with you." (Dante stare intensifies to silently tell him to continue) "As soon as the attack began we grabbed you and just took off. I became a distraction that allowed your mother and you to flee safely before I got away. I haven't been able to fully recover from my injuries I sustained that day so I'm not much stronger than a normal person, but it was worth it. After that attack we left Greece and settled here in Paris. We've been here ever since."

Dante: "And the result of it is my other self becoming a spineless nobody. The incident traumatized him so he didn't want to fight anymore. And you didn't deny him his request because he longer had someone to train him to be great because of your injuries. So you doubled down magic training instead but he doesn't show off so as to not become a bigger outcast than he already is."

Andreas: "I wouldn't call him a spineless nobody, but you pretty much hit the nail of the head. How was it for you?"

Dante: (sighs) "Grab a snack. This is going to take a while."

(One really long recounting of his past later)

Lilith and Andreas' hearts dropped as Dante told his tale. They were shocked that even though indirectly they had made their son go through something like that. Lilith shed some tears and Andreas tried to give him a hug only for Dante to gently push him away.

Dante: "I'm fine without your sympathy." (Stands up) "Now that I got what I needed from you I'll be on my way."

Lilith: "Hold on." (Dante turns to her) "You could stay here with us and be apart of our family. It could be a complete fresh start for you."

Dante looked down at the floor. The offer was tempting. He could have his family back and wouldn't be condemned by everyone anymore. This was a real chance to have just about everything he could want, but at the same time it just didn't feel right. He felt like he didn't deserve to just have the reset button pushed on his life. Besides he would have to leave everyone he still had behind.

Dante: (looks back up) "Thanks, but no thanks. It may have been hard, but I don't regret my life. Besides I can't leave everyone behind."

Dante leaves without another word, not daring to look back for he may not have the willpower to say no twice. Andreas and Lilith didn't stop him. They were sincere about their offer, but they could tell how hard it was for him to say no and just let him be. As Dante continued walking through the city he became refocused on his task.

Dante: 'Now that I have the information all I need is Fluff. Lucky for me I was able to find the guardian when I took Fluff the first time so finding him again should be easy since I know what he looks like.'

???: "Hey! Wait up!"

Dante turns around to see this world's Marinette chasing after him. After she caught up she was out of breath from having to run after him.

Dante: "Did you need something from me?"

Marinette: (finally catches her breath) "I have a few questions for you. Is it okay if we talk for bit?"

Dante: "As long as don't keep making a scene."

Marinette looks around to see everyone looking at the two of them and as a result got embarrassed. Dante ignored the looks he got and walked to a secluded place away from any prying eyes with Marinette now beside him.

Dante: "Did you make up with Dante?"

Marinette: "Yes, everything is good between us now."

Dante: "That's good to hear. So what did you want to ask me?"

Marinette: "First I want to know who you are."

Dante: "I am who I am. That's all there is."

Marinette: "That's not what I meant. I asked Dante about you and I feel like he was lying to me."

Dante: "What did he say?"

Marinette: "He said that you are his twin that travels all the time so he rarely gets to see you. The thing is though I've known Dante since we were kids and I don't remember anything about him having any siblings, let alone a twin. There's no pictures, no mention, just nothing of you at all. It's like you appeared out of thin air. Am I supposed to believe that you have always been around?"

Dante: "Does it really matter who I am?"

Marinette: "What?"

Dante: "After today you will never see me again. So does it really matter if I'm his twin or not?"

Marinette: "You're being very suspicious."

Dante: "I'm hearing that from Adrien Agreste's stalker?"

Marinette: "I'm not a stalker!"

Dante: "Hm...So if I happened to tell Adrien that your room contains hundreds of photos of him, his entire schedule and 20 years worth of presents for him, would I be wrong?"

Marinette: (Feels like a deer caught in headlights) " do you- Damnit Dante! He promised he wouldn't tell anyone."

Dante: "Don't be so hard on him. Almost nobody can keep secrets from me. Besides he's trying to keep you away from danger."

Marinette: (grabs his shirt with both hands) "is that a threat?"

Dante: (Gains on a monstrous look which starts scaring Marinette making her let him go) "If I wanted to threaten you I could do a whole lot better than that. For example..." (brandished his knife) "I could use this to get my message across."

Marinette got wide eyed and was about to scream when Dante put one of his hands over her mouth to prevent her from talking and the knife to her throat.

