Avenging the Avengers [Book 1...

By GirlWithTheRedShorts

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Two years after the civil war between the avengers has begun, their children come together secretly and becom... More

Chapter 1: Kaden
Chapter 2: Olivia
Chapter 3: Patrick
Chapter 4: Olivia
Chapter 5: Tye
Chapter 6: Kaden
Chapter 7: Olivia
Chapter 8: Patrick
Chapter 9: Tye
Chapter 10: Olivia
Chapter 11: Kaden
Chapter 12: Patrick
Chapter 13: Olivia
Chapter 14: Tye
Chapter 15: Olivia
Chapter 16: Kaden
Chapter 17: Patrick
Chapter 18: Tye
Chapter 19: Olivia
Chapter 20: Patrick
Chapter 21: Kaden
Chapter 22: Olivia
Chapter 23: Patrick
Chapter 24: Tye
Chapter 26: Patrick
Chapter 27: Kaden
Chapter 28: Tye
Chapter 29: Olivia
Chapter 30: Patrick
Chapter 31: Kaden
Chapter 32: Tye
Chapter 33: Olivia
Chapter 34: Patrick
Chapter 35: Kaden
Chapter 36: Patrick
Chapter 37: Olivia
Chapter 38: Tye
Authors note
Other Note

Chapter 25: Olivia

104 8 7
By GirlWithTheRedShorts

"Happy birthday to you!" Patrick, Sammi and Tye sing to me. I am so happy, because this is my first birthday that i have spent with my new friends.

They have been trying to cheer me up for weeks now, but every time they get close, Loki always seems to possess me just then. It's as if he doesn't want me to get happy. It's like he needs me to always be depressed and terrified for his 'plan' to succeed.

Kaden sets down a tiny chocolate cake on the table in front of me. It has bright blue icing with a yellow lighting bolt running down the middle. At the top of the cake are three lit candles, they say '194', my age.

"Happy birthday to you!" They all continue to sing. I smile widely. Then i see green blurs falling along the edges of my vision. I try to stand up and shake it off, but i can't move anything. I am stuck in my sitting position. Then i hear the voice... His voice, joining the chorus of my friends singing happy birthday is the voice of someone who is most certainly NOT my friend. Loki.

"Happy birthday, my dear little Olivia!" Loki's voice chimes in evilly. All the others stop singing immediately, as Loki continues. "Happy birthday to you!"

They all stare at me and step back a few feet. I stare at them through eyes that are no longer my own. I try to scream out to say something, anything! I just need to get Loki out of my head.

I watch the others as they stare at me in horror. No one is talking or moving. These Loki 'possessions' have been going on for a long time now, but they still aren't quite used to the fact that Loki can, and does, take over my body, whenever he pleases.

"Get out of my girlfriends head, you bitch!" Patrick shouts, breaking the silence.

"Why?" Loki asks, in a sad, childish tone.

'Get out! Get out! Get the hell out of my head you monster!' I think to him.

"Oh, Olivia. Shut your little mind up. Im only here to talk to your friends, not to hurt them... Yet..." He says. The others stare back in shock.

"Wait! She's still awake in there?" Kaden shouts.

"Oh yes! Very much awake. She can see and feel everything that is happening right now. Like this" uses my hand to grab the knife off the table and pierce it into my thigh. I scream out in pain but no sound escapes my mouth. "She just can't do or say anything about it. She can think things, but anything that she thinks i hear. I have gotten some very useful tips about when you four are planning on attacking me and what you are planning to do... By the way, your latest plan, wont work. There's no way that you four can trap me in a net! Not even this 'electromagnetic netting' cannot hold me." He laughs.

"Leave her alone! Get out of her head!" Patrick screams.

"Well thats no way to speak to your father!" Loki snickers.

"Just leave her alone" Patrick starts.

"Now why would i do that?" Asks Loki. "Im just having TOO MUCH FUN in here! I can see all of her little secrets and lies that she has told." He snickers "want to hear some?"

"No!" They all shout.

"buzz kill..." Loki pouts.

"All i want is for you to go! And don't ever come back! Or i swear! I WILL kill you! I dont care who you are! You are not my father! Not anymore." Patrick shouts. 

"oh boo. thats no fun." Loki pouts.

"Just tell us why you're here. What did you come here to say or to do?" Tye asks.

"Well, its quite simple actually. I just came here to tell you to turn on your television." Loki says as innocently as a homicidal maniac can make themselves sound.

"What channel?" Sammi inquires.

"Any of them. Im not discriminatory! It will be on all television channels! Now that i think of it, you don't even need to turn on your television! My message will broadcast on ALL electronics devices that are connected to satellite or Internet." Loki explains.

"Well, what does this message say?" Patrick demands.

"Oh! Look at the time" says Loki, looking down at my wrist, pretending to be reading my nonexistent watch. "Im on the air soon! I can't be late! Goodbye children! Hope to see you all soon!"

Then i feel the weight of Loki's possession lift off of me. The green blurs at the edges of my vision disappear. I move my hands slightly, trying to return feeling to my body.

Then, I fall back in the chair I'm sitting in. What's going on? I hear the others scrambling around, sammi calling out orders.

"Patrick to get me a gurney! Tye med supplies. Go! Go! Go!" She shouts.

As i lay on the floor i see Tye and Patrick run off towards the medical wing. What's happening. The knife in my thigh hurt but ive had worse. why are they all panicking? 

Then i see the growing puddle of blood, inching into my line of vision. It is coming from me. 

"Agh!" I scream at the top of my lungs as the pain finally hits me. I am thrown into a new world where the only thing that exists is my pain. I adjust my head slightly so i can see what the source of the bleeding is. It's my chest. I have a new puncture wound in the centre of my chest.

It is angled slightly to the left. That's when I realize that it must have punctured my heart. I start to panic, not knowing what i should do. I have just been stabbed in the heart.

My vision begins to dim at the edges as i see the and Patrick sprinting into the room. They are carrying loads of equipment in their arms and on the gurney. They kneel down next to me and begin hooking up all sorts of wires and other equipment to my body.

My vision darkens even more and i feel myself falling out of reality. I hear someone scream something. I think its Kaden. I try to make out what they are saying before i loose all control and black out.

Finally i make out what they are shouting "she's going into cardiac arrest! We're going to lose her!" My vision fully darkens and i feel my heart stop beating... I am dead.

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