Dante: "I wouldn't scream if I were you. It could startle me and make my hand slip. That would cause quite a mess so I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth and you're going to be quiet. Do you understand?"

Marinette carefully nods so Dante removes his hand from her mouth and puts the knife away.

Marinette: "What is it that your after?"

Dante: (look becomes one of sincerity) "I just want to go home. As long as no one tries to stop me then I won't cause any trouble." (Takes out his phone to check the time) "And I need to get back soon. Before she starts worrying."

Marinette: "Who's going to worry?"

Dante: "Don't worry about it." (Tries to put his phone in his pocket but fails so it falls on the ground without him noticing) "Just go home and fantasize about your celebrity crush. I have things to do."

Marinette was going to say something but she just let it go and watch him walk away. After he was far enough she picked up his phone and used her own to call alya.

Alya: "Hey girl, what's up?"

Marinette: "Are you free right now?"

Alya: "Ya, what do ya need?"

Marinette: "Remember how you helped me get into Adrien's phone? I'm going to need your help doing that again for a different phone."

Alya: "What embarrassing message did you leave this time?"

Marinette: None, just meet me at my house okay? It's important."

Alya: "Okay, I'll see you soon."

Marinette met up with Alya at her house and went to her room to let Alya do her thing to Dante's phone. After 20 minutes or so Marinette decided to speak up.

Marinette: "You getting close Alya?"

Alya: "Not really. There's over a million different number combinations it could be. On top of that I don't have any clues because I don't know who's phone this is."

Marinette: "It's Dante's twin's phone."

Alya: (completely stopped what she was doing) "Dante has a twin?"

Marinette: "It's a long story. Just know I have a really good reason for doing this."

Alya: "I believe you.......kinda." (takes out her own phone and starts dialing a number)

Marinette: "What are you doing?"

Alya: "Calling Dante."

Marinette: "What?! Nononononononono! Dante doesn't know I'm doing this."

Alya: "I need clues. Do you want me to unlock this or not?"

Marinette: "Ugh fine. Just leave me out of the conversation."

Alya: "Can do." (Calls Dante 2 and puts him on speaker phone. After a couple rings he picks up.)

Dante 2: "What do you want from me this time Alya?"

Alya: "What makes you think I want something from you?"

Dante 2: "Because you only ever call me when you want something. If you're going to ask me to babysit again you can forget it."

Alya: "Okay, you got me. I do need something but it's not to babysit I promise."

Dante 2: (sighs) "What is it?"

Alya: "You see I heard you have a twin and wanted to know a little more about him." (Dante 2 gets really quiet) "Dante? You still there?"

Dante 2: "Marinette told you about him I see. And I'm guessing she's with you right now."

Alya: "No, off course not. You know I have the spirit of a reporter so whenever I get curious about something I have to investigate it."

Dante 2: "Alya don't cover up your lie with a truth. I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid. Look both you girls just stay away from him. He's dangerous."

Marinette: "He's not really your twin, is he?"

Dante 2: "Not exactly."

Marinette: "Then what is going on?"

Dante 2: (heavily sighs) "Marinette I hate lying to you. I really hate lying to you and you're going to think I'm crazy if I tell you the truth so please try to keep an open mind."

Marinette: "Alright, so what is it?"

Dante 2: "He's not my twin. He's me from an alternate timeline. Look I know how that sounds, but it's true."

Alya: "Is there a way you can prove it?"

Marinette: "Alya, you can't be serious. You really believe what he's telling us?"

Alya: "If it's true it would be amazing. Wouldn't you want to know what another version of yourself be like?" (To Dante 2) "We just so happen to have his phone with us. You wouldn't know what the password is, would ya?"

Dante 2: "It's ******. You didn't hear that from me."

Dante 2 hangs up as Alya puts the password into the phone. To both the girls suprise it works.

Alya: "Alright let's see what we got here."

Marinette: "This doesn't prove what Dante said is true."

Alya: "We'll never know unless we look. Still kind of hard though since all his contacts have nicknames. The most recent one is this cuddlebug person." (Scrolls through the hundreds of texts) "Holy crap there's a ton of texts."

Marinette: "I don't care."

Alya: "You sure? Some of these are pretty steamy."

Marinette: "Not at all. I can't believe you're trying to believe in something that impossible."

Alya: "Well Dante isn't really one for lying. And even when he does it's more of a half truth than it is a lie. I should at least be open to the possibility of what he's saying is true. I owe him that much. And if you want proof so badly then there is nothing better than photos and videos." (Opens up a folder of photos) "And we have a winner."

Marinette: "What?! Impossible?!"

Marinette looks over to see Alya scrolling through photos. First it was Dante and his adventures around the world which wasn't good enough for either of the girls. Then they got to what he took after his arrival in Paris. It was mostly him and his classmates which started to bring up red flags. Both of them were in some of these photos and they would've remembered if they were there. As they kept going the photos started to become more and more focused on Marinette and Dante together. Whether it was just them hanging out or a moment of teasing from either of them it was enough evidence to have doubts. As Marinette and Alya were about to stop and talk about this they got to the videos. Their curiosity was too great to resist and played the first one.

(Video starts)

Alya: (puts a thumbs up in the shot for a few seconds) "Okay we're recording."

Dante: "Awesome." (To Marinette) "You ready?"

Marinette: "No. Why is Alya here and why is she recording?"

Dante: "Hey, it's your own fault for booking both hanging out with Alya and having me teach you to ballroom dance on the same day."

Alya: "And I'm recording because we all know this will end hilariously."

Marinette gets all pouty and turns her back to the two of them for ganging up on her.

Dante: "Come on Mari, it won't be that bad. The worst that could happen is you stepping on my feet." (Marinette still ignores him so he purposely gets overdramatic) "Your silence wounds me cuddlebug."

Marinette turns around with an embarrassed blush on her face and moves over to Dante and softly pounds her fists onto his chest repeatedly.

Marinette: "I told you not to call me that in front of other people!"

Dante: (chuckles) "It's not my fault you're so affectionate with me. Remember the time you drank too much wine."

Alya: (gets really excited) "Oh please do tell. This should be really interesting."

Marinette: (gets even more embarrassed) "Oh no! I think we're done for today. Alya, stop recording!"

The camera starts moving and getting really shaking presumably because Alya is trying to get away from Marinette who was chasing after her.

(Video ends)

Both Marinette and Alya couldn't believe their eyes. They thought it had to be a lie until eventually accepting it as the truth.

Marinette: "I can't believe it."

Alya: "What? Do you mean that what Dante told us was actually true or the fact that this new Dante played you like a violin?"

Marinette: "That was a different me. I would never be like that."

Alya seemed unconvinced and played the next video which kinda forced Marinette to shut up and pay attention.

(Video starts)

This time the video started in the Dupain-Cheng home and was seemingly filmed by Sabine who was the only one who wasn't in view of the camera. Neither Dante or Marinette were seemingly aware that they were being recorded even though they were apparently the focus of it. They were sitting at the table and each of them had a glass of wine in hand as Tom was doing dishes.

Marinette: (takes another sip) "This is so sweet. Just like you." (Pokes Dante on the nose) "Boop."

Dante notices that Marinette had a really flushed face and had a hard time even sitting up straight.

Dante: "Mari, I know I was the one who brought the wine over, but I think you've had enough." (Tries to take her glass way)

Marinette: (pushes his hand away) "You think I can't handle my wine, you son of a bitch? I'm fine."

Marinette tries to take another sip but keeps missing her mouth so she puts her glass down on the table.

Marinette: "Okay, maybe I'm a little drunk, but I can keep going."

Dante gets up from his chair and walks over to her side.

Dante: "I think it's time for you to get some rest, Mari."

Marinette: "Nooooooo. I don't wanna."

Dante: "Why not?"

Marinette: "Because when I wake up you'll be gone and I'll be sad."

Dante: "Mari, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Marinette: (thinks for a moment then opens her arms to him) "Then carry me."

Dante: (smiles) "As you wish."

Dante carries her bridal style which gave Marinette the opportunity to wrap her arms around him and kiss his cheek.

Marinette: "I claim you. You're mine now." (Snuggled into the crook of his neck)

Dante: "That's a bold claim. I wonder if you'll be able to follow through."

Dante carries Marinette up the stairs and out of sight.

(Video ends)

Alya looks over at Marinette with a smug smile even though Marinette was not amused.

Marinette: "Don't even start Alya."

Alya: "All I was going to say is that it looks like that Marinette has a deep connection with her Dante. A lot like you are with yours."

Marinette was about to say something but Alya interrupted her by holding Dante's phone right in front of her.

Alya: "I already know what your going to say. Just give it some thought, besides you don't have time to argue with me anyway. You should gives this back to him before he leaves."

Alya hands the phone to Marinette and then leaves. Since Alya was gone Tikki finally came out of hiding to talk with Marinette.

Marinette: "Tikki do you think Alya is right?"

Tikki: "I wouldn't know. Just because it works in that timeline doesn't mean that it would work in this one. Although there's nothing saying that it can't either. Alya was right about one thing though. You should return that phone when you can."

Marinette: "But I don't even know where to find him."

Suddenly the whole city shook and the the was a white beam that shot up towards the sky.

Tikki: "That would be a good place to start."

Marinette nods which signals Tikki to fly into Marinette's purse as Marinette runs outside and close to the source of the phenomenon. As she gets close enough Tikki pops out of her purse to talk to Marinette.

Tikki: "Don't you want to transform? He did pull a knife on you last time."

Marinette: "No. I get the feeling that approaching him as myself will be much safer for me to do. I promise I'll be careful."

Tikki hides back in the purse and then Marinette climbs the ladder that leads to the roof of the building Dante was standing on. As she gets to the top she sees a rabbit kwami working on a portal as Dante talks to it.

Fluff: "Master, there's another visitor."

Dante: "I'm well aware. Even without looking I can hear their breathing and footsteps. Just keep working on the portal exactly as I told you how. Even the slightest mistake will be costly."

Fluff: "Right."

Fluff goes back to working on the portal as Dante turns around and sees Marinette there.

Dante: (sighs) "I hoped this wouldn't happen, but it seems I accidentally seduced another girl. Just another heart I have to break."

Marinette: "That wasn't very funny."

Dante: (slightly surprised) "Damn, I thought I would get some reaction out of you. So, why did you come here?"

Marinette: "I came to give you back your phone." (Pulls out his phone)

Dante floats it to him before grabbing it and putting in his pocket securely this time. This suprised Marinette, but she quickly shook it off."

Dante: "Thanks, I was wondering where that was. Did you see anything?"

Marinette: (nods) "Mainly the pictures and a couple videos."

Dante: "So you know. Changes nothing though. In about 15 minutes I'll be gone."

Marinette: "To your own timeline, ya. I know I've been a pest to you all day, but could you please just let me ask you a couple things?"

Dante: "I suppose It can't hurt. Go ahead."

Marinette: "You're so much different than the Dante I've know for so long. Why are you two so different?"

Dante: "Hehe we had extremely different upbringings. He got lucky and escaped the abyss of despair I was thrown into. And while I may be immensely stronger than him I also became a true monster. A monster who has experienced the worst humanity has to offer and relishes it. A monster that despite all he is and has done was accepted by one individual. An individual who accepted me for exactly as I am."

Marinette: "Who was it?"

Dante: "It was you. Well the other you anyway. My one miracle in the world that I believe was out to destroy me."

Marinette: "You are......good friends with her?" 'Please don't be what I think it is.'

Dante: "She's my lover. I'm so glad I was able to steal her away from Adrien Agreste before he was able to wise up about her crush on him."

Marinette: "How's that possible? I still love Adrien. How could I just move on to someone else?"

Dante: "Mostly happenstance. She just happened to be having doubts about her crush on him and I just happened to meet her when she did. We just happened to hit it off and I just happened to give her what she wanted."

Marinette: "And what could that be?"

Dante: "To be understood, appreciated, and desired. All the things that she never got from Adrien. And I'm willing to bet neither have you."

Marinette: (thinks about for a bit and then suddenly comes to the realization that Dante's right) "Wow. I.......I never really thought about that before."

Dante: "I never really understood why you started liking him in the first place. I mean he just gave you an umbrella in the rain. That doesn't seem like a lot to me."

Marinette: "It was because even though I was a jerk to him he felt sweet and sincere in that moment. I thought he was different than every else."

Dante: "Nope. He's like every other blueblood with daddy issues. Though I'm not exactly one to talk. Anything else you want to ask?"

Marinette: "Your kwami said that I was another visitor. Who was the first one?"

Dante: "Just look to your right."

Marinette looked over and was shocked to see a bloody and broken Cat Noir laying unconscious.

Marinette: "Cat Noir?!" (Runs over to him) "How did I not notice this? (To Dante) "What happened?"

Dante: "I tried to explain to him what I was doing but he wouldn't listen and just kept trying to attack me. It got annoying so I just hit him until he shut up. Don't worry I used magic to close up his wounds so he won't die. Probably."

Marinette: "You did this? But you don't even have a scratch on you."

Dante: "Of course I don't and even if I did it would heal immediately. And just so you know I held back quite a lot. If I wanted to I could have ripped him in half with my bare hands."

Marinette: "That's ridiculous. I know your strong, but that's hard to believe."

Dante: "You think so huh?" (Pulls out Cat Noir's compressed staff) "Watch closely."

Dante begins moving faster than Marinette could perceive bends and shapes the staff into a rose sculpture using only his pure strength.

Marinette couldn't believe her eyes. He had done the impossible right in front of her making her start to believe that this Dante wasn't even human anymore.

Marinette: "That was supposed to be stronger than steel. How in the world did you do that?"

Dante: "I'm just that good." (The portal pulsates)

Fluff: "It's done master."

Dante: "As if on cue." (Tosses Marinette Fluff's Miraculous and then the rose sculpture) "Goodbye Marinette. Oh and take it easy on your Dante. If he's really anything like me then he will be resilient to just about anything you could throw at him, but in return will have an incredibly fragile heart."

Marinette: "Just one more thing before you go. Is your Marinette happy?"

Dante: (Gives an absolutely sincere smile) "She is."

Dante then steps through the portal and just like before goes through a white void before coming out of another portal.

Dante: 'please let this work.'

Dante then opens his eyes and sees before himself his apartment filled with his furnishings, a bag of cold breakfast burritos, and both Kaitto's and Fluff's Miraculous on the floor.

Dante: 'It worked!' (Puts on both Miraculouses then notices a giant hole in his wall that leads to the outside) 'Okay that's new. Please don't be a disaster outside.'

Dante looks outside from the giant hole in his wall to see half of the city being terrorized by Dinosaurs, knights, and cyborgs while the buildings were in a constant cycle of decay and renewal with some pockets of frozen time here and there. And the other half of the city was covered in a blanket of Darkness. Nearly any light and heat was gone. What could only be described liquid darkness was spread everywhere and everyone who touched it had their veins turn black and become extremely visible for all to see. Their eyes became bloodshot and the absolute darkest parts of their personalities came to the surface leaving them no choice but to act on it.

Dante: "Fuuuuck. This is out of hand." (Puts on a cloak, boots, and a full face mask as a disguise) "I gotta find those kwamis."

In a different part of the city Ladybug and Cat Noir were trying their best to contain the kwamis that were out of control, but were failing miserably.

Cat Noir: "How are supposed to stop to rampaging kwamis?"

Ladybug: "I have no idea."

Cat Noir: (Gains a smirk) "Can I try something?"

Ladybug: (sighs) "Sure, go for it."

Cat Noir: (makes his hand into a pistol) "Destruction Gun!"

Cat Noir shoots a beam of destruction from his fingertip twords the two kwamis who take notice.

Kaitto & Fluff: "Stay out of this!"

Kaitto and Fluff then both shoot an energy blast at Cat Noir which not only blasts through this Destruction Gun but also hits him knocking him into the side of a building. Kaitto and Fluff continue to clash which only causes more mayhem.

Fluff: "It's over Kaitto! Destroying me isn't going to bring him back!"

Kaitto: "You took him away from me! That's something I'm not willing to forgive!" (Goes to clash again)

Dante: "ENOUGH!!!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on the cloaked figure. Both the kwamis could tell it was Dante. Kaitto was ecstatic while Fluff felt horrible.  She knew that if Dante went through so much trouble to get back then she didn't actually help him in any way. Both kwamis flew straight to Dante. Kaitto gave Dante a hug while Fluff hung her head in shame.

Dante: (focuses on Fluff) "Look at me Fluff." (Fluff looks at him scared that he was going to hate her) "Fluff I know why you did what you did. I dont hate you but, regardless of your intentions you have in a way betrayed me. We are going to have an incredibly long discussion later, but needless to say you're in big trouble."

Fluff: "Yes sir."

Fluff looks at the ground in a form of acceptance. Kaitto then floated next to Dante and gained a smug look on his face which was noticed by Dante.

Dante: "You're in trouble too Kaitto."

Kaitto: "What? Why?" (Dante gestures to the entire city) "Oh, right. That's fair."

Dante: "Kaitto, Fluff double transformation."

Both kwamis get absorbed into their respective miraculouses and transform Dante into Azazel (Hybrid).

(Honestly I couldn't find a design I liked that combined the aspects of both the previous transformations so just use your imagination.)

After he transformed Ladybug and Cat Noir landed near him wanting answers.

Ladybug: "Want to tell us what that was about?"

Azazel: "My kwamis got out of hand. That's all."

Ladybug: "And how exactly are we going to fix this mess?"

Azazel: "You're the one with the magical reset button. You tell me."

Ladybug knows he's right so she begrudgingly fixes everything so now the city is back to normal.

Cat Noir: "Why did your kwamis get out of control? I would think you keep a very tight leash on them."

Azazel: "Normally you would be right but I wasn't exactly here to handle them. I was preoccupied with an unfortunate situation I was involved in."

Ladybug: "This won't become a regular thing. Will it?"

Azazel: "No, you have my word. Besides I'm too busy trying to find a combo move with these two. Time Leap."

Azazel had frozen time to leave the scene and when time resumed the two heros didn't even bother to chase him. Cat Noir had a sticky note to his face so he grabbed it and read it. It had a drawing of Cat Noir doing his Destruction Gun and a message saying "You watch way too much anime."

Cat Noir got embarrassed and tore the note up. Before heading home. Ladybug went home as well since everything was over. When she got to her room she detransforms into Marinette and feeds Tikki some sweets.

Marinette: "I'm glad that's over. It was even worse than when Azazel made the city play his game."

Tikki: "Unfortunately this is just how things are now. It will be even worse when he starts using combo moves."

Marinette: "I seriously doubt he could get much more dangerous than he already is."

Tikki: "You don't understand Marinette. When you combine the powers of the primordial kwamis together it could have incredibly devastating effects. Let me give you an example. What do you think would be a Space-Time phenomenon that could be used." (Marinette thinks but can't get a solid idea) "I'll give you a hint. It's in a lot of movies. And one particular marvel movie got a very iconic quote from it."

Marinette: (gets an idea instantly) "Do you mean a time loop?"

Tikki: "That's right. Another example would be if you combine Darkness, Destruction, Space and Void."

Marinette: " would be a black hole."

Tikki: "Exactly. Now you see how big the stakes can get. Luckily Darkness and Time aren't the most compatible with each other so it should take some time for him to find one."

Marinette: "At least we have that. Before I forget I wanted to ask why did people go crazy when they touched that liquid darkness. Do Primordial Kwamis have a sub ability on top of their normal ones."

Tikki: "I wouldn't say that. It's just more of an effect that happens with the use of our powers. Whenever someone uses my power of creation it has an aftereffect of giving the user good luck and Whenever someone uses Plagg's power of destruction it gives his enemies bad luck. That's why we usually make an amazing duo because we always have luck on our side. And honestly Marinette you only won some of your fights because of that luck. That doesn't mean it should be relied on though since luck only gets you so far. Kaitto's darkness has the aftereffect of corruption. It's like a virus that effects everything it touches which also includes the user themselves. That corruption aftereffect is what allows Kaitto to posses his wielder whenever he wants. You would have to have a will stronger than his to resist the effects or just become another puppet that goes insane."

Marinette: "There's no other way?"

Tikki: "Well there is Kaitto's counter part Lleo the kwami of light. His powers aftereffect is purification so if he used his power on someone it could break the control. But Lleo's user would have to be stronger than Kaitto's and I don't think that's going to be the case this time around."

Marinette: "Well Azazel doesn't seem to be a truly evil person so we probably won't have to worry about that anyway."

Just then Marinette hears a knock at her door so Tikki goes to hide while Marinette lets them in. To her slight surprise it was Dante who didn't say a word, but just held her close.

Marinette: "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Dante: "I just.....really needed to see you. For a reason I can't explain to you....I just....felt like I might have lost you."

Marinette: (holds him even closer than they already were) "You don't have to explain anything to me."

The two enjoy their hug and unknown to Marinette, Dante was far from assured.

Dante: 'I got lucky getting back to my own timeline, but I can't let anything like this happen again. I've been way too relaxed and overconfident in myself lately. It's time I get serious.'

